
     1  package scoring_test
     3  import (
     4  	"context"
     5  	"testing"
     6  	"time"
     8  	""
     9  	mocktestify ""
    10  	""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	p2pconfig ""
    22  	p2ptest ""
    23  	flowpubsub ""
    24  	""
    25  )
    27  // TestFullGossipSubConnectivity tests that when the entire network is running by honest nodes,
    28  // pushing access nodes to the edges of the network (i.e., the access nodes are not in the mesh of any honest nodes)
    29  // will not cause the network to partition, i.e., all honest nodes can still communicate with each other through GossipSub.
    30  func TestFullGossipSubConnectivity(t *testing.T) {
    31  	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
    32  	signalerCtx := irrecoverable.NewMockSignalerContext(t, ctx)
    33  	sporkId := unittest.IdentifierFixture()
    34  	idProvider := mock.NewIdentityProvider(t)
    36  	// two groups of non-access nodes and one group of access nodes.
    37  	groupOneNodes, groupOneIds := p2ptest.NodesFixture(t, sporkId, t.Name(), 5,
    38  		idProvider,
    39  		p2ptest.WithRole(flow.RoleConsensus))
    40  	groupTwoNodes, groupTwoIds := p2ptest.NodesFixture(t, sporkId, t.Name(), 5,
    41  		idProvider,
    42  		p2ptest.WithRole(flow.RoleCollection))
    43  	accessNodeGroup, accessNodeIds := p2ptest.NodesFixture(t, sporkId, t.Name(), 5,
    44  		idProvider,
    45  		p2ptest.WithRole(flow.RoleAccess))
    47  	ids := append(append(groupOneIds, groupTwoIds...), accessNodeIds...)
    48  	nodes := append(append(groupOneNodes, groupTwoNodes...), accessNodeGroup...)
    50  	provider := id.NewFixedIdentityProvider(ids)
    51  	idProvider.On("ByPeerID", mocktestify.Anything).Return(
    52  		func(peerId peer.ID) *flow.Identity {
    53  			identity, _ := provider.ByPeerID(peerId)
    54  			return identity
    55  		}, func(peerId peer.ID) bool {
    56  			_, ok := provider.ByPeerID(peerId)
    57  			return ok
    58  		})
    59  	p2ptest.StartNodes(t, signalerCtx, nodes)
    60  	defer p2ptest.StopNodes(t, nodes, cancel)
    62  	blockTopic := channels.TopicFromChannel(channels.PushBlocks, sporkId)
    64  	logger := unittest.Logger()
    66  	// all nodes subscribe to block topic (common topic among all roles)
    67  	// group one
    68  	groupOneSubs := make([]p2p.Subscription, len(groupOneNodes))
    69  	var err error
    70  	for i, node := range groupOneNodes {
    71  		groupOneSubs[i], err = node.Subscribe(blockTopic, flowpubsub.TopicValidator(logger, unittest.AllowAllPeerFilter()))
    72  		require.NoError(t, err)
    73  	}
    74  	// group two
    75  	groupTwoSubs := make([]p2p.Subscription, len(groupTwoNodes))
    76  	for i, node := range groupTwoNodes {
    77  		groupTwoSubs[i], err = node.Subscribe(blockTopic, flowpubsub.TopicValidator(logger, unittest.AllowAllPeerFilter()))
    78  		require.NoError(t, err)
    79  	}
    80  	// access node group
    81  	accessNodeSubs := make([]p2p.Subscription, len(accessNodeGroup))
    82  	for i, node := range accessNodeGroup {
    83  		accessNodeSubs[i], err = node.Subscribe(blockTopic, flowpubsub.TopicValidator(logger, unittest.AllowAllPeerFilter()))
    84  		require.NoError(t, err)
    85  	}
    87  	// creates a topology as follows:
    88  	// groupOneNodes <--> accessNodeGroup <--> groupTwoNodes
    89  	p2ptest.LetNodesDiscoverEachOther(t, ctx, append(groupOneNodes, accessNodeGroup...), append(groupOneIds, accessNodeIds...))
    90  	p2ptest.LetNodesDiscoverEachOther(t, ctx, append(groupTwoNodes, accessNodeGroup...), append(groupTwoIds, accessNodeIds...))
