
     1  # Adding a node via the node-joiner tool
     3  ## Pre-requisites
     4  1. The `oc` tool must be available in the execution environment (the "user host").
     5  2. Ensure `oc` is properly configured to manage the cluster to be expanded, i.e. by either:
     6     - running `oc login` command with the required cluster credentials, or
     7     - running `export KUBECONFIG=<cluster `kubeconfig` file>`
     9  ## Setup
    10  1. Download the [](./ script in a working directory in
    11     the user host (the "assets folder").
    12  2. Create a `nodes-config.yaml` in the assets folder. This configuration file must contain the 
    13     list of all the nodes that the user wants to add to the target cluster. At minimum, the name and primary interface MAC address must be specified. For example:
    14  ```
    15  hosts:
    16      - hostname: extra-worker-0
    17        interfaces:
    18          - name: eth0
    19            macAddress: 00:02:46:e3:9e:7c
    20      - hostname: extra-worker-1
    21        interfaces:
    22          - name: eth0
    23            macAddress: 00:02:46:e3:9e:8c
    24      - hostname: extra-worker-2
    25        interfaces:
    26          - name: eth0
    27            macAddress: 00:02:46:e3:9e:9c
    28  ```
    29  3. Optionally, it's possible to specify - for each node - an `NMState` configuration block denoted below as `networkConfig`
    30     (it will be applied during the first boot), for example:
    31  ```
    32  hosts:
    33      - hostname: extra-worker-0
    34        interfaces:
    35          - name: eth0
    36            macAddress: 00:02:46:e3:9e:7c
    37        networkConfig:
    38          interfaces:
    39            - name: eth0
    40              type: ethernet
    41              state: up
    42              mac-address: 00:02:46:e3:9e:7c
    43              ipv4:
    44                enabled: true
    45                address:
    46                  - ip:
    47                    prefix-length: 24
    48                dhcp: false
    49          dns-resolver:
    50            config:
    51              server:
    52                -
    53          routes:
    54            config:
    55              - destination: 
    56                next-hop-address:
    57                next-hop-interface: eth0
    58                table-id: 254
    59      - hostname: extra-worker-1
    60        interfaces:
    61          - name: eth0
    62            macAddress: 00:02:46:e3:9e:8c
    63      - hostname: extra-worker-2
    64        interfaces:
    65          - name: eth0
    66            macAddress: 00:02:46:e3:9e:9c
    67  ```
    69  ## ISO generation
    70  Run [](./
    71  ```bash
    72  $ ./
    73  ```
    74  The script will generate a temporary namespace prefixed with `openshift-node-joiner` in the target cluster,
    75  where a pod will be launched to execute the effective node-joiner workload.
    76  In case of success, the `node.x86_64.iso` ISO image will be downloaded in the assets folder.
    78  ### Configuration file name
    79  By default the script looks for a configuration file named `nodes-config.yaml`. It's possible to specify a 
    80  different config file name, as the first parameter of the script:
    82  ```bash
    83  $ ./ config.yaml
    84  ```
    86  ## Nodes joining
    87  Use the iso image to boot all the nodes listed in the configuration file, and wait for the related
    88  certificate signing requests (CSRs) to appear. When adding a new node to the cluster, two pending CSRs will
    89  be generated, and they must be manually approved by the user.
    91  Use the following command or [](./ described below to monitor the pending certificates:
    92  ```
    93  $ oc get csr
    94  ```
    95  Use the `oc` `approve` command to approve them:
    96  ```
    97  $ oc adm certificate approve <csr_name>
    98  ```
    99  Once all the pendings certificates will be approved, then the new node will become available:
   100  ```
   101  $ oc get nodes
   102  NAME            STATUS   ROLES                  AGE   VERSION
   103  extra-worker-0  Ready    worker                  1h   v1.29.3+8628c3c                                        
   104  master-0        Ready    control-plane,master   31h   v1.29.3+8628c3c
   105  master-1        Ready    control-plane,master   32h   v1.29.3+8628c3c
   106  master-2        Ready    control-plane,master   32h   v1.29.3+8628c3c
   107  ```
   109  # Monitoring
   110  After a node is booted using the ISO image, progress can be monitored using the script. 
   112  Download the [](./ script to a local directory.
   114  The script requires the IP address of the node to monitor.
   116  Run [](./
   117  ```bash
   118  $ ./
   119  ```
   121  The script will execute a command to monitor the node using a temporary namespace with
   122  prefix `openshift-node-joiner-monitor` in the target cluster. The output of this command
   123  is printed out to stdout.
