
     1  package alspmgr
     3  import (
     4  	crand "crypto/rand"
     5  	"errors"
     6  	"fmt"
     7  	"math"
     8  	"time"
    10  	""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  )
    27  const (
    28  	// defaultMisbehaviorReportManagerWorkers is the default number of workers in the worker pool.
    29  	defaultMisbehaviorReportManagerWorkers = 2
    30  )
    32  var (
    33  	// ErrSpamRecordCacheSizeNotSet is returned when the spam record cache size is not set, it is a fatal irrecoverable error,
    34  	// and the ALSP module cannot be initialized.
    35  	ErrSpamRecordCacheSizeNotSet = errors.New("spam record cache size is not set")
    36  	// ErrSpamReportQueueSizeNotSet is returned when the spam report queue size is not set, it is a fatal irrecoverable error,
    37  	// and the ALSP module cannot be initialized.
    38  	ErrSpamReportQueueSizeNotSet = errors.New("spam report queue size is not set")
    39  	// ErrHeartBeatIntervalNotSet is returned when the heartbeat interval is not set, it is a fatal irrecoverable error,
    40  	// and the ALSP module cannot be initialized.
    41  	ErrHeartBeatIntervalNotSet = errors.New("heartbeat interval is not set")
    42  )
    44  type SpamRecordCacheFactory func(zerolog.Logger, uint32, module.HeroCacheMetrics) alsp.SpamRecordCache
    46  // SpamRecordDecayFunc is the function that calculates the decay of the spam record.
    47  type SpamRecordDecayFunc func(model.ProtocolSpamRecord) float64
    49  func defaultSpamRecordDecayFunc() SpamRecordDecayFunc {
    50  	return func(record model.ProtocolSpamRecord) float64 {
    51  		return math.Min(record.Penalty+record.Decay, 0)
    52  	}
    53  }
    55  // defaultSpamRecordCacheFactory is the default spam record cache factory. It creates a new spam record cache with the given parameter.
    56  func defaultSpamRecordCacheFactory() SpamRecordCacheFactory {
    57  	return func(logger zerolog.Logger, size uint32, cacheMetrics module.HeroCacheMetrics) alsp.SpamRecordCache {
    58  		return internal.NewSpamRecordCache(
    59  			size,
    60  			logger.With().Str("component", "spam_record_cache").Logger(),
    61  			cacheMetrics,
    62  			model.SpamRecordFactory())
    63  	}
    64  }
    66  // MisbehaviorReportManager is responsible for handling misbehavior reports, i.e., penalizing the misbehaving node
    67  // and report the node to be disallow-listed if the overall penalty of the misbehaving node drops below the disallow-listing threshold.
    68  type MisbehaviorReportManager struct {
    69  	component.Component
    70  	logger  zerolog.Logger
    71  	metrics module.AlspMetrics
    72  	// cacheFactory is the factory for creating the spam record cache. MisbehaviorReportManager is coming with a
    73  	// default factory that creates a new spam record cache with the given parameter. However, this factory can be
    74  	// overridden with a custom factory.
    75  	cacheFactory SpamRecordCacheFactory
    76  	// cache is the spam record cache that stores the spam records for the authorized nodes. It is initialized by
    77  	// invoking the cacheFactory.
    78  	cache alsp.SpamRecordCache
    79  	// disablePenalty indicates whether applying the penalty to the misbehaving node is disabled.
    80  	// When disabled, the ALSP module logs the misbehavior reports and updates the metrics, but does not apply the penalty.
    81  	// This is useful for managing production incidents.
    82  	// Note: under normal circumstances, the ALSP module should not be disabled.
    83  	disablePenalty bool
    85  	// disallowListingConsumer is the consumer for the disallow-listing notifications.
    86  	// It is notified when a node is disallow-listed by this manager.
    87  	disallowListingConsumer network.DisallowListNotificationConsumer
    89  	// workerPool is the worker pool for handling the misbehavior reports in a thread-safe and non-blocking manner.
    90  	workerPool *worker.Pool[internal.ReportedMisbehaviorWork]
    92  	// decayFunc is the function that calculates the decay of the spam record.
