
     1  package cohort1
     3  import (
     4  	"context"
     5  	"fmt"
     6  	"math/rand"
     7  	"regexp"
     8  	"strings"
     9  	"sync"
    10  	"testing"
    11  	"time"
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	mockery ""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	libp2pmessage ""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	p2pnode ""
    39  	p2ptest ""
    40  	""
    41  	""
    42  	""
    43  	""
    44  )
    46  // libp2p emits a call to `Protect` with a topic-specific tag upon establishing each peering connection in a GossipSub mesh, see:
    47  //
    48  // One way to make sure such a mesh has formed, asynchronously, in unit tests, is to wait for libp2p.GossipSub such calls,
    49  // and that's what we do with tagsObserver.
    50  // Usage:
    51  // The tagsObserver struct observes the OnNext, OnError, and OnComplete events related to peer tags.
    52  // A channel 'tags' is used to communicate these tags, and the observer is subscribed to the observable connection manager.
    53  // Advantages:
    54  // Using tag observables helps understand the connectivity between different peers,
    55  // and can be valuable in testing scenarios where network connectivity is critical.
    56  // Issues:
    57  //   - Deviation from Production Code: This tag observation might be unique to the test environment,
    58  //     and therefore not reflect the behavior of the production code.
    59  //   - Mask Issues in the Production Environment: The observables are tied to testing and might
    60  //     lead to behaviors or errors that are masked or not evident within the actual production environment.
    61  //
    62  // TODO: Evaluate the necessity of tag observables in this test. Consider addressing the deviation from
    63  // production code and potential mask issues in the production environment. Evaluate the possibility
    64  // of removing this part eventually.
    65  type tagsObserver struct {
    66  	tags chan string
    67  	log  zerolog.Logger
    68  }
    70  func (co *tagsObserver) OnNext(peertag interface{}) {
    71  	pt, ok := peertag.(testutils.PeerTag)
    73  	if ok {
    74  		co.tags <- fmt.Sprintf("peer: %v tag: %v", pt.Peer, pt.Tag)
    75  	}
    77  }
    78  func (co *tagsObserver) OnError(err error) {
    79  	co.log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Tags Observer closed on an error")
    80  	close(co.tags)
    81  }
    82  func (co *tagsObserver) OnComplete() {
    83  	close(co.tags)
    84  }
    86  // TODO: eventually this should be moved to the p2pnet package.
    87  type NetworkTestSuite struct {
    88  	suite.Suite
    89  	sync.RWMutex
    90  	size        int // used to determine number of networks under test
    91  	libP2PNodes []p2p.LibP2PNode
    92  	networks    []*underlay.Network
    93  	obs         chan string // used to keep track of Protect events tagged by pubsub messages
    94  	ids         []*flow.Identity
    95  	metrics     *metrics.NoopCollector // no-op performance monitoring simulation
    96  	logger      zerolog.Logger
    97  	providers   []*unittest.UpdatableIDProvider
    98  	sporkId     flow.Identifier
    99  	mwCancel    context.CancelFunc
   100  	mwCtx       irrecoverable.SignalerContext
   101  }
   103  // TestNetworkTestSuit runs all the test methods in this test suit
   104  func TestNetworkTestSuite(t *testing.T) {
   105  	// should not run in parallel, some tests are stateful.
   106  	suite.Run(t, new(NetworkTestSuite))
   107  }
   109  // SetupTest initiates the test setups prior to each test
   110  func (suite *NetworkTestSuite) SetupTest() {
   111  	suite.logger = unittest.Logger()
   113  	suite.size = 2 // operates on two networks
   114  	suite.metrics = metrics.NewNoopCollector()
   116  	// create and start the networks and inject a connection observer
   117  	peerChannel := make(chan string)
   118  	ob := tagsObserver{
   119  		tags: peerChannel,
   120  		log:  suite.logger,
   121  	}
   123  	suite.sporkId = unittest.IdentifierFixture()
   125  	libP2PNodes := make([]p2p.LibP2PNode, 0)
   126  	identities := make(flow.IdentityList, 0)
   127  	tagObservables := make([]observable.Observable, 0)
   128  	idProvider := unittest.NewUpdatableIDProvider(flow.IdentityList{})
   129  	defaultFlowConfig, err := config.DefaultConfig()
   130  	require.NoError(suite.T(), err)
   131  	defaultFlowConfig.NetworkConfig.Unicast.UnicastManager.CreateStreamBackoffDelay = 1 * time.Millisecond
   133  	opts := []p2ptest.NodeFixtureParameterOption{p2ptest.WithUnicastHandlerFunc(nil)}
   135  	for i := 0; i < suite.size; i++ {
   136  		connManager, err := testutils.NewTagWatchingConnManager(
   137  			unittest.Logger(),
   138  			metrics.NewNoopCollector(),
   139  			&defaultFlowConfig.NetworkConfig.ConnectionManager)
   140  		require.NoError(suite.T(), err)
   142  		opts = append(opts,
   143  			p2ptest.WithConnectionManager(connManager),
   144  			p2ptest.WithRole(flow.RoleExecution),
   145  			p2ptest.OverrideFlowConfig(defaultFlowConfig)) // to suppress exponential backoff
   146  		node, nodeId := p2ptest.NodeFixture(suite.T(),
   147  			suite.sporkId,
   148  			suite.T().Name(),
   149  			idProvider,
   150  			opts...)
