
     1  package validation
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"net"
     6  	"testing"
     8  	""
     9  	metav1 ""
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	utilsslice ""
    14  	configv1 ""
    15  	operv1 ""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  )
    31  const TechPreviewNoUpgrade = "TechPreviewNoUpgrade"
    33  func validInstallConfig() *types.InstallConfig {
    34  	return &types.InstallConfig{
    35  		TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
    36  			APIVersion: types.InstallConfigVersion,
    37  		},
    38  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
    39  			Name: "test-cluster",
    40  		},
    41  		BaseDomain:   "test-domain",
    42  		Networking:   validIPv4NetworkingConfig(),
    43  		ControlPlane: validMachinePool("master"),
    44  		Compute:      []types.MachinePool{*validMachinePool("worker")},
    45  		Platform: types.Platform{
    46  			AWS: validAWSPlatform(),
    47  		},
    48  		PullSecret: `{"auths":{"":{"auth":"authorization value"}}}`,
    49  		Publish:    types.ExternalPublishingStrategy,
    50  		Proxy: &types.Proxy{
    51  			HTTPProxy:  "http://user:password@",
    52  			HTTPSProxy: "https://user:password@",
    53  			NoProxy:    ",",
    54  		},
    55  	}
    56  }
    58  func validAWSPlatform() *aws.Platform {
    59  	return &aws.Platform{
    60  		Region: "us-east-1",
    61  	}
    62  }
    64  func validAzureStackPlatform() *azure.Platform {
    65  	return &azure.Platform{
    66  		Region:                      "test-region",
    67  		ARMEndpoint:                 "",
    68  		BaseDomainResourceGroupName: "test-basedomain-rg",
    69  		CloudName:                   azure.StackCloud,
    70  		OutboundType:                "Loadbalancer",
    71  	}
    72  }
    74  func validGCPPlatform() *gcp.Platform {
    75  	return &gcp.Platform{
    76  		ProjectID: "myProject",
    77  		Region:    "us-east1",
    78  	}
    79  }
    81  func validIBMCloudPlatform() *ibmcloud.Platform {
    82  	return &ibmcloud.Platform{
    83  		Region: "us-south",
    84  	}
    85  }
    87  func validSSHKey() string {
    88  	return "ssh-rsa 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 localhost"
    89  }
    91  func validPowerVSPlatform() *powervs.Platform {
    92  	return &powervs.Platform{
    93  		Zone: "dal10",
    94  	}
    95  }
    97  func validVSpherePlatform() *vsphere.Platform {
    98  	return &vsphere.Platform{
    99  		VCenters: []vsphere.VCenter{
   100  			{
   101  				Server:   "test-vcenter",
   102  				Port:     443,
   103  				Username: "test-username",
   104  				Password: "test-password",
   105  				Datacenters: []string{
   106  					"test-datacenter",
   107  				},
   108  			},
   109  		},
   110  		FailureDomains: []vsphere.FailureDomain{
   111  			{
   112  				Name:   "test-east-1a",
   113  				Region: "test-east",
   114  				Zone:   "test-east-1a",
   115  				Server: "test-vcenter",
   116  				Topology: vsphere.Topology{
   117  					Datacenter:     "test-datacenter",
   118  					ComputeCluster: "/test-datacenter/host/test-cluster",
   119  					Datastore:      "/test-datacenter/datastore/test-datastore",
   120  					Networks:       []string{"test-portgroup"},
   121  					ResourcePool:   "/test-datacenter/host/test-cluster/Resources/test-resourcepool",
   122  					Folder:         "/test-datacenter/vm/test-folder",
   123  				},
   124  			},
   125  			{
   126  				Name:   "test-east-2a",
   127  				Region: "test-east",
   128  				Zone:   "test-east-2a",
   129  				Server: "test-vcenter",
   130  				Topology: vsphere.Topology{
   131  					Datacenter:     "test-datacenter",
   132  					ComputeCluster: "/test-datacenter/host/test-cluster",
   133  					Datastore:      "/test-datacenter/datastore/test-datastore",
   134  					Networks:       []string{"test-portgroup"},
   135  					Folder:         "/test-datacenter/vm/test-folder",
   136  				},
   137  			},
   138  		},
   139  	}
   140  }
   142  func validBareMetalPlatform() *baremetal.Platform {
   143  	iface, _ := net.Interfaces()
   144  	return &baremetal.Platform{
   145  		LibvirtURI:                   "qemu+tcp://",
   146  		ProvisioningNetworkInterface: "ens3",
   147  		ProvisioningNetworkCIDR:      ipnet.MustParseCIDR(""),
   148  		BootstrapProvisioningIP:      "",
   149  		ClusterProvisioningIP:        "",
   150  		ProvisioningNetwork:          baremetal.ManagedProvisioningNetwork,
   151  		Hosts: []*baremetal.Host{
   152  			{
   153  				Name:           "host1",
   154  				Role:           "master",
   155  				BootMACAddress: "CA:FE:CA:FE:00:00",
   156  				BMC: baremetal.BMC{
   157  					Username: "root",
   158  					Password: "password",
   159  					Address:  "ipmi://",
   160  				},
   161  			},
   162  			{
   163  				Name:           "host2",
   164  				Role:           "worker",
   165  				BootMACAddress: "CA:FE:CA:FE:00:01",
   166  				BMC: baremetal.BMC{
   167  					Username: "root",
   168  					Password: "password",
   169  					Address:  "ipmi://",
   170  				},
   171  			},
   172  		},
   173  		ExternalBridge:         iface[0].Name,
   174  		ProvisioningBridge:     iface[0].Name,
   175  		DefaultMachinePlatform: &baremetal.MachinePool{},
   176  		APIVIPs:                []string{""},
   177  		IngressVIPs:            []string{""},
   178  	}
   179  }
   181  func validOpenStackPlatform() *openstack.Platform {
   182  	return &openstack.Platform{
   183  		Cloud:           "test-cloud",
   184  		ExternalNetwork: "test-network",
   185  		DefaultMachinePlatform: &openstack.MachinePool{
   186  			FlavorName: "test-flavor",
   187  		},
   188  		APIVIPs:     []string{""},
   189  		IngressVIPs: []string{""},
   190  	}
   191  }
   193  func validNutanixPlatform() *nutanix.Platform {
   194  	return &nutanix.Platform{
   195  		PrismCentral: nutanix.PrismCentral{
   196  			Endpoint: nutanix.PrismEndpoint{Address: "test-pc", Port: 8080},
   197  			Username: "test-username-pc",
   198  			Password: "test-password-pc",
   199  		},
   200  		PrismElements: []nutanix.PrismElement{{
   201  			UUID:     "test-pe-uuid",
   202  			Endpoint: nutanix.PrismEndpoint{Address: "test-pe", Port: 8081},
   203  		}},
   204  		SubnetUUIDs: []string{"test-subnet"},
   205  	}
   206  }
   208  func validIPv4NetworkingConfig() *types.Networking {
   209  	return &types.Networking{
   210  		NetworkType: "OVNKubernetes",
   211  		MachineNetwork: []types.MachineNetworkEntry{
   212  			{
   213  				CIDR: *ipnet.MustParseCIDR(""),
   214  			},
   215  		},
   216  		ServiceNetwork: []ipnet.IPNet{
   217  			*ipnet.MustParseCIDR(""),
   218  		},
   219  		ClusterNetwork: []types.ClusterNetworkEntry{
   220  			{
   221  				CIDR:       *ipnet.MustParseCIDR(""),
   222  				HostPrefix: 28,
   223  			},
   224  		},
   225  		ClusterNetworkMTU: 0,
   226  	}
   227  }
   229  func validIPv6NetworkingConfig() *types.Networking {
   230  	return &types.Networking{
   231  		NetworkType: "OVNKubernetes",
   232  		MachineNetwork: []types.MachineNetworkEntry{
   233  			{
   234  				CIDR: *ipnet.MustParseCIDR("ffd0::/48"),
   235  			},
   236  		},
   237  		ServiceNetwork: []ipnet.IPNet{
   238  			*ipnet.MustParseCIDR("ffd1::/112"),
   239  		},
   240  		ClusterNetwork: []types.ClusterNetworkEntry{
   241  			{
   242  				CIDR:       *ipnet.MustParseCIDR("ffd2::/48"),
   243  				HostPrefix: 64,
   244  			},
   245  		},
   246  	}
   247  }
   249  func validDualStackNetworkingConfig() *types.Networking {
   250  	return &types.Networking{
   251  		NetworkType: "OVNKubernetes",
   252  		MachineNetwork: []types.MachineNetworkEntry{
   253  			{
   254  				CIDR: *ipnet.MustParseCIDR(""),
   255  			},
   256  			{
   257  				CIDR: *ipnet.MustParseCIDR("ffd0::/48"),
   258  			},
   259  		},
   260  		ServiceNetwork: []ipnet.IPNet{
   261  			*ipnet.MustParseCIDR(""),
   262  			*ipnet.MustParseCIDR("ffd1::/112"),
   263  		},
   264  		ClusterNetwork: []types.ClusterNetworkEntry{
   265  			{
   266  				CIDR:       *ipnet.MustParseCIDR(""),
   267  				HostPrefix: 28,
   268  			},
   269  			{
   270  				CIDR:       *ipnet.MustParseCIDR("ffd2::/48"),
   271  				HostPrefix: 64,
   272  			},
   273  		},
   274  	}
   275  }
   277  func TestValidateInstallConfig(t *testing.T) {
   278  	cases := []struct {
   279  		name          string
   280  		installConfig *types.InstallConfig
   281  		expectedError string
   282  	}{
   283  		{
   284  			name:          "minimal",
   285  			installConfig: validInstallConfig(),
   286  		},
   287  		{
   288  			name: "invalid version",
   289  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   290  				c := validInstallConfig()
   291  				c.APIVersion = "bad-version"
   292  				return c
   293  			}(),
   294  			expectedError: fmt.Sprintf(`^apiVersion: Invalid value: "bad-version": install-config version must be %q`, types.InstallConfigVersion),
   295  		},
   296  		{
   297  			name: "invalid name",
   298  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   299  				c := validInstallConfig()
   300  				c.ObjectMeta.Name = "bad-name-"
   301  				return c
   302  			}(),
   303  			expectedError: `^ Invalid value: "bad-name-": a lowercase RFC 1123 subdomain must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters, '-' or '\.', and must start and end with an alphanumeric character \(e\.g\. 'example\.com', regex used for validation is '\[a-z0-9]\(\[-a-z0-9]\*\[a-z0-9]\)\?\(\\\.\[a-z0-9]\(\[-a-z0-9]\*\[a-z0-9]\)\?\)\*'\)$`,
   304  		},
   305  		{
   306  			name: "invalid ssh key",
   307  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   308  				c := validInstallConfig()
   309  				c.SSHKey = "bad-ssh-key"
   310  				return c
   311  			}(),
   312  			expectedError: `^sshKey: Invalid value: "bad-ssh-key": ssh: no key found$`,
   313  		},
   314  		{
   315  			name: "invalid base domain",
   316  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   317  				c := validInstallConfig()
   318  				c.BaseDomain = ".bad-domain."