    92  	// checks end-to-end message delivery works
    93  	// each node sends a distinct message to all and checks that all nodes receive it.
    94  	for _, node := range nodes {
    95  		outgoingMessageScope, err := message.NewOutgoingScope(
    96  			ids.NodeIDs(),
    97  			channels.TopicFromChannel(channels.PushBlocks, sporkId),
    98  			unittest.ProposalFixture(),
    99  			unittest.NetworkCodec().Encode,
   100  			message.ProtocolTypePubSub)
   101  		require.NoError(t, err)
   102  		require.NoError(t, node.Publish(ctx, outgoingMessageScope))
   104  		// checks that the message is received by all nodes.
   105  		ctx1s, cancel1s := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 5*time.Second)
   106  		expectedReceivedData, err := outgoingMessageScope.Proto().Marshal()
   107  		require.NoError(t, err)
   108  		p2pfixtures.SubsMustReceiveMessage(t, ctx1s, expectedReceivedData, groupOneSubs)
   109  		p2pfixtures.SubsMustReceiveMessage(t, ctx1s, expectedReceivedData, accessNodeSubs)
   110  		p2pfixtures.SubsMustReceiveMessage(t, ctx1s, expectedReceivedData, groupTwoSubs)
   112  		cancel1s()
   113  	}
   114  }
   116  // TestFullGossipSubConnectivityAmongHonestNodesWithMaliciousMajority tests pushing access nodes to the edges of the network.
   117  // This test proves that if access nodes are PUSHED to the edge of the network, even their malicious majority cannot partition
   118  // the network of honest nodes.
   119  // The scenario tests that whether two honest nodes are in each others topic mesh on GossipSub
   120  // when the network topology is a complete graph (i.e., full topology) and a malicious majority of access nodes are present.
   121  // The honest nodes (i.e., non-Access nodes) are enabled with peer scoring, then the honest nodes are enabled with peer scoring.
   122  func TestFullGossipSubConnectivityAmongHonestNodesWithMaliciousMajority(t *testing.T) {
   123  	// Note: if this test is ever flaky, this means a bug in our scoring system. Please escalate to the team instead of skipping.
   124  	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
   125  	signalerCtx := irrecoverable.NewMockSignalerContext(t, ctx)
   126  	sporkId := unittest.IdentifierFixture()
   128  	idProvider := mock.NewIdentityProvider(t)
   129  	defaultConfig, err := config.DefaultConfig()
   130  	require.NoError(t, err)
   132  	// override the default config to make the mesh tracer log more frequently
   133  	defaultConfig.NetworkConfig.GossipSub.RpcTracer.LocalMeshLogInterval = time.Second
   135  	con1Node, con1Id := p2ptest.NodeFixture(t, sporkId, t.Name(), idProvider, p2ptest.WithRole(flow.RoleConsensus), p2ptest.OverrideFlowConfig(defaultConfig))
   136  	con2Node, con2Id := p2ptest.NodeFixture(t, sporkId, t.Name(), idProvider, p2ptest.WithRole(flow.RoleConsensus), p2ptest.OverrideFlowConfig(defaultConfig))
   138  	// create > 2 * 12 malicious access nodes
   139  	// 12 is the maximum size of default GossipSub mesh.
   140  	// We want to make sure that it is unlikely for honest nodes to be in the same mesh without peer scoring.
   141  	accessNodeGroup, accessNodeIds := p2ptest.NodesFixture(t, sporkId, t.Name(), 30,
   142  		idProvider,
   143  		p2ptest.WithRole(flow.RoleAccess),
   144  		// overrides the default peer scoring parameters to mute GossipSub traffic from/to honest nodes.
   145  		p2ptest.EnablePeerScoringWithOverride(&p2p.PeerScoringConfigOverride{
   146  			AppSpecificScoreParams: maliciousAppSpecificScore(flow.IdentityList{&con1Id, &con2Id}, defaultConfig.NetworkConfig.GossipSub.ScoringParameters.PeerScoring.Protocol),
   147  		}),
   148  	)
   150  	allNodes := append([]p2p.LibP2PNode{con1Node, con2Node}, accessNodeGroup...)
   151  	allIds := append(flow.IdentityList{&con1Id, &con2Id}, accessNodeIds...)