   151  		libP2PNodes = append(libP2PNodes, node)
   152  		identities = append(identities, &nodeId)
   153  		tagObservables = append(tagObservables, connManager)
   154  	}
   155  	idProvider.SetIdentities(identities)
   157  	suite.ids = identities
   158  	suite.libP2PNodes = libP2PNodes
   160  	suite.networks, suite.providers = testutils.NetworksFixture(suite.T(), suite.sporkId, suite.ids, suite.libP2PNodes)
   161  	for _, observableConnMgr := range tagObservables {
   162  		observableConnMgr.Subscribe(&ob)
   163  	}
   164  	suite.obs = peerChannel
   166  	require.Len(suite.Suite.T(), tagObservables, suite.size)
   167  	require.Len(suite.Suite.T(), suite.ids, suite.size)
   169  	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
   170  	suite.mwCancel = cancel
   172  	suite.mwCtx = irrecoverable.NewMockSignalerContext(suite.T(), ctx)
   174  	testutils.StartNodes(suite.mwCtx, suite.T(), suite.libP2PNodes)
   176  	for i, net := range suite.networks {
   177  		unittest.RequireComponentsReadyBefore(suite.T(), 1*time.Second, libP2PNodes[i])
   178  		net.Start(suite.mwCtx)
   179  		unittest.RequireComponentsReadyBefore(suite.T(), 1*time.Second, net)
   180  	}
   181  }
   183  func (suite *NetworkTestSuite) TearDownTest() {
   184  	suite.mwCancel()
   186  	testutils.StopComponents(suite.T(), suite.networks, 1*time.Second)
   187  	testutils.StopComponents(suite.T(), suite.libP2PNodes, 1*time.Second)
   188  	suite.libP2PNodes = nil
   189  	suite.ids = nil
   190  	suite.size = 0
   191  }
   193  // TestUpdateNodeAddresses tests that the UpdateNodeAddresses method correctly updates
   194  // the addresses of the staked network participants.
   195  func (suite *NetworkTestSuite) TestUpdateNodeAddresses() {
   196  	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(suite.mwCtx)
   197  	irrecoverableCtx := irrecoverable.NewMockSignalerContext(suite.T(), ctx)
   199  	// create a new staked identity
   200  	ids, libP2PNodes := testutils.LibP2PNodeForNetworkFixture(suite.T(), suite.sporkId, 1)
   201  	idProvider := unittest.NewUpdatableIDProvider(ids)
   202  	networkCfg := testutils.NetworkConfigFixture(
   203  		suite.T(),
   204  		*ids[0],
   205  		idProvider,
   206  		suite.sporkId,
   207  		libP2PNodes[0])
   208  	newNet, err := underlay.NewNetwork(networkCfg)
   209  	require.NoError(suite.T(), err)
   210  	require.Len(suite.T(), ids, 1)
   211  	newId := ids[0]
   213  	// start up nodes and peer managers
   214  	testutils.StartNodes(irrecoverableCtx, suite.T(), libP2PNodes)
   215  	defer testutils.StopComponents(suite.T(), libP2PNodes, 1*time.Second)
   217  	newNet.Start(irrecoverableCtx)
   218  	defer testutils.StopComponents(suite.T(), []network.EngineRegistry{newNet}, 1*time.Second)
   219  	unittest.RequireComponentsReadyBefore(suite.T(), 1*time.Second, newNet)
   221  	idList := flow.IdentityList(append(suite.ids, newId))
   223  	// needed to enable ID translation
   224  	suite.providers[0].SetIdentities(idList)
   226  	// unicast should fail to send because no address is known yet for the new identity
   227  	con, err := suite.networks[0].Register(channels.TestNetworkChannel, &mocknetwork.MessageProcessor{})
   228  	require.NoError(suite.T(), err)
   229  	err = con.Unicast(&libp2pmessage.TestMessage{
   230  		Text: "TestUpdateNodeAddresses",
   231  	}, newId.NodeID)
   232  	require.True(suite.T(), strings.Contains(err.Error(), swarm.ErrNoAddresses.Error()))
   234  	// update the addresses
   235  	suite.networks[0].UpdateNodeAddresses()
   237  	// now the message should send successfully
   238  	err = con.Unicast(&libp2pmessage.TestMessage{
   239  		Text: "TestUpdateNodeAddresses",
   240  	}, newId.NodeID)
   241  	require.NoError(suite.T(), err)
   243  	cancel()
   244  	unittest.RequireComponentsReadyBefore(suite.T(), 1*time.Second, newNet)
   245  }
   247  func (suite *NetworkTestSuite) TestUnicastRateLimit_Messages() {
   248  	unittest.SkipUnless(suite.T(), unittest.TEST_FLAKY, "flaky")
   249  	// limiter limit will be set to 5 events/sec the 6th event per interval will be rate limited
   250  	limit := rate.Limit(5)
   252  	// burst per interval
   253  	burst := 5
   255  	for _, net := range suite.networks {
   256  		require.NoError(suite.T(), net.Subscribe(channels.TestNetworkChannel))
   257  	}
   259  	messageRateLimiter := ratelimiter.NewRateLimiter(limit, burst, 3*time.Second)
   261  	// we only expect messages from the first networks on the test suite
   262  	expectedPID, err := unittest.PeerIDFromFlowID(suite.ids[0])
   263  	require.NoError(suite.T(), err)
   265  	// the onRateLimit call back we will use to keep track of how many times a rate limit happens.
   266  	rateLimits := atomic.NewUint64(0)
   268  	onRateLimit := func(peerID peer.ID, role, msgType, topic, reason string) {
   269  		require.Equal(suite.T(), reason, ratelimit.ReasonMessageCount.String())
   270  		require.Equal(suite.T(), expectedPID, peerID)
   271  		// update hook calls
   272  		rateLimits.Inc()
   273  	}
   275  	// setup rate limit distributor that will be used to track the number of rate limits via the onRateLimit callback.
   276  	consumer := testutils.NewRateLimiterConsumer(onRateLimit)
   277  	distributor := ratelimit.NewUnicastRateLimiterDistributor()
   278  	distributor.AddConsumer(consumer)
   280  	opts := []ratelimit.RateLimitersOption{ratelimit.WithMessageRateLimiter(messageRateLimiter), ratelimit.WithNotifier(distributor), ratelimit.WithDisabledRateLimiting(false)}
   281  	rateLimiters := ratelimit.NewRateLimiters(opts...)
