
     1  #!/bin/bash
     3  set -eu
     5  # Config file
     6  nodesConfigFile=${1:-"nodes-config.yaml"}
     7  if [ ! -f "$nodesConfigFile" ]; then
     8    echo "Cannot find the config file $nodesConfigFile"
     9    exit 1
    10  fi
    12  # Setup a cleanup function to ensure to remove the temporary
    13  # file when the script will be completed.
    14  cleanup() {
    15    if [ -f "$pullSecretFile" ]; then
    16      echo "Removing temporary file $pullSecretFile"
    17      rm "$pullSecretFile"
    18    fi
    19  }
    20  trap cleanup EXIT TERM
    22  # Retrieve the pullsecret and store it in a temporary file. 
    23  pullSecretFile=$(mktemp -p "/tmp" -t "nodejoiner-XXXXXXXXXX")
    24  oc get secret -n openshift-config pull-secret -o jsonpath='{.data.\.dockerconfigjson}' | base64 -d > "$pullSecretFile"
    26  # Extract the baremetal-installer image pullspec from the current cluster.
    27  nodeJoinerPullspec=$(oc adm release info --image-for=baremetal-installer --registry-config="$pullSecretFile")
    29  # Use the same random temp file suffix for the namespace.
    30  namespace=$(echo "openshift-node-joiner-${pullSecretFile#/tmp/nodejoiner-}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
    32  # Create the namespace to run the node-joiner, along with the required roles and bindings.
    33  staticResources=$(cat <<EOF
    34  apiVersion: v1
    35  kind: Namespace
    36  metadata:
    37    name: ${namespace}
    38  ---
    39  apiVersion: v1
    40  kind: ServiceAccount
    41  metadata:
    42    name: node-joiner
    43    namespace: ${namespace}
    44  ---
    45  apiVersion:
    46  kind: ClusterRole
    47  metadata:
    48    name: node-joiner
    49  rules:
    50  - apiGroups:
    51    -
    52    resources:
    53    - clusterversions
    54    - proxies
    55    verbs:
    56    - get
    57  - apiGroups:
    58    - ""
    59    resources:
    60    - secrets
    61    - configmaps
    62    - nodes
    63    verbs:
    64    - get
    65    - list
    66  ---
    67  apiVersion:
    68  kind: ClusterRoleBinding
    69  metadata:
    70    name: node-joiner
    71  subjects:
    72  - kind: ServiceAccount
    73    name: node-joiner
    74    namespace: ${namespace}
    75  roleRef:
    76    kind: ClusterRole
    77    name: node-joiner
    78    apiGroup:
    79  EOF
    80  )
    81  echo "$staticResources" | oc apply -f -
    83  # Generate a configMap to store the user configuration
    84  oc create configmap nodes-config --from-file=nodes-config.yaml="${nodesConfigFile}" -n "${namespace}" -o yaml --dry-run=client | oc apply -f -
    86  # Run the node-joiner pod to generate the ISO
    87  nodeJoinerPod=$(cat <<EOF
    88  apiVersion: v1
    89  kind: Pod
    90  metadata:
    91    name: node-joiner
    92    namespace: ${namespace}
    93    annotations:
    94 anyuid
    95    labels:
    96      app: node-joiner    
    97  spec:
    98    restartPolicy: Never
    99    serviceAccountName: node-joiner
   100    securityContext:
   101      seccompProfile:
   102        type: RuntimeDefault
   103    containers:
   104    - name: node-joiner
   105      imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
   106      image: $nodeJoinerPullspec
   107      volumeMounts:
   108      - name: nodes-config
   109        mountPath: /config
   110      - name: assets
   111        mountPath: /assets
   112      command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "cp /config/nodes-config.yaml /assets; HOME=/assets node-joiner add-nodes --dir=/assets --log-level=debug; sleep 600"]    
   113    volumes:
   114    - name: nodes-config
   115      configMap: 
   116        name: nodes-config
   117        namespace: ${namespace}
   118    - name: assets
   119      emptyDir: 
   120        sizeLimit: "4Gi"
   121  EOF
   122  )
   123  echo "$nodeJoinerPod" | oc apply -f -
   125  while true; do 
   126    if oc exec node-joiner -n "${namespace}" -- test -e /assets/exit_code >/dev/null 2>&1; then
   127      break
   128    else 
   129      echo "Waiting for node-joiner pod to complete..."
   130      sleep 10s
   131    fi
   132  done
   134  res=$(oc exec node-joiner -n "${namespace}" -- cat /assets/exit_code)
   135  if [ "$res" = 0 ]; then
   136    echo "node-joiner successfully completed, extracting ISO image..."
   137    oc cp -n "${namespace}" node-joiner:/assets/node.x86_64.iso node.x86_64.iso
   138  else
   139    oc logs node-joiner -n "${namespace}"
   140    echo "node-joiner failed"
   141  fi
   143  echo "Cleaning up"
   144  oc delete namespace "${namespace}" --grace-period=0 >/dev/null 2>&1 &