
     1  package indexer
     3  import (
     4  	"context"
     5  	"crypto/rand"
     6  	"errors"
     7  	"fmt"
     8  	"os"
     9  	"testing"
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	mocks ""
    15  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	synctest ""
    27  	""
    28  	storagemock ""
    29  	pebbleStorage ""
    30  	""
    31  )
    33  type indexCoreTest struct {
    34  	t                *testing.T
    35  	indexer          *IndexerCore
    36  	registers        *storagemock.RegisterIndex
    37  	events           *storagemock.Events
    38  	collection       *flow.Collection
    39  	collections      *storagemock.Collections
    40  	transactions     *storagemock.Transactions
    41  	results          *storagemock.LightTransactionResults
    42  	headers          *storagemock.Headers
    43  	ctx              context.Context
    44  	blocks           []*flow.Block
    45  	data             *execution_data.BlockExecutionDataEntity
    46  	lastHeightStore  func(t *testing.T) uint64
    47  	firstHeightStore func(t *testing.T) uint64
    48  	registersStore   func(t *testing.T, entries flow.RegisterEntries, height uint64) error
    49  	eventsStore      func(t *testing.T, ID flow.Identifier, events []flow.EventsList) error
    50  	registersGet     func(t *testing.T, IDs flow.RegisterID, height uint64) (flow.RegisterValue, error)
    51  }
    53  func newIndexCoreTest(
    54  	t *testing.T,
    55  	blocks []*flow.Block,
    56  	exeData *execution_data.BlockExecutionDataEntity,
    57  ) *indexCoreTest {
    59  	collection := unittest.CollectionFixture(0)
    61  	return &indexCoreTest{
    62  		t:            t,
    63  		registers:    storagemock.NewRegisterIndex(t),
    64  		events:       storagemock.NewEvents(t),
    65  		collection:   &collection,
    66  		results:      storagemock.NewLightTransactionResults(t),
    67  		collections:  storagemock.NewCollections(t),
    68  		transactions: storagemock.NewTransactions(t),
    69  		blocks:       blocks,
    70  		ctx:          context.Background(),
    71  		data:         exeData,
    72  		headers:      newBlockHeadersStorage(blocks).(*storagemock.Headers), // convert it back to mock type for tests,
    73  	}
    74  }
    76  func (i *indexCoreTest) useDefaultBlockByHeight() *indexCoreTest {
    77  	i.headers.
    78  		On("BlockIDByHeight", mocks.AnythingOfType("uint64")).
    79  		Return(func(height uint64) (flow.Identifier, error) {
    80  			for _, b := range i.blocks {
    81  				if b.Header.Height == height {
    82  					return b.ID(), nil
    83  				}
    84  			}
    85  			return flow.ZeroID, fmt.Errorf("not found")
    86  		})
    88  	i.headers.
    89  		On("ByHeight", mocks.AnythingOfType("uint64")).
    90  		Return(func(height uint64) (*flow.Header, error) {
    91  			for _, b := range i.blocks {
    92  				if b.Header.Height == height {
    93  					return b.Header, nil
    94  				}
    95  			}
    96  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("not found")
    97  		})
    99  	return i
   100  }
   102  func (i *indexCoreTest) setLastHeight(f func(t *testing.T) uint64) *indexCoreTest {
   103  	i.registers.
   104  		On("LatestHeight").
   105  		Return(func() uint64 {
   106  			return f(i.t)
   107  		})
   108  	return i
   109  }
   111  func (i *indexCoreTest) useDefaultHeights() *indexCoreTest {
   112  	i.registers.
   113  		On("FirstHeight").
   114  		Return(func() uint64 {
   115  			return i.blocks[0].Header.Height
   116  		})
   117  	i.registers.
   118  		On("LatestHeight").
   119  		Return(func() uint64 {
   120  			return i.blocks[len(i.blocks)-1].Header.Height
   121  		})
   122  	return i
   123  }
   125  func (i *indexCoreTest) setStoreRegisters(f func(t *testing.T, entries flow.RegisterEntries, height uint64) error) *indexCoreTest {
   126  	i.registers.