   283  	defaultFlowConfig, err := config.DefaultConfig()
   284  	require.NoError(suite.T(), err)
   285  	defaultFlowConfig.NetworkConfig.Unicast.UnicastManager.CreateStreamBackoffDelay = 1 * time.Millisecond
   287  	idProvider := unittest.NewUpdatableIDProvider(suite.ids)
   288  	ids, libP2PNodes := testutils.LibP2PNodeForNetworkFixture(suite.T(),
   289  		suite.sporkId,
   290  		1,
   291  		p2ptest.WithUnicastRateLimitDistributor(distributor),
   292  		p2ptest.OverrideFlowConfig(defaultFlowConfig), // to suppress exponential backoff
   293  		p2ptest.WithConnectionGater(p2ptest.NewConnectionGater(idProvider, func(pid peer.ID) error {
   294  			if messageRateLimiter.IsRateLimited(pid) {
   295  				return fmt.Errorf("rate-limited peer")
   296  			}
   297  			return nil
   298  		})))
   299  	idProvider.SetIdentities(append(suite.ids, ids...))
   301  	netCfg := testutils.NetworkConfigFixture(
   302  		suite.T(),
   303  		*ids[0],
   304  		idProvider,
   305  		suite.sporkId,
   306  		libP2PNodes[0])
   307  	newNet, err := underlay.NewNetwork(
   308  		netCfg,
   309  		underlay.WithUnicastRateLimiters(rateLimiters),
   310  		underlay.WithPeerManagerFilters(testutils.IsRateLimitedPeerFilter(messageRateLimiter)))
   311  	require.NoError(suite.T(), err)
   313  	require.Len(suite.T(), ids, 1)
   314  	newId := ids[0]
   315  	idList := flow.IdentityList(append(suite.ids, newId))
   317  	suite.providers[0].SetIdentities(idList)
   319  	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(suite.mwCtx)
   320  	irrecoverableCtx := irrecoverable.NewMockSignalerContext(suite.T(), ctx)
   321  	testutils.StartNodes(irrecoverableCtx, suite.T(), libP2PNodes)
   322  	defer testutils.StopComponents(suite.T(), libP2PNodes, 1*time.Second)
   323  	testutils.StartNetworks(irrecoverableCtx, suite.T(), []network.EngineRegistry{newNet})
   325  	calls := atomic.NewUint64(0)
   326  	ch := make(chan struct{})
   327  	// registers an engine on the new network
   328  	newEngine := &mocknetwork.MessageProcessor{}
   329  	_, err = newNet.Register(channels.TestNetworkChannel, newEngine)
   330  	require.NoError(suite.T(), err)
   331  	newEngine.On("Process", channels.TestNetworkChannel, suite.ids[0].NodeID, mockery.Anything).Run(func(args mockery.Arguments) {
   332  		calls.Inc()
   333  		if calls.Load() >= 5 {
   334  			close(ch)
   335  		}
   336  	}).Return(nil)
   338  	// needed to enable ID translation
   339  	suite.providers[0].SetIdentities(idList)
   341  	// update the addresses
   342  	suite.networks[0].UpdateNodeAddresses()
   344  	// add our sender node as a direct peer to our receiving node, this allows us to ensure
   345  	// that connections to peers that are rate limited are completely prune. IsConnected will
   346  	// return true only if the node is a direct peer of the other, after rate limiting this direct
   347  	// peer should be removed by the peer manager.
   348  	p2ptest.LetNodesDiscoverEachOther(suite.T(), ctx, []p2p.LibP2PNode{libP2PNodes[0], suite.libP2PNodes[0]}, flow.IdentityList{ids[0], suite.ids[0]})
   349  	p2ptest.TryConnectionAndEnsureConnected(suite.T(), ctx, []p2p.LibP2PNode{libP2PNodes[0], suite.libP2PNodes[0]})
   351  	con0, err := suite.networks[0].Register(channels.TestNetworkChannel, &mocknetwork.MessageProcessor{})
   352  	require.NoError(suite.T(), err)
   354  	// with the rate limit configured to 5 msg/sec we send 10 messages at once and expect the rate limiter
   355  	// to be invoked at-least once. We send 10 messages due to the flakiness that is caused by async stream
   356  	// handling of streams.
   357  	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
   358  		err = con0.Unicast(&libp2pmessage.TestMessage{
   359  			Text: fmt.Sprintf("hello-%d", i),
   360  		}, newId.NodeID)
   361  		require.NoError(suite.T(), err)
   362  	}
   363  	// wait for all rate limits before shutting down network
   364  	unittest.RequireCloseBefore(suite.T(), ch, 100*time.Millisecond, "could not stop rate limit test ch on time")
   366  	// sleep for 1 seconds to allow connection pruner to prune connections
   367  	time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
   369  	// ensure connection to rate limited peer is pruned
   370  	p2ptest.EnsureNotConnectedBetweenGroups(suite.T(), ctx, []p2p.LibP2PNode{libP2PNodes[0]}, []p2p.LibP2PNode{suite.libP2PNodes[0]})
   371  	p2pfixtures.EnsureNoStreamCreationBetweenGroups(suite.T(), ctx, []p2p.LibP2PNode{libP2PNodes[0]}, []p2p.LibP2PNode{suite.libP2PNodes[0]})
   373  	// eventually the rate limited node should be able to reconnect and send messages
   374  	require.Eventually(suite.T(), func() bool {
   375  		err = con0.Unicast(&libp2pmessage.TestMessage{
   376  			Text: "hello",
   377  		}, newId.NodeID)
   378  		return err == nil
   379  	}, 3*time.Second, 100*time.Millisecond)
   381  	// shutdown our network so that each message can be processed
   382  	cancel()
   383  	unittest.RequireCloseBefore(suite.T(), libP2PNodes[0].Done(), 100*time.Millisecond, "could not stop libp2p node on time")
   384  	unittest.RequireCloseBefore(suite.T(), newNet.Done(), 100*time.Millisecond, "could not stop network on time")
   386  	// expect our rate limited peer callback to be invoked once
   387  	require.True(suite.T(), rateLimits.Load() > 0)
   388  }
   390  func (suite *NetworkTestSuite) TestUnicastRateLimit_Bandwidth() {
   391  	// limiter limit will be set up to 1000 bytes/sec
   392  	limit := rate.Limit(1000)
   394  	// burst per interval
   395  	burst := 1000
   397  	// we only expect messages from the first network on the test suite
   398  	expectedPID, err := unittest.PeerIDFromFlowID(suite.ids[0])
   399  	require.NoError(suite.T(), err)
   401  	// setup bandwidth rate limiter
   402  	bandwidthRateLimiter := ratelimit.NewBandWidthRateLimiter(limit, burst, 4*time.Second)
   404  	// the onRateLimit call back we will use to keep track of how many times a rate limit happens
   405  	// after 5 rate limits we will close ch.