    93  	decayFunc SpamRecordDecayFunc
    94  }
    96  var _ network.MisbehaviorReportManager = (*MisbehaviorReportManager)(nil)
    98  type MisbehaviorReportManagerConfig struct {
    99  	Logger zerolog.Logger
   100  	// SpamRecordCacheSize is the size of the spam record cache that stores the spam records for the authorized nodes.
   101  	// It should be as big as the number of authorized nodes in Flow network.
   102  	// Recommendation: for small network sizes 10 * number of authorized nodes to ensure that the cache can hold all the spam records of the authorized nodes.
   103  	SpamRecordCacheSize uint32
   104  	// SpamReportQueueSize is the size of the queue that stores the spam records to be processed by the worker pool.
   105  	SpamReportQueueSize uint32
   106  	// AlspMetrics is the metrics instance for the alsp module (collecting spam reports).
   107  	AlspMetrics module.AlspMetrics
   108  	// HeroCacheMetricsFactory is the metrics factory for the HeroCache-related metrics.
   109  	// Having factory as part of the config allows to create the metrics locally in the module.
   110  	HeroCacheMetricsFactory metrics.HeroCacheMetricsFactory
   111  	// DisablePenalty indicates whether applying the penalty to the misbehaving node is disabled.
   112  	// When disabled, the ALSP module logs the misbehavior reports and updates the metrics, but does not apply the penalty.
   113  	// This is useful for managing production incidents.
   114  	// Note: under normal circumstances, the ALSP module should not be disabled.
   115  	DisablePenalty bool
   116  	// NetworkType is the type of the network it is used to determine whether the ALSP module is utilized in the
   117  	// public (unstaked) or private (staked) network.
   118  	NetworkType network.NetworkingType
   119  	// HeartBeatInterval is the interval between the heartbeats. Heartbeat is a recurring event that is used to
   120  	// apply recurring actions, e.g., decay the penalty of the misbehaving nodes.
   121  	HeartBeatInterval time.Duration
   122  	Opts              []MisbehaviorReportManagerOption
   123  }
   125  // validate validates the MisbehaviorReportManagerConfig instance. It returns an error if the config is invalid.
   126  // It only validates the numeric fields of the config that may yield a stealth error in the production.
   127  // It does not validate the struct fields of the config against a nil value.
   128  // Args:
   129  //
   130  //	None.
   131  //
   132  // Returns:
   133  //
   134  //	An error if the config is invalid.
   135  func (c MisbehaviorReportManagerConfig) validate() error {
   136  	if c.SpamRecordCacheSize == 0 {
   137  		return ErrSpamRecordCacheSizeNotSet
   138  	}
   139  	if c.SpamReportQueueSize == 0 {
   140  		return ErrSpamReportQueueSizeNotSet
   141  	}
   142  	if c.HeartBeatInterval == 0 {
   143  		return ErrHeartBeatIntervalNotSet
   144  	}
   145  	return nil
   146  }
   148  type MisbehaviorReportManagerOption func(*MisbehaviorReportManager)
   150  // NewMisbehaviorReportManager creates a new instance of the MisbehaviorReportManager.
   151  // Args:
   152  // cfg: the configuration for the MisbehaviorReportManager.
   153  // consumer: the consumer for the disallow-listing notifications. When the manager decides to disallow-list a node, it notifies the consumer to
   154  // perform the lower-level disallow-listing action at the networking layer.
   155  // All connections to the disallow-listed node are closed and the node is removed from the overlay, and
   156  // no further connections are established to the disallow-listed node, either inbound or outbound.
   157  //
   158  // Returns:
   159  //
   160  //		A new instance of the MisbehaviorReportManager.
   161  //	 An error if the config is invalid. The error is considered irrecoverable.