   127  		On("Store", mock.AnythingOfType("flow.RegisterEntries"), mock.AnythingOfType("uint64")).
   128  		Return(func(entries flow.RegisterEntries, height uint64) error {
   129  			return f(i.t, entries, height)
   130  		}).Once()
   131  	return i
   132  }
   134  func (i *indexCoreTest) setStoreEvents(f func(*testing.T, flow.Identifier, []flow.EventsList) error) *indexCoreTest {
   136  		On("BatchStore", mock.AnythingOfType("flow.Identifier"), mock.AnythingOfType("[]flow.EventsList"), mock.Anything).
   137  		Return(func(blockID flow.Identifier, events []flow.EventsList, batch storage.BatchStorage) error {
   138  			require.NotNil(i.t, batch)
   139  			return f(i.t, blockID, events)
   140  		})
   141  	return i
   142  }
   144  func (i *indexCoreTest) setStoreTransactionResults(f func(*testing.T, flow.Identifier, []flow.LightTransactionResult) error) *indexCoreTest {
   145  	i.results.
   146  		On("BatchStore", mock.AnythingOfType("flow.Identifier"), mock.AnythingOfType("[]flow.LightTransactionResult"), mock.Anything).
   147  		Return(func(blockID flow.Identifier, results []flow.LightTransactionResult, batch storage.BatchStorage) error {
   148  			require.NotNil(i.t, batch)
   149  			return f(i.t, blockID, results)
   150  		})
   151  	return i
   152  }
   154  func (i *indexCoreTest) setGetRegisters(f func(t *testing.T, ID flow.RegisterID, height uint64) (flow.RegisterValue, error)) *indexCoreTest {
   155  	i.registers.
   156  		On("Get", mock.AnythingOfType("flow.RegisterID"), mock.AnythingOfType("uint64")).
   157  		Return(func(IDs flow.RegisterID, height uint64) (flow.RegisterValue, error) {
   158  			return f(i.t, IDs, height)
   159  		})
   160  	return i
   161  }
   163  func (i *indexCoreTest) useDefaultStorageMocks() *indexCoreTest {
   165  	i.collections.On("StoreLightAndIndexByTransaction", mock.AnythingOfType("*flow.LightCollection")).Return(nil).Maybe()
   166  	i.transactions.On("Store", mock.AnythingOfType("*flow.TransactionBody")).Return(nil).Maybe()
   168  	return i
   169  }
   171  func (i *indexCoreTest) useDefaultEvents() *indexCoreTest {
   173  		On("BatchStore", mock.AnythingOfType("flow.Identifier"), mock.AnythingOfType("[]flow.EventsList"), mock.Anything).
   174  		Return(nil)
   175  	return i
   176  }
   178  func (i *indexCoreTest) useDefaultTransactionResults() *indexCoreTest {
   179  	i.results.
   180  		On("BatchStore", mock.AnythingOfType("flow.Identifier"), mock.AnythingOfType("[]flow.LightTransactionResult"), mock.Anything).
   181  		Return(nil)
   182  	return i
   183  }
   185  func (i *indexCoreTest) initIndexer() *indexCoreTest {
   186  	db, dbDir := unittest.TempBadgerDB(i.t)
   187  	i.t.Cleanup(func() {
   188  		require.NoError(i.t, db.Close())
   189  		require.NoError(i.t, os.RemoveAll(dbDir))
   190  	})
   192  	i.useDefaultHeights()
   194  	collectionsToMarkFinalized, err := stdmap.NewTimes(100)
   195  	require.NoError(i.t, err)
   196  	collectionsToMarkExecuted, err := stdmap.NewTimes(100)
   197  	require.NoError(i.t, err)
   198  	blocksToMarkExecuted, err := stdmap.NewTimes(100)
   199  	require.NoError(i.t, err)
   201  	log := zerolog.New(os.Stdout)
   202  	blocks := storagemock.NewBlocks(i.t)
   204  	collectionExecutedMetric, err := NewCollectionExecutedMetricImpl(
   205  		log,
   206  		metrics.NewNoopCollector(),
   207  		collectionsToMarkFinalized,
   208  		collectionsToMarkExecuted,
   209  		blocksToMarkExecuted,
   210  		i.collections,
   211  		blocks,
   212  	)
   213  	require.NoError(i.t, err)
   215  	derivedChainData, err := derived.NewDerivedChainData(derived.DefaultDerivedDataCacheSize)
   216  	require.NoError(i.t, err)
   218  	indexer, err := New(
   219  		log,
   220  		metrics.NewNoopCollector(),
   221  		db,
   222  		i.registers,
   223  		i.headers,
   225  		i.collections,
   226  		i.transactions,
   227  		i.results,
   228  		flow.Testnet.Chain(),
   229  		derivedChainData,
   230  		collectionExecutedMetric,
   231  	)
   232  	require.NoError(i.t, err)
   233  	i.indexer = indexer
   234  	return i
   235  }
   237  func (i *indexCoreTest) runIndexBlockData() error {
   238  	i.initIndexer()
   239  	return i.indexer.IndexBlockData(