   406  	ch := make(chan struct{})
   407  	rateLimits := atomic.NewUint64(0)
   408  	onRateLimit := func(peerID peer.ID, role, msgType, topic, reason string) {
   409  		require.Equal(suite.T(), reason, ratelimit.ReasonBandwidth.String())
   411  		// we only expect messages from the first network on the test suite
   412  		require.NoError(suite.T(), err)
   413  		require.Equal(suite.T(), expectedPID, peerID)
   414  		// update hook calls
   415  		rateLimits.Inc()
   416  		close(ch)
   417  	}
   419  	consumer := testutils.NewRateLimiterConsumer(onRateLimit)
   420  	distributor := ratelimit.NewUnicastRateLimiterDistributor()
   421  	distributor.AddConsumer(consumer)
   422  	opts := []ratelimit.RateLimitersOption{ratelimit.WithBandwidthRateLimiter(bandwidthRateLimiter), ratelimit.WithNotifier(distributor), ratelimit.WithDisabledRateLimiting(false)}
   423  	rateLimiters := ratelimit.NewRateLimiters(opts...)
   425  	defaultFlowConfig, err := config.DefaultConfig()
   426  	require.NoError(suite.T(), err)
   427  	defaultFlowConfig.NetworkConfig.Unicast.UnicastManager.CreateStreamBackoffDelay = 1 * time.Millisecond
   429  	idProvider := unittest.NewUpdatableIDProvider(suite.ids)
   430  	// create a new staked identity
   431  	ids, libP2PNodes := testutils.LibP2PNodeForNetworkFixture(suite.T(),
   432  		suite.sporkId,
   433  		1,
   434  		p2ptest.WithUnicastRateLimitDistributor(distributor),
   435  		p2ptest.OverrideFlowConfig(defaultFlowConfig), // to suppress exponential backoff
   436  		p2ptest.WithConnectionGater(p2ptest.NewConnectionGater(idProvider, func(pid peer.ID) error {
   437  			// create connection gater, connection gater will refuse connections from rate limited nodes
   438  			if bandwidthRateLimiter.IsRateLimited(pid) {
   439  				return fmt.Errorf("rate-limited peer")
   440  			}
   442  			return nil
   443  		})))
   444  	idProvider.SetIdentities(append(suite.ids, ids...))
   445  	suite.providers[0].SetIdentities(append(suite.ids, ids...))
   447  	netCfg := testutils.NetworkConfigFixture(
   448  		suite.T(),
   449  		*ids[0],
   450  		idProvider,
   451  		suite.sporkId,
   452  		libP2PNodes[0])
   453  	newNet, err := underlay.NewNetwork(
   454  		netCfg,
   455  		underlay.WithUnicastRateLimiters(rateLimiters),
   456  		underlay.WithPeerManagerFilters(testutils.IsRateLimitedPeerFilter(bandwidthRateLimiter)))
   457  	require.NoError(suite.T(), err)
   458  	require.Len(suite.T(), ids, 1)
   459  	newId := ids[0]
   461  	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(suite.mwCtx)
   462  	irrecoverableCtx := irrecoverable.NewMockSignalerContext(suite.T(), ctx)
   464  	testutils.StartNodes(irrecoverableCtx, suite.T(), libP2PNodes)
   465  	defer testutils.StopComponents(suite.T(), libP2PNodes, 1*time.Second)
   467  	testutils.StartNetworks(irrecoverableCtx, suite.T(), []network.EngineRegistry{newNet})
   468  	unittest.RequireComponentsReadyBefore(suite.T(), 1*time.Second, newNet)
   470  	// registers an engine on the new network so that it can receive messages on the TestNetworkChannel
   471  	newEngine := &mocknetwork.MessageProcessor{}
   472  	_, err = newNet.Register(channels.TestNetworkChannel, newEngine)
   473  	require.NoError(suite.T(), err)
   474  	newEngine.On("Process", channels.TestNetworkChannel, suite.ids[0].NodeID, mockery.Anything).Return(nil)
   476  	idList := flow.IdentityList(append(suite.ids, newId))
   478  	// needed to enable ID translation
   479  	suite.providers[0].SetIdentities(idList)
   481  	// update the addresses
   482  	suite.networks[0].UpdateNodeAddresses()
   484  	// add our sender node as a direct peer to our receiving node, this allows us to ensure
   485  	// that connections to peers that are rate limited are completely prune. IsConnected will
   486  	// return true only if the node is a direct peer of the other, after rate limiting this direct
   487  	// peer should be removed by the peer manager.