   162  func NewMisbehaviorReportManager(cfg *MisbehaviorReportManagerConfig, consumer network.DisallowListNotificationConsumer) (*MisbehaviorReportManager, error) {
   163  	if err := cfg.validate(); err != nil {
   164  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid configuration for MisbehaviorReportManager: %w", err)
   165  	}
   167  	lg := cfg.Logger.With().Str("module", "misbehavior_report_manager").Logger()
   168  	m := &MisbehaviorReportManager{
   169  		logger:                  lg,
   170  		metrics:                 cfg.AlspMetrics,
   171  		disablePenalty:          cfg.DisablePenalty,
   172  		disallowListingConsumer: consumer,
   173  		cacheFactory:            defaultSpamRecordCacheFactory(),
   174  		decayFunc:               defaultSpamRecordDecayFunc(),
   175  	}
   177  	store := queue.NewHeroStore(
   178  		cfg.SpamReportQueueSize,
   179  		lg.With().Str("component", "spam_record_queue").Logger(),
   180  		metrics.ApplicationLayerSpamRecordQueueMetricsFactory(cfg.HeroCacheMetricsFactory, cfg.NetworkType))
   182  	m.workerPool = worker.NewWorkerPoolBuilder[internal.ReportedMisbehaviorWork](
   183  		cfg.Logger,
   184  		store,
   185  		m.processMisbehaviorReport).Build()
   187  	for _, opt := range cfg.Opts {
   188  		opt(m)
   189  	}
   191  	m.cache = m.cacheFactory(
   192  		lg,
   193  		cfg.SpamRecordCacheSize,
   194  		metrics.ApplicationLayerSpamRecordCacheMetricFactory(cfg.HeroCacheMetricsFactory, cfg.NetworkType))
   196  	builder := component.NewComponentManagerBuilder()
   197  	builder.AddWorker(func(ctx irrecoverable.SignalerContext, ready component.ReadyFunc) {
   198  		ready()
   199  		m.heartbeatLoop(ctx, cfg.HeartBeatInterval) // blocking call
   200  	})
   201  	for i := 0; i < defaultMisbehaviorReportManagerWorkers; i++ {
   202  		builder.AddWorker(m.workerPool.WorkerLogic())
   203  	}
   205  	m.Component = builder.Build()
   207  	if m.disablePenalty {
   208  		m.logger.Warn().Msg("penalty mechanism of alsp is disabled")
   209  	}
   210  	return m, nil
   211  }
   213  // HandleMisbehaviorReport is called upon a new misbehavior is reported.
   214  // The implementation of this function should be thread-safe and non-blocking.
   215  // Args:
   216  //
   217  //	channel: the channel on which the misbehavior is reported.
   218  //	report: the misbehavior report.
   219  //
   220  // Returns:
   221  //
   222  //	none.
   223  func (m *MisbehaviorReportManager) HandleMisbehaviorReport(channel channels.Channel, report network.MisbehaviorReport) {
   224  	lg := m.logger.With().
   225  		Str("channel", channel.String()).
   226  		Hex("misbehaving_id", logging.ID(report.OriginId())).
   227  		Str("reason", report.Reason().String()).
   228  		Float64("penalty", report.Penalty()).Logger()
   229  	lg.Trace().Msg("received misbehavior report")
   230  	m.metrics.OnMisbehaviorReported(channel.String(), report.Reason().String())
   232  	nonce := [internal.NonceSize]byte{}
   233  	nonceSize, err := crand.Read(nonce[:])
   234  	if err != nil {
   235  		// this should never happen, but if it does, we should not continue
   236  		lg.Fatal().Err(err).Msg("failed to generate nonce")
   237  		return
   238  	}
   239  	if nonceSize != internal.NonceSize {
   240  		// this should never happen, but if it does, we should not continue
   241  		lg.Fatal().Msgf("nonce size mismatch: expected %d, got %d", internal.NonceSize, nonceSize)
   242  		return
   243  	}
   245  	if ok := m.workerPool.Submit(internal.ReportedMisbehaviorWork{
   246  		Channel:  channel,
   247  		OriginId: report.OriginId(),
   248  		Reason:   report.Reason(),
   249  		Penalty:  report.Penalty(),
   250  		Nonce:    nonce,
   251  	}); !ok {
   252  		lg.Warn().Msg("discarding misbehavior report because either the queue is full or the misbehavior report is duplicate")
   253  	}
   255  	lg.Debug().Msg("misbehavior report submitted")
   256  }
   258  // heartbeatLoop starts the heartbeat ticks ticker to tick at the given intervals. It is a blocking function, and
   259  // should be called in a separate goroutine. It returns when the context is canceled. Hearbeats are recurring events that
   260  // are used to perform periodic tasks.
   261  // Args:
   262  //
   263  //	ctx: the context.
   264  //	interval: the interval between two ticks.
