
     1  package tracer
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"strconv"
     6  	"sync"
     7  	"time"
     9  	pubsub ""
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	p2pconfig ""
    22  	p2plogging ""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  )
    27  const (
    28  	// MeshLogIntervalMsg is the message logged by the tracer every logInterval.
    29  	MeshLogIntervalMsg = "topic mesh peers of local node since last heartbeat"
    31  	// MeshLogIntervalWarnMsg is the message logged by the tracer every logInterval if there are unknown peers in the mesh.
    32  	MeshLogIntervalWarnMsg = "unknown peers in topic mesh peers of local node since last heartbeat"
    34  	// defaultLastHighestIHaveRPCSizeResetInterval is the interval that we reset the tracker of max ihave size sent back
    35  	// to a default. We use ihave message max size to determine the health of requested iwants from remote peers. However,
    36  	// we don't desire an ihave size anomaly to persist forever, hence, we reset it back to a default every minute.
    37  	// The choice of the interval to be a minute is in harmony with the GossipSub decay interval.
    38  	defaultLastHighestIHaveRPCSizeResetInterval = time.Minute
    39  )
    41  // The GossipSubMeshTracer component in the GossipSub pubsub.RawTracer that is designed to track the local
    42  // mesh peers for each topic. By logging the mesh peers and updating the local mesh size metric, the GossipSubMeshTracer
    43  // provides insights into the behavior of the topology.
    44  //
    45  // This component also provides real-time and historical visibility into the topology.
    46  // The GossipSubMeshTracer logs the mesh peers of the local node for each topic
    47  // at a regular interval, enabling users to monitor the state of the mesh network and take appropriate action.
    48  // Additionally, it allows users to configure the logging interval.
    49  type GossipSubMeshTracer struct {
    50  	component.Component
    51  	topicMeshMu                  sync.RWMutex                    // to protect topicMeshMap
    52  	topicMeshMap                 map[string]map[peer.ID]struct{} // map of local mesh peers by topic.
    53  	logger                       zerolog.Logger
    54  	idProvider                   module.IdentityProvider
    55  	loggerInterval               time.Duration
    56  	metrics                      module.LocalGossipSubRouterMetrics
    57  	rpcSentTracker               *internal.RPCSentTracker
    58  	duplicateMessageTrackerCache *internal.DuplicateMessageTrackerCache
    59  }
    61  var _ p2p.PubSubTracer = (*GossipSubMeshTracer)(nil)
    63  type RpcSentTrackerConfig struct {
    64  	CacheSize            uint32 `validate:"gt=0"`
    65  	WorkerQueueCacheSize uint32 `validate:"gt=0"`
    66  	WorkerQueueNumber    int    `validate:"gt=0"`
    67  }
    69  type DuplicateMessageTrackerCacheConfig struct {
    70  	CacheSize uint32  `validate:"gt=0"`
    71  	Decay     float64 `validate:"gt=0"`
    72  }
    74  type GossipSubMeshTracerConfig struct {
    75  	network.NetworkingType             `validate:"required"`
    76  	metrics.HeroCacheMetricsFactory    `validate:"required"`
    77  	Logger                             zerolog.Logger                          `validate:"required"`
    78  	Metrics                            module.LocalGossipSubRouterMetrics      `validate:"required"`
    79  	IDProvider                         module.IdentityProvider                 `validate:"required"`
    80  	LoggerInterval                     time.Duration                           `validate:"required"`
    81  	DuplicateMessageTrackerCacheConfig p2pconfig.DuplicateMessageTrackerConfig `validate:"required"`
    82  	RpcSentTracker                     RpcSentTrackerConfig                    `validate:"required"`
    83  }
    85  // NewGossipSubMeshTracer creates a new *GossipSubMeshTracer.
    86  // Args:
    87  // - *GossipSubMeshTracerConfig: the mesh tracer config.
    88  // Returns:
    89  // - *GossipSubMeshTracer: new mesh tracer.