   488  	p2ptest.LetNodesDiscoverEachOther(suite.T(), ctx, []p2p.LibP2PNode{libP2PNodes[0], suite.libP2PNodes[0]}, flow.IdentityList{ids[0], suite.ids[0]})
   490  	// create message with about 400bytes (300 random bytes + 100bytes message info)
   491  	b := make([]byte, 300)
   492  	for i := range b {
   493  		b[i] = byte('X')
   494  	}
   495  	// send 3 messages at once with a size of 400 bytes each. The third message will be rate limited
   496  	// as it is more than our allowed bandwidth of 1000 bytes.
   497  	con0, err := suite.networks[0].Register(channels.TestNetworkChannel, &mocknetwork.MessageProcessor{})
   498  	require.NoError(suite.T(), err)
   499  	for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
   500  		err = con0.Unicast(&libp2pmessage.TestMessage{
   501  			Text: string(b),
   502  		}, newId.NodeID)
   503  		require.NoError(suite.T(), err)
   504  	}
   506  	// wait for all rate limits before shutting down network
   507  	unittest.RequireCloseBefore(suite.T(), ch, 100*time.Millisecond, "could not stop on rate limit test ch on time")
   509  	// sleep for 1 seconds to allow connection pruner to prune connections
   510  	time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
   512  	// ensure connection to rate limited peer is pruned
   513  	p2ptest.EnsureNotConnectedBetweenGroups(suite.T(), ctx, []p2p.LibP2PNode{libP2PNodes[0]}, []p2p.LibP2PNode{suite.libP2PNodes[0]})
   514  	p2pfixtures.EnsureNoStreamCreationBetweenGroups(suite.T(), ctx, []p2p.LibP2PNode{libP2PNodes[0]}, []p2p.LibP2PNode{suite.libP2PNodes[0]})
   516  	// eventually the rate limited node should be able to reconnect and send messages
   517  	require.Eventually(suite.T(), func() bool {
   518  		err = con0.Unicast(&libp2pmessage.TestMessage{
   519  			Text: "",
   520  		}, newId.NodeID)
   521  		return err == nil
   522  	}, 5*time.Second, 100*time.Millisecond)
   524  	// shutdown our network so that each message can be processed
   525  	cancel()
   526  	unittest.RequireComponentsDoneBefore(suite.T(), 5*time.Second, newNet)
   528  	// expect our rate limited peer callback to be invoked once
   529  	require.Equal(suite.T(), uint64(1), rateLimits.Load())
   530  }
   532  func (suite *NetworkTestSuite) createOverlay(provider *unittest.UpdatableIDProvider) *mocknetwork.Overlay {
   533  	overlay := &mocknetwork.Overlay{}
   534  	overlay.On("Identities").Maybe().Return(func() flow.IdentityList {
   535  		return provider.Identities(filter.Any)
   536  	})
   537  	overlay.On("Topology").Maybe().Return(func() flow.IdentityList {
   538  		return provider.Identities(filter.Any)
   539  	}, nil)
   540  	// this test is not testing the topic validator, especially in spoofing,
   541  	// so we always return a valid identity. We only care about the node role for the test TestMaxMessageSize_Unicast
   542  	// where EN are the only node authorized to send chunk data response.
   543  	identityOpts := unittest.WithRole(flow.RoleExecution)
   544  	overlay.On("Identity", mockery.AnythingOfType("peer.ID")).Maybe().Return(unittest.IdentityFixture(identityOpts), true)
   545  	return overlay
   546  }
   548  // TestPing sends a message from the first network of the test suit to the last one and checks that the
   549  // last network receives the message and that the message is correctly decoded.
   550  func (suite *NetworkTestSuite) TestPing() {
   551  	receiveWG := sync.WaitGroup{}
   552  	receiveWG.Add(1)
   553  	// extracts sender id based on the mock option
   554  	var err error
   556  	senderNodeIndex := 0
   557  	targetNodeIndex := suite.size - 1
   559  	expectedPayload := "TestPingContentReception"
   560  	// mocks a target engine on the last node of the test suit that will receive the message on the test channel.
   561  	targetEngine := &mocknetwork.MessageProcessor{} // target engine on the last node of the test suit that will receive the message
   562  	_, err = suite.networks[targetNodeIndex].Register(channels.TestNetworkChannel, targetEngine)
   563  	require.NoError(suite.T(), err)
   564  	// target engine must receive the message once with the expected payload
   565  	targetEngine.On("Process", mockery.Anything, mockery.Anything, mockery.Anything).
   566  		Run(func(args mockery.Arguments) {
   567  			receiveWG.Done()
   569  			msgChannel, ok := args[0].(channels.Channel)
   570  			require.True(suite.T(), ok)
   571  			require.Equal(suite.T(), channels.TestNetworkChannel, msgChannel) // channel
   573  			msgOriginID, ok := args[1].(flow.Identifier)
   574  			require.True(suite.T(), ok)
   575  			require.Equal(suite.T(), suite.ids[senderNodeIndex].NodeID, msgOriginID) // sender id
   577  			msgPayload, ok := args[2].(*libp2pmessage.TestMessage)
   578  			require.True(suite.T(), ok)
   579  			require.Equal(suite.T(), expectedPayload, msgPayload.Text) // payload
   580  		}).Return(nil).Once()
   582  	// sends a direct message from first node to the last node
   583  	con0, err := suite.networks[senderNodeIndex].Register(channels.TestNetworkChannel, &mocknetwork.MessageProcessor{})
   584  	require.NoError(suite.T(), err)
   585  	err = con0.Unicast(&libp2pmessage.TestMessage{
   586  		Text: expectedPayload,
   587  	}, suite.ids[targetNodeIndex].NodeID)
   588  	require.NoError(suite.Suite.T(), err)
   590  	unittest.RequireReturnsBefore(suite.T(), receiveWG.Wait, 1*time.Second, "did not receive message")
   591  }
   593  // TestMultiPing_TwoPings sends two messages concurrently from the first network of the test suit to the last one,
   594  // and checks that the last network receives the messages and that the messages are correctly decoded.