   240  }
   242  func (i *indexCoreTest) runGetRegister(ID flow.RegisterID, height uint64) (flow.RegisterValue, error) {
   243  	i.initIndexer()
   244  	return i.indexer.RegisterValue(ID, height)
   245  }
   247  func TestExecutionState_IndexBlockData(t *testing.T) {
   248  	blocks := unittest.BlockchainFixture(5)
   249  	block := blocks[len(blocks)-1]
   250  	collection := unittest.CollectionFixture(0)
   252  	// this test makes sure the index block data is correctly calling store register with the
   253  	// same entries we create as a block execution data test, and correctly converts the registers
   254  	t.Run("Index Single Chunk and Single Register", func(t *testing.T) {
   255  		trie := trieUpdateFixture(t)
   256  		ed := &execution_data.BlockExecutionData{
   257  			BlockID: block.ID(),
   258  			ChunkExecutionDatas: []*execution_data.ChunkExecutionData{
   259  				{
   260  					Collection: &collection,
   261  					TrieUpdate: trie,
   262  				},
   263  			},
   264  		}
   265  		execData := execution_data.NewBlockExecutionDataEntity(block.ID(), ed)
   267  		err := newIndexCoreTest(t, blocks, execData).
   268  			initIndexer().
   269  			useDefaultEvents().
   270  			useDefaultTransactionResults().
   271  			// make sure update registers match in length and are same as block data ledger payloads
   272  			setStoreRegisters(func(t *testing.T, entries flow.RegisterEntries, height uint64) error {
   273  				assert.Equal(t, height, block.Header.Height)
   274  				assert.Len(t, trie.Payloads, entries.Len())
   276  				// make sure all the registers from the execution data have been stored as well the value matches
   277  				trieRegistersPayloadComparer(t, trie.Payloads, entries)
   278  				return nil
   279  			}).
   280  			runIndexBlockData()
   282  		assert.NoError(t, err)
   283  	})
   285  	// this test makes sure that if we have multiple trie updates in a single block data
   286  	// and some of those trie updates are for same register but have different values,
   287  	// we only update that register once with the latest value, so this makes sure merging of
   288  	// registers is done correctly.
   289  	t.Run("Index Multiple Chunks and Merge Same Register Updates", func(t *testing.T) {
   290  		tries := []*ledger.TrieUpdate{trieUpdateFixture(t), trieUpdateFixture(t)}
   291  		// make sure we have two register updates that are updating the same value, so we can check
   292  		// if the value from the second update is being persisted instead of first
   293  		tries[1].Paths[0] = tries[0].Paths[0]
   294  		testValue := tries[1].Payloads[0]
   295  		key, err := testValue.Key()
   296  		require.NoError(t, err)
   297  		testRegisterID, err := convert.LedgerKeyToRegisterID(key)
   298  		require.NoError(t, err)
   300  		ed := &execution_data.BlockExecutionData{
   301  			BlockID: block.ID(),
   302  			ChunkExecutionDatas: []*execution_data.ChunkExecutionData{
   303  				{
   304  					Collection: &collection,
   305  					TrieUpdate: tries[0],
   306  				},
   307  				{
   308  					Collection: &collection,
   309  					TrieUpdate: tries[1],
   310  				},
   311  			},
   312  		}
   313  		execData := execution_data.NewBlockExecutionDataEntity(block.ID(), ed)
   315  		testRegisterFound := false
   316  		err = newIndexCoreTest(t, blocks, execData).
   317  			initIndexer().
   318  			useDefaultEvents().
   319  			useDefaultStorageMocks().
   320  			useDefaultTransactionResults().
   321  			// make sure update registers match in length and are same as block data ledger payloads
   322  			setStoreRegisters(func(t *testing.T, entries flow.RegisterEntries, height uint64) error {
   323  				for _, entry := range entries {
   324  					if entry.Key.String() == testRegisterID.String() {
   325  						testRegisterFound = true
   326  						assert.True(t, testValue.Value().Equals(entry.Value))
   327  					}
   328  				}
   329  				// we should make sure the register updates are equal to both payloads' length -1 since we don't
   330  				// duplicate the same register
   331  				assert.Equal(t, len(tries[0].Payloads)+len(tries[1].Payloads)-1, len(entries))
   332  				return nil
   333  			}).