   319  				return c
   320  			}(),
   321  			expectedError: `^baseDomain: Invalid value: "\.bad-domain\.": a lowercase RFC 1123 subdomain must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters, '-' or '\.', and must start and end with an alphanumeric character \(e\.g\. 'example\.com', regex used for validation is '\[a-z0-9]\(\[-a-z0-9]\*\[a-z0-9]\)\?\(\\\.\[a-z0-9]\(\[-a-z0-9]\*\[a-z0-9]\)\?\)\*'\)$`,
   322  		},
   323  		{
   324  			name: "overly long cluster domain",
   325  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   326  				c := validInstallConfig()
   327  				c.ObjectMeta.Name = fmt.Sprintf("test-cluster%042d", 0)
   328  				c.BaseDomain = fmt.Sprintf("test-domain%056d.a%060d.b%060d.c%060d", 0, 0, 0, 0)
   329  				return c
   330  			}(),
   331  			expectedError: `^baseDomain: Invalid value: "` + fmt.Sprintf("test-cluster%042d.test-domain%056d.a%060d.b%060d.c%060d", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) + `": must be no more than 253 characters$`,
   332  		},
   333  		{
   334  			name: "missing networking",
   335  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   336  				c := validInstallConfig()
   337  				c.Networking = nil
   338  				return c
   339  			}(),
   340  			expectedError: `^networking: Required value: networking is required$`,
   341  		},
   342  		{
   343  			name: "invalid network type",
   344  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   345  				c := validInstallConfig()
   346  				c.Networking.NetworkType = ""
   347  				return c
   348  			}(),
   349  			expectedError: `^networking.networkType: Required value: network provider type required$`,
   350  		},
   351  		{
   352  			name: "missing service network",
   353  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   354  				c := validInstallConfig()
   355  				c.Networking.ServiceNetwork = nil
   356  				return c
   357  			}(),
   358  			expectedError: `^networking\.serviceNetwork: Required value: a service network is required$`,
   359  		},
   360  		{
   361  			name: "invalid service network",
   362  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   363  				c := validInstallConfig()
   364  				c.Networking.ServiceNetwork[0] = *ipnet.MustParseCIDR("")
   365  				return c
   366  			}(),
   367  			expectedError: `^networking\.serviceNetwork\[0\]: Invalid value: "13\.0\.128\.0/16": invalid network address. got 13\.0\.128\.0/16, expecting 13\.0\.0\.0/16$`,
   368  		},
   369  		{
   370  			name: "overlapping service network and machine cidr",
   371  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   372  				c := validInstallConfig()
   373  				c.Networking.ServiceNetwork[0] = *ipnet.MustParseCIDR("")
   374  				return c
   375  			}(),
   376  			expectedError: `^networking\.serviceNetwork\[0\]: Invalid value: "10\.0\.2\.0/24": service network must not overlap with any of the machine networks$`,
   377  		},
   378  		{
   379  			name: "overlapping machine network and machine network",
   380  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   381  				c := validInstallConfig()
   382  				c.Networking.MachineNetwork = []types.MachineNetworkEntry{
   383  					{CIDR: *ipnet.MustParseCIDR("")},
   384  					{CIDR: *ipnet.MustParseCIDR("")},
   385  				}
   387  				return c
   388  			}(),
   389  			// also triggers the only-one-machine-network validation
   390  			expectedError: `^networking\.machineNetwork\[1\]: Invalid value: "13\.0\.2\.0/24": machine network must not overlap with machine network 0$`,
   391  		},
   392  		{
   393  			name: "overlapping service network and service network",
   394  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   395  				c := validInstallConfig()
   396  				c.Networking.ServiceNetwork = []ipnet.IPNet{
   397  					*ipnet.MustParseCIDR(""),
   398  					*ipnet.MustParseCIDR(""),
   399  				}
   401  				return c
   402  			}(),
   403  			// also triggers the only-one-service-network validation
   404  			expectedError: `^\[networking\.serviceNetwork\[1\]: Invalid value: "13\.0\.2\.0/24": service network must not overlap with service network 0, networking\.serviceNetwork: Invalid value: "13\.0\.0\.0/16, 13\.0\.2\.0/24": only one service network can be specified]$`,
   405  		},
   406  		{
   407  			name: "missing machine networks",
   408  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   409  				c := validInstallConfig()
   410  				c.Networking.MachineNetwork = nil
   411  				return c
   412  			}(),
   413  			expectedError: `^networking\.machineNetwork: Required value: at least one machine network is required$`,
   414  		},
   415  		{
   416  			name: "invalid machine cidr",
   417  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   418  				c := validInstallConfig()
   419  				c.Networking.MachineNetwork = []types.MachineNetworkEntry{{CIDR: *ipnet.MustParseCIDR("")}}
   420  				return c
   421  			}(),
   422  			expectedError: `^networking\.machineNetwork\[0\]: Invalid value: "11\.0\.128\.0/16": invalid network address. got 11\.0\.128\.0/16, expecting 11\.0\.0\.0/16$`,
   423  		},
   424  		{
   425  			name: "invalid cluster network",
   426  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   427  				c := validInstallConfig()
   428  				c.Networking.ClusterNetwork = []types.ClusterNetworkEntry{{CIDR: *ipnet.MustParseCIDR(""), HostPrefix: 23}}
   429  				return c
   430  			}(),
   431  			expectedError: `^networking\.clusterNetwork\[0]\.cidr: Invalid value: "12\.0\.128\.0/16": invalid network address. got 12\.0\.128\.0/16, expecting 12\.0\.0\.0/16$`,
   432  		},
   433  		{
   434  			name: "overlapping cluster network and machine cidr",
   435  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   436  				c := validInstallConfig()
   437  				c.Networking.ClusterNetwork[0].CIDR = *ipnet.MustParseCIDR("")
   438  				return c
   439  			}(),
   440  			expectedError: `^networking\.clusterNetwork\[0]\.cidr: Invalid value: "10\.0\.3\.0/24": cluster network must not overlap with any of the machine networks$`,
   441  		},
   442  		{
   443  			name: "overlapping cluster network and service network",
   444  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   445  				c := validInstallConfig()
   446  				c.Networking.ClusterNetwork[0].CIDR = *ipnet.MustParseCIDR("")
   447  				return c
   448  			}(),
   449  			expectedError: `^networking\.clusterNetwork\[0]\.cidr: Invalid value: "172\.30\.2\.0/24": cluster network must not overlap with service network 0$`,
   450  		},
   451  		{
   452  			name: "overlapping cluster network and cluster network",
   453  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   454  				c := validInstallConfig()
   455  				c.Networking.ClusterNetwork = []types.ClusterNetworkEntry{
   456  					{CIDR: *ipnet.MustParseCIDR(""), HostPrefix: 23},
   457  					{CIDR: *ipnet.MustParseCIDR(""), HostPrefix: 25},
   458  				}
   459  				return c
   460  			}(),
   461  			expectedError: `^networking\.clusterNetwork\[1]\.cidr: Invalid value: "12\.0\.3\.0/24": cluster network must not overlap with cluster network 0$`,
   462  		},
   463  		{
   464  			name: "cluster network host prefix too large",
   465  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   466  				c := validInstallConfig()
   467  				c.Networking.ClusterNetwork[0].CIDR = *ipnet.MustParseCIDR("")
   468  				c.Networking.ClusterNetwork[0].HostPrefix = 23
   469  				return c
   470  			}(),
   471  			expectedError: `^networking\.clusterNetwork\[0]\.hostPrefix: Invalid value: 23: cluster network host subnetwork prefix must not be larger size than CIDR$`,
   472  		},
   473  		{
   474  			name: "cluster network host prefix unset",
   475  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   476  				c := validInstallConfig()
   477  				c.Networking.NetworkType = "OVNKubernetes"
   478  				c.Networking.ClusterNetwork[0].CIDR = *ipnet.MustParseCIDR("")
   479  				c.Networking.ClusterNetwork[0].HostPrefix = 0
   480  				return c
   481  			}(),
   482  			expectedError: `^networking\.clusterNetwork\[0]\.hostPrefix: Invalid value: 0: cluster network host subnetwork prefix must not be larger size than CIDR$`,
   483  		},
   484  		{
   485  			name: "cluster network host prefix unset ignored",
   486  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   487  				c := validInstallConfig()
   488  				c.Networking.NetworkType = "HostPrefixNotRequiredPlugin"
   489  				c.Networking.ClusterNetwork[0].CIDR = *ipnet.MustParseCIDR("")
   490  				return c
   491  			}(),
   492  			expectedError: ``,
   493  		},
   494  		{
   495  			name: "networking clusterNetworkMTU - valid high limit ovn",
   496  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   497  				c := validInstallConfig()
   498  				c.Networking.NetworkType = string(operv1.NetworkTypeOVNKubernetes)
   499  				c.Networking.ClusterNetworkMTU = 8901
   500  				fmt.Println(c.Platform.Name())
   501  				return c
   502  			}(),
   503  		},
   504  		{
   505  			name: "networking clusterNetworkMTU - valid low limit",
   506  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   507  				c := validInstallConfig()
   508  				c.Networking.NetworkType = string(operv1.NetworkTypeOVNKubernetes)
   509  				c.Networking.ClusterNetworkMTU = 1000
   510  				return c
   511  			}(),
   512  		},
   513  		{
   514  			name: "networking clusterNetworkMTU - invalid value lower",
   515  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   516  				c := validInstallConfig()
   517  				c.Networking.ClusterNetworkMTU = 999
   518  				return c
   519  			}(),
   520  			expectedError: `^networking\.clusterNetworkMTU: Invalid value: 999: cluster network MTU is lower than the minimum value of 1000$`,
   521  		},
   522  		{
   523  			name: "networking clusterNetworkMTU - invalid value ovn",
   524  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   525  				c := validInstallConfig()
   526  				c.Networking.NetworkType = string(operv1.NetworkTypeOVNKubernetes)
   527  				c.Networking.ClusterNetworkMTU = 8951
   528  				return c
   529  			}(),
   530  			expectedError: `^networking\.clusterNetworkMTU: Invalid value: 8951: cluster network MTU exceeds the maximum value with the network plugin OVNKubernetes of 8901$`,
   531  		},
   532  		{
   533  			name: "networking clusterNetworkMTU - invalid jumbo value",
   534  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   535  				c := validInstallConfig()
   536  				c.Networking.ClusterNetworkMTU = 9002
   537  				return c
   538  			}(),
   539  			expectedError: `^networking\.clusterNetworkMTU: Invalid value: 9002: cluster network MTU exceeds the maximum value of 9001$`,
   540  		},
   541  		{
   542  			name: "networking clusterNetworkMTU - invalid for non-aws",
   543  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   544  				c := validInstallConfig()
   545  				c.Networking.NetworkType = string(operv1.NetworkTypeOVNKubernetes)
   546  				c.Networking.ClusterNetworkMTU = 8901
   547  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
   548  					None: &none.Platform{},
   549  				}
   550  				return c
   551  			}(),
   552  			expectedError: `^networking\.clusterNetworkMTU: Invalid value: 8901: cluster network MTU is allowed only in AWS deployments`,
   553  		},
   554  		{
   555  			name: "networking clusterNetworkMTU - unsupported network type",
   556  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   557  				c := validInstallConfig()
   558  				c.Networking.NetworkType = string(operv1.NetworkTypeOpenShiftSDN)
   559  				c.Networking.ClusterNetworkMTU = 8000
   560  				return c
   561  			}(),
   562  			expectedError: `networking.networkType: Invalid value: "OpenShiftSDN": networkType OpenShiftSDN is not supported, please use OVNKubernetes, networking.clusterNetworkMTU: Invalid value: 8000: cluster network MTU is not valid with network plugin OpenShiftSDN`,
   563  		},
   564  		{
   565  			name: "missing control plane",
   566  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   567  				c := validInstallConfig()
   568  				c.ControlPlane = nil
   569  				return c
   570  			}(),
   571  			expectedError: `^controlPlane: Required value: controlPlane is required$`,
   572  		},
   573  		{
   574  			name: "control plane with 0 replicas",
   575  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   576  				c := validInstallConfig()
   577  				c.ControlPlane.Replicas = pointer.Int64Ptr(0)
   578  				return c
   579  			}(),
