
     1  package manifests
     3  import (
     4  	"context"
     5  	"os"
     6  	"testing"
     8  	""
     9  	""
    10  	""
    11  	corev1 ""
    12  	v1 ""
    13  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  )
    22  func TestAgentPullSecret_Generate(t *testing.T) {
    23  	cases := []struct {
    24  		name           string
    25  		dependencies   []asset.Asset
    26  		expectedError  string
    27  		expectedConfig *corev1.Secret
    28  	}{
    29  		{
    30  			name: "retrieved from cluster",
    31  			dependencies: []asset.Asset{
    32  				&agent.OptionalInstallConfig{},
    33  				&workflow.AgentWorkflow{Workflow: workflow.AgentWorkflowTypeAddNodes},
    34  				&joiner.ClusterInfo{
    35  					ClusterName: "ostest",
    36  					Namespace:   "cluster0",
    37  					PullSecret:  "{\n  \"auths\": {\n    \"\": {\n      \"auth\": \"b3BlUTA=\",\n      \"email\": \"\"\n    }\n  }\n}",
    38  				},
    39  			},
    40  			expectedConfig: &corev1.Secret{
    41  				TypeMeta: v1.TypeMeta{
    42  					Kind:       "Secret",
    43  					APIVersion: "v1",
    44  				},
    45  				ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{
    46  					Name:      "ostest-pull-secret",
    47  					Namespace: "cluster0",
    48  				},
    49  				StringData: map[string]string{
    50  					".dockerconfigjson": "{\n  \"auths\": {\n    \"\": {\n      \"auth\": \"b3BlUTA=\",\n      \"email\": \"\"\n    }\n  }\n}",
    51  				},
    52  			},
    53  		},
    54  		{
    55  			name: "missing install config",
    56  			dependencies: []asset.Asset{
    57  				&agent.OptionalInstallConfig{}, &workflow.AgentWorkflow{Workflow: workflow.AgentWorkflowTypeInstall}, &joiner.ClusterInfo{},
    58  			},
    59  			expectedError: "missing configuration or manifest file",
    60  		},
    61  		{
    62  			name: "valid configuration",
    63  			dependencies: []asset.Asset{
    64  				getValidOptionalInstallConfig(), &workflow.AgentWorkflow{Workflow: workflow.AgentWorkflowTypeInstall}, &joiner.ClusterInfo{},
    65  			},
    66  			expectedConfig: &corev1.Secret{
    67  				TypeMeta: v1.TypeMeta{
    68  					Kind:       "Secret",
    69  					APIVersion: "v1",
    70  				},
    71  				ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{
    72  					Name:      getPullSecretName(getValidOptionalInstallConfig().ClusterName()),
    73  					Namespace: getValidOptionalInstallConfig().ClusterNamespace(),
    74  				},
    75  				StringData: map[string]string{
    76  					".dockerconfigjson": "{\n  \"auths\": {\n    \"\": {\n      \"auth\": \"b3BlUTA=\",\n      \"email\": \"\"\n    }\n  }\n}",
    77  				},
    78  			},
    79  		},
    80  	}
    81  	for _, tc := range cases {
    82  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
    84  			parents := asset.Parents{}
    85  			parents.Add(tc.dependencies...)