   334  			runIndexBlockData()
   336  		assert.NoError(t, err)
   337  		assert.True(t, testRegisterFound)
   338  	})
   340  	t.Run("Index Events", func(t *testing.T) {
   341  		expectedEvents := unittest.EventsFixture(20)
   342  		ed := &execution_data.BlockExecutionData{
   343  			BlockID: block.ID(),
   344  			ChunkExecutionDatas: []*execution_data.ChunkExecutionData{
   345  				// split events into 2 chunks
   346  				{
   347  					Collection: &collection,
   348  					Events:     expectedEvents[:10],
   349  				},
   350  				{
   351  					Collection: &collection,
   352  					Events:     expectedEvents[10:],
   353  				},
   354  			},
   355  		}
   356  		execData := execution_data.NewBlockExecutionDataEntity(block.ID(), ed)
   358  		err := newIndexCoreTest(t, blocks, execData).
   359  			initIndexer().
   360  			useDefaultStorageMocks().
   361  			// make sure all events are stored at once in order
   362  			setStoreEvents(func(t *testing.T, actualBlockID flow.Identifier, actualEvents []flow.EventsList) error {
   363  				assert.Equal(t, block.ID(), actualBlockID)
   364  				require.Len(t, actualEvents, 1)
   365  				require.Len(t, actualEvents[0], len(expectedEvents))
   366  				for i, expected := range expectedEvents {
   367  					assert.Equal(t, expected, actualEvents[0][i])
   368  				}
   369  				return nil
   370  			}).
   371  			// make sure an empty set of transaction results were stored
   372  			setStoreTransactionResults(func(t *testing.T, actualBlockID flow.Identifier, actualResults []flow.LightTransactionResult) error {
   373  				assert.Equal(t, block.ID(), actualBlockID)
   374  				require.Len(t, actualResults, 0)
   375  				return nil
   376  			}).
   377  			// make sure an empty set of register entries was stored
   378  			setStoreRegisters(func(t *testing.T, entries flow.RegisterEntries, height uint64) error {
   379  				assert.Equal(t, height, block.Header.Height)
   380  				assert.Equal(t, 0, entries.Len())
   381  				return nil
   382  			}).
   383  			runIndexBlockData()
   385  		assert.NoError(t, err)
   386  	})
   388  	t.Run("Index Tx Results", func(t *testing.T) {
   389  		expectedResults := unittest.LightTransactionResultsFixture(20)
   390  		ed := &execution_data.BlockExecutionData{
   391  			BlockID: block.ID(),
   392  			ChunkExecutionDatas: []*execution_data.ChunkExecutionData{
   393  				// split events into 2 chunks
   394  				{
   395  					Collection:         &collection,
   396  					TransactionResults: expectedResults[:10],
   397  				},
   398  				{
   399  					Collection:         &collection,
   400  					TransactionResults: expectedResults[10:],
   401  				},
   402  			},
   403  		}
   404  		execData := execution_data.NewBlockExecutionDataEntity(block.ID(), ed)
   406  		err := newIndexCoreTest(t, blocks, execData).
   407  			initIndexer().
   408  			useDefaultStorageMocks().
   409  			// make sure an empty set of events were stored
   410  			setStoreEvents(func(t *testing.T, actualBlockID flow.Identifier, actualEvents []flow.EventsList) error {
   411  				assert.Equal(t, block.ID(), actualBlockID)
   412  				require.Len(t, actualEvents, 1)
   413  				require.Len(t, actualEvents[0], 0)
   414  				return nil
   415  			}).
   416  			// make sure all results are stored at once in order
   417  			setStoreTransactionResults(func(t *testing.T, actualBlockID flow.Identifier, actualResults []flow.LightTransactionResult) error {
   418  				assert.Equal(t, block.ID(), actualBlockID)
   419  				require.Len(t, actualResults, len(expectedResults))
   420  				for i, expected := range expectedResults {
   421  					assert.Equal(t, expected, actualResults[i])
   422  				}
   423  				return nil
   424  			}).