   580  			expectedError: `^controlPlane.replicas: Invalid value: 0: number of control plane replicas must be positive$`,
   581  		},
   582  		{
   583  			name: "invalid control plane",
   584  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   585  				c := validInstallConfig()
   586  				c.ControlPlane.Replicas = nil
   587  				return c
   588  			}(),
   589  			expectedError: `^controlPlane.replicas: Required value: replicas is required$`,
   590  		},
   591  		{
   592  			name: "missing compute",
   593  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   594  				c := validInstallConfig()
   595  				c.Compute = nil
   596  				return c
   597  			}(),
   598  		},
   599  		{
   600  			name: "empty compute",
   601  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   602  				c := validInstallConfig()
   603  				c.Compute = []types.MachinePool{}
   604  				return c
   605  			}(),
   606  		},
   607  		{
   608  			name: "duplicate compute",
   609  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   610  				c := validInstallConfig()
   611  				c.Compute = []types.MachinePool{
   612  					*validMachinePool("worker"),
   613  					*validMachinePool("worker"),
   614  				}
   615  				return c
   616  			}(),
   617  			expectedError: `^compute\[1\]\.name: Duplicate value: "worker"$`,
   618  		},
   619  		{
   620  			name: "no compute replicas",
   621  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   622  				c := validInstallConfig()
   623  				c.Compute = []types.MachinePool{
   624  					func() types.MachinePool {
   625  						p := *validMachinePool("worker")
   626  						p.Replicas = pointer.Int64Ptr(0)
   627  						return p
   628  					}(),
   629  				}
   630  				return c
   631  			}(),
   632  		},
   633  		{
   634  			name: "missing platform",
   635  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   636  				c := validInstallConfig()
   637  				c.Platform = types.Platform{}
   638  				return c
   639  			}(),
   640  			expectedError: `^platform: Invalid value: "": must specify one of the platforms \(aws, azure, baremetal, external, gcp, ibmcloud, none, nutanix, openstack, powervs, vsphere\)$`,
   641  		},
   642  		{
   643  			name: "multiple platforms",
   644  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   645  				c := validInstallConfig()
   646  				c.Platform.IBMCloud = validIBMCloudPlatform()
   647  				return c
   648  			}(),
   649  			expectedError: `^platform: Invalid value: "aws": must only specify a single type of platform; cannot use both "aws" and "ibmcloud"$`,
   650  		},
   651  		{
   652  			name: "invalid aws platform",
   653  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   654  				c := validInstallConfig()
   655  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
   656  					AWS: &aws.Platform{},
   657  				}
   658  				return c
   659  			}(),
   660  			expectedError: `^platform\.aws\.region: Required value: region must be specified$`,
   661  		},
   662  		{
   663  			name: "valid none platform",
   664  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   665  				c := validInstallConfig()
   666  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
   667  					None: &none.Platform{},
   668  				}
   669  				return c
   670  			}(),
   671  		},
   672  		{
   673  			name: "valid openstack platform",
   674  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   675  				c := validInstallConfig()
   676  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
   677  					OpenStack: validOpenStackPlatform(),
   678  				}
   679  				return c
   680  			}(),
   681  		},
   682  		{
   683  			name: "valid baremetal platform",
   684  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   685  				c := validInstallConfig()
   686  				c.Capabilities = &types.Capabilities{BaselineCapabilitySet: "v4.11"}
   687  				c.Capabilities.AdditionalEnabledCapabilities = append(c.Capabilities.AdditionalEnabledCapabilities, configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityIngress, configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityCloudCredential, configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityCloudControllerManager, configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityOperatorLifecycleManager)
   688  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
   689  					BareMetal: validBareMetalPlatform(),
   690  				}
   691  				return c
   692  			}(),
   693  		},
   694  		{
   695  			name: "valid vsphere platform",
   696  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   697  				c := validInstallConfig()
   698  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
   699  					VSphere: validVSpherePlatform(),
   700  				}
   701  				return c
   702  			}(),
   703  		},
   704  		{
   705  			name: "invalid vsphere platform",
   706  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   707  				c := validInstallConfig()
   708  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
   709  					VSphere: validVSpherePlatform(),
   710  				}
   711  				c.Platform.VSphere.VCenters[0].Server = ""
   712  				return c
   713  			}(),
   714  			expectedError: `platform\.vsphere\.vcenters\[0]\.server: Required value: must be the domain name or IP address of the vCenter(.*)`,
   715  		},
   716  		{
   717  			name: "invalid vsphere folder",
   718  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   719  				c := validInstallConfig()
   720  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
   721  					VSphere: validVSpherePlatform(),
   722  				}
   723  				c.Platform.VSphere.FailureDomains[0].Topology.Folder = "my-folder"
   724  				return c
   725  			}(),
   726  			expectedError: `^platform\.vsphere\.failureDomains\.topology.folder: Invalid value: "my-folder": full path of folder must be provided in format /<datacenter>/vm/<folder>$`,
   727  		},
   728  		{
   729  			name: "invalid vsphere resource pool",
   730  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   731  				c := validInstallConfig()
   732  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
   733  					VSphere: validVSpherePlatform(),
   734  				}
   735  				c.Platform.VSphere.FailureDomains[0].Topology.ResourcePool = "my-resource-pool"
   736  				return c
   737  			}(),
   738  			expectedError: `^platform\.vsphere\.failureDomains\.topology\.resourcePool: Invalid value: "my-resource-pool": full path of resource pool must be provided in format /<datacenter>/host/<cluster>/\.\.\.$`,
   739  		},
   740  		{
   741  			name: "empty proxy settings",
   742  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   743  				c := validInstallConfig()
   744  				c.Proxy.HTTPProxy = ""
   745  				c.Proxy.HTTPSProxy = ""
   746  				c.Proxy.NoProxy = ""
   747  				return c
   748  			}(),
   749  			expectedError: `^proxy: Required value: must include httpProxy or httpsProxy$`,
   750  		},
   751  		{
   752  			name: "invalid HTTPProxy",
   753  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   754  				c := validInstallConfig()
   755  				c.Proxy.HTTPProxy = "http://bad%20uri"
   756  				return c
   757  			}(),
   758  			expectedError: `^proxy.httpProxy: Invalid value: "http://bad%20uri": parse "http://bad%20uri": invalid URL escape "%20"$`,
   759  		},
   760  		{
   761  			name: "invalid HTTPProxy Schema missing",
   762  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   763  				c := validInstallConfig()
   764  				c.Proxy.HTTPProxy = "http//baduri"
   765  				return c
   766  			}(),
   767  			expectedError: `^proxy.httpProxy: Invalid value: "http//baduri": parse "http//baduri": invalid URI for request$`,
   768  		},
   769  		{
   770  			name: "HTTPProxy with port overlapping with Cluster Networks",
   771  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   772  				c := validInstallConfig()
   773  				c.Proxy.HTTPProxy = ""
   774  				c.Networking = validIPv4NetworkingConfig()
   775  				return c
   776  			}(),
   777  			expectedError: `^proxy.httpProxy: Invalid value: "": proxy value is part of the cluster networks$`,
   778  		},
   779  		{
   780  			name: "overlapping HTTPProxy and Cluster Networks",
   781  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   782  				c := validInstallConfig()
   783  				c.Proxy.HTTPProxy = ""
   784  				c.Networking = validIPv4NetworkingConfig()
   785  				return c
   786  			}(),
   787  			expectedError: `^proxy.httpProxy: Invalid value: "": proxy value is part of the cluster networks$`,
   788  		},
   789  		{
   790  			name: "non-overlapping HTTPProxy and Cluster Networks",
   791  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   792  				c := validInstallConfig()
   793  				c.Proxy.HTTPProxy = ""
   794  				c.Networking = validIPv4NetworkingConfig()
   795  				return c
   796  			}(),
   797  		},
   798  		{
   799  			name: "overlapping HTTPProxy and more than one Cluster Networks",
   800  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   801  				c := validInstallConfig()
   802  				c.Proxy.HTTPProxy = ""
   803  				c.Networking = validIPv4NetworkingConfig()
   804  				c.ClusterNetwork = append(c.ClusterNetwork, []types.ClusterNetworkEntry{
   805  					{
   806  						CIDR:       *ipnet.MustParseCIDR(""),
   807  						HostPrefix: 28,
   808  					},
   809  				}...,
   810  				)
   811  				return c
   812  			}(),
   813  			expectedError: `^\Q[networking.clusterNetwork[1].cidr: Invalid value: "": cluster network must not overlap with cluster network 0, proxy.httpProxy: Invalid value: "": proxy value is part of the cluster networks]\E$`,
   814  		},
   815  		{
   816  			name: "non-overlapping HTTPProxy and Service Networks",
   817  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   818  				c := validInstallConfig()
   819  				c.Proxy.HTTPProxy = ""
   820  				c.Networking = validIPv4NetworkingConfig()
   821  				return c
   822  			}(),
   823  		},
   824  		{
   825  			name: "HTTPProxy with port overlapping with Service Networks",
   826  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   827  				c := validInstallConfig()
   828  				c.Proxy.HTTPProxy = ""
   829  				c.Networking = validIPv4NetworkingConfig()
   830  				return c
   831  			}(),
   832  			expectedError: `^proxy.httpProxy: Invalid value: "": proxy value is part of the service networks$`,
   833  		},
   834  		{
   835  			name: "overlapping HTTPProxy and Service Networks",
   836  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   837  				c := validInstallConfig()
   838  				c.Proxy.HTTPProxy = ""
   839  				c.Networking = validIPv4NetworkingConfig()
   840  				return c
   841  			}(),
   842  			expectedError: `^proxy.httpProxy: Invalid value: "": proxy value is part of the service networks$`,
   843  		},
   844  		{
   845  			name: "overlapping HTTPProxy and more than one Service Networks",
   846  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   847  				c := validInstallConfig()
   848  				c.Proxy.HTTPProxy = ""
   849  				c.Networking = validIPv4NetworkingConfig()
   850  				c.ServiceNetwork = append(c.ServiceNetwork, []ipnet.IPNet{
   851  					*ipnet.MustParseCIDR(""),
   852  				}...,
   853  				)
   854  				return c
   855  			}(),
   856  			expectedError: `^\Q[networking.serviceNetwork[1]: Invalid value: "": service network must not overlap with service network 0, networking.serviceNetwork: Invalid value: ",": only one service network can be specified, proxy.httpProxy: Invalid value: "": proxy value is part of the service networks]\E$`,
   857  		},
   858  		{
   859  			name: "non-overlapping HTTPSProxy and Cluster Networks",
   860  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   861  				c := validInstallConfig()
   862  				c.Proxy.HTTPSProxy = ""
   863  				c.Networking = validIPv4NetworkingConfig()
   864  				return c
   865  			}(),
   866  		},
   867  		{
   868  			name: "HTTPSProxy with port overlapping with Cluster Networks",
   869  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   870  				c := validInstallConfig()
   871  				c.Proxy.HTTPSProxy = ""
   872  				c.Networking = validIPv4NetworkingConfig()
   873  				return c
   874  			}(),
   875  			expectedError: `^proxy.httpsProxy: Invalid value: "": proxy value is part of the cluster networks$`,
   876  		},
   877  		{
   878  			name: "overlapping HTTPSProxy and Cluster Networks",
   879  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   880  				c := validInstallConfig()