    90  func NewGossipSubMeshTracer(config *GossipSubMeshTracerConfig) *GossipSubMeshTracer {
    91  	lg := config.Logger.With().Str("component", "gossipsub_topology_tracer").Logger()
    92  	rpcSentTracker := internal.NewRPCSentTracker(&internal.RPCSentTrackerConfig{
    93  		Logger:                             lg,
    94  		RPCSentCacheSize:                   config.RpcSentTracker.CacheSize,
    95  		RPCSentCacheCollector:              metrics.GossipSubRPCSentTrackerMetricFactory(config.HeroCacheMetricsFactory, config.NetworkingType),
    96  		WorkerQueueCacheCollector:          metrics.GossipSubRPCSentTrackerQueueMetricFactory(config.HeroCacheMetricsFactory, config.NetworkingType),
    97  		WorkerQueueCacheSize:               config.RpcSentTracker.WorkerQueueCacheSize,
    98  		NumOfWorkers:                       config.RpcSentTracker.WorkerQueueNumber,
    99  		LastHighestIhavesSentResetInterval: defaultLastHighestIHaveRPCSizeResetInterval,
   100  	})
   101  	g := &GossipSubMeshTracer{
   102  		topicMeshMap:   make(map[string]map[peer.ID]struct{}),
   103  		idProvider:     config.IDProvider,
   104  		metrics:        config.Metrics,
   105  		logger:         lg,
   106  		loggerInterval: config.LoggerInterval,
   107  		rpcSentTracker: rpcSentTracker,
   108  		duplicateMessageTrackerCache: internal.NewDuplicateMessageTrackerCache(
   109  			config.DuplicateMessageTrackerCacheConfig.CacheSize,
   110  			config.DuplicateMessageTrackerCacheConfig.Decay,
   111  			config.DuplicateMessageTrackerCacheConfig.SkipDecayThreshold,
   112  			config.Logger,
   113  			metrics.GossipSubDuplicateMessageTrackerCacheMetricFactory(config.HeroCacheMetricsFactory, config.NetworkingType),
   114  		),
   115  	}
   117  	g.Component = component.NewComponentManagerBuilder().
   118  		AddWorker(func(ctx irrecoverable.SignalerContext, ready component.ReadyFunc) {
   119  			ready()
   120  			g.logLoop(ctx)
   121  		}).
   122  		AddWorker(func(ctx irrecoverable.SignalerContext, ready component.ReadyFunc) {
   123  			ready()
   124  			lg.Debug().Msg("starting rpc sent tracker")
   125  			g.rpcSentTracker.Start(ctx)
   126  			lg.Debug().Msg("rpc sent tracker started")
   128  			<-g.rpcSentTracker.Done()
   129  			lg.Debug().Msg("rpc sent tracker stopped")
   130  		}).
   131  		Build()
   133  	return g
   134  }
   136  // GetLocalMeshPeers returns the local mesh peers for the given topic.
   137  // Args:
   138  // - topic: the topic.
   139  // Returns:
   140  // - []peer.ID: the local mesh peers for the given topic.
   141  func (t *GossipSubMeshTracer) GetLocalMeshPeers(topic channels.Topic) []peer.ID {
   142  	t.topicMeshMu.RLock()
   143  	defer t.topicMeshMu.RUnlock()
   145  	peers := make([]peer.ID, 0, len(t.topicMeshMap[topic.String()]))
   146  	for p := range t.topicMeshMap[topic.String()] {
   147  		peers = append(peers, p)
   148  	}
   149  	return peers
   150  }
   152  // Graft is called by GossipSub when a peer is added to a topic mesh. The tracer uses this to track the mesh peers.