   265  //
   266  // Returns:
   267  //
   268  //	none.
   269  func (m *MisbehaviorReportManager) heartbeatLoop(ctx irrecoverable.SignalerContext, interval time.Duration) {
   270  	ticker := time.NewTicker(interval)
   271  	m.logger.Info().Dur("interval", interval).Msg("starting heartbeat ticks")
   272  	defer ticker.Stop()
   273  	for {
   274  		select {
   275  		case <-ctx.Done():
   276  			m.logger.Debug().Msg("heartbeat ticks stopped")
   277  			return
   278  		case <-ticker.C:
   279  			m.logger.Trace().Msg("new heartbeat ticked")
   280  			if err := m.onHeartbeat(); err != nil {
   281  				// any error returned from onHeartbeat is considered irrecoverable.
   282  				ctx.Throw(fmt.Errorf("failed to perform heartbeat: %w", err))
   283  			}
   284  		}
   285  	}
   286  }
   288  // onHeartbeat is called upon a heartbeatLoop. It encapsulates the recurring tasks that should be performed
   289  // during a heartbeat, which currently includes decay of the spam records.
   290  // Args:
   291  //
   292  //	none.
   293  //
   294  // Returns:
   295  //
   296  //		error: if an error occurs, it is returned. No error is expected during normal operation. Any returned error must
   297  //	 be considered as irrecoverable.
   298  func (m *MisbehaviorReportManager) onHeartbeat() error {
   299  	allIds := m.cache.Identities()
   301  	for _, id := range allIds {
   302  		m.logger.Trace().Hex("identifier", logging.ID(id)).Msg("onHeartbeat - looping through spam records")
   303  		penalty, err := m.cache.AdjustWithInit(id, func(record model.ProtocolSpamRecord) (model.ProtocolSpamRecord, error) {
   304  			if record.Penalty > 0 {
   305  				// sanity check; this should never happen.
   306  				return record, fmt.Errorf("illegal state: spam record %x has positive penalty %f", id, record.Penalty)
   307  			}
   308  			if record.Decay <= 0 {
   309  				// sanity check; this should never happen.
   310  				return record, fmt.Errorf("illegal state: spam record %x has non-positive decay %f", id, record.Decay)
   311  			}
   313  			// TODO: this can be done in batch but at this stage let's send individual notifications.
   314  			//       (it requires enabling the batch mode end-to-end including the cache in network).
   315  			// as long as record.Penalty is NOT below model.DisallowListingThreshold,
   316  			// the node is considered allow-listed and can conduct inbound and outbound connections.
   317  			// Once it falls below model.DisallowListingThreshold, it needs to be disallow listed.
   318  			if record.Penalty < model.DisallowListingThreshold && !record.DisallowListed {
   319  				// cutoff counter keeps track of how many times the penalty has been below the threshold.
   320  				record.CutoffCounter++
   321  				record.DisallowListed = true
   322  				// Adjusts decay dynamically based on how many times the node was disallow-listed (cutoff).
   323  				record.Decay = m.adjustDecayFunc(record.CutoffCounter)
   324  				m.logger.Warn().
   325  					Str("key", logging.KeySuspicious).
   326  					Hex("identifier", logging.ID(id)).
   327  					Float64("penalty", record.Penalty).
   328  					Uint64("cutoff_counter", record.CutoffCounter).
   329  					Float64("decay_speed", record.Decay).
   330  					Bool("disallow_listed", record.DisallowListed).
   331  					Msg("node penalty dropped below threshold, initiating disallow listing")
   332  				m.disallowListingConsumer.OnDisallowListNotification(&network.DisallowListingUpdate{
   333  					FlowIds: flow.IdentifierList{id},
   334  					Cause:   network.DisallowListedCauseAlsp, // sets the ALSP disallow listing cause on node
   335  				})
   336  			}
   337  			// each time we decay the penalty by the decay speed, the penalty is a negative number, and the decay speed
   338  			// is a positive number. So the penalty is getting closer to zero.
   339  			// We use math.Min() to make sure the penalty is never positive.
   340  			m.logger.Trace().