   881  				c.Proxy.HTTPSProxy = ""
   882  				c.Networking = validIPv4NetworkingConfig()
   883  				return c
   884  			}(),
   885  			expectedError: `^proxy.httpsProxy: Invalid value: "": proxy value is part of the cluster networks$`,
   886  		},
   887  		{
   888  			name: "overlapping HTTPSProxy and more than one Cluster Networks",
   889  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   890  				c := validInstallConfig()
   891  				c.Proxy.HTTPSProxy = ""
   892  				c.Networking = validIPv4NetworkingConfig()
   893  				c.ClusterNetwork = append(c.ClusterNetwork, []types.ClusterNetworkEntry{
   894  					{
   895  						CIDR:       *ipnet.MustParseCIDR(""),
   896  						HostPrefix: 28,
   897  					},
   898  				}...,
   899  				)
   900  				return c
   901  			}(),
   902  			expectedError: `^\Q[networking.clusterNetwork[1].cidr: Invalid value: "": cluster network must not overlap with cluster network 0, proxy.httpsProxy: Invalid value: "": proxy value is part of the cluster networks]\E$`,
   903  		},
   904  		{
   905  			name: "overlapping HTTPSProxy and Service Networks",
   906  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   907  				c := validInstallConfig()
   908  				c.Proxy.HTTPSProxy = ""
   909  				c.Networking = validIPv4NetworkingConfig()
   910  				return c
   911  			}(),
   912  			expectedError: `^proxy.httpsProxy: Invalid value: "": proxy value is part of the service networks$`,
   913  		},
   914  		{
   915  			name: "HTTPSProxy with port overlapping with Service Networks",
   916  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   917  				c := validInstallConfig()
   918  				c.Proxy.HTTPSProxy = ""
   919  				c.Networking = validIPv4NetworkingConfig()
   920  				return c
   921  			}(),
   922  			expectedError: `^proxy.httpsProxy: Invalid value: "": proxy value is part of the service networks$`,
   923  		},
   924  		{
   925  			name: "overlapping HTTPSProxy and more than one Service Networks",
   926  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   927  				c := validInstallConfig()
   928  				c.Proxy.HTTPSProxy = ""
   929  				c.Networking = validIPv4NetworkingConfig()
   930  				c.ServiceNetwork = append(c.ServiceNetwork, []ipnet.IPNet{
   931  					*ipnet.MustParseCIDR(""),
   932  				}...,
   933  				)
   934  				return c
   935  			}(),
   936  			expectedError: `^\Q[networking.serviceNetwork[1]: Invalid value: "": service network must not overlap with service network 0, networking.serviceNetwork: Invalid value: ",": only one service network can be specified, proxy.httpsProxy: Invalid value: "": proxy value is part of the service networks]\E$`,
   937  		},
   938  		{
   939  			name: "invalid HTTPProxy Schema different schema",
   940  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   941  				c := validInstallConfig()
   942  				c.Proxy.HTTPProxy = "ftp://baduri"
   943  				return c
   944  			}(),
   945  			expectedError: `^proxy.httpProxy: Unsupported value: "ftp": supported values: "http"$`,
   946  		},
   947  		{
   948  			name: "invalid HTTPSProxy",
   949  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   950  				c := validInstallConfig()
   951  				c.Proxy.HTTPSProxy = "https://bad%20uri"
   952  				return c
   953  			}(),
   954  			expectedError: `^proxy.httpsProxy: Invalid value: "https://bad%20uri": parse "https://bad%20uri": invalid URL escape "%20"$`,
   955  		},
   956  		{
   957  			name: "invalid HTTPSProxy Schema missing",
   958  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   959  				c := validInstallConfig()
   960  				c.Proxy.HTTPSProxy = "http//baduri"
   961  				return c
   962  			}(),
   963  			expectedError: `^proxy.httpsProxy: Invalid value: "http//baduri": parse "http//baduri": invalid URI for request$`,
   964  		},
   965  		{
   966  			name: "invalid HTTPSProxy Schema different schema",
   967  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   968  				c := validInstallConfig()
   969  				c.Proxy.HTTPSProxy = "ftp://baduri"
   970  				return c
   971  			}(),
   972  			expectedError: `^proxy.httpsProxy: Unsupported value: "ftp": supported values: "http", "https"$`,
   973  		},
   974  		{
   975  			name: "invalid NoProxy domain",
   976  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   977  				c := validInstallConfig()
   978  				c.Proxy.NoProxy = ",*.bad-proxy"
   979  				return c
   980  			}(),
   981  			expectedError: `^\Qproxy.noProxy: Invalid value: ",*.bad-proxy": each element of noProxy must be a IP, CIDR or domain without wildcard characters, which is violated by element 1 "*.bad-proxy"\E$`,
   982  		},
   983  		{
   984  			name: "invalid NoProxy spaces",
   985  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   986  				c := validInstallConfig()
   987  				c.Proxy.NoProxy = ", *.bad-proxy"
   988  				return c
   989  			}(),
   990  			expectedError: `^\Q[proxy.noProxy: Invalid value: ", *.bad-proxy": noProxy must not have spaces, proxy.noProxy: Invalid value: ", *.bad-proxy": each element of noProxy must be a IP, CIDR or domain without wildcard characters, which is violated by element 1 "*.bad-proxy"]\E$`,
   991  		},
   992  		{
   993  			name: "invalid NoProxy CIDR",
   994  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
   995  				c := validInstallConfig()
   996  				c.Proxy.NoProxy = ",172.bad.CIDR.0/16"
   997  				return c
   998  			}(),
   999  			expectedError: `^\Qproxy.noProxy: Invalid value: ",172.bad.CIDR.0/16": each element of noProxy must be a IP, CIDR or domain without wildcard characters, which is violated by element 1 "172.bad.CIDR.0/16"\E$`,
  1000  		},
  1001  		{
  1002  			name: "invalid NoProxy domain & CIDR",
  1003  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1004  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1005  				c.Proxy.NoProxy = ",a-good-one,*.bad-proxy.,another,172.bad.CIDR.0/16,good-end"
  1006  				return c
  1007  			}(),
  1008  			expectedError: `^\Q[proxy.noProxy: Invalid value: ",a-good-one,*.bad-proxy.,another,172.bad.CIDR.0/16,good-end": each element of noProxy must be a IP, CIDR or domain without wildcard characters, which is violated by element 2 "*.bad-proxy.", proxy.noProxy: Invalid value: ",a-good-one,*.bad-proxy.,another,172.bad.CIDR.0/16,good-end": each element of noProxy must be a IP, CIDR or domain without wildcard characters, which is violated by element 4 "172.bad.CIDR.0/16"]\E$`,
  1009  		},
  1010  		{
  1011  			name: "valid * NoProxy",
  1012  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1013  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1014  				c.Proxy.NoProxy = "*"
  1015  				return c
  1016  			}(),
  1017  		},
  1018  		{
  1019  			name: "valid GCP platform",
  1020  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1021  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1022  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1023  					GCP: validGCPPlatform(),
  1024  				}
  1025  				return c
  1026  			}(),
  1027  		},
  1028  		{
  1029  			name: "invalid GCP cluster name",
  1030  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1031  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1032  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1033  					GCP: validGCPPlatform(),
  1034  				}
  1035  				c.ObjectMeta.Name = "1-invalid-cluster"
  1036  				return c
  1037  			}(),
  1038  			expectedError: `^metadata\.name: Invalid value: "1-invalid-cluster": cluster name must begin with a lower-case letter$`,
  1039  		},
  1040  		{
  1041  			name: "valid ibmcloud platform",
  1042  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1043  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1044  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1045  					IBMCloud: validIBMCloudPlatform(),
  1046  				}
  1047  				return c
  1048  			}(),
  1049  		},
  1050  		{
  1051  			name: "invalid ibmcloud platform",
  1052  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1053  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1054  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1055  					IBMCloud: &ibmcloud.Platform{},
  1056  				}
  1057  				return c
  1058  			}(),
  1059  			expectedError: `^\Qplatform.ibmcloud.region: Required value: region must be specified\E$`,
  1060  		},
  1061  		{
  1062  			name: "valid powervs platform",
  1063  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1064  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1065  				c.SSHKey = validSSHKey()
  1066  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1067  					PowerVS: validPowerVSPlatform(),
  1068  				}
  1069  				return c
  1070  			}(),
  1071  		},
  1072  		{
  1073  			name: "valid powervs platform manual credential mod",
  1074  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1075  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1076  				c.SSHKey = validSSHKey()
  1077  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1078  					PowerVS: validPowerVSPlatform(),
  1079  				}
  1080  				c.CredentialsMode = types.ManualCredentialsMode
  1081  				return c
  1082  			}(),
  1083  		},
  1084  		{
  1085  			name: "invalid powervs platform mint credential mod",
  1086  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1087  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1088  				c.SSHKey = validSSHKey()
  1089  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1090  					PowerVS: validPowerVSPlatform(),
  1091  				}
  1092  				c.CredentialsMode = types.MintCredentialsMode
  1093  				return c
  1094  			}(),
  1095  			expectedError: `^credentialsMode: Unsupported value: "Mint": supported values: "Manual"$`,
  1096  		},
  1097  		{
  1098  			name: "invalid powervs platform",
  1099  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1100  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1101  				c.SSHKey = validSSHKey()
  1102  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1103  					PowerVS: &powervs.Platform{},
  1104  				}
  1105  				return c
  1106  			}(),
  1107  			expectedError: `^\ Required value: zone must be specified\E$`,
  1108  		},
  1109  		{
  1110  			name: "valid azurestack platform",
  1111  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1112  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1113  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1114  					Azure: validAzureStackPlatform(),
  1115  				}
  1116  				return c
  1117  			}(),
  1118  		},
  1119  		{
  1120  			name: "invalid azurestack platform mint credentials mod",
  1121  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1122  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1123  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1124  					Azure: validAzureStackPlatform(),
  1125  				}
  1126  				c.CredentialsMode = types.MintCredentialsMode
  1127  				return c
  1128  			}(),
  1129  			expectedError: `^credentialsMode: Unsupported value: "Mint": supported values: "Manual"$`,
  1130  		},
  1131  		{
  1132  			name: "release image source is not valid",
  1133  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1134  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1135  				c.DeprecatedImageContentSources = []types.ImageContentSource{{
  1136  					Source: "ocp/release-x.y",
  1137  				}}
  1138  				return c
  1139  			}(),
  1140  			expectedError: `^imageContentSources\[0\]\.source: Invalid value: "ocp/release-x\.y": the repository provided is invalid: a lowercase RFC 1123 subdomain must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters, \'\-\' or \'\.\', and must start and end with an alphanumeric character \(e.g. \'example\.com\', regex used for validation is \'\[a\-z0\-9\]\(\[\-a\-z0\-9\]\*\[a\-z0\-9\]\)\?\(\\\.\[a\-z0\-9\]\(\[\-a\-z0\-9\]\*\[a\-z0\-9\]\)\?\)\*\'\)`,
  1141  		},
  1142  		{
  1143  			name: "release image source's mirror is not valid",
  1144  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1145  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1146  				c.DeprecatedImageContentSources = []types.ImageContentSource{{
  1147  					Source:  "",
  1148  					Mirrors: []string{"ocp/openshift-x.y"},
  1149  				}}
  1150  				return c
  1151  			}(),
  1152  			expectedError: `^imageContentSources\[0\]\.mirrors\[0\]: Invalid value: "ocp/openshift-x\.y": the repository provided is invalid: a lowercase RFC 1123 subdomain must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters, \'\-\' or \'\.\', and must start and end with an alphanumeric character \(e.g. \'example\.com\', regex used for validation is \'\[a\-z0\-9\]\(\[\-a\-z0\-9\]\*\[a\-z0\-9\]\)\?\(\\\.\[a\-z0\-9\]\(\[\-a\-z0\-9\]\*\[a\-z0\-9\]\)\?\)\*\'\)`,