   153  func (t *GossipSubMeshTracer) Graft(p peer.ID, topic string) {
   154  	t.metrics.OnPeerGraftTopic(topic)
   155  	t.topicMeshMu.Lock()
   156  	defer t.topicMeshMu.Unlock()
   158  	lg := t.logger.With().Str("topic", topic).Str("peer_id", p2plogging.PeerId(p)).Logger()
   160  	if _, ok := t.topicMeshMap[topic]; !ok {
   161  		t.topicMeshMap[topic] = make(map[peer.ID]struct{})
   162  	}
   163  	t.topicMeshMap[topic][p] = struct{}{}
   164  	meshSize := len(t.topicMeshMap[topic])
   166  	t.metrics.OnLocalMeshSizeUpdated(topic, meshSize)
   167  	lg = lg.With().Int("mesh_size", meshSize).Logger()
   169  	id, exists := t.idProvider.ByPeerID(p)
   170  	if !exists {
   171  		lg.Warn().
   172  			Bool(logging.KeySuspicious, true).
   173  			Msg("grafted peer not found in identity provider")
   174  		return
   175  	}
   177  	lg.Debug().Hex("flow_id", logging.ID(id.NodeID)).Str("role", id.Role.String()).Msg("grafted peer")
   178  }
   180  // Prune is called by GossipSub when a peer is removed from a topic mesh. The tracer uses this to track the mesh peers.
   181  func (t *GossipSubMeshTracer) Prune(p peer.ID, topic string) {
   182  	t.metrics.OnPeerPruneTopic(topic)
   183  	t.topicMeshMu.Lock()
   184  	defer t.topicMeshMu.Unlock()
   186  	lg := t.logger.With().Str("topic", topic).Str("peer_id", p2plogging.PeerId(p)).Logger()
   188  	if _, ok := t.topicMeshMap[topic]; !ok {
   189  		return
   190  	}
   191  	delete(t.topicMeshMap[topic], p)
   193  	meshSize := len(t.topicMeshMap[topic])
   194  	t.metrics.OnLocalMeshSizeUpdated(topic, meshSize)
   195  	lg = lg.With().Int("mesh_size", meshSize).Logger()
   197  	id, exists := t.idProvider.ByPeerID(p)
   198  	if !exists {
   199  		lg.Warn().
   200  			Bool(logging.KeySuspicious, true).
   201  			Msg("pruned peer not found in identity provider")
   203  		return
   204  	}
   206  	lg.Debug().Hex("flow_id", logging.ID(id.NodeID)).Str("role", id.Role.String()).Msg("pruned peer")
   207  }
   209  // SendRPC is called by GossipSub when a RPC is sent. Currently, the GossipSubMeshTracer tracks iHave RPC messages that have been sent.
   210  // This function can be updated to track other control messages in the future as required.
   211  func (t *GossipSubMeshTracer) SendRPC(rpc *pubsub.RPC, p peer.ID) {
   212  	err := t.rpcSentTracker.Track(rpc)
   213  	if err != nil {
   214  		t.logger.Err(err).Bool(logging.KeyNetworkingSecurity, true).Msg("failed to track sent pubsbub rpc")
   215  	}
   217  	msgCount, ihaveCount, iwantCount, graftCount, pruneCount := 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
   218  	if rpc.Control != nil {
   219  		ihaveCount = len(rpc.Control.Ihave)
   220  		iwantCount = len(rpc.Control.Iwant)
   221  		graftCount = len(rpc.Control.Graft)
   222  		pruneCount = len(rpc.Control.Prune)
   223  	}
   224  	msgCount = len(rpc.Publish)
   225  	t.metrics.OnRpcReceived(msgCount, ihaveCount, iwantCount, graftCount, pruneCount)
   226  	if t.logger.GetLevel() == zerolog.TraceLevel {
   227  		t.logger.Trace().
   228  			Str("remote_peer_id", p2plogging.PeerId(p)).
   229  			Int("subscription_option_count", len(rpc.Subscriptions)).
   230  			Int("publish_message_count", msgCount).
   231  			Int("ihave_size", ihaveCount).
   232  			Int("iwant_size", iwantCount).
   233  			Int("graft_size", graftCount).
   234  			Int("prune_size", pruneCount).
   235  			Msg("sent pubsub rpc")
   236  	}
   238  	t.metrics.OnRpcSent(msgCount, ihaveCount, iwantCount, graftCount, pruneCount)
   239  }
   241  // AddPeer is called by GossipSub as a callback when a peer is added to the local node on a protocol, i.e., the local node is connected to the peer on a protocol.