   125  The script shows useful information about the node as it joins the cluster.  
   126  * Pre-flight validations. In case the node does not pass one or more validations, the installation will not start. The output of the failed validations are reported to allow users to fix the problem(s) when required.
   127  * Installation progress indicating the current stage is shown. For example, writing of the image to disk, and initial reboot are reported.
   128  * CSRs requiring the user's approval are shown.
   130  The script exits either after the node has joined the cluster and is in ready state or after 90 minutes have elapsed.
   132  Sample monitoring output:
   133  ```
   134  INFO[2024-04-29T22:45:39-04:00] Monitoring IPs: []             
   135  INFO[2024-04-29T22:48:17-04:00] Node Assisted Service API is available 
   136  INFO[2024-04-29T22:48:17-04:00] Node Cluster is adding hosts 
   137  INFO[2024-04-29T22:48:17-04:00] Node Updated image information (Image type is "full-iso", SSH public key is set) 
   138  INFO[2024-04-29T22:48:22-04:00] Node Host ca241aa5-4f86-42bf-95a3-6b7ab7d4d66a: Successfully registered 
   139  WARNING[2024-04-29T22:48:32-04:00] Node Host couldn't synchronize with any NTP server 
   140  WARNING[2024-04-29T22:48:32-04:00] Node Host extraworker-0: updated status from discovering to insufficient (Host does not meet the minimum hardware requirements: Host couldn't synchronize with any NTP server) 
   141  INFO[2024-04-29T22:49:28-04:00] Node Host extraworker-0: updated status from known to installing (Installation is in progress) 
   142  INFO[2024-04-29T22:50:28-04:00] Node Host: extraworker-0, reached installation stage Writing image to disk: 5% 
   143  INFO[2024-04-29T22:50:33-04:00] Node Host: extraworker-0, reached installation stage Writing image to disk: 16% 
   144  INFO[2024-04-29T22:50:38-04:00] Node Host: extraworker-0, reached installation stage Writing image to disk: 28% 
   145  INFO[2024-04-29T22:50:43-04:00] Node Host: extraworker-0, reached installation stage Writing image to disk: 40% 
   146  INFO[2024-04-29T22:50:48-04:00] Node Host: extraworker-0, reached installation stage Writing image to disk: 51% 
   147  INFO[2024-04-29T22:50:53-04:00] Node Host: extraworker-0, reached installation stage Writing image to disk: 67% 
   148  INFO[2024-04-29T22:50:58-04:00] Node Host: extraworker-0, reached installation stage Writing image to disk: 77% 
   149  INFO[2024-04-29T22:51:03-04:00] Node Host: extraworker-0, reached installation stage Writing image to disk: 88% 
   150  INFO[2024-04-29T22:51:08-04:00] Node Host: extraworker-0, reached installation stage Writing image to disk: 93% 
   151  INFO[2024-04-29T22:51:13-04:00] Node Host: extraworker-0, reached installation stage Rebooting 
   152  INFO[2024-04-29T22:56:35-04:00] Node Kubelet is running      
   153  INFO[2024-04-29T22:56:45-04:00] Node First CSR Pending approval 
   154  INFO[2024-04-29T22:56:45-04:00] CSR csr-257ms with signerName and username system:serviceaccount:openshift-machine-config-operator:node-bootstrapper is Pending and awaiting approval 
   155  INFO[2024-04-29T22:58:50-04:00] Node Second CSR Pending approval 
   156  INFO[2024-04-29T22:58:50-04:00] CSR csr-tc8xt with signerName and username system:node:extraworker-0 is Pending and awaiting approval 
   157  INFO[2024-04-29T22:58:50-04:00] Node Node joined cluster     
   158  INFO[2024-04-29T23:00:00-04:00] Node Node is Ready           
   159  ```