
     1  {
     2      "properties": {
     3          "maxTuplesPerWrite": {
     4              "description": "The maximum allowed number of tuples per Write transaction.",
     5              "type": "integer",
     6              "default": 100,
     7              "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_MAX_TUPLES_PER_WRITE"
     8          },
     9          "maxTypesPerAuthorizationModel": {
    10              "description": "The maximum allowed number of type definitions per authorization model.",
    11              "type": "integer",
    12              "default": 100,
    13              "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_MAX_TYPES_PER_AUTHORIZATION_MODEL"
    14          },
    15          "maxAuthorizationModelSizeInBytes": {
    16              "description": "The maximum size in bytes allowed for persisting an Authorization Model (default is 256KB).",
    17              "type": "integer",
    18              "default": 262144,
    19              "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_MAX_AUTHORIZATION_MODEL_SIZE_IN_BYTES"
    20          },
    21          "maxConcurrentReadsForCheck": {
    22              "description": "The maximum allowed number of concurrent reads in a single Check query (default is MaxUint32).",
    23              "type": "integer",
    24              "default": 4294967295,
    25              "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_MAX_CONCURRENT_READS_FOR_CHECK"
    26          },
    27          "maxConcurrentReadsForListObjects": {
    28              "description": "The maximum allowed number of concurrent reads in a single ListObjects query (default is MaxUint32).",
    29              "type": "integer",
    30              "default": 4294967295,
    31              "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_MAX_CONCURRENT_READS_FOR_LIST_OBJECTS"
    32          },
    33          "maxConcurrentReadsForListUsers": {
    34              "description": "The maximum allowed number of concurrent reads in a single ListUsers query (default is MaxUint32).",
    35              "type": "integer",
    36              "default": 4294967295,
    37              "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_MAX_CONCURRENT_READS_FOR_LIST_USERS"
    38          },
    39          "changelogHorizonOffset": {
    40              "description": "The offset (in minutes) from the current time. Changes that occur after this offset will not be included in the response of ReadChanges.",
    41              "type": "integer",
    42              "default": 0,
    43              "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_CHANGELOG_HORIZON_OFFSET"
    44          },
    45          "resolveNodeLimit": {
    46              "description": "Maximum resolution depth to attempt before throwing an error (defines how deeply nested an authorization model can be before a query errors out).",
    47              "type": "integer",
    48              "default": 25,
    49              "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_RESOLVE_NODE_LIMIT"
    50          },
    51          "resolveNodeBreadthLimit": {
    52              "description": "Defines how many nodes on a given level can be evaluated concurrently in a Check resolution tree.",
    53              "type": "integer",
    54              "default": 100,
    55              "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_RESOLVE_NODE_BREADTH_LIMIT"
    56          },
    57          "listObjectsDeadline": {
    58              "description": "The timeout deadline for serving ListObjects requests",
    59              "type": "string",
    60              "format": "duration",
    61              "default": "3s",
    62              "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_LIST_OBJECTS_DEADLINE"
    63          },
    64          "listObjectsMaxResults": {
    65              "description": "The maximum results to return in the non-streaming ListObjects API response. If 0, all results can be returned",
    66              "type": "integer",
    67              "minimum": 0,
    68              "default": 1000,
    69              "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_LIST_OBJECTS_MAX_RESULTS"
    70          },
    71          "listUsersDeadline": {
    72              "description": "The timeout deadline for serving ListUsers requests. If 0s, there is no deadline",
    73              "type": "string",
    74              "format": "duration",
    75              "default": "3s",
    76              "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_LIST_USERS_DEADLINE"
    77          },
    78          "listUsersMaxResults": {
    79              "description": "The maximum results to return in ListUsers API response. If 0, all results can be returned",
    80              "type": "integer",
    81              "minimum": 0,
    82              "default": 1000,
    83              "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_LIST_USERS_MAX_RESULTS"
    84          },
    85          "requestDurationDatastoreQueryCountBuckets": {
    86              "description": "Datastore query count buckets used to label the histogram metric for measuring request duration.",
    87              "type": "array",
    88              "items": {
    89                  "minimum": 0,
    90                  "type": "integer"
    91              },
    92              "minItems": 1,
    93              "default": [50, 200],
    95          },
    96          "requestDurationDispatchCountBuckets": {
    97              "description": "Dispatch count buckets used to label the histogram metric for measuring request duration.",
    98              "type": "array",
    99              "items": {