   425  			// make sure an empty set of register entries was stored
   426  			setStoreRegisters(func(t *testing.T, entries flow.RegisterEntries, height uint64) error {
   427  				assert.Equal(t, height, block.Header.Height)
   428  				assert.Equal(t, 0, entries.Len())
   429  				return nil
   430  			}).
   431  			runIndexBlockData()
   433  		assert.NoError(t, err)
   434  	})
   436  	t.Run("Index Collections", func(t *testing.T) {
   437  		expectedCollections := unittest.CollectionListFixture(2)
   438  		ed := &execution_data.BlockExecutionData{
   439  			BlockID: block.ID(),
   440  			ChunkExecutionDatas: []*execution_data.ChunkExecutionData{
   441  				{Collection: expectedCollections[0]},
   442  				{Collection: expectedCollections[1]},
   443  			},
   444  		}
   445  		execData := execution_data.NewBlockExecutionDataEntity(block.ID(), ed)
   446  		err := newIndexCoreTest(t, blocks, execData).
   447  			initIndexer().
   448  			useDefaultStorageMocks().
   449  			// make sure an empty set of events were stored
   450  			setStoreEvents(func(t *testing.T, actualBlockID flow.Identifier, actualEvents []flow.EventsList) error {
   451  				assert.Equal(t, block.ID(), actualBlockID)
   452  				require.Len(t, actualEvents, 1)
   453  				require.Len(t, actualEvents[0], 0)
   454  				return nil
   455  			}).
   456  			// make sure an empty set of transaction results were stored
   457  			setStoreTransactionResults(func(t *testing.T, actualBlockID flow.Identifier, actualResults []flow.LightTransactionResult) error {
   458  				assert.Equal(t, block.ID(), actualBlockID)
   459  				require.Len(t, actualResults, 0)
   460  				return nil
   461  			}).
   462  			// make sure an empty set of register entries was stored
   463  			setStoreRegisters(func(t *testing.T, entries flow.RegisterEntries, height uint64) error {
   464  				assert.Equal(t, height, block.Header.Height)
   465  				assert.Equal(t, 0, entries.Len())
   466  				return nil
   467  			}).
   468  			runIndexBlockData()
   470  		assert.NoError(t, err)
   471  	})
   473  	t.Run("Index AllTheThings", func(t *testing.T) {
   474  		expectedEvents := unittest.EventsFixture(20)
   475  		expectedResults := unittest.LightTransactionResultsFixture(20)
   476  		expectedCollections := unittest.CollectionListFixture(2)
   477  		expectedTries := []*ledger.TrieUpdate{trieUpdateFixture(t), trieUpdateFixture(t)}
   478  		expectedPayloads := make([]*ledger.Payload, 0)
   479  		for _, trie := range expectedTries {
   480  			expectedPayloads = append(expectedPayloads, trie.Payloads...)
   481  		}
   483  		ed := &execution_data.BlockExecutionData{
   484  			BlockID: block.ID(),
   485  			ChunkExecutionDatas: []*execution_data.ChunkExecutionData{
   486  				{
   487  					Collection:         expectedCollections[0],
   488  					Events:             expectedEvents[:10],
   489  					TransactionResults: expectedResults[:10],
   490  					TrieUpdate:         expectedTries[0],
   491  				},
   492  				{
   493  					Collection:         expectedCollections[1],
   494  					TransactionResults: expectedResults[10:],
   495  					Events:             expectedEvents[10:],
   496  					TrieUpdate:         expectedTries[1],
   497  				},
   498  			},
   499  		}
   500  		execData := execution_data.NewBlockExecutionDataEntity(block.ID(), ed)
   501  		err := newIndexCoreTest(t, blocks, execData).
   502  			initIndexer().
   503  			useDefaultStorageMocks().
   504  			// make sure all events are stored at once in order
   505  			setStoreEvents(func(t *testing.T, actualBlockID flow.Identifier, actualEvents []flow.EventsList) error {
   506  				assert.Equal(t, block.ID(), actualBlockID)
   507  				require.Len(t, actualEvents, 1)
   508  				require.Len(t, actualEvents[0], len(expectedEvents))
   509  				for i, expected := range expectedEvents {
   510  					assert.Equal(t, expected, actualEvents[0][i])
   511  				}
   512  				return nil
   513  			}).