   242  // The peer may or may not be subscribed to any topic.
   243  func (t *GossipSubMeshTracer) AddPeer(p peer.ID, proto protocol.ID) {
   244  	if t.logger.GetLevel() == zerolog.TraceLevel {
   245  		t.logger.Trace().
   246  			Str("local_peer_id", p2plogging.PeerId(p)).
   247  			Str("protocol", string(proto)).
   248  			Msg("peer added")
   249  	}
   250  	t.metrics.OnPeerAddedToProtocol(string(proto))
   251  }
   253  // RemovePeer is called by GossipSub as a callback when a peer is removed from the local node,
   254  // i.e., the local node is no longer connected to the peer.
   255  func (t *GossipSubMeshTracer) RemovePeer(p peer.ID) {
   256  	t.metrics.OnPeerRemovedFromProtocol()
   257  	if t.logger.GetLevel() == zerolog.TraceLevel {
   258  		t.logger.Trace().
   259  			Str("local_peer_id", p2plogging.PeerId(p)).
   260  			Msg("peer removed")
   261  	}
   262  }
   264  // Join is called by GossipSub as a callback when the local node joins a topic.
   265  func (t *GossipSubMeshTracer) Join(topic string) {
   266  	t.metrics.OnLocalPeerJoinedTopic()
   267  	if t.logger.GetLevel() == zerolog.TraceLevel {
   268  		t.logger.Trace().
   269  			Str("topic", topic).
   270  			Msg("local peer joined topic")
   271  	}
   272  }
   274  // Leave is called by GossipSub as a callback when the local node leaves a topic.
   275  func (t *GossipSubMeshTracer) Leave(topic string) {
   276  	t.metrics.OnLocalPeerLeftTopic()
   277  	if t.logger.GetLevel() == zerolog.TraceLevel {
   278  		t.logger.Trace().
   279  			Str("topic", topic).
   280  			Msg("local peer left topic")
   281  	}
   282  }
   284  // ValidateMessage is called by GossipSub as a callback when a message is received by the local node and entered the validation phase.
   285  // As the result of the validation, the message may be rejected or passed to the application (i.e., Flow protocol).
   286  func (t *GossipSubMeshTracer) ValidateMessage(msg *pubsub.Message) {
   287  	size := len(msg.Data)
   288  	t.metrics.OnMessageEnteredValidation(size)
   290  	if t.logger.GetLevel() > zerolog.TraceLevel {
   291  		return // return fast if we are not logging at trace level
   292  	}
   294  	lg := t.logger.With().Logger()
   295  	if msg.Topic != nil {
   296  		lg = lg.With().Str("topic", *msg.Topic).Logger()
   297  	}
   298  	from, err := peer.IDFromBytes(msg.From)
   299  	if err == nil {
   300  		lg = lg.With().Str("remote_peer_id", p2plogging.PeerId(from)).Logger()
   301  	}
   303  	lg.Trace().
   304  		Str("received_from", p2plogging.PeerId(msg.ReceivedFrom)).
   305  		Int("message_size", size).
   306  		Msg("received pubsub message entered validation phase")
   307  }
   309  // DeliverMessage is called by GossipSub as a callback when the local node delivers a message to all subscribers of the topic.
   310  func (t *GossipSubMeshTracer) DeliverMessage(msg *pubsub.Message) {
   311  	size := len(msg.Data)
   312  	t.metrics.OnMessageDeliveredToAllSubscribers(size)
   314  	if t.logger.GetLevel() > zerolog.TraceLevel {
   315  		return // return fast if we are not logging at trace level
   316  	}
   318  	lg := t.logger.With().Logger()
   319  	if msg.Topic != nil {
   320  		lg = lg.With().Str("topic", *msg.Topic).Logger()
   321  	}
   322  	from, err := peer.IDFromBytes(msg.From)
   323  	if err == nil {
   324  		lg = lg.With().Str("remote_peer_id", p2plogging.PeerId(from)).Logger()
   325  	}
   327  	lg.Trace().