   341  				Hex("identifier", logging.ID(id)).
   342  				Uint64("cutoff_counter", record.CutoffCounter).
   343  				Bool("disallow_listed", record.DisallowListed).
   344  				Float64("penalty", record.Penalty).
   345  				Msg("heartbeat interval, pulled the spam record for decaying")
   346  			record.Penalty = m.decayFunc(record)
   347  			m.logger.Trace().
   348  				Hex("identifier", logging.ID(id)).
   349  				Uint64("cutoff_counter", record.CutoffCounter).
   350  				Bool("disallow_listed", record.DisallowListed).
   351  				Float64("penalty", record.Penalty).
   352  				Msg("heartbeat interval, spam record penalty adjusted by decay function")
   354  			// TODO: this can be done in batch but at this stage let's send individual notifications.
   355  			//       (it requires enabling the batch mode end-to-end including the cache in network).
   356  			if record.Penalty == float64(0) && record.DisallowListed {
   357  				record.DisallowListed = false
   359  				m.logger.Info().
   360  					Hex("identifier", logging.ID(id)).
   361  					Uint64("cutoff_counter", record.CutoffCounter).
   362  					Float64("decay_speed", record.Decay).
   363  					Bool("disallow_listed", record.DisallowListed).
   364  					Msg("allow-listing a node that was disallow listed")
   365  				// Penalty has fully decayed to zero and the node can be back in the allow list.
   366  				m.disallowListingConsumer.OnAllowListNotification(&network.AllowListingUpdate{
   367  					FlowIds: flow.IdentifierList{id},
   368  					Cause:   network.DisallowListedCauseAlsp, // clears the ALSP disallow listing cause from node
   369  				})
   370  			}
   372  			m.logger.Trace().
   373  				Hex("identifier", logging.ID(id)).
   374  				Uint64("cutoff_counter", record.CutoffCounter).
   375  				Float64("decay_speed", record.Decay).
   376  				Bool("disallow_listed", record.DisallowListed).
   377  				Msg("spam record decayed successfully")
   378  			return record, nil
   379  		})
   381  		// any error here is fatal because it indicates a bug in the cache. All ids being iterated over are in the cache,
   382  		// and adjust function above should not return an error unless there is a bug.
   383  		if err != nil {
   384  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to decay spam record %x: %w", id, err)
   385  		}
   387  		m.logger.Trace().
   388  			Hex("identifier", logging.ID(id)).
   389  			Float64("updated_penalty", penalty).
   390  			Msg("spam record decayed")
   391  	}
   393  	return nil
   394  }
   396  // processMisbehaviorReport is the worker function that processes the misbehavior reports.
   397  // It is called by the worker pool.
   398  // It applies the penalty to the misbehaving node and updates the spam record cache.
   399  // Implementation must be thread-safe so that it can be called concurrently.
   400  // Args:
   401  //
   402  //	report: the misbehavior report to be processed.
   403  //
   404  // Returns:
   405  //
   406  //		error: the error that occurred during the processing of the misbehavior report. The returned error is
   407  //	 irrecoverable and the node should crash if it occurs (indicating a bug in the ALSP module).
   408  func (m *MisbehaviorReportManager) processMisbehaviorReport(report internal.ReportedMisbehaviorWork) error {
   409  	lg := m.logger.With().
   410  		Str("channel", report.Channel.String()).
   411  		Hex("misbehaving_id", logging.ID(report.OriginId)).
   412  		Str("reason", report.Reason.String()).
   413  		Float64("penalty", report.Penalty).Logger()
   415  	if m.disablePenalty {
   416  		// when penalty mechanism disabled, the misbehavior is logged and metrics are updated,
   417  		// but no further actions are taken.
   418  		lg.Trace().Msg("discarding misbehavior report because alsp penalty is disabled")
   419  		return nil
   420  	}
   422  	// Adjust will first try to apply the penalty to the spam record, if it does not exist, the Adjust method will initialize
   423  	// a spam record for the peer first and then applies the penalty. In other words, Adjust uses an optimistic update by
   424  	// first assuming that the spam record exists and then initializing it if it does not exist. In this way, we avoid
   425  	// acquiring the lock twice per misbehavior report, reducing the contention on the lock and improving the performance.
   426  	updatedPenalty, err := m.cache.AdjustWithInit(report.OriginId, func(record model.ProtocolSpamRecord) (model.ProtocolSpamRecord, error) {
   427  		if report.Penalty > 0 {
   428  			// this should never happen, unless there is a bug in the misbehavior report handling logic.