   514  			// make sure all results are stored at once in order
   515  			setStoreTransactionResults(func(t *testing.T, actualBlockID flow.Identifier, actualResults []flow.LightTransactionResult) error {
   516  				assert.Equal(t, block.ID(), actualBlockID)
   517  				require.Len(t, actualResults, len(expectedResults))
   518  				for i, expected := range expectedResults {
   519  					assert.Equal(t, expected, actualResults[i])
   520  				}
   521  				return nil
   522  			}).
   523  			// make sure update registers match in length and are same as block data ledger payloads
   524  			setStoreRegisters(func(t *testing.T, entries flow.RegisterEntries, actualHeight uint64) error {
   525  				assert.Equal(t, actualHeight, block.Header.Height)
   526  				assert.Equal(t, entries.Len(), len(expectedPayloads))
   528  				// make sure all the registers from the execution data have been stored as well the value matches
   529  				trieRegistersPayloadComparer(t, expectedPayloads, entries)
   530  				return nil
   531  			}).
   532  			runIndexBlockData()
   534  		assert.NoError(t, err)
   535  	})
   537  	// this test makes sure we get correct error when we try to index block that is not
   538  	// within the range of indexed heights.
   539  	t.Run("Invalid Heights", func(t *testing.T) {
   540  		last := blocks[len(blocks)-1]
   541  		ed := &execution_data.BlockExecutionData{
   542  			BlockID: last.Header.ID(),
   543  		}
   544  		execData := execution_data.NewBlockExecutionDataEntity(last.ID(), ed)
   545  		latestHeight := blocks[len(blocks)-3].Header.Height
   547  		err := newIndexCoreTest(t, blocks, execData).
   548  			// return a height one smaller than the latest block in storage
   549  			setLastHeight(func(t *testing.T) uint64 {
   550  				return latestHeight
   551  			}).
   552  			runIndexBlockData()
   554  		assert.EqualError(t, err, fmt.Sprintf("must index block data with the next height %d, but got %d", latestHeight+1, last.Header.Height))
   555  	})
   557  	// this test makes sure that if a block we try to index is not found in block storage
   558  	// we get correct error.
   559  	t.Run("Unknown block ID", func(t *testing.T) {
   560  		unknownBlock := unittest.BlockFixture()
   561  		ed := &execution_data.BlockExecutionData{
   562  			BlockID: unknownBlock.Header.ID(),
   563  		}
   564  		execData := execution_data.NewBlockExecutionDataEntity(unknownBlock.Header.ID(), ed)
   566  		err := newIndexCoreTest(t, blocks, execData).runIndexBlockData()
   568  		assert.True(t, errors.Is(err, storage.ErrNotFound))
   569  	})
   571  }
   573  func TestExecutionState_RegisterValues(t *testing.T) {
   574  	t.Run("Get value for single register", func(t *testing.T) {
   575  		blocks := unittest.BlockchainFixture(5)
   576  		height := blocks[1].Header.Height
   577  		id := flow.RegisterID{
   578  			Owner: "1",
   579  			Key:   "2",
   580  		}
   581  		val := flow.RegisterValue("0x1")
   583  		values, err := newIndexCoreTest(t, blocks, nil).
   584  			initIndexer().
   585  			setGetRegisters(func(t *testing.T, ID flow.RegisterID, height uint64) (flow.RegisterValue, error) {
   586  				return val, nil
   587  			}).