   100                  "minimum": 0,
   101                  "type": "integer"
   102              },
   103              "minItems": 1,
   104              "default": [50, 200],
   105              "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_REQUEST_DURATION_DISPATCH_COUNT_BUCKETS"
   106          },
   107          "experimentals": {
   108              "description": "a list of experimental features to enable",
   109              "type": "array",
   110              "items": {
   111                  "type": "string",
   112                  "enum": ["enable-list-users"]
   113              },
   114              "default": [],
   115              "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_EXPERIMENTALS"
   116          },
   117          "playground": {
   118              "type": "object",
   119              "properties": {
   120                  "enabled": {
   121                      "description": "Enable/disable the OpenFGA Playground.",
   122                      "type": "boolean",
   123                      "default": true,
   124                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_PLAYGROUND_ENABLED"
   125                  },
   126                  "port": {
   127                      "description": "The port to serve the local OpenFGA Playground on.",
   128                      "type": "integer",
   129                      "default": 3000,
   130                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_PLAYGROUND_PORT"
   131                  }
   132              }
   133          },
   134          "profiler": {
   135              "type": "object",
   136              "properties": {
   137                  "enabled": {
   138                      "description": "Enabled/disable pprof profiling.",
   139                      "type": "boolean",
   140                      "default": false,
   141                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_PROFILER_ENABLED"
   142                  },
   143                  "addr": {
   144                      "description": "The host:port address to serve the pprof profiler server on.",
   145                      "type": "string",
   146                      "default": ":3001",
   147                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_PROFILER_ADDR"
   148                  }
   149              }
   150          },
   151          "datastore": {
   152              "type": "object",
   153              "properties": {
   154                  "engine": {
   155                      "description": "The datastore engine that will be used for persistence.",
   156                      "type": "string",
   157                      "enum": ["memory", "postgres", "mysql"],
   158                      "default": "memory",
   159                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_DATASTORE_ENGINE"
   160                  },
   161                  "uri": {
   162                      "description": "The connection uri to use to connect to the datastore (for any engine other than 'memory').",
   163                      "type": "string",
   164                      "examples": [
   165                          "postgres://user:pass@host:port/datastore?opts",
   166                          "user:pass@tcp(mysql-host:port)/datastore?parseTime=true&other-opts"
   167                      ],
   168                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_DATASTORE_URI"
   169                  },
   170                  "username": {
   171                      "description": "The connection username to connect to the datastore (overwrites any username provided in the connection uri).",
   172                      "type": "string",
   173                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_DATASTORE_USERNAME"
   174                  },
   175                  "password": {
   176                      "description": "The connection password to connect to the datastore (overwrites any password provided in the connection uri).",
   177                      "type": "string",
   178                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_DATASTORE_PASSWORD"
   179                  },
   180                  "maxCacheSize": {
   181                      "description": "The maximum number of cache keys that the storage cache can store before evicting old keys.",
   182                      "type": "integer",
   183                      "default": 100000,
   184                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_DATASTORE_MAX_CACHE_SIZE"
   185                  },
   186                  "maxOpenConns": {
   187                      "description": "The maximum number of open connections to the datastore.",
   188                      "type": "integer",
   189                      "default": "30",
   190                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_DATASTORE_MAX_OPEN_CONNS"
   191                  },
   192                  "maxIdleConns": {
   193                      "description": "the maximum number of connections to the datastore in the idle connection pool.",
   194                      "type": "integer",
   195                      "default": "10",
   196                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_DATASTORE_MAX_IDLE_CONNS"
   197                  },
   198                  "connMaxIdleTime": {
   199                      "description": "the maximum amount of time a connection to the datastore may be idle",
   200                      "type": "duration",
   201                      "default": "connections are not closed due to idle time - database/sql default",
   202                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_DATASTORE_CONN_MAX_IDLE_TIME"