  1153  		},
  1154  		{
  1155  			name: "release image source's mirror is valid",
  1156  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1157  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1158  				c.DeprecatedImageContentSources = []types.ImageContentSource{{
  1159  					Source:  "",
  1160  					Mirrors: []string{""},
  1161  				}}
  1162  				return c
  1163  			}(),
  1164  		},
  1165  		{
  1166  			name: "release image source is not repository but reference by digest",
  1167  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1168  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1169  				c.DeprecatedImageContentSources = []types.ImageContentSource{{
  1170  					Source: "",
  1171  				}}
  1172  				return c
  1173  			}(),
  1174  			expectedError: `^imageContentSources\[0\]\.source: Invalid value: "quay\.io/ocp/release-x\.y@sha256:397c867cc10bcc90cf05ae9b71dd3de6000535e27cb6c704d9f503879202582c": must be repository--not reference$`,
  1175  		},
  1176  		{
  1177  			name: "release image source is not repository but reference by tag",
  1178  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1179  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1180  				c.DeprecatedImageContentSources = []types.ImageContentSource{{
  1181  					Source: "",
  1182  				}}
  1183  				return c
  1184  			}(),
  1185  			expectedError: `^imageContentSources\[0\]\.source: Invalid value: "quay\.io/ocp/release-x\.y:latest": must be repository--not reference$`,
  1186  		},
  1187  		{
  1188  			name: "valid release image source",
  1189  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1190  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1191  				c.DeprecatedImageContentSources = []types.ImageContentSource{{
  1192  					Source: "",
  1193  				}}
  1194  				return c
  1195  			}(),
  1196  		},
  1197  		{
  1198  			name: "release image source is not valid ImageDigestSource",
  1199  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1200  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1201  				c.ImageDigestSources = []types.ImageDigestSource{{
  1202  					Source: "ocp/release-x.y",
  1203  				}}
  1204  				return c
  1205  			}(),
  1206  			expectedError: `^imageDigestSources\[0\]\.source: Invalid value: "ocp/release-x\.y": the repository provided is invalid: a lowercase RFC 1123 subdomain must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters, \'\-\' or \'\.\', and must start and end with an alphanumeric character \(e.g. \'example\.com\', regex used for validation is \'\[a\-z0\-9\]\(\[\-a\-z0\-9\]\*\[a\-z0\-9\]\)\?\(\\\.\[a\-z0\-9\]\(\[\-a\-z0\-9\]\*\[a\-z0\-9\]\)\?\)\*\'\)`,
  1207  		},
  1208  		{
  1209  			name: "release image source's mirror is not valid ImageDigestSource",
  1210  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1211  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1212  				c.ImageDigestSources = []types.ImageDigestSource{{
  1213  					Source:  "",
  1214  					Mirrors: []string{"ocp/openshift-x.y"},
  1215  				}}
  1216  				return c
  1217  			}(),
  1218  			expectedError: `^imageDigestSources\[0\]\.mirrors\[0\]: Invalid value: "ocp/openshift-x\.y": the repository provided is invalid: a lowercase RFC 1123 subdomain must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters, \'\-\' or \'\.\', and must start and end with an alphanumeric character \(e.g. \'example\.com\', regex used for validation is \'\[a\-z0\-9\]\(\[\-a\-z0\-9\]\*\[a\-z0\-9\]\)\?\(\\\.\[a\-z0\-9\]\(\[\-a\-z0\-9\]\*\[a\-z0\-9\]\)\?\)\*\'\)`,
  1219  		},
  1220  		{
  1221  			name: "release image source's mirror is valid ImageDigestSource",
  1222  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1223  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1224  				c.ImageDigestSources = []types.ImageDigestSource{{
  1225  					Source:  "",
  1226  					Mirrors: []string{""},
  1227  				}}
  1228  				return c
  1229  			}(),
  1230  		},
  1231  		{
  1232  			name: "release image source is not repository but reference by digest ImageDigestSource",
  1233  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1234  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1235  				c.ImageDigestSources = []types.ImageDigestSource{{
  1236  					Source: "",
  1237  				}}
  1238  				return c
  1239  			}(),
  1240  			expectedError: `^imageDigestSources\[0\]\.source: Invalid value: "quay\.io/ocp/release-x\.y@sha256:397c867cc10bcc90cf05ae9b71dd3de6000535e27cb6c704d9f503879202582c": must be repository--not reference$`,
  1241  		},
  1242  		{
  1243  			name: "release image source is not repository but reference by tag ImageDigestSource",
  1244  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1245  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1246  				c.ImageDigestSources = []types.ImageDigestSource{{
  1247  					Source: "",
  1248  				}}
  1249  				return c
  1250  			}(),
  1251  			expectedError: `^imageDigestSources\[0\]\.source: Invalid value: "quay\.io/ocp/release-x\.y:latest": must be repository--not reference$`,
  1252  		},
  1253  		{
  1254  			name: "valid release image source ImageDigstSourrce",
  1255  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1256  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1257  				c.ImageDigestSources = []types.ImageDigestSource{{
  1258  					Source: "",
  1259  				}}
  1260  				return c
  1261  			}(),
  1262  		},
  1263  		{
  1264  			name: "error out ImageContentSources and ImageDigestSources and are set at the same time",
  1265  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1266  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1267  				c.DeprecatedImageContentSources = []types.ImageContentSource{{
  1268  					Source:  "",
  1269  					Mirrors: []string{"ocp/openshift/mirror"},
  1270  				}}
  1271  				c.ImageDigestSources = []types.ImageDigestSource{{
  1272  					Source:  "",
  1273  					Mirrors: []string{"ocp-digest/openshift/mirror"}}}
  1274  				return c
  1275  			}(),
  1276  			expectedError: `cannot set imageContentSources and imageDigestSources at the same time`,
  1277  		},
  1278  		{
  1279  			name: "invalid publishing strategy",
  1280  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1281  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1282  				c.Publish = types.PublishingStrategy("ExternalInternalDoNotCare")
  1283  				return c
  1284  			}(),
  1285  			expectedError: `^publish: Unsupported value: \"ExternalInternalDoNotCare\": supported values: \"External\", \"Internal\"`,
  1286  		},
  1288  		{
  1289  			name: "valid dual-stack configuration",
  1290  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1291  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1292  				c.Platform = types.Platform{None: &none.Platform{}}
  1293  				c.Networking = validDualStackNetworkingConfig()
  1294  				return c
  1295  			}(),
  1296  		},
  1297  		{
  1298  			name: "valid single-stack IPv6 configuration",
  1299  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1300  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1301  				c.Platform = types.Platform{None: &none.Platform{}}
  1302  				c.Networking = validIPv6NetworkingConfig()
  1303  				return c
  1304  			}(),
  1305  		},
  1306  		{
  1307  			name: "invalid dual-stack configuration, bad platform",
  1308  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1309  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1310  				c.Platform = types.Platform{GCP: validGCPPlatform()}
  1311  				c.Networking = validDualStackNetworkingConfig()
  1312  				return c
  1313  			}(),
  1314  			expectedError: `Invalid value: "DualStack": dual-stack IPv4/IPv6 is not supported for this platform, specify only one type of address`,
  1315  		},
  1316  		{
  1317  			name: "invalid single-stack IPv6 configuration, bad platform",
  1318  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1319  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1320  				c.Platform = types.Platform{GCP: validGCPPlatform()}
  1321  				c.Networking = validIPv6NetworkingConfig()
  1322  				return c
  1323  			}(),
  1324  			expectedError: `Invalid value: "IPv6": single-stack IPv6 is not supported for this platform`,
  1325  		},
  1326  		{
  1327  			name: "invalid dual-stack configuration, machine has no IPv6",
  1328  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1329  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1330  				c.Platform = types.Platform{None: &none.Platform{}}
  1331  				c.Networking = validDualStackNetworkingConfig()
  1332  				c.Networking.MachineNetwork = c.Networking.MachineNetwork[:1]
  1333  				return c
  1334  			}(),
  1335  			expectedError: `Invalid value: "": dual-stack IPv4/IPv6 requires an IPv6 network in this list`,
  1336  		},
  1337  		{
  1338  			name: "invalid dual-stack configuration, IPv6-primary",
  1339  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1340  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1341  				c.Platform = types.Platform{None: &none.Platform{}}
  1342  				c.Networking = validDualStackNetworkingConfig()
  1343  				c.Networking.ServiceNetwork = []ipnet.IPNet{
  1344  					c.Networking.ServiceNetwork[1],
  1345  					c.Networking.ServiceNetwork[0],
  1346  				}
  1347  				return c
  1348  			}(),
  1349  			expectedError: `Invalid value: "ffd1::/112,": IPv4 addresses must be listed before IPv6 addresses`,
  1350  		},
  1351  		{
  1352  			name: "valid dual-stack configuration with mixed-order clusterNetworks",
  1353  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1354  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1355  				c.Platform = types.Platform{None: &none.Platform{}}
  1356  				c.Networking = validDualStackNetworkingConfig()
  1357  				c.Networking.ClusterNetwork = append(c.Networking.ClusterNetwork,
  1358  					types.ClusterNetworkEntry{
  1359  						CIDR:       *ipnet.MustParseCIDR(""),
  1360  						HostPrefix: 28,
  1361  					},
  1362  				)
  1363  				// ClusterNetwork is now "IPv4, IPv6, IPv4", which is allowed
  1364  				return c
  1365  			}(),
  1366  		},
  1367  		{
  1368  			name: "invalid IPv6 hostprefix",
  1369  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1370  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1371  				c.Platform = types.Platform{None: &none.Platform{}}
  1372  				c.Networking = validIPv6NetworkingConfig()
  1373  				c.Networking.ClusterNetwork[0].HostPrefix = 72
  1374  				return c
  1375  			}(),
  1376  			expectedError: `Invalid value: 72: cluster network host subnetwork prefix must be 64 for IPv6 networks`,
  1377  		},
  1378  		{
  1379  			name: "invalid IPv6 service network size",
  1380  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1381  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1382  				c.Platform = types.Platform{None: &none.Platform{}}
  1383  				c.Networking = validIPv6NetworkingConfig()
  1384  				c.Networking.ServiceNetwork[0] = *ipnet.MustParseCIDR("ffd1::/48")
  1385  				return c
  1386  			}(),
  1387  			expectedError: `Invalid value: "ffd1::/48": subnet size for IPv6 service network should be /112`,
  1388  		},
  1389  		{
  1390  			name: "architecture is not supported",
  1391  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1392  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1393  				c.Compute[0].Architecture = types.ArchitectureS390X
  1394  				c.ControlPlane.Architecture = types.ArchitectureS390X
  1395  				return c
  1396  			}(),
  1397  			expectedError: `[controlPlane.architecture: Unsupported value: "s390x": supported values: "amd64", "arm64", compute\[0\].architecture: Unsupported value: "s390x": supported values: "amd64", "arm64"]`,
  1398  		},
  1399  		{
  1400  			name: "architecture is not supported",
  1401  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1402  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1403  				c.Compute[0].Architecture = types.ArchitecturePPC64LE
  1404  				c.ControlPlane.Architecture = types.ArchitecturePPC64LE
  1405  				return c
  1406  			}(),
  1407  			expectedError: `[controlPlane.architecture: Unsupported value: "ppc64le": supported values: "amd64", "arm64", compute\[0\].architecture: Unsupported value: "ppc64le": supported values: "amd64", "arm64"]`,
  1408  		},