   328  		Str("received_from", p2plogging.PeerId(msg.ReceivedFrom)).
   329  		Int("message_size", len(msg.Data)).
   330  		Msg("delivered pubsub message to all subscribers")
   331  }
   333  // RejectMessage is called by GossipSub as a callback when a message is rejected by the local node.
   334  // The message may be rejected for a variety of reasons, but the most common reason is that the message is invalid with respect to signature.
   335  // Any message that arrives at the local node should contain the peer id of the source (i.e., the peer that created the message), the
   336  // networking public key of the source, and the signature of the message. The local node uses this information to verify the message.
   337  // If any of the information is missing or invalid, the message is rejected.
   338  func (t *GossipSubMeshTracer) RejectMessage(msg *pubsub.Message, reason string) {
   339  	size := len(msg.Data)
   340  	t.metrics.OnMessageRejected(size, reason)
   342  	if t.logger.GetLevel() > zerolog.TraceLevel {
   343  		return // return fast if we are not logging at trace level
   344  	}
   346  	lg := t.logger.With().Logger()
   347  	if msg.Topic != nil {
   348  		lg = lg.With().Str("topic", *msg.Topic).Logger()
   349  	}
   350  	from, err := peer.IDFromBytes(msg.From)
   351  	if err == nil {
   352  		lg = lg.With().Str("remote_peer_id", p2plogging.PeerId(from)).Logger()
   353  	}
   355  	lg.Trace().
   356  		Str("received_from", p2plogging.PeerId(msg.ReceivedFrom)).
   357  		Int("message_size", size).
   358  		Msg("rejected pubsub message")
   360  }
   362  // DuplicateMessage is called by GossipSub as a callback when a duplicate message is received by the local node.
   363  func (t *GossipSubMeshTracer) DuplicateMessage(msg *pubsub.Message) {
   364  	size := len(msg.Data)
   365  	t.metrics.OnMessageDuplicate(size)
   367  	if t.logger.GetLevel() > zerolog.TraceLevel {
   368  		return // return fast if we are not logging at trace level
   369  	}
   371  	lg := t.logger.With().Logger()
   372  	if msg.Topic != nil {
   373  		lg = lg.With().Str("topic", *msg.Topic).Logger()
   374  	}
   375  	from, err := peer.IDFromBytes(msg.From)
   376  	if err == nil {
   377  		lg = lg.With().Str("remote_peer_id", p2plogging.PeerId(from)).Logger()
   378  	}
   380  	count, err := t.duplicateMessageTrackerCache.DuplicateMessageReceived(msg.ReceivedFrom)
   381  	if err != nil {
   382  		t.logger.Fatal().
   383  			Err(err).
   384  			Bool(logging.KeyNetworkingSecurity, true).
   385  			Msg("failed to increment gossipsub duplicate message tracker count for peer")
   386  		return
   387  	}
   389  	lg.Trace().
   390  		Str("received_from", p2plogging.PeerId(msg.ReceivedFrom)).
   391  		Int("message_size", size).
   392  		Float64("duplicate_message_count", count).
   393  		Msg("received duplicate pubsub message")
   395  }
   397  // ThrottlePeer is called by GossipSub when a peer is throttled by the local node, i.e., the local node is not accepting any
   398  // pubsub message from the peer but may still accept control messages.
   399  func (t *GossipSubMeshTracer) ThrottlePeer(p peer.ID) {
   400  	t.logger.Warn().
   401  		Bool(logging.KeyNetworkingSecurity, true).
   402  		Str("remote_peer_id", p2plogging.PeerId(p)).
   403  		Msg("throttled peer; no longer accepting pubsub messages from peer, but may still accept control messages")
   404  	t.metrics.OnPeerThrottled()
   405  }
   407  // RecvRPC is called by GossipSub as a callback when an inbound RPC message is received by the local node,
   408  // note that the RPC already passed the RPC inspection, hence its statistics may be different from the RPC inspector metrics, as
   409  // the RPC inspector metrics are updated before the RPC inspection, and the RPC may gone through truncation or rejection.