    87  			asset := &AgentPullSecret{}
    88  			err := asset.Generate(context.Background(), parents)
    90  			if tc.expectedError != "" {
    91  				assert.Equal(t, tc.expectedError, err.Error())
    92  			} else {
    93  				assert.NoError(t, err)
    94  				assert.Equal(t, tc.expectedConfig, asset.Config)
    95  				assert.NotEmpty(t, asset.Files())
    97  				configFile := asset.Files()[0]
    98  				assert.Equal(t, "cluster-manifests/pull-secret.yaml", configFile.Filename)
   100  				var actualConfig corev1.Secret
   101  				err = yaml.Unmarshal(configFile.Data, &actualConfig)
   102  				assert.NoError(t, err)
   103  				assert.Equal(t, *tc.expectedConfig, actualConfig)
   104  			}
   105  		})
   106  	}
   107  }
   109  func TestAgentPullSecret_LoadedFromDisk(t *testing.T) {
   111  	cases := []struct {
   112  		name           string
   113  		data           string
   114  		fetchError     error
   115  		expectedFound  bool
   116  		expectedError  string
   117  		expectedConfig *corev1.Secret
   118  	}{
   119  		{
   120  			name: "valid-config-file",
   121  			data: `
   122  apiVersion: v1
   123  kind: Secret
   124  metadata:
   125    name: pull-secret
   126    namespace: cluster-0
   127  stringData:
   128    .dockerconfigjson: '{"auths":{"cloud.test":{"auth":"c3VwZXItc2VjcmV0Cg=="}}}'`,
   129  			expectedFound: true,
   130  			expectedConfig: &corev1.Secret{
   131  				TypeMeta: v1.TypeMeta{
   132  					Kind:       "Secret",
   133  					APIVersion: "v1",
   134  				},
   135  				ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{
   136  					Name:      "pull-secret",
   137  					Namespace: "cluster-0",
   138  				},
   139  				StringData: map[string]string{
   140  					".dockerconfigjson": "{\n  \"auths\": {\n    \"cloud.test\": {\n      \"auth\": \"c3VwZXItc2VjcmV0Cg==\"\n    }\n  }\n}",
   141  				},
   142  			},
   143  		},
   144  		{
   145  			name:          "not-yaml",
   146  			data:          `This is not a yaml file`,
   147  			expectedError: "failed to unmarshal cluster-manifests/pull-secret.yaml: error unmarshaling JSON: while decoding JSON: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go value of type v1.Secret",
   148  		},
   149  		{
   150  			name:          "empty",
   151  			data:          "",
   152  			expectedError: "invalid PullSecret configuration: StringData: Required value: the pull secret is empty",
   153  		},
   154  		{
   155  			name: "missing-string-data",
   156  			data: `
   157  apiVersion: v1
   158  kind: Secret
   159  metadata:
   160    name: pull-secret
   161    namespace: cluster-0`,
   162  			expectedError: "invalid PullSecret configuration: StringData: Required value: the pull secret is empty",
   163  		},
   164  		{
   165  			name: "missing-secret-key",
   166  			data: `
   167  apiVersion: v1
   168  kind: Secret
   169  metadata:
   170    name: pull-secret
   171    namespace: cluster-0
   172  stringData:
   173    .dockerconfigjson:`,
   174  			expectedError: "invalid PullSecret configuration: StringData: Required value: the pull secret does not contain any data",
   175  		},
   176  		{
   177  			name: "bad-secret-format",
   178  			data: `
   179  apiVersion: v1
   180  kind: Secret
   181  metadata:
   182    name: pull-secret
   183    namespace: cluster-0
   184  stringData:
   185    .dockerconfigjson: 'foo'`,
   186  			expectedError: "invalid PullSecret configuration: StringData: Invalid value: \"foo\": invalid character 'o' in literal false (expecting 'a')",
   187  		},
   188  		{
   189  			name:       "file-not-found",
   190  			fetchError: &os.PathError{Err: os.ErrNotExist},
   191  		},
   192  		{
   193  			name:          "error-fetching-file",
   194  			fetchError:    errors.New("fetch failed"),
   195  			expectedError: "failed to load cluster-manifests/pull-secret.yaml file: fetch failed",
   196  		},
   197  		{
   198  			name: "unknown-field",
   199  			data: `
   200  		metadata:
   201  		  name: pull-secret
   202  		  namespace: cluster0
   203  		spec:
   204  		  wrongField: wrongValue`,
   205  			expectedError: "failed to unmarshal cluster-manifests/pull-secret.yaml: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 2: found character that cannot start any token",
   206  		},
   207  	}
   208  	for _, tc := range cases {
   209  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
   211  			mockCtrl := gomock.NewController(t)
   212  			defer mockCtrl.Finish()
   214  			fileFetcher := mock.NewMockFileFetcher(mockCtrl)
   215  			fileFetcher.EXPECT().FetchByName(agentPullSecretFilename).
   216  				Return(
   217  					&asset.File{
   218  						Filename: agentPullSecretFilename,
   219  						Data:     []byte(},
   220  					tc.fetchError,
   221  				)
   223  			asset := &AgentPullSecret{}
   224  			found, err := asset.Load(fileFetcher)
   225  			assert.Equal(t, tc.expectedFound, found, "unexpected found value returned from Load")
   226  			if tc.expectedError != "" {
   227  				assert.Equal(t, tc.expectedError, err.Error())
   228  			} else {
   229  				assert.NoError(t, err)
   230  			}
   231  			if tc.expectedFound {
   232  				assert.Equal(t, tc.expectedConfig, asset.Config, "unexpected Config in AgentPullSecret")
   233  			}
   234  		})
   235  	}
   237  }