   588  			runGetRegister(id, height)
   590  		assert.NoError(t, err)
   591  		assert.Equal(t, values, val)
   592  	})
   593  }
   595  func newBlockHeadersStorage(blocks []*flow.Block) storage.Headers {
   596  	blocksByID := make(map[flow.Identifier]*flow.Block, 0)
   597  	for _, b := range blocks {
   598  		blocksByID[b.ID()] = b
   599  	}
   601  	return synctest.MockBlockHeaderStorage(synctest.WithByID(blocksByID))
   602  }
   604  func trieUpdateWithPayloadsFixture(payloads []*ledger.Payload) *ledger.TrieUpdate {
   605  	keys := make([]ledger.Key, 0)
   606  	values := make([]ledger.Value, 0)
   607  	for _, payload := range payloads {
   608  		key, _ := payload.Key()
   609  		keys = append(keys, key)
   610  		values = append(values, payload.Value())
   611  	}
   613  	update, _ := ledger.NewUpdate(ledger.DummyState, keys, values)
   614  	trie, _ := pathfinder.UpdateToTrieUpdate(update, complete.DefaultPathFinderVersion)
   615  	return trie
   616  }
   618  func trieUpdateFixture(t *testing.T) *ledger.TrieUpdate {
   619  	return trieUpdateWithPayloadsFixture(
   620  		[]*ledger.Payload{
   621  			ledgerPayloadFixture(t),
   622  			ledgerPayloadFixture(t),
   623  			ledgerPayloadFixture(t),
   624  			ledgerPayloadFixture(t),
   625  		})
   626  }
   628  func ledgerPayloadFixture(t *testing.T) *ledger.Payload {
   629  	owner := unittest.RandomAddressFixture()
   630  	key := make([]byte, 8)
   631  	_, err := rand.Read(key)
   632  	require.NoError(t, err)
   633  	val := make([]byte, 8)
   634  	_, err = rand.Read(key)
   635  	require.NoError(t, err)
   636  	return ledgerPayloadWithValuesFixture(owner.String(), fmt.Sprintf("%x", key), val)
   637  }
   639  func ledgerPayloadWithValuesFixture(owner string, key string, value []byte) *ledger.Payload {
   640  	k := ledger.Key{
   641  		KeyParts: []ledger.KeyPart{
   642  			{
   643  				Type:  ledger.KeyPartOwner,
   644  				Value: []byte(owner),
   645  			},
   646  			{
   647  				Type:  ledger.KeyPartKey,
   648  				Value: []byte(key),
   649  			},
   650  		},
   651  	}
   653  	return ledger.NewPayload(k, value)
   654  }
   656  // trieRegistersPayloadComparer checks that trie payloads and register payloads are same, used for testing.
   657  func trieRegistersPayloadComparer(t *testing.T, triePayloads []*ledger.Payload, registerPayloads flow.RegisterEntries) {
   658  	assert.Equal(t, len(triePayloads), len(registerPayloads.Values()), "registers length should equal")
   660  	// crate a lookup map that matches flow register ID to index in the payloads slice
   661  	payloadRegID := make(map[flow.RegisterID]int)
   662  	for i, p := range triePayloads {
   663  		k, _ := p.Key()
   664  		regKey, _ := convert.LedgerKeyToRegisterID(k)
   665  		payloadRegID[regKey] = i
   666  	}
   668  	for _, entry := range registerPayloads {
   669  		index, ok := payloadRegID[entry.Key]
   670  		assert.True(t, ok, fmt.Sprintf("register entry not found for key %s", entry.Key.String()))
   671  		val := triePayloads[index].Value()
   672  		assert.True(t, val.Equals(entry.Value), fmt.Sprintf("payload values not same %s - %s", val, entry.Value))
   673  	}
   674  }
   676  func TestIndexerIntegration_StoreAndGet(t *testing.T) {
   677  	regOwnerAddress := unittest.RandomAddressFixture()
   678  	regOwner := string(regOwnerAddress.Bytes())
   679  	regKey := "code"
   680  	registerID := flow.NewRegisterID(regOwnerAddress, regKey)
   682  	db, dbDir := unittest.TempBadgerDB(t)
   683  	t.Cleanup(func() {
   684  		require.NoError(t, os.RemoveAll(dbDir))
   685  	})
   687  	logger := zerolog.Nop()
   688  	metrics := metrics.NewNoopCollector()
   690  	derivedChainData, err := derived.NewDerivedChainData(derived.DefaultDerivedDataCacheSize)
   691  	require.NoError(t, err)
   693  	// this test makes sure index values for a single register are correctly updated and always last value is returned
   694  	t.Run("Single Index Value Changes", func(t *testing.T) {
   695  		pebbleStorage.RunWithRegistersStorageAtInitialHeights(t, 0, 0, func(registers *pebbleStorage.Registers) {
   696  			index, err := New(
   697  				logger,
   698  				metrics,
   699  				db,
   700  				registers,
   701  				nil,
   702  				nil,
   703  				nil,
   704  				nil,
   705  				nil,
   706  				flow.Testnet.Chain(),
   707  				derivedChainData,
   708  				nil,
   709  			)
   710  			require.NoError(t, err)
   712  			values := [][]byte{[]byte("1"), []byte("1"), []byte("2"), []byte("3"), []byte("4")}
   713  			for i, val := range values {
   714  				testDesc := fmt.Sprintf("test iteration number %d failed with test value %s", i, val)
   715  				height := uint64(i + 1)
   716  				err := storeRegisterWithValue(index, height, regOwner, regKey, val)
   717  				require.NoError(t, err)
   719  				results, err := index.RegisterValue(registerID, height)
   720  				require.NoError(t, err, testDesc)
   721  				assert.Equal(t, val, results)
   722  			}
   723  		})
   724  	})
   726  	// this test makes sure if a register is not found the value returned is nil and without an error in order for this to be
   727  	// up to the specification script executor requires
   728  	t.Run("Missing Register", func(t *testing.T) {
   729  		pebbleStorage.RunWithRegistersStorageAtInitialHeights(t, 0, 0, func(registers *pebbleStorage.Registers) {
   730  			index, err := New(
   731  				logger,
   732  				metrics,
   733  				db,
   734  				registers,
   735  				nil,
   736  				nil,
   737  				nil,
   738  				nil,
   739  				nil,
   740  				flow.Testnet.Chain(),
   741  				derivedChainData,
   742  				nil,
   743  			)
   744  			require.NoError(t, err)
   746  			value, err := index.RegisterValue(registerID, 0)
   747  			require.Nil(t, value)
   748  			assert.NoError(t, err)
   749  		})
   750  	})
   752  	// this test makes sure that even if indexed values for a specific register are requested with higher height
   753  	// the correct highest height indexed value is returned.