   595  func (suite *NetworkTestSuite) TestMultiPing_TwoPings() {
   596  	suite.MultiPing(2)
   597  }
   599  // TestMultiPing_FourPings sends four messages concurrently from the first network of the test suit to the last one,
   600  // and checks that the last network receives the messages and that the messages are correctly decoded.
   601  func (suite *NetworkTestSuite) TestMultiPing_FourPings() {
   602  	suite.MultiPing(4)
   603  }
   605  // TestMultiPing_EightPings sends eight messages concurrently from the first network of the test suit to the last one,
   606  // and checks that the last network receives the messages and that the messages are correctly decoded.
   607  func (suite *NetworkTestSuite) TestMultiPing_EightPings() {
   608  	suite.MultiPing(8)
   609  }
   611  // MultiPing sends count-many distinct messages concurrently from the first network of the test suit to the last one.
   612  // It evaluates the correctness of reception of the content of the messages. Each message must be received by the
   613  // last network of the test suit exactly once.
   614  func (suite *NetworkTestSuite) MultiPing(count int) {
   615  	receiveWG := sync.WaitGroup{}
   616  	sendWG := sync.WaitGroup{}
   617  	senderNodeIndex := 0
   618  	targetNodeIndex := suite.size - 1
   620  	receivedPayloads := unittest.NewProtectedMap[string, struct{}]() // keep track of unique payloads received.
   622  	// regex to extract the payload from the message
   623  	regex := regexp.MustCompile(`^hello from: \d`)
   625  	// creates a conduit on sender to send messages to the target on the test channel.
   626  	con0, err := suite.networks[senderNodeIndex].Register(channels.TestNetworkChannel, &mocknetwork.MessageProcessor{})
   627  	require.NoError(suite.T(), err)
   629  	// mocks a target engine on the last node of the test suit that will receive the message on the test channel.
   630  	targetEngine := &mocknetwork.MessageProcessor{}
   631  	_, err = suite.networks[targetNodeIndex].Register(channels.TestNetworkChannel, targetEngine)
   632  	targetEngine.On("Process", mockery.Anything, mockery.Anything, mockery.Anything).
   633  		Run(func(args mockery.Arguments) {
   634  			receiveWG.Done()
   636  			msgChannel, ok := args[0].(channels.Channel)
   637  			require.True(suite.T(), ok)
   638  			require.Equal(suite.T(), channels.TestNetworkChannel, msgChannel) // channel
   640  			msgOriginID, ok := args[1].(flow.Identifier)
   641  			require.True(suite.T(), ok)
   642  			require.Equal(suite.T(), suite.ids[senderNodeIndex].NodeID, msgOriginID) // sender id
   644  			msgPayload, ok := args[2].(*libp2pmessage.TestMessage)
   645  			require.True(suite.T(), ok)
   646  			// payload
   647  			require.True(suite.T(), regex.MatchString(msgPayload.Text))
   648  			require.False(suite.T(), receivedPayloads.Has(msgPayload.Text)) // payload must be unique
   649  			receivedPayloads.Add(msgPayload.Text, struct{}{})
   650  		}).Return(nil)
   652  	for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
   653  		receiveWG.Add(1)
   654  		sendWG.Add(1)
   656  		expectedPayloadText := fmt.Sprintf("hello from: %d", i)
   657  		require.NoError(suite.T(), err)
   658  		err = con0.Unicast(&libp2pmessage.TestMessage{
   659  			Text: expectedPayloadText,
   660  		}, suite.ids[targetNodeIndex].NodeID)
   661  		require.NoError(suite.Suite.T(), err)
   663  		go func() {
   664  			// sends a direct message from first node to the last node
   665  			err := con0.Unicast(&libp2pmessage.TestMessage{
   666  				Text: expectedPayloadText,
   667  			}, suite.ids[targetNodeIndex].NodeID)
   668  			require.NoError(suite.Suite.T(), err)
   670  			sendWG.Done()
   671  		}()
   672  	}
   674  	unittest.RequireReturnsBefore(suite.T(), sendWG.Wait, 1*time.Second, "could not send unicasts on time")
   675  	unittest.RequireReturnsBefore(suite.T(), receiveWG.Wait, 1*time.Second, "could not receive unicasts on time")
   676  }
   678  // TestEcho sends an echo message from first network to the last network
   679  // the last network echos back the message. The test evaluates the correctness
   680  // of the message reception as well as its content
   681  func (suite *NetworkTestSuite) TestEcho() {
   682  	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
   683  	// extracts sender id based on the mock option
   684  	var err error
   686  	wg.Add(2)
   687  	first := 0
   688  	last := suite.size - 1
   689  	// mocks a target engine on the first and last nodes of the test suit that will receive the message on the test channel.
   690  	targetEngine1 := &mocknetwork.MessageProcessor{}
   691  	con1, err := suite.networks[first].Register(channels.TestNetworkChannel, targetEngine1)
   692  	require.NoError(suite.T(), err)
   693  	targetEngine2 := &mocknetwork.MessageProcessor{}
   694  	con2, err := suite.networks[last].Register(channels.TestNetworkChannel, targetEngine2)
   695  	require.NoError(suite.T(), err)
   697  	// message sent from first node to the last node.
   698  	expectedSendMsg := "TestEcho"
   699  	// reply from last node to the first node.
   700  	expectedReplyMsg := "TestEcho response"
   702  	// mocks the target engine on the last node of the test suit that will receive the message on the test channel, and
   703  	// echos back the reply message to the sender.
   704  	targetEngine2.On("Process", mockery.Anything, mockery.Anything, mockery.Anything).