   429  			// we should crash the node in this case to prevent further misbehavior reports from being lost and fix the bug.
   430  			// we return the error as it is considered as a fatal error.
   431  			return record, fmt.Errorf("penalty value is positive, expected negative %f", report.Penalty)
   432  		}
   433  		record.Penalty += report.Penalty // penalty value is negative. We add it to the current penalty.
   434  		lg = lg.With().
   435  			Float64("penalty_before_update", record.Penalty).
   436  			Uint64("cutoff_counter", record.CutoffCounter).
   437  			Float64("decay_speed", record.Decay).
   438  			Bool("disallow_listed", record.DisallowListed).
   439  			Logger()
   440  		return record, nil
   441  	})
   442  	if err != nil {
   443  		// this should never happen, unless there is a bug in the spam record cache implementation.
   444  		// we should crash the node in this case to prevent further misbehavior reports from being lost and fix the bug.
   445  		return fmt.Errorf("failed to apply penalty to the spam record: %w", err)
   446  	}
   447  	lg.Debug().Float64("updated_penalty", updatedPenalty).Msg("misbehavior report handled")
   448  	return nil
   449  }
   451  // adjustDecayFunc calculates the decay value of the spam record cache. This allows the decay to be different on subsequent disallow listings.
   452  // It returns the decay speed for the given cutoff counter.
   453  // The cutoff counter is the number of times that the node has been disallow-listed.
   454  // Args:
   455  // cutoffCounter: the number of times that the node has been disallow-listed including the current time. Note that the cutoff counter
   456  // must always be updated before calling this function.
   457  //
   458  // Returns:
   459  //
   460  //	float64: the decay speed for the given cutoff counter.
   461  func (m *MisbehaviorReportManager) adjustDecayFunc(cutoffCounter uint64) float64 {
   462  	// decaySpeeds illustrates the decay speeds for different cutoff counters.
   463  	// The first cutoff does not reduce the decay speed (1000 -> 1000). However, the second, third,
   464  	// and forth cutoffs reduce the decay speed by 90% (1000 -> 100, 100 -> 10, 10 -> 1).
   465  	// All subsequent cutoffs after the fourth cutoff use the last decay speed (1).
   466  	// This is to prevent the decay speed from becoming too small and the spam record from taking too long to decay.
   467  	switch {
   468  	case cutoffCounter == 1:
   469  		return 1000
   470  	case cutoffCounter == 2:
   471  		return 100
   472  	case cutoffCounter == 3:
   473  		return 10
   474  	case cutoffCounter >= 4:
   475  		return 1
   476  	default:
   477  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("illegal-state cutoff counter must be positive, it should include the current time: %d", cutoffCounter))
   478  	}
   479  }
   481  // WithSpamRecordsCacheFactory sets the spam record cache factory for the MisbehaviorReportManager.
   482  // Args:
   483  //
   484  //	f: the spam record cache factory.
   485  //
   486  // Returns:
   487  //
   488  //	a MisbehaviorReportManagerOption that sets the spam record cache for the MisbehaviorReportManager.
   489  //
   490  // Note: this option is useful primarily for testing purposes. The default factory should be sufficient for production.
   491  func WithSpamRecordsCacheFactory(f SpamRecordCacheFactory) MisbehaviorReportManagerOption {
   492  	return func(m *MisbehaviorReportManager) {
   493  		m.cacheFactory = f
   494  	}
   495  }
   497  // WithDecayFunc sets the decay function for the MisbehaviorReportManager. Useful for testing purposes to simulate the decay of the penalty without waiting for the actual decay.
   498  // Args:
   499  //
   500  //	f: the decay function.
   501  //
   502  // Returns:
   503  //
   504  //	a MisbehaviorReportManagerOption that sets the decay function for the MisbehaviorReportManager.
   505  //
   506  // Note: this option is useful primarily for testing purposes. The default decay function should be used for production.
   507  func WithDecayFunc(f SpamRecordDecayFunc) MisbehaviorReportManagerOption {
   508  	return func(m *MisbehaviorReportManager) {
   509  		m.decayFunc = f
   510  	}
   511  }