
     1  package baremetal
     3  import (
     4  	apiextv1 ""
     6  	configv1 ""
     7  	""
     8  )
    10  // BMC stores the information about a baremetal host's management controller.
    11  type BMC struct {
    12  	Username                       string `json:"username" validate:"required"`
    13  	Password                       string `json:"password" validate:"required"`
    14  	Address                        string `json:"address" validate:"required,uniqueField"`
    15  	DisableCertificateVerification bool   `json:"disableCertificateVerification"`
    16  }
    18  // BootMode puts the server in legacy (BIOS), UEFI secure boot or UEFI mode for
    19  // booting. Secure boot is only enabled during the final instance boot.
    20  // The default is UEFI.
    21  // +kubebuilder:validation:Enum="";UEFI;UEFISecureBoot;legacy
    22  type BootMode string
    24  // Allowed boot mode from metal3
    25  const (
    26  	UEFI           BootMode = "UEFI"
    27  	UEFISecureBoot BootMode = "UEFISecureBoot"
    28  	Legacy         BootMode = "legacy"
    29  )
    31  const (
    32  	masterRole string = "master"
    33  	workerRole string = "worker"
    34  )
    36  // Host stores all the configuration data for a baremetal host.
    37  type Host struct {
    38  	Name            string           `json:"name,omitempty" validate:"required,uniqueField"`
    39  	BMC             BMC              `json:"bmc"`
    40  	Role            string           `json:"role"`
    41  	BootMACAddress  string           `json:"bootMACAddress" validate:"required,uniqueField"`
    42  	HardwareProfile string           `json:"hardwareProfile"`
    43  	RootDeviceHints *RootDeviceHints `json:"rootDeviceHints,omitempty"`
    44  	BootMode        BootMode         `json:"bootMode,omitempty"`
    45  	NetworkConfig   *apiextv1.JSON   `json:"networkConfig,omitempty"`
    46  }
    48  // IsMaster checks if the current host is a master
    49  func (h *Host) IsMaster() bool {
    50  	return h.Role == masterRole
    51  }
    53  // IsWorker checks if the current host is a worker
    54  func (h *Host) IsWorker() bool {
    55  	return h.Role == workerRole
    56  }
    58  var sortIndex = map[string]int{masterRole: -1, workerRole: 0, "": 1}
    60  // CompareByRole allows to compare two hosts by the Role
    61  func (h *Host) CompareByRole(k *Host) bool {
    62  	return sortIndex[h.Role] < sortIndex[k.Role]
    63  }
    65  // ProvisioningNetwork determines how we will use the provisioning network.
    66  // +kubebuilder:validation:Enum="";Managed;Unmanaged;Disabled
    67  type ProvisioningNetwork string
    69  const (
    70  	// ManagedProvisioningNetwork indicates we should fully manage the provisioning network, including DHCP
    71  	// services required for PXE-based provisioning.
    72  	ManagedProvisioningNetwork ProvisioningNetwork = "Managed"
    74  	// UnmanagedProvisioningNetwork indicates responsibility for managing the provisioning network is left to the
    75  	// user. No DHCP server will be configured, however TFTP remains enabled if a user wants to use PXE-based provisioning.
    76  	// However, they will need to configure external DHCP correctly with next-server definitions set to the relevant
    77  	// provisioning IP's.
    78  	UnmanagedProvisioningNetwork ProvisioningNetwork = "Unmanaged"
    80  	// DisabledProvisioningNetwork indicates that no provisioning network will be used. Provisioning capabilities
    81  	// will be limited to virtual media-based deployments only, and neither DHCP nor TFTP will be operated by the
    82  	// cluster.
    83  	DisabledProvisioningNetwork ProvisioningNetwork = "Disabled"
    84  )
    86  // Platform stores all the global configuration that all machinesets use.
    87  type Platform struct {
    88  	// LibvirtURI is the identifier for the libvirtd connection.  It must be
    89  	// reachable from the host where the installer is run.
    90  	// Default is qemu:///system
    91  	//
    92  	// +kubebuilder:default="qemu:///system"
    93  	// +optional
    94  	LibvirtURI string `json:"libvirtURI,omitempty"`
    96  	// ClusterProvisioningIP is the IP on the dedicated provisioning network
    97  	// where the baremetal-operator pod runs provisioning services,
    98  	// and an http server to cache some downloaded content e.g RHCOS/IPA images
    99  	// +optional
   100  	ClusterProvisioningIP string `json:"clusterProvisioningIP,omitempty"`
   102  	// DeprecatedProvisioningHostIP is the deprecated version of clusterProvisioningIP. When the
   103  	// baremetal platform was initially added to the installer, the JSON field for ClusterProvisioningIP
   104  	// was incorrectly set to "provisioningHostIP."  This field is here to allow backwards-compatibility.
   105  	// +optional
   106  	DeprecatedProvisioningHostIP string `json:"provisioningHostIP,omitempty"`
   108  	// BootstrapProvisioningIP is the IP used on the bootstrap VM to
   109  	// bring up provisioning services that are used to create the
   110  	// control-plane machines
   111  	//
   112  	// +kubebuilder:validation:Format=ip
   113  	// +optional
   114  	BootstrapProvisioningIP string `json:"bootstrapProvisioningIP,omitempty"`
   116  	// External bridge is used for external communication.
   117  	// +optional
   118  	ExternalBridge string `json:"externalBridge,omitempty"`
   120  	// ExternalMACAddress is used to allow setting a static unicast MAC
   121  	// address for the bootstrap host on the external network. Consider
   122  	// using the QEMU vendor prefix `52:54:00`. If left blank, libvirt will
   123  	// generate one for you.
   124  	// +optional
   125  	ExternalMACAddress string `json:"externalMACAddress,omitempty"`
   127  	// ProvisioningNetwork is used to indicate if we will have a provisioning network, and how it will be managed.
   128  	// +kubebuilder:default=Managed
   129  	// +optional
   130  	ProvisioningNetwork ProvisioningNetwork `json:"provisioningNetwork,omitempty"`
   132  	// Provisioning bridge is used for provisioning nodes, on the host that
   133  	// will run the bootstrap VM.
   134  	// +optional
   135  	ProvisioningBridge string `json:"provisioningBridge,omitempty"`
   137  	// ProvisioningMACAddress is used to allow setting a static unicast MAC
   138  	// address for the bootstrap host on the provisioning network. Consider
   139  	// using the QEMU vendor prefix `52:54:00`. If left blank, libvirt will
   140  	// generate one for you.
   141  	// +optional
   142  	ProvisioningMACAddress string `json:"provisioningMACAddress,omitempty"`
   144  	// ProvisioningNetworkInterface is the name of the network interface on a control plane
   145  	// baremetal host that is connected to the provisioning network.
   146  	// +optional
   147  	ProvisioningNetworkInterface string `json:"provisioningNetworkInterface"`
   149  	// ProvisioningNetworkCIDR defines the network to use for provisioning.
   150  	// +optional
   151  	ProvisioningNetworkCIDR *ipnet.IPNet `json:"provisioningNetworkCIDR,omitempty"`
   153  	// DeprecatedProvisioningDHCPExternal indicates that DHCP is provided by an external service. This parameter is
   154  	// replaced by ProvisioningNetwork being set to "Unmanaged".
   155  	// +optional
   156  	DeprecatedProvisioningDHCPExternal bool `json:"provisioningDHCPExternal,omitempty"`
   158  	// ProvisioningDHCPRange is used to provide DHCP services to hosts
   159  	// for provisioning.
   160  	// +optional
   161  	ProvisioningDHCPRange string `json:"provisioningDHCPRange,omitempty"`
   163  	// Hosts is the information needed to create the objects in Ironic.
   164  	Hosts []*Host `json:"hosts"`
   166  	// DefaultMachinePlatform is the default configuration used when
   167  	// installing on bare metal for machine pools which do not define their own
   168  	// platform configuration.
   169  	// +optional
   170  	DefaultMachinePlatform *MachinePool `json:"defaultMachinePlatform,omitempty"`
   172  	// DeprecatedAPIVIP is the VIP to use for internal API communication
   173  	// Deprecated: Use APIVIPs
   174  	//
   175  	// +kubebuilder:validation:Format=ip
   176  	// +optional
   177  	DeprecatedAPIVIP string `json:"apiVIP,omitempty"`
   179  	// APIVIPs contains the VIP(s) to use for internal API communication. In
   180  	// dual stack clusters it contains an IPv4 and IPv6 address, otherwise only
   181  	// one VIP
   182  	//
   183  	// +kubebuilder:validation:MaxItems=2
   184  	// +kubebuilder:validation:UniqueItems=true
   185  	// +kubebuilder:validation:Format=ip
   186  	// +optional
   187  	APIVIPs []string `json:"apiVIPs,omitempty"`
   189  	// DeprecatedIngressVIP is the VIP to use for ingress traffic
   190  	// Deprecated: Use IngressVIPs
   191  	//
   192  	// +kubebuilder:validation:Format=ip
   193  	// +optional
   194  	DeprecatedIngressVIP string `json:"ingressVIP,omitempty"`
   196  	// IngressVIPs contains the VIP(s) to use for ingress traffic. In dual stack
   197  	// clusters it contains an IPv4 and IPv6 address, otherwise only one VIP
   198  	//
   199  	// +kubebuilder:validation:MaxItems=2
   200  	// +kubebuilder:validation:UniqueItems=true
   201  	// +kubebuilder:validation:Format=ip
   202  	// +optional
   203  	IngressVIPs []string `json:"ingressVIPs,omitempty"`
   205  	// BootstrapOSImage is a URL to override the default OS image
   206  	// for the bootstrap node. The URL must contain a sha256 hash of the image
   207  	// e.g
   208  	//
   209  	// +optional
   210  	BootstrapOSImage string `json:"bootstrapOSImage,omitempty" validate:"omitempty,osimageuri,urlexist"`
   212  	// ClusterOSImage is a URL to override the default OS image
   213  	// for cluster nodes. The URL must contain a sha256 hash of the image
   214  	// e.g
   215  	//
   216  	// +optional
   217  	ClusterOSImage string `json:"clusterOSImage,omitempty" validate:"omitempty,osimageuri,urlexist"`
   219  	// BootstrapExternalStaticIP is the static IP address of the bootstrap node.
   220  	// This can be useful in environments without a DHCP server.
   221  	// +kubebuilder:validation:Format=ip
   222  	// +optional
   223  	BootstrapExternalStaticIP string `json:"bootstrapExternalStaticIP,omitempty"`
   225  	// BootstrapExternalStaticGateway is the static network gateway of the bootstrap node.
   226  	// This can be useful in environments without a DHCP server.
   227  	// +kubebuilder:validation:Format=ip
   228  	// +optional
   229  	BootstrapExternalStaticGateway string `json:"bootstrapExternalStaticGateway,omitempty"`
   231  	// LoadBalancer defines how the load balancer used by the cluster is configured.
   232  	// LoadBalancer is available in TechPreview.
   233  	// +optional
   234  	LoadBalancer *configv1.BareMetalPlatformLoadBalancer `json:"loadBalancer,omitempty"`
   236  	// BootstrapExternalStaticDNS is the static network DNS of the bootstrap node.
   237  	// This can be useful in environments without a DHCP server.
   238  	// +kubebuilder:validation:Format=ip
   239  	// +optional
   240  	BootstrapExternalStaticDNS string `json:"bootstrapExternalStaticDNS,omitempty"`
   241  }