   705  		Run(func(args mockery.Arguments) {
   706  			wg.Done()
   708  			msgChannel, ok := args[0].(channels.Channel)
   709  			require.True(suite.T(), ok)
   710  			require.Equal(suite.T(), channels.TestNetworkChannel, msgChannel) // channel
   712  			msgOriginID, ok := args[1].(flow.Identifier)
   713  			require.True(suite.T(), ok)
   714  			require.Equal(suite.T(), suite.ids[first].NodeID, msgOriginID) // sender id
   716  			msgPayload, ok := args[2].(*libp2pmessage.TestMessage)
   717  			require.True(suite.T(), ok)
   718  			require.Equal(suite.T(), expectedSendMsg, msgPayload.Text) // payload
   720  			// echos back the same message back to the sender
   721  			require.NoError(suite.T(), con2.Unicast(&libp2pmessage.TestMessage{
   722  				Text: expectedReplyMsg,
   723  			}, suite.ids[first].NodeID))
   724  		}).Return(nil).Once()
   726  	// mocks the target engine on the last node of the test suit that will receive the message on the test channel, and
   727  	// echos back the reply message to the sender.
   728  	targetEngine1.On("Process", mockery.Anything, mockery.Anything, mockery.Anything).
   729  		Run(func(args mockery.Arguments) {
   730  			wg.Done()
   732  			msgChannel, ok := args[0].(channels.Channel)
   733  			require.True(suite.T(), ok)
   734  			require.Equal(suite.T(), channels.TestNetworkChannel, msgChannel) // channel
   736  			msgOriginID, ok := args[1].(flow.Identifier)
   737  			require.True(suite.T(), ok)
   738  			require.Equal(suite.T(), suite.ids[last].NodeID, msgOriginID) // sender id
   740  			msgPayload, ok := args[2].(*libp2pmessage.TestMessage)
   741  			require.True(suite.T(), ok)
   742  			require.Equal(suite.T(), expectedReplyMsg, msgPayload.Text) // payload
   743  		}).Return(nil)
   745  	// sends a direct message from first node to the last node
   746  	require.NoError(suite.T(), con1.Unicast(&libp2pmessage.TestMessage{
   747  		Text: expectedSendMsg,
   748  	}, suite.ids[last].NodeID))
   750  	unittest.RequireReturnsBefore(suite.T(), wg.Wait, 5*time.Second, "could not receive unicast on time")
   751  }
   753  // TestMaxMessageSize_Unicast evaluates that invoking Unicast method of the network on a message
   754  // size beyond the permissible unicast message size returns an error.
   755  func (suite *NetworkTestSuite) TestMaxMessageSize_Unicast() {
   756  	first := 0
   757  	last := suite.size - 1
   759  	// creates a network payload beyond the maximum message size
   760  	// Note: networkPayloadFixture considers 1000 bytes as the overhead of the encoded message,
   761  	// so the generated payload is 1000 bytes below the maximum unicast message size.
   762  	// We hence add up 1000 bytes to the input of network payload fixture to make
   763  	// sure that payload is beyond the permissible size.
   764  	payload := testutils.NetworkPayloadFixture(suite.T(), uint(underlay.DefaultMaxUnicastMsgSize)+1000)
   765  	event := &libp2pmessage.TestMessage{
   766  		Text: string(payload),
   767  	}
   769  	// sends a direct message from first node to the last node
   770  	con0, err := suite.networks[first].Register(channels.TestNetworkChannel, &mocknetwork.MessageProcessor{})
   771  	require.NoError(suite.T(), err)
   772  	require.Error(suite.T(), con0.Unicast(event, suite.ids[last].NodeID))
   773  }
   775  // TestLargeMessageSize_SendDirect asserts that a ChunkDataResponse is treated as a large message and can be unicasted
   776  // successfully even though it's size is greater than the default message size.
   777  func (suite *NetworkTestSuite) TestLargeMessageSize_SendDirect() {
   778  	sourceIndex := 0
   779  	targetIndex := suite.size - 1
   780  	targetId := suite.ids[targetIndex].NodeID
   782  	// creates a network payload with a size greater than the default max size using a known large message type
   783  	targetSize := uint64(underlay.DefaultMaxUnicastMsgSize) + 1000
   784  	event := unittest.ChunkDataResponseMsgFixture(unittest.IdentifierFixture(), unittest.WithApproximateSize(targetSize))
   786  	// expect one message to be received by the target
   787  	ch := make(chan struct{})
   788  	// mocks a target engine on the last node of the test suit that will receive the message on the test channel.
   789  	targetEngine := &mocknetwork.MessageProcessor{}
   790  	_, err := suite.networks[targetIndex].Register(channels.ProvideChunks, targetEngine)
   791  	require.NoError(suite.T(), err)
   792  	targetEngine.On("Process", mockery.Anything, mockery.Anything, mockery.Anything).
   793  		Run(func(args mockery.Arguments) {
   794  			defer close(ch)
   796  			msgChannel, ok := args[0].(channels.Channel)
   797  			require.True(suite.T(), ok)
   798  			require.Equal(suite.T(), channels.ProvideChunks, msgChannel) // channel
   800  			msgOriginID, ok := args[1].(flow.Identifier)
   801  			require.True(suite.T(), ok)
   802  			require.Equal(suite.T(), suite.ids[sourceIndex].NodeID, msgOriginID) // sender id
   804  			msgPayload, ok := args[2].(*messages.ChunkDataResponse)
   805  			require.True(suite.T(), ok)
   806  			require.Equal(suite.T(), event, msgPayload) // payload
   807  		}).Return(nil).Once()
   809  	// sends a direct message from source node to the target node
   810  	con0, err := suite.networks[sourceIndex].Register(channels.ProvideChunks, &mocknetwork.MessageProcessor{})
   811  	require.NoError(suite.T(), err)
   812  	require.NoError(suite.T(), con0.Unicast(event, targetId))
   814  	// check message reception on target
   815  	unittest.RequireCloseBefore(suite.T(), ch, 5*time.Second, "source node failed to send large message to target")
   816  }
   818  // TestMaxMessageSize_Publish evaluates that invoking Publish method of the network on a message
   819  // size beyond the permissible publish message size returns an error.