   410  // This callback tracks the RPC messages as they are completely received by the local GossipSub router.
   411  func (t *GossipSubMeshTracer) RecvRPC(rpc *pubsub.RPC) {
   412  	msgCount, ihaveCount, iwantCount, graftCount, pruneCount := 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
   413  	if rpc.Control != nil {
   414  		ihaveCount = len(rpc.Control.Ihave)
   415  		iwantCount = len(rpc.Control.Iwant)
   416  		graftCount = len(rpc.Control.Graft)
   417  		pruneCount = len(rpc.Control.Prune)
   418  	}
   419  	msgCount = len(rpc.Publish)
   420  	t.metrics.OnRpcReceived(msgCount, ihaveCount, iwantCount, graftCount, pruneCount)
   421  	if t.logger.GetLevel() == zerolog.TraceLevel {
   422  		t.logger.Trace().
   423  			Int("subscription_option_count", len(rpc.Subscriptions)).
   424  			Int("publish_message_count", msgCount).
   425  			Int("ihave_size", ihaveCount).
   426  			Int("iwant_size", iwantCount).
   427  			Int("graft_size", graftCount).
   428  			Int("prune_size", pruneCount).
   429  			Msg("received pubsub rpc")
   430  	}
   431  }
   433  // DropRPC is called by GossipSub as a callback when an outbound RPC message is dropped by the local node, typically because the local node
   434  // outbound message queue is full; or the RPC is big and the local node cannot fragment it.
   435  func (t *GossipSubMeshTracer) DropRPC(rpc *pubsub.RPC, p peer.ID) {
   436  	msgCount, ihaveCount, iwantCount, graftCount, pruneCount := 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
   437  	if rpc.Control != nil {
   438  		ihaveCount = len(rpc.Control.Ihave)
   439  		iwantCount = len(rpc.Control.Iwant)
   440  		graftCount = len(rpc.Control.Graft)
   441  		pruneCount = len(rpc.Control.Prune)
   442  	}
   443  	msgCount = len(rpc.Publish)
   444  	t.metrics.OnRpcReceived(msgCount, ihaveCount, iwantCount, graftCount, pruneCount)
   445  	if t.logger.GetLevel() == zerolog.TraceLevel {
   446  		t.logger.Warn().
   447  			Bool(logging.KeyNetworkingSecurity, true).
   448  			Str("remote_peer_id", p2plogging.PeerId(p)).
   449  			Int("subscription_option_count", len(rpc.Subscriptions)).
   450  			Int("publish_message_count", msgCount).
   451  			Int("ihave_size", ihaveCount).
   452  			Int("iwant_size", iwantCount).
   453  			Int("graft_size", graftCount).
   454  			Int("prune_size", pruneCount).
   455  			Msg("outbound rpc dropped")
   456  	}
   457  	t.metrics.OnOutboundRpcDropped()
   458  }
   460  // UndeliverableMessage is called by GossipSub as a callback when a message is dropped by the local node, typically because the local node
   461  // outbound message queue is full; or the message is big and the local node cannot fragment it.
   462  func (t *GossipSubMeshTracer) UndeliverableMessage(msg *pubsub.Message) {
   463  	t.logger.Warn().
   464  		Bool(logging.KeyNetworkingSecurity, true).
   465  		Str("topic", *msg.Topic).
   466  		Str("remote_peer_id", p2plogging.PeerId(msg.ReceivedFrom)).
   467  		Int("message_size", len(msg.Data)).
   468  		Msg("undeliverable pubsub message")
   469  	t.metrics.OnUndeliveredMessage()
   470  }
   472  // WasIHaveRPCSent returns true if an iHave control message for the messageID was sent, otherwise false.