   203                  },
   204                  "connMaxLifetime": {
   205                      "description": "the maximum amount of time a connection to the datastore may be reused",
   206                      "type": "duration",
   207                      "default": "connections are not closed due to connection's age - database/sql default",
   208                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_DATASTORE_CONN_MAX_LIFETIME"
   209                  },
   210                  "metrics": {
   211                      "type": "object",
   212                      "properties": {
   213                          "enabled": {
   214                              "description": "enable/disable sql metrics for the datastore",
   215                              "type": "boolean",
   216                              "default": false,
   217                              "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_DATASTORE_METRICS_ENABLED"
   218                          }
   219                      }
   220                  }
   221              }
   222          },
   223          "authn": {
   224              "type": "object",
   225              "properties": {
   226                  "method": {
   227                      "description": "The authentication method to use.",
   228                      "type": "string",
   229                      "enum": ["none", "preshared", "oidc"],
   230                      "default": "none",
   231                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_AUTHN_METHOD"
   232                  },
   233                  "preshared": {
   234                      "description": "One or more preshared keys to use for authentication. This must be set if `authn.method=preshared'.",
   235                      "$ref": "#/definitions/preshared"
   236                  },
   237                  "oidc": {
   238                      "description": "The OIDC provider specific settings. This must be set if 'authn.method=oidc'.",
   239                      "$ref": "#/definitions/oidc"
   240                  }
   242              }
   243          },
   244          "grpc": {
   245              "type": "object",
   246              "properties": {
   247                  "addr": {
   248                      "description": "The host:port address to serve the grpc server on.",
   249                      "type": "string",
   250                      "default": "",
   251                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_GRPC_ADDR"
   252                  },
   253                  "tls": {
   254                      "type": "object",
   255                      "properties": {
   256                          "enabled": {
   257                              "description": "Enables or disables transport layer security (TLS).",
   258                              "type": "boolean",
   259                              "default": false,
   260                              "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_GRPC_TLS_ENABLED"
   261                          },
   262                          "cert": {
   263                              "description": "The (absolute) file path of the certificate to use for the TLS connection.",
   264                              "type": "string",
   265                              "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_GRPC_TLS_CERT"
   266                          },
   267                          "key": {
   268                              "description": "The (absolute) file path of the TLS key that should be used for the TLS connection.",
   269                              "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_GRPC_TLS_KEY"
   270                          }
   271                      },
   272                      "required": ["enabled", "cert", "key"]
   273                  }
   274              }
   275          },
   276          "http": {
   277              "type": "object",
   278              "properties": {
   279                  "enabled": {
   280                      "description": "Enables or disables the OpenFGA HTTP server. If this is set to true then 'grpc.enabled' must be set to true.",
   281                      "type": "boolean",
   282                      "default": true,
   283                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_HTTP_ENABLED"
   284                  },
   285                  "addr": {
   286                      "description": "The host:port address to serve the HTTP server on.",
   287                      "type": "string",
   288                      "default": "",
   289                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_HTTP_ADDR"
   290                  },
   291                  "tls": {
   292                      "type": "object",
   293                      "properties": {
   294                          "enabled": {
   295                              "description": "Enables or disables transport layer security (TLS).",
   296                              "type": "boolean",
   297                              "default": false,
   298                              "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_HTTP_TLS_ENABLED"
   299                          },
   300                          "cert": {
   301                              "description": "The (absolute) file path of the certificate to use for the TLS connection.",
   302                              "type": "string",
   303                              "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_HTTP_TLS_CERT"
   304                          },
   305                          "key": {
   306                              "description": "The (absolute) file path of the TLS key that should be used for the TLS connection.",