  1409  		{
  1410  			name: "cluster is not heteregenous",
  1411  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1412  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1413  				c.Platform = types.Platform{Azure: validAzureStackPlatform()}
  1414  				c.Compute[0].Architecture = types.ArchitectureARM64
  1415  				return c
  1416  			}(),
  1417  			expectedError: `^compute\[0\].architecture: Invalid value: "arm64": heteregeneous multi-arch is not supported; compute pool architecture must match control plane$`,
  1418  		},
  1419  		{
  1420  			name: "aws cluster is heteregeneous",
  1421  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1422  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1423  				c.Compute[0].Architecture = types.ArchitectureARM64
  1424  				return c
  1425  			}(),
  1426  		},
  1427  		{
  1428  			name: "gcp cluster is heteregeneous",
  1429  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1430  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1431  				c.Platform = types.Platform{GCP: validGCPPlatform()}
  1432  				c.Compute[0].Architecture = types.ArchitectureARM64
  1433  				return c
  1434  			}(),
  1435  		},
  1436  		{
  1437  			name: "valid cloud credentials mode",
  1438  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1439  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1440  				c.CredentialsMode = types.PassthroughCredentialsMode
  1441  				return c
  1442  			}(),
  1443  		},
  1444  		{
  1445  			name: "invalidly set cloud credentials mode",
  1446  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1447  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1448  				c.Platform = types.Platform{BareMetal: validBareMetalPlatform()}
  1449  				c.Capabilities = &types.Capabilities{BaselineCapabilitySet: configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilitySetCurrent}
  1450  				c.CredentialsMode = types.PassthroughCredentialsMode
  1451  				return c
  1452  			}(),
  1453  			expectedError: `^credentialsMode: Invalid value: "Passthrough": cannot be set when using the "baremetal" platform$`,
  1454  		},
  1455  		{
  1456  			name: "bad cloud credentials mode",
  1457  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1458  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1459  				c.CredentialsMode = "bad-mode"
  1460  				return c
  1461  			}(),
  1462  			expectedError: `^credentialsMode: Unsupported value: "bad-mode": supported values: "Manual", "Mint", "Passthrough"$`,
  1463  		},
  1464  		{
  1465  			name: "allowed docker bridge with non-libvirt",
  1466  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1467  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1468  				c.Networking.MachineNetwork = []types.MachineNetworkEntry{{CIDR: *ipnet.MustParseCIDR("")}}
  1469  				return c
  1470  			}(),
  1471  			expectedError: ``,
  1472  		},
  1473  		{
  1474  			name: "publish internal for non-cloud platform",
  1475  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1476  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1477  				c.Platform = types.Platform{VSphere: validVSpherePlatform()}
  1478  				c.Publish = types.InternalPublishingStrategy
  1479  				return c
  1480  			}(),
  1481  			expectedError: `publish: Invalid value: "Internal": Internal publish strategy is not supported on "vsphere" platform`,
  1482  		},
  1483  		{
  1484  			name: "publish internal for cloud platform",
  1485  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1486  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1487  				c.Platform = types.Platform{GCP: validGCPPlatform()}
  1488  				c.Publish = types.InternalPublishingStrategy
  1489  				return c
  1490  			}(),
  1491  		}, {
  1492  			name: "valid nutanix platform",
  1493  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1494  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1495  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1496  					Nutanix: validNutanixPlatform(),
  1497  				}
  1498  				return c
  1499  			}(),
  1500  		}, {
  1501  			name: "invalid nutanix platform",
  1502  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1503  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1504  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1505  					Nutanix: validNutanixPlatform(),
  1506  				}
  1507  				c.Platform.Nutanix.PrismCentral.Endpoint.Address = ""
  1508  				return c
  1509  			}(),
  1510  			expectedError: `^platform\.nutanix\.prismCentral\.endpoint\.address: Required value: must specify the Prism Central endpoint address$`,
  1511  		},
  1512  		{
  1513  			name: "invalid credentials mode for nutanix",
  1514  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1515  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1516  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1517  					Nutanix: validNutanixPlatform(),
  1518  				}
  1519  				c.CredentialsMode = types.PassthroughCredentialsMode
  1520  				return c
  1521  			}(),
  1522  			expectedError: `credentialsMode: Unsupported value: "Passthrough": supported values: "Manual"$`,
  1523  		},
  1524  		{
  1525  			name: "valid credentials mode for nutanix",
  1526  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1527  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1528  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1529  					Nutanix: validNutanixPlatform(),
  1530  				}
  1531  				c.CredentialsMode = types.ManualCredentialsMode
  1532  				return c
  1533  			}(),
  1534  		},
  1535  		{
  1536  			name: "valid baseline capability set",
  1537  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1538  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1539  				c.Capabilities = &types.Capabilities{BaselineCapabilitySet: "v4.11"}
  1540  				c.Capabilities.AdditionalEnabledCapabilities = append(c.Capabilities.AdditionalEnabledCapabilities, configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityCloudCredential, configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityCloudControllerManager, configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityIngress, configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityOperatorLifecycleManager)
  1541  				return c
  1542  			}(),
  1543  		},
  1544  		{
  1545  			name: "invalid empty string baseline capability set",
  1546  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1547  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1548  				c.Capabilities = &types.Capabilities{BaselineCapabilitySet: ""}
  1549  				return c
  1550  			}(),
  1551  			expectedError: `capabilities.baselineCapabilitySet: Unsupported value: "": supported values: .*`,
  1552  		},
  1553  		{
  1554  			name: "invalid baseline capability set specified",
  1555  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1556  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1557  				c.Capabilities = &types.Capabilities{BaselineCapabilitySet: "vNotValid"}
  1558  				return c
  1559  			}(),
  1560  			expectedError: `capabilities.baselineCapabilitySet: Unsupported value: "vNotValid": supported values: .*`,
  1561  		},
  1562  		{
  1563  			name: "invalid capability marketplace specified without OperatorLifecycleManager",
  1564  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1565  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1566  				c.Capabilities = &types.Capabilities{BaselineCapabilitySet: "None",
  1567  					AdditionalEnabledCapabilities: []configv1.ClusterVersionCapability{"marketplace"}}
  1568  				return c
  1569  			}(),
  1570  			expectedError: `additionalEnabledCapabilities: Invalid value: \[\]v1.ClusterVersionCapability{"marketplace"}: the marketplace capability requires the OperatorLifecycleManager capability`,
  1571  		},
  1572  		{
  1573  			name: "valid additional enabled capability specified",
  1574  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1575  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1576  				c.Capabilities = &types.Capabilities{BaselineCapabilitySet: "v4.11"}
  1577  				c.Capabilities.AdditionalEnabledCapabilities = append(c.Capabilities.AdditionalEnabledCapabilities, configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityCloudCredential, configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityOpenShiftSamples, configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityCloudControllerManager, configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityIngress, configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityOperatorLifecycleManager)
  1578  				return c
  1579  			}(),
  1580  		},
  1581  		{
  1582  			name: "invalid empty additional enabled capability specified",
  1583  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1584  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1585  				c.Capabilities = &types.Capabilities{BaselineCapabilitySet: "v4.11",
  1586  					AdditionalEnabledCapabilities: []configv1.ClusterVersionCapability{""}}
  1587  				return c
  1588  			}(),
  1589  			expectedError: `capabilities.additionalEnabledCapabilities\[0\]: Unsupported value: "": supported values: .*`,
  1590  		},
  1591  		{
  1592  			name: "invalid additional enabled capability specified",
  1593  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1594  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1595  				c.Capabilities = &types.Capabilities{BaselineCapabilitySet: "v4.11",
  1596  					AdditionalEnabledCapabilities: []configv1.ClusterVersionCapability{"not-valid"}}
  1597  				return c
  1598  			}(),
  1599  			expectedError: `capabilities.additionalEnabledCapabilities\[0\]: Unsupported value: "not-valid": supported values: .*`,
  1600  		},
  1601  		{
  1602  			name: "baremetal platform requires the baremetal capability",
  1603  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1604  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1605  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1606  					BareMetal: validBareMetalPlatform(),
  1607  				}
  1608  				c.Capabilities = &types.Capabilities{BaselineCapabilitySet: "None", AdditionalEnabledCapabilities: []configv1.ClusterVersionCapability{"marketplace"}}
  1609  				return c
  1610  			}(),
  1611  			expectedError: `additionalEnabledCapabilities: Invalid value: \[\]v1.ClusterVersionCapability{"marketplace"}: platform baremetal requires the baremetal capability`,
  1612  		},
  1613  		//VIP tests
  1614  		{
  1615  			name: "apivip_v4_not_in_machinenetwork_cidr",
  1616  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1617  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1618  				c.Networking.MachineNetwork = []types.MachineNetworkEntry{
  1619  					{CIDR: *ipnet.MustParseCIDR("")},
  1620  					{CIDR: *ipnet.MustParseCIDR("fe80::/10")},
  1621  				}
  1622  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1623  					BareMetal: validBareMetalPlatform(),
  1624  				}
  1625  				c.Platform.BareMetal.APIVIPs = []string{""}
  1627  				return c
  1628  			}(),
  1629  			expectedError: "platform.baremetal.apiVIPs: Invalid value: \"\": IP expected to be in one of the machine networks:,fe80::/10",
  1630  		},
  1631  		{
  1632  			name: "apivip_v4_not_in_machinenetwork_cidr_usermanaged_loadbalancer",
  1633  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1634  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1635  				c.FeatureSet = configv1.TechPreviewNoUpgrade
  1636  				c.Networking.MachineNetwork = []types.MachineNetworkEntry{
  1637  					{CIDR: *ipnet.MustParseCIDR("")},
  1638  					{CIDR: *ipnet.MustParseCIDR("fe80::/10")},
  1639  				}
  1640  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1641  					BareMetal: validBareMetalPlatform(),
  1642  				}
  1643  				c.Platform.BareMetal.LoadBalancer = &configv1.BareMetalPlatformLoadBalancer{Type: configv1.LoadBalancerTypeUserManaged}
  1644  				c.Platform.BareMetal.APIVIPs = []string{""}
  1646  				return c
  1647  			}(),
  1648  		},
  1649  		{
  1650  			name: "apivip_v6_not_in_machinenetwork_cidr",
  1651  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1652  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1653  				c.Networking.MachineNetwork = []types.MachineNetworkEntry{
  1654  					{CIDR: *ipnet.MustParseCIDR("")},
  1655  					{CIDR: *ipnet.MustParseCIDR("fe80::/10")},
  1656  				}
  1657  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1658  					BareMetal: validBareMetalPlatform(),
  1659  				}