   820  func (suite *NetworkTestSuite) TestMaxMessageSize_Publish() {
   821  	firstIndex := 0
   822  	lastIndex := suite.size - 1
   823  	lastNodeId := suite.ids[lastIndex].NodeID
   825  	// creates a network payload beyond the maximum message size
   826  	// Note: networkPayloadFixture considers 1000 bytes as the overhead of the encoded message,
   827  	// so the generated payload is 1000 bytes below the maximum publish message size.
   828  	// We hence add up 1000 bytes to the input of network payload fixture to make
   829  	// sure that payload is beyond the permissible size.
   830  	payload := testutils.NetworkPayloadFixture(suite.T(), uint(p2pnode.DefaultMaxPubSubMsgSize)+1000)
   831  	event := &libp2pmessage.TestMessage{
   832  		Text: string(payload),
   833  	}
   834  	con0, err := suite.networks[firstIndex].Register(channels.TestNetworkChannel, &mocknetwork.MessageProcessor{})
   835  	require.NoError(suite.T(), err)
   837  	err = con0.Publish(event, lastNodeId)
   838  	require.Error(suite.Suite.T(), err)
   839  	require.ErrorContains(suite.T(), err, "exceeds configured max message size")
   840  }
   842  // TestUnsubscribe tests that an engine can unsubscribe from a topic it was earlier subscribed to and stop receiving
   843  // messages.
   844  func (suite *NetworkTestSuite) TestUnsubscribe() {
   845  	senderIndex := 0
   846  	targetIndex := suite.size - 1
   847  	targetId := suite.ids[targetIndex].NodeID
   849  	msgRcvd := make(chan struct{}, 2)
   850  	msgRcvdFun := func() {
   851  		<-msgRcvd
   852  	}
   854  	targetEngine := &mocknetwork.MessageProcessor{}
   855  	con2, err := suite.networks[targetIndex].Register(channels.TestNetworkChannel, targetEngine)
   856  	require.NoError(suite.T(), err)
   857  	targetEngine.On("Process", mockery.Anything, mockery.Anything, mockery.Anything).
   858  		Run(func(args mockery.Arguments) {
   859  			msgChannel, ok := args[0].(channels.Channel)
   860  			require.True(suite.T(), ok)
   861  			require.Equal(suite.T(), channels.TestNetworkChannel, msgChannel) // channel
   863  			msgOriginID, ok := args[1].(flow.Identifier)
   864  			require.True(suite.T(), ok)
   865  			require.Equal(suite.T(), suite.ids[senderIndex].NodeID, msgOriginID) // sender id
   867  			msgPayload, ok := args[2].(*libp2pmessage.TestMessage)
   868  			require.True(suite.T(), ok)
   869  			require.True(suite.T(), msgPayload.Text == "hello1") // payload, we only expect hello 1 that was sent before unsubscribe.
   870  			msgRcvd <- struct{}{}
   871  		}).Return(nil)
   873  	// first test that when both nodes are subscribed to the channel, the target node receives the message
   874  	con1, err := suite.networks[senderIndex].Register(channels.TestNetworkChannel, &mocknetwork.MessageProcessor{})
   875  	require.NoError(suite.T(), err)
   877  	// set up waiting for suite.size pubsub tags indicating a mesh has formed
   878  	for i := 0; i < suite.size; i++ {
   879  		select {
   880  		case <-suite.obs:
   881  		case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
   882  			assert.FailNow(suite.T(), "could not receive pubsub tag indicating mesh formed")
   883  		}
   884  	}
   886  	err = con1.Publish(&libp2pmessage.TestMessage{
   887  		Text: string("hello1"),
   888  	}, targetId)
   889  	require.NoError(suite.T(), err)
   891  	unittest.RequireReturnsBefore(suite.T(), msgRcvdFun, 3*time.Second, "message not received")
   893  	// now unsubscribe the target node from the channel
   894  	require.NoError(suite.T(), con2.Close())
   896  	// now publish a new message from the first node
   897  	err = con1.Publish(&libp2pmessage.TestMessage{
   898  		Text: string("hello2"),
   899  	}, targetId)
   900  	assert.NoError(suite.T(), err)
   902  	// assert that the new message is not received by the target node
   903  	unittest.RequireNeverReturnBefore(suite.T(), msgRcvdFun, 2*time.Second, "message received unexpectedly")
   904  }
   906  // TestChunkDataPackMaxMessageSize tests that the max message size for a chunk data pack response is set to the large message size.
   907  func TestChunkDataPackMaxMessageSize(t *testing.T) {
   908  	// creates an outgoing chunk data pack response message (imitating an EN is sending a chunk data pack response to VN).
   909  	msg, err := message.NewOutgoingScope(
   910  		flow.IdentifierList{unittest.IdentifierFixture()},
   911  		channels.TopicFromChannel(channels.ProvideChunks, unittest.IdentifierFixture()),
   912  		&messages.ChunkDataResponse{
   913  			ChunkDataPack: *unittest.ChunkDataPackFixture(unittest.IdentifierFixture()),
   914  			Nonce:         rand.Uint64(),
   915  		},
   916  		unittest.NetworkCodec().Encode,
   917  		message.ProtocolTypeUnicast)
   918  	require.NoError(t, err)
   920  	// get the max message size for the message
   921  	size, err := underlay.UnicastMaxMsgSizeByCode(msg.Proto().Payload)
   922  	require.NoError(t, err)
   923  	require.Equal(t, underlay.LargeMsgMaxUnicastMsgSize, size)
   924  }