   307                              "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_HTTP_TLS_KEY"
   308                          }
   309                      },
   310                      "required": ["enabled", "cert", "key"]
   311                  },
   312                  "upstreamTimeout": {
   313                      "description": "The timeout duration for proxying HTTP requests upstream to the grpc endpoint.",
   314                      "type": "string",
   315                      "default": "3s",
   316                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_HTTP_UPSTREAM_TIMEOUT"
   317                  },
   318                  "corsAllowedOrigins": {
   319                      "type": "array",
   320                      "items": {
   321                          "type": "string"
   322                      },
   323                      "default": ["*"],
   324                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_HTTP_CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS"
   325                  },
   326                  "corsAllowedHeaders": {
   327                      "type": "array",
   328                      "items": {
   329                          "type": "string"
   330                      },
   331                      "default": ["*"],
   332                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_HTTP_CORS_ALLOWED_HEADERS"
   333                  }
   334              }
   335          },
   336          "log": {
   337              "type": "object",
   338              "properties": {
   339                  "format": {
   340                      "description": "The log format to output logs in. For production we recommend 'json' format.",
   341                      "type": "string",
   342                      "enum": ["text", "json"],
   343                      "default": "text",
   344                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_LOG_FORMAT"
   345                  },
   346                  "level": {
   347                      "description": "The log level to set. For production we recommend 'info' format.",
   348                      "type": "string",
   349                      "enum": ["none", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "panic", "fatal"],
   350                      "default": "info",
   351                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_LOG_LEVEL"
   352                  },
   353                  "timestampFormat": {
   354                      "description": "The timestamp format to use for the log output.",
   355                      "type": "string",
   356                      "enum": ["Unix", "ISO8601"],
   357                      "default": "Unix",
   358                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_LOG_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT"
   359                  }
   360              }
   361          },
   362          "trace": {
   363              "type": "object",
   364              "properties": {
   365                  "enabled": {
   366                      "description": "Enable tracing.",
   367                      "type": "bool",
   368                      "default": "false",
   369                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_TRACE_ENABLED"
   370                  },
   371                  "otlp": {
   372                      "type": "object",
   373                      "properties": {
   374                          "endpoint": {
   375                              "description": "The grpc endpoint of the trace collector",
   376                              "type": "string",
   377                              "default": "",
   378                              "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_TRACE_OTLP_ENDPOINT"
   379                          },
   380                          "tls": {
   381                              "type": "object",
   382                              "properties": {
   383                                  "enabled": {
   384                                      "description": "Whether to use TLS connection for the trace collector",
   385                                      "type": "boolean",
   386                                      "default": false,
   387                                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_TRACE_OTLP_TLS_ENABLED"
   388                                  }
   389                              }
   390                          }
   391                      }
   392                  },
   393                  "sampleRatio": {
   394                      "description": "The fraction of traces to sample. 1 means all, 0 means none.",
   395                      "type": "float",
   396                      "default": "0.2",
   397                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_TRACE_SAMPLE_RATIO"
   398                  },
   399                  "serviceName": {
   400                      "description": "The service name included in sampled traces.",
   401                      "type": "string",
   402                      "default": "openfga",
   403                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_TRACE_SERVICE_NAME"
   404                  }
   405              }
   406          },
   407          "metrics": {
   408              "type": "object",
   409              "properties": {
   410                  "enabled": {
   411                      "description": "enable/disable prometheus metrics on the '/metrics' endpoint",
   412                      "type": "bool",
   413                      "default": "true",
   414                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_METRICS_ENABLED"