   754  	// e.g. we index A{h(1) -> X}, A{h(2) -> Y}, when we request h(4) we get value Y
   755  	t.Run("Single Index Value At Later Heights", func(t *testing.T) {
   756  		pebbleStorage.RunWithRegistersStorageAtInitialHeights(t, 0, 0, func(registers *pebbleStorage.Registers) {
   757  			index, err := New(
   758  				logger,
   759  				metrics,
   760  				db,
   761  				registers,
   762  				nil,
   763  				nil,
   764  				nil,
   765  				nil,
   766  				nil,
   767  				flow.Testnet.Chain(),
   768  				derivedChainData,
   769  				nil,
   770  			)
   771  			require.NoError(t, err)
   773  			storeValues := [][]byte{[]byte("1"), []byte("2")}
   775  			require.NoError(t, storeRegisterWithValue(index, 1, regOwner, regKey, storeValues[0]))
   777  			require.NoError(t, index.indexRegisters(nil, 2))
   779  			value, err := index.RegisterValue(registerID, uint64(2))
   780  			require.Nil(t, err)
   781  			assert.Equal(t, storeValues[0], value)
   783  			require.NoError(t, index.indexRegisters(nil, 3))
   785  			err = storeRegisterWithValue(index, 4, regOwner, regKey, storeValues[1])
   786  			require.NoError(t, err)
   788  			value, err = index.RegisterValue(registerID, uint64(4))
   789  			require.Nil(t, err)
   790  			assert.Equal(t, storeValues[1], value)
   792  			value, err = index.RegisterValue(registerID, uint64(3))
   793  			require.Nil(t, err)
   794  			assert.Equal(t, storeValues[0], value)
   795  		})
   796  	})
   798  	// this test makes sure we correctly handle weird payloads
   799  	t.Run("Empty and Nil Payloads", func(t *testing.T) {
   800  		pebbleStorage.RunWithRegistersStorageAtInitialHeights(t, 0, 0, func(registers *pebbleStorage.Registers) {
   801  			index, err := New(
   802  				logger,
   803  				metrics,
   804  				db,
   805  				registers,
   806  				nil,
   807  				nil,
   808  				nil,
   809  				nil,
   810  				nil,
   811  				flow.Testnet.Chain(),
   812  				derivedChainData,
   813  				nil,
   814  			)
   815  			require.NoError(t, err)
   817  			require.NoError(t, index.indexRegisters(map[ledger.Path]*ledger.Payload{}, 1))
   818  			require.NoError(t, index.indexRegisters(map[ledger.Path]*ledger.Payload{}, 1))
   819  			require.NoError(t, index.indexRegisters(nil, 2))
   820  		})
   821  	})
   822  }
   824  // helper to store register at height and increment index range
   825  func storeRegisterWithValue(indexer *IndexerCore, height uint64, owner string, key string, value []byte) error {
   826  	payload := ledgerPayloadWithValuesFixture(owner, key, value)
   827  	return indexer.indexRegisters(map[ledger.Path]*ledger.Payload{ledger.DummyPath: payload}, height)
   828  }