
     1  # Libvirt Installer for CI
     3  This image enables launching a libvirt cluster for CI testing through two primary mechanisms:
     4    1. Targeting a libvirt service running on a remote host
     5    2. Launching a libvirt VM nested in a GCE instance
     7  This image contains [`nss_wrapper`]( to execute `ssh` commands as
     8  a mock user to interact with the remote libvirt API or GCE instance from an OpenShift container.
    10  OpenShift containers run with an arbitrary uid, but SSH requires a valid user.  `nss_wrapper`
    11  allows for the container's user ID to be mapped to a username inside of a container.
    13  ### Example Usage
    15  You can override the container's current user ID and group ID by providing `NSS_WRAPPER_GROUP`
    16  and `NSS_WRAPPER_PASSWD` for the mock files, as well as `NSS_USERNAME`, `NSS_UID`, `NSS_GROUPNAME`,
    17  and/or `NSS_GID`. In OpenShift CI, `NSS_USERNAME` and `NSS_GROUPNAME` are set.
    18  The random UID assigned to the container is the UID that the mock username is mapped to.
    20  ```console
    21  $ podman run --rm \
    22  >   -e NSS_WRAPPER_GROUP=/tmp/group \
    23  >   -e NSS_WRAPPER_PASSWD=/tmp/passwd \
    24  >   -e NSS_UID=1000 \
    25  >   -e NSS_GID=1000 \
    26  >   -e NSS_USERNAME=testuser \
    27  >   -e NSS_GROUPNAME=testuser \
    28  >   nss_wrapper_img id testuser
    29  uid=1000(testuser) gid=1000(testuser) groups=1000(testuser)
    30  ```
    32  Or, in an OpenShift container:
    34  ```yaml
    35  containers:
    36  - name: setup
    37    image: nss-wrapper-image
    38    env:
    39    - name: NSS_WRAPPER_PASSWD
    40      value: /tmp/passwd
    41    - name: NSS_WRAPPER_GROUP
    42      value: /tmp/group
    43    - name: NSS_USERNAME
    44      value: mockuser
    45    - name: NSS_GROUPNAME
    46      value: mockuser
    47    command:
    48    - /bin/sh
    49    - -c
    50    - |
    51      #!/bin/sh
    52 openshift-install <args>
    53  ```