   153  	provider := id.NewFixedIdentityProvider(allIds)
   154  	idProvider.On("ByPeerID", mocktestify.Anything).Return(
   155  		func(peerId peer.ID) *flow.Identity {
   156  			identity, _ := provider.ByPeerID(peerId)
   157  			return identity
   158  		}, func(peerId peer.ID) bool {
   159  			_, ok := provider.ByPeerID(peerId)
   160  			return ok
   161  		}).Maybe()
   163  	p2ptest.StartNodes(t, signalerCtx, allNodes)
   164  	defer p2ptest.StopNodes(t, allNodes, cancel)
   166  	blockTopic := channels.TopicFromChannel(channels.PushBlocks, sporkId)
   168  	// all nodes subscribe to block topic (common topic among all roles)
   169  	_, err = con1Node.Subscribe(blockTopic, flowpubsub.TopicValidator(unittest.Logger(), unittest.AllowAllPeerFilter()))
   170  	require.NoError(t, err)
   172  	_, err = con2Node.Subscribe(blockTopic, flowpubsub.TopicValidator(unittest.Logger(), unittest.AllowAllPeerFilter()))
   173  	require.NoError(t, err)
   175  	// access node group
   176  	accessNodeSubs := make([]p2p.Subscription, len(accessNodeGroup))
   177  	for i, node := range accessNodeGroup {
   178  		sub, err := node.Subscribe(blockTopic, flowpubsub.TopicValidator(unittest.Logger(), unittest.AllowAllPeerFilter()))
   179  		require.NoError(t, err, "access node %d failed to subscribe to block topic", i)
   180  		accessNodeSubs[i] = sub
   181  	}
   183  	// let nodes reside on a full topology, hence no partition is caused by the topology.
   184  	p2ptest.LetNodesDiscoverEachOther(t, ctx, allNodes, allIds)
   186  	// checks whether con1 and con2 are in the same mesh
   187  	tick := time.Second        // Set the tick duration as needed
   188  	timeout := 5 * time.Second // Set the timeout duration as needed
   190  	ticker := time.NewTicker(tick)
   191  	defer ticker.Stop()
   192  	timeoutCh := time.After(timeout)
   194  	con1HasCon2 := false // denotes whether con1 has con2 in its mesh
   195  	con2HasCon1 := false // denotes whether con2 has con1 in its mesh
   196  	for {
   197  		select {
   198  		case <-ticker.C:
   199  			con1BlockTopicPeers := con1Node.GetLocalMeshPeers(blockTopic)
   200  			for _, p := range con1BlockTopicPeers {
   201  				if p == con2Node.ID() {
   202  					con2HasCon1 = true
   203  					break // con1 has con2 in its mesh, break out of the current loop
   204  				}
   205  			}
   207  			con2BlockTopicPeers := con2Node.GetLocalMeshPeers(blockTopic)
   208  			for _, p := range con2BlockTopicPeers {
   209  				if p == con1Node.ID() {
   210  					con1HasCon2 = true
   211  					break // con2 has con1 in its mesh, break out of the current loop
   212  				}
   213  			}
   215  			if con2HasCon1 && con1HasCon2 {
   216  				return
   217  			}
   219  		case <-timeoutCh:
   220  			require.Fail(t, "timed out waiting for con1 to have con2 in its mesh; honest nodes are not on each others' topic mesh on GossipSub")
   221  		}
   222  	}
   223  }
   225  // maliciousAppSpecificScore returns a malicious app specific penalty function that rewards the malicious node and
   226  // punishes the honest nodes.
   227  func maliciousAppSpecificScore(honestIds flow.IdentityList, optionCfg p2pconfig.ProtocolLevelGossipSubScoreParams) func(peer.ID) float64 {
   228  	honestIdProvider := id.NewFixedIdentityProvider(honestIds)
   229  	return func(p peer.ID) float64 {
   230  		_, isHonest := honestIdProvider.ByPeerID(p)
   231  		if isHonest {
   232  			return optionCfg.AppSpecificScore.MaxAppSpecificPenalty
   233  		}
   235  		return optionCfg.AppSpecificScore.MaxAppSpecificReward
   236  	}
   237  }