  1660  				c.Platform.BareMetal.APIVIPs = []string{"2001::1"}
  1662  				return c
  1663  			}(),
  1664  			expectedError: "platform.baremetal.apiVIPs: Invalid value: \"2001::1\": IP expected to be in one of the machine networks:,fe80::/10",
  1665  		},
  1666  		{
  1667  			name: "apivips_v6_on_openshiftsdn",
  1668  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1669  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1670  				c.Networking = validIPv6NetworkingConfig()
  1671  				c.Networking.NetworkType = string(operv1.NetworkTypeOpenShiftSDN)
  1673  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1674  					BareMetal: validBareMetalPlatform(),
  1675  				}
  1676  				c.Platform.BareMetal.APIVIPs = []string{"ffd0::1"}
  1678  				return c
  1679  			}(),
  1680  			expectedError: "[networking.networkType: Invalid value: \"OpenShiftSDN\": networkType OpenShiftSDN is not supported, please use OVNKubernetes, platform.baremetal.ingressVIPs: Invalid value: \"\": IP expected to be in one of the machine networks: ffd0::/48]",
  1681  		},
  1682  		{
  1683  			name: "ingressvips_v6_on_openshiftsdn",
  1684  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1685  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1686  				c.Networking = validIPv6NetworkingConfig()
  1687  				c.Networking.NetworkType = string(operv1.NetworkTypeOpenShiftSDN)
  1689  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1690  					BareMetal: validBareMetalPlatform(),
  1691  				}
  1692  				c.Platform.BareMetal.IngressVIPs = []string{"ffd0::1"}
  1694  				return c
  1695  			}(),
  1696  			expectedError: "[networking.networkType: Invalid value: \"OpenShiftSDN\": networkType OpenShiftSDN is not supported, please use OVNKubernetes, platform.baremetal.apiVIPs: Invalid value: \"\": IP expected to be in one of the machine networks: ffd0::/48]",
  1697  		},
  1698  		{
  1699  			name: "too_many_apivips",
  1700  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1701  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1702  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1703  					BareMetal: validBareMetalPlatform(),
  1704  				}
  1705  				c.Platform.BareMetal.APIVIPs = []string{"fe80::1", "fe80::2", "fe80::3"}
  1707  				return c
  1708  			}(),
  1709  			expectedError: "platform.baremetal.apiVIPs: Too many: 3: must have at most 2 items",
  1710  		},
  1711  		{
  1712  			name: "invalid_apivip",
  1713  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1714  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1715  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1716  					BareMetal: validBareMetalPlatform(),
  1717  				}
  1718  				c.Platform.BareMetal.APIVIPs = []string{""}
  1720  				return c
  1721  			}(),
  1722  			expectedError: "platform.baremetal.apiVIPs: Invalid value: \"\": \"\" is not a valid IP",
  1723  		},
  1724  		{
  1725  			name: "invalid_apivip_2",
  1726  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1727  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1728  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1729  					BareMetal: validBareMetalPlatform(),
  1730  				}
  1731  				c.Platform.BareMetal.APIVIPs = []string{"123.456.789.000"}
  1733  				return c
  1734  			}(),
  1735  			expectedError: "platform.baremetal.apiVIPs: Invalid value: \"123.456.789.000\": \"123.456.789.000\" is not a valid IP",
  1736  		},
  1737  		{
  1738  			name: "invalid_apivip_format",
  1739  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1740  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1741  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1742  					BareMetal: validBareMetalPlatform(),
  1743  				}
  1744  				c.Platform.BareMetal.APIVIPs = []string{"foobar"}
  1746  				return c
  1747  			}(),
  1748  			expectedError: "platform.baremetal.apiVIPs: Invalid value: \"foobar\": \"foobar\" is not a valid IP",
  1749  		},
  1750  		{
  1751  			name: "invalid_apivip_format_one_of_many",
  1752  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1753  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1754  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1755  					BareMetal: validBareMetalPlatform(),
  1756  				}
  1757  				c.Platform.BareMetal.APIVIPs = []string{"", "foobar"}
  1759  				return c
  1760  			}(),
  1761  			expectedError: "platform.baremetal.apiVIPs: Invalid value: \"foobar\": \"foobar\" is not a valid IP",
  1762  		},
  1763  		{
  1764  			name: "invalid_apivips_both_ipv4",
  1765  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1766  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1767  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1768  					BareMetal: validBareMetalPlatform(),
  1769  				}
  1770  				c.Platform.BareMetal.APIVIPs = []string{"", ""}
  1772  				return c
  1773  			}(),
  1774  			expectedError: "platform.baremetal.apiVIPs: Invalid value: \\[\\]string\\{\"\", \"\"\\}: If two API VIPs are given, one must be an IPv4 address, the other an IPv6",
  1775  		},
  1776  		{
  1777  			name: "invalid_apis_both_ipv6",
  1778  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1779  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1780  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1781  					BareMetal: validBareMetalPlatform(),
  1782  				}
  1783  				c.Platform.BareMetal.APIVIPs = []string{"fe80::1", "fe80::2"}
  1785  				return c
  1786  			}(),
  1787  			expectedError: "platform.baremetal.apiVIPs: Invalid value: \\[\\]string\\{\"fe80::1\", \"fe80::2\"\\}: If two API VIPs are given, one must be an IPv4 address, the other an IPv6",
  1788  		},
  1789  		{
  1790  			name: "ingressvip_v4_not_in_machinenetwork_cidr",
  1791  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1792  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1793  				c.Networking.MachineNetwork = []types.MachineNetworkEntry{
  1794  					{CIDR: *ipnet.MustParseCIDR("")},
  1795  					{CIDR: *ipnet.MustParseCIDR("fe80::/10")},
  1796  				}
  1797  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1798  					BareMetal: validBareMetalPlatform(),
  1799  				}
  1800  				c.Platform.BareMetal.IngressVIPs = []string{""}
  1802  				return c
  1803  			}(),
  1804  			expectedError: "platform.baremetal.ingressVIPs: Invalid value: \"\": IP expected to be in one of the machine networks:,fe80::/10",
  1805  		},
  1806  		{
  1807  			name: "ingressvip_v6_not_in_machinenetwork_cidr",
  1808  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1809  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1810  				c.Networking.MachineNetwork = []types.MachineNetworkEntry{
  1811  					{CIDR: *ipnet.MustParseCIDR("")},
  1812  					{CIDR: *ipnet.MustParseCIDR("fe80::/10")},
  1813  				}
  1814  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1815  					BareMetal: validBareMetalPlatform(),
  1816  				}
  1817  				c.Platform.BareMetal.IngressVIPs = []string{"2001::1"}
  1819  				return c
  1820  			}(),
  1821  			expectedError: "platform.baremetal.ingressVIPs: Invalid value: \"2001::1\": IP expected to be in one of the machine networks:,fe80::/10",
  1822  		},
  1823  		{
  1824  			name: "vsphere_ingressvip_v4_not_in_machinenetwork_cidr",
  1825  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1826  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1827  				c.Networking.MachineNetwork = []types.MachineNetworkEntry{
  1828  					{CIDR: *ipnet.MustParseCIDR("")},
  1829  					{CIDR: *ipnet.MustParseCIDR("fe80::/10")},
  1830  				}
  1831  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1832  					VSphere: validVSpherePlatform(),
  1833  				}
  1834  				c.Platform.VSphere.IngressVIPs = []string{""}
  1835  				c.Platform.VSphere.APIVIPs = []string{""}
  1837  				return c
  1838  			}(),
  1839  		},
  1840  		{
  1841  			name: "too_many_ingressvips",
  1842  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1843  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1844  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1845  					BareMetal: validBareMetalPlatform(),
  1846  				}
  1847  				c.Platform.BareMetal.IngressVIPs = []string{"fe80::1", "fe80::2", "fe80::3"}
  1849  				return c
  1850  			}(),
  1851  			expectedError: "platform.baremetal.ingressVIPs: Too many: 3: must have at most 2 items",
  1852  		},
  1853  		{
  1854  			name: "invalid_ingressvip",
  1855  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1856  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1857  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1858  					BareMetal: validBareMetalPlatform(),
  1859  				}
  1860  				c.Platform.BareMetal.IngressVIPs = []string{""}
  1862  				return c
  1863  			}(),
  1864  			expectedError: "platform.baremetal.ingressVIPs: Invalid value: \"\": \"\" is not a valid IP",
  1865  		},
  1866  		{
  1867  			name: "invalid_ingressvip_format",
  1868  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1869  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1870  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1871  					BareMetal: validBareMetalPlatform(),
  1872  				}
  1873  				c.Platform.BareMetal.IngressVIPs = []string{"foobar"}
  1875  				return c
  1876  			}(),
  1877  			expectedError: "platform.baremetal.ingressVIPs: Invalid value: \"foobar\": \"foobar\" is not a valid IP",
  1878  		},
  1879  		{
  1880  			name: "invalid_ingressvip_format_one_of_many",
  1881  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1882  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1883  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1884  					BareMetal: validBareMetalPlatform(),
  1885  				}
  1886  				c.Platform.BareMetal.IngressVIPs = []string{"", "foobar"}
  1888  				return c
  1889  			}(),
  1890  			expectedError: "platform.baremetal.ingressVIPs: Invalid value: \"foobar\": \"foobar\" is not a valid IP",
  1891  		},
  1892  		{
  1893  			name: "invalid_ingressvips_both_ipv4",
  1894  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1895  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1896  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1897  					BareMetal: validBareMetalPlatform(),
  1898  				}
  1899  				c.Platform.BareMetal.IngressVIPs = []string{"", ""}
  1901  				return c
  1902  			}(),
  1903  			expectedError: "platform.baremetal.ingressVIPs: Invalid value: \\[\\]string\\{\"\", \"\"\\}: If two Ingress VIPs are given, one must be an IPv4 address, the other an IPv6",
  1904  		},
  1905  		{
  1906  			name: "invalid_ingressvips_both_ipv6",
  1907  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1908  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1909  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1910  					BareMetal: validBareMetalPlatform(),
  1911  				}
  1912  				c.Platform.BareMetal.IngressVIPs = []string{"fe80::1", "fe80::2"}
  1914  				return c
  1915  			}(),
  1916  			expectedError: "platform.baremetal.ingressVIPs: Invalid value: \\[\\]string\\{\"fe80::1\", \"fe80::2\"\\}: If two Ingress VIPs are given, one must be an IPv4 address, the other an IPv6",
  1917  		},
  1918  		{
  1919  			name: "identical_apivip_ingressvip",
  1920  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1921  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1922  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1923  					BareMetal: validBareMetalPlatform(),
  1924  				}
  1925  				c.Platform.BareMetal.APIVIPs = []string{"fe80::1"}
  1926  				c.Platform.BareMetal.IngressVIPs = []string{"fe80::1"}
  1928  				return c
  1929  			}(),
  1930  			expectedError: "platform.baremetal.apiVIPs: Invalid value: \"fe80::1\": VIP for API must not be one of the Ingress VIPs",
  1931  		},
  1932  		{
  1933  			name: "identical_apivip_ingressvip_usermanaged_loadbalancer",
  1934  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1935  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1936  				c.FeatureSet = configv1.TechPreviewNoUpgrade
  1937  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1938  					BareMetal: validBareMetalPlatform(),
  1939  				}
  1940  				c.Platform.BareMetal.LoadBalancer = &configv1.BareMetalPlatformLoadBalancer{Type: configv1.LoadBalancerTypeUserManaged}
  1941  				c.Platform.BareMetal.APIVIPs = []string{"fe80::1"}
  1942  				c.Platform.BareMetal.IngressVIPs = []string{"fe80::1"}
  1944  				return c
  1945  			}(),
  1946  		},
  1947  		{
  1948  			name: "identical_apivips_ingressvips_multiple_ips",