   473  func (t *GossipSubMeshTracer) WasIHaveRPCSent(messageID string) bool {
   474  	return t.rpcSentTracker.WasIHaveRPCSent(messageID)
   475  }
   477  // LastHighestIHaveRPCSize returns the last highest RPC iHave message sent.
   478  func (t *GossipSubMeshTracer) LastHighestIHaveRPCSize() int64 {
   479  	return t.rpcSentTracker.LastHighestIHaveRPCSize()
   480  }
   482  // DuplicateMessageCount returns the current duplicate message count for the peer.
   483  func (t *GossipSubMeshTracer) DuplicateMessageCount(peerID peer.ID) float64 {
   484  	count, found, err := t.duplicateMessageTrackerCache.GetWithInit(peerID)
   485  	if err != nil {
   486  		t.logger.Fatal().
   487  			Err(err).
   488  			Bool(logging.KeyNetworkingSecurity, true).
   489  			Str("peer_id", p2plogging.PeerId(peerID)).
   490  			Msg("failed to get duplicate message count for peer")
   491  		return 0
   492  	}
   493  	if !found {
   494  		t.logger.Fatal().
   495  			Err(err).
   496  			Bool(logging.KeyNetworkingSecurity, true).
   497  			Str("peer_id", peerID.String()).
   498  			Msg("failed to initialize duplicate message count for peer during get with init")
   499  		return 0
   500  	}
   501  	return count
   502  }
   504  // logLoop logs the mesh peers of the local node for each topic at a regular interval.
   505  func (t *GossipSubMeshTracer) logLoop(ctx irrecoverable.SignalerContext) {
   506  	ticker := time.NewTicker(t.loggerInterval)
   507  	defer ticker.Stop()
   509  	for {
   510  		select {
   511  		case <-ctx.Done():
   512  			return
   513  		default:
   514  		}
   516  		select {
   517  		case <-ctx.Done():
   518  			return
   519  		case <-ticker.C:
   520  			t.logPeers()
   521  		}
   522  	}
   523  }
   525  // logPeers logs the mesh peers of the local node for each topic.
   526  // Note that based on GossipSub parameters, we expect to have between 6 and 12 peers in the mesh for each topic.
   527  // Hence, choosing a heartbeat interval in the order of minutes should be sufficient to log the mesh peers of the local node.
   528  // Also, note that the mesh peers are also logged reactively when a peer is added or removed from the mesh.
   529  func (t *GossipSubMeshTracer) logPeers() {
   530  	t.topicMeshMu.RLock()
   531  	defer t.topicMeshMu.RUnlock()
   532  	for topic := range t.topicMeshMap {
   533  		shouldWarn := false // whether we should warn about the mesh state
   535  		topicPeers := zerolog.Dict()
   537  		peerIndex := -1 // index to keep track of peer info in different logging dictionaries.
   538  		for p := range t.topicMeshMap[topic] {
   539  			peerIndex++
   540  			id, exists := t.idProvider.ByPeerID(p)
   542  			if !exists {
   543  				shouldWarn = true
   544  				topicPeers = topicPeers.Str(strconv.Itoa(peerIndex), fmt.Sprintf("pid=%s, flow_id=unknown, role=unknown", p2plogging.PeerId(p)))
   545  				continue
   546  			}
   548  			topicPeers = topicPeers.Str(strconv.Itoa(peerIndex), fmt.Sprintf("pid=%s, flow_id=%x, role=%s", p2plogging.PeerId(p), id.NodeID, id.Role.String()))
   549  		}
   551  		lg := t.logger.With().
   552  			Dur("heartbeat_interval", t.loggerInterval).
   553  			Str("topic", topic).
   554  			Dict("topic_mesh", topicPeers).
   555  			Logger()
   557  		if shouldWarn {
   558  			lg.Warn().
   559  				Bool(logging.KeySuspicious, true).
   560  				Msg(MeshLogIntervalWarnMsg)
   561  			continue
   562  		}
   563  		lg.Debug().Msg(MeshLogIntervalMsg)
   564  	}
   565  }