   415                  },
   416                  "addr": {
   417                      "description": "the host:port address to serve the prometheus metrics server on",
   418                      "type": "string",
   419                      "default": "",
   420                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_METRICS_ADDR"
   421                  },
   422                  "enableRPCHistograms": {
   423                      "description": "enables prometheus histogram metrics for RPC latency distributions",
   424                      "type": "bool",
   425                      "default": "false",
   426                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_METRICS_ENABLE_RPC_HISTOGRAMS"
   427                  }
   428              }
   429          },
   430          "checkQueryCache": {
   431              "type": "object",
   432              "properties": {
   433                  "enabled": {
   434                      "description": "when executing Check and ListObjects requests, enables caching. This will turn Check and ListObjects responses into eventually consistent responses",
   435                      "type": "bool",
   436                      "default": "false",
   437                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_CHECK_QUERY_CACHE_ENABLED"
   438                  },
   439                  "limit": {
   440                      "description": "if caching of Check and ListObjects calls is enabled, this is the size limit (in items) of the cache",
   441                      "type": "integer",
   442                      "default": "10000",
   443                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_CHECK_QUERY_CACHE_LIMIT"
   444                  },
   445                  "ttl": {
   446                      "description": "if caching of Check and ListObjects is enabled, this is the TTL of each value",
   447                      "type": "string",
   448                      "format": "duration",
   449                      "default": "10s",
   450                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_CHECK_QUERY_CACHE_TTL"
   451                  }
   452              }
   453          },
   454          "dispatchThrottling": {
   455              "type": "object",
   456              "properties": {
   457                  "enabled": {
   458                      "description": "enable throttling when request's number of dispatches is high",
   459                      "type": "bool",
   460                      "default": "false",
   461                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_DISPATCH_THROTTLING_ENABLED"
   462                  },
   463                  "frequency": {
   464                      "description": "the frequency period that the deprioritized throttling queue is evaluated. A higher value will result in more aggressive throttling",
   465                      "type": "duration",
   466                      "default": "10µs",
   467                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_DISPATCH_THROTTLING_FREQUENCY"
   468                  },
   469                  "threshold": {
   470                      "description": "define the number of recursive operations to occur before getting throttled",
   471                      "type": "integer",
   472                      "default": "100",
   473                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_DISPATCH_THROTTLING_THRESHOLD"
   474                  },
   475                  "maxThreshold": {
   476                      "description": "define the maximum dispatch threshold beyond above which requests will be throttled. 0 will use the 'dispatchThrottling.threshold' value as maximum",
   477                      "type": "integer",
   478                      "default": "0",
   479                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_DISPATCH_THROTTLING_MAX_THRESHOLD"
   480                  }
   481              }
   482          },
   483          "requestTimeout": {
   484              "description": "The timeout duration for a request.",
   485              "type": "duration",
   486              "default": "3s",
   487              "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_REQUEST_TIMEOUT"
   488          }
   489      },
   490      "definitions": {
   491          "oidc": {
   492              "type": "object",
   493              "properties": {
   494                  "issuer": {
   495                      "description": "The OIDC issuer (authorization server) signing the tokens.",
   496                      "type": "string",
   497                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_AUTHN_OIDC_ISSUER"
   498                  },
   499                  "audience": {
   500                      "description": "The OIDC audience of the tokens being signed by the authorization server.",
   501                      "type": "string",
   502                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_AUTHN_OIDC_AUDIENCE"
   503                  }
   504              },
   505              "required": ["issuer", "audience"]
   506          },
   507          "preshared": {
   508              "type": "object",
   509              "properties": {
   510                  "keys": {
   511                      "type": "array",
   512                      "items": {
   513                          "type": "string"
   514                      },
   515                      "minItems": 1,
   516                      "x-env-variable": "OPENFGA_AUTHN_PRESHARED_KEYS"
   517                  }
   518              },
   519              "required": ["keys"]
   520          }
   521      }
   522  }