  1949  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1950  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1951  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1952  					BareMetal: validBareMetalPlatform(),
  1953  				}
  1954  				c.Platform.BareMetal.APIVIPs = []string{"fe80::1", ""}
  1955  				c.Platform.BareMetal.IngressVIPs = []string{"fe80::1", ""}
  1957  				return c
  1958  			}(),
  1959  			expectedError: "platform.baremetal.apiVIPs: Invalid value: \"fe80::1\": VIP for API must not be one of the Ingress VIPs",
  1960  		},
  1961  		{
  1962  			name: "apivip_ingressvip_are_synonyms",
  1963  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1964  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1965  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1966  					BareMetal: validBareMetalPlatform(),
  1967  				}
  1968  				c.Platform.BareMetal.APIVIPs = []string{"2001:db8::5"}
  1969  				c.Platform.BareMetal.IngressVIPs = []string{"2001:db8:0::5"}
  1971  				return c
  1972  			}(),
  1973  			expectedError: "platform.baremetal.apiVIPs: Invalid value: \"2001:db8::5\": VIP for API must not be one of the Ingress VIPs",
  1974  		},
  1975  		{
  1976  			name: "empty_api_vip_fields",
  1977  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1978  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1979  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1980  					BareMetal: validBareMetalPlatform(),
  1981  				}
  1982  				c.Platform.BareMetal.DeprecatedAPIVIP = ""
  1983  				c.Platform.BareMetal.APIVIPs = []string{}
  1985  				return c
  1986  			}(),
  1987  			expectedError: "platform.baremetal.apiVIPs: Required value: must specify at least one VIP for the API",
  1988  		},
  1989  		{
  1990  			name: "empty_ingress_vip_fields",
  1991  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  1992  				c := validInstallConfig()
  1993  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  1994  					BareMetal: validBareMetalPlatform(),
  1995  				}
  1996  				c.Platform.BareMetal.DeprecatedIngressVIP = ""
  1997  				c.Platform.BareMetal.IngressVIPs = []string{}
  1999  				return c
  2000  			}(),
  2001  			expectedError: "platform.baremetal.ingressVIPs: Required value: must specify at least one VIP for the Ingress",
  2002  		},
  2003  		{
  2004  			name: "baremetal API VIP set to an incorrect IP Family",
  2005  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  2006  				c := validInstallConfig()
  2007  				c.Networking = validDualStackNetworkingConfig()
  2008  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  2009  					BareMetal: validBareMetalPlatform(),
  2010  				}
  2011  				c.Platform.BareMetal.APIVIPs = []string{"ffd0::"}
  2012  				return c
  2013  			}(),
  2014  			expectedError: `platform.baremetal.apiVIPs: Invalid value: "ffd0::": VIP for the API must be of the same IP family with machine network's primary IP Family for dual-stack IPv4/IPv6`,
  2015  		},
  2016  		{
  2017  			name: "baremetal Ingress VIP set to an incorrect IP Family",
  2018  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  2019  				c := validInstallConfig()
  2020  				c.Networking = validDualStackNetworkingConfig()
  2021  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  2022  					BareMetal: validBareMetalPlatform(),
  2023  				}
  2024  				c.Platform.BareMetal.IngressVIPs = []string{"ffd0::"}
  2025  				return c
  2026  			}(),
  2027  			expectedError: `platform.baremetal.ingressVIPs: Invalid value: "ffd0::": VIP for the Ingress must be of the same IP family with machine network's primary IP Family for dual-stack IPv4/IPv6`,
  2028  		},
  2029  		{
  2030  			name: "should validate vips on baremetal (required)",
  2031  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  2032  				c := validInstallConfig()
  2033  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  2034  					BareMetal: validBareMetalPlatform(),
  2035  				}
  2036  				c.Platform.BareMetal.DeprecatedAPIVIP = ""
  2037  				c.Platform.BareMetal.APIVIPs = []string{}
  2039  				return c
  2040  			}(),
  2041  			expectedError: "platform.baremetal.apiVIPs: Required value: must specify at least one VIP for the API",
  2042  		},
  2043  		{
  2044  			name: "should validate vips on OpenStack (vips are required on openstack)",
  2045  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  2046  				c := validInstallConfig()
  2047  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  2048  					OpenStack: validOpenStackPlatform(),
  2049  				}
  2050  				c.Platform.OpenStack.DeprecatedAPIVIP = ""
  2051  				c.Platform.OpenStack.APIVIPs = []string{}
  2053  				return c
  2054  			}(),
  2055  			expectedError: "platform.openstack.apiVIPs: Required value: must specify at least one VIP for the API",
  2056  		},
  2057  		// {
  2058  		// 	name: "should not validate vips on OpenStack if not set (vips are not required on openstack)",
  2059  		// 	installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  2060  		// 		c := validInstallConfig()
  2061  		// 		c.Platform = types.Platform{
  2062  		// 			OpenStack: validOpenStackPlatform(),
  2063  		// 		}
  2064  		// 		c.Platform.OpenStack.DeprecatedAPIVIP = ""
  2065  		// 		c.Platform.OpenStack.APIVIPs = []string{}
  2067  		// 		return c
  2068  		// 	}(),
  2069  		// },
  2070  		{
  2071  			name: "should validate vips on OpenStack if set (vips are not required on openstack)",
  2072  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  2073  				c := validInstallConfig()
  2074  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  2075  					OpenStack: validOpenStackPlatform(),
  2076  				}
  2077  				c.Platform.OpenStack.APIVIPs = []string{"foobar"}
  2079  				return c
  2080  			}(),
  2081  			expectedError: "platform.openstack.apiVIPs: Invalid value: \"foobar\": \"foobar\" is not a valid IP",
  2082  		},
  2083  		{
  2084  			name: "should not validate vips on VSphere if not set (vips are not required on VSphere)",
  2085  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  2086  				c := validInstallConfig()
  2087  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  2088  					VSphere: validVSpherePlatform(),
  2089  				}
  2090  				c.Platform.VSphere.DeprecatedAPIVIP = ""
  2091  				c.Platform.VSphere.APIVIPs = []string{}
  2093  				return c
  2094  			}(),
  2095  		},
  2096  		{
  2097  			name: "should validate vips on VSphere if set (vips are not required on VSphere)",
  2098  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  2099  				c := validInstallConfig()
  2100  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  2101  					VSphere: validVSpherePlatform(),
  2102  				}
  2103  				c.Platform.VSphere.APIVIPs = []string{"foobar"}
  2105  				return c
  2106  			}(),
  2107  			expectedError: "platform.vsphere.apiVIPs: Invalid value: \"foobar\": \"foobar\" is not a valid IP",
  2108  		},
  2109  		{
  2110  			name: "should not validate vips on Nutanix if not set (vips are not required on Nutanix)",
  2111  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  2112  				c := validInstallConfig()
  2113  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  2114  					Nutanix: validNutanixPlatform(),
  2115  				}
  2116  				c.Platform.Nutanix.DeprecatedAPIVIP = ""
  2117  				c.Platform.Nutanix.APIVIPs = []string{}
  2119  				return c
  2120  			}(),
  2121  		},
  2122  		{
  2123  			name: "should validate vips on Nutanix if set (vips are not required on Nutanix)",
  2124  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  2125  				c := validInstallConfig()
  2126  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  2127  					Nutanix: validNutanixPlatform(),
  2128  				}
  2129  				c.Platform.Nutanix.APIVIPs = []string{"foobar"}
  2131  				return c
  2132  			}(),
  2133  			expectedError: "platform.nutanix.apiVIPs: Invalid value: \"foobar\": \"foobar\" is not a valid IP",
  2134  		},
  2135  		{
  2136  			name: "should return error if only API VIP is set",
  2137  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  2138  				c := validInstallConfig()
  2139  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  2140  					VSphere: validVSpherePlatform(),
  2141  				}
  2142  				c.Platform.VSphere.APIVIPs = []string{""}
  2143  				c.Platform.VSphere.IngressVIPs = []string{}
  2145  				return c
  2146  			}(),
  2147  			expectedError: "platform.vsphere.ingressVIPs: Required value: must specify VIP for ingress, when VIP for API is set",
  2148  		},
  2149  		{
  2150  			name: "should return error if only Ingress VIP is set",
  2151  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  2152  				c := validInstallConfig()
  2153  				c.Platform = types.Platform{
  2154  					VSphere: validVSpherePlatform(),
  2155  				}
  2156  				c.Platform.VSphere.APIVIPs = []string{}
  2157  				c.Platform.VSphere.IngressVIPs = []string{""}
  2159  				return c
  2160  			}(),
  2161  			expectedError: "platform.vsphere.apiVIPs: Required value: must specify VIP for API, when VIP for ingress is set",
  2162  		},
  2163  		{
  2164  			name: "valid custom features",
  2165  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  2166  				c := validInstallConfig()
  2167  				c.FeatureSet = configv1.CustomNoUpgrade
  2168  				c.FeatureGates = []string{
  2169  					"CustomFeature1=True",
  2170  					"CustomFeature2=False",
  2171  				}
  2172  				return c
  2173  			}(),
  2174  		},
  2175  		{
  2176  			name: "invalid custom features",
  2177  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  2178  				c := validInstallConfig()
  2179  				c.FeatureSet = configv1.CustomNoUpgrade
  2180  				c.FeatureGates = []string{
  2181  					"CustomFeature1=True",
  2182  					"CustomFeature2",
  2183  				}
  2184  				return c
  2185  			}(),
  2186  			expectedError: `featureGates\[1\]: Invalid value: "CustomFeature2": must match the format <feature-name>=<bool>`,
  2187  		},
  2188  		{
  2189  			name: "invalid custom features bool",
  2190  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  2191  				c := validInstallConfig()
  2192  				c.FeatureSet = configv1.CustomNoUpgrade
  2193  				c.FeatureGates = []string{
  2194  					"CustomFeature1=foo",
  2195  					"CustomFeature2=False",
  2196  				}
  2197  				return c
  2198  			}(),
  2199  			expectedError: `featureGates\[0\]: Invalid value: "CustomFeature1=foo": must match the format <feature-name>=<bool>, could not parse boolean value`,
  2200  		},
  2201  		{
  2202  			name: "custom features supplied with non-custom featureset",
  2203  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  2204  				c := validInstallConfig()
  2205  				c.FeatureSet = configv1.TechPreviewNoUpgrade
  2206  				c.FeatureGates = []string{
  2207  					"CustomFeature1=True",
  2208  					"CustomFeature2=False",
  2209  				}
  2210  				return c
  2211  			}(),
  2212  			expectedError: "featureGates: Forbidden: featureGates can only be used with the CustomNoUpgrade feature set",
  2213  		},
  2214  		{
  2215  			name: "valid disabled MAPI with baseline none and baremetal enabled",
  2216  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  2217  				c := validInstallConfig()
  2218  				c.Capabilities = &types.Capabilities{
  2219  					BaselineCapabilitySet:         configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilitySetNone,
  2220  					AdditionalEnabledCapabilities: []configv1.ClusterVersionCapability{configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityBaremetal, configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityIngress, configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityCloudCredential, configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityCloudControllerManager},
  2221  				}
  2222  				return c
  2223  			}(),
  2224  		},
  2225  		{
  2226  			name: "valid disabled MAPI capability configuration",
  2227  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  2228  				c := validInstallConfig()
  2229  				c.Capabilities = &types.Capabilities{
  2230  					BaselineCapabilitySet: configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilitySetNone,
  2231  				}
  2232  				c.Capabilities.AdditionalEnabledCapabilities = append(c.Capabilities.AdditionalEnabledCapabilities, configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityCloudCredential, configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityCloudControllerManager, configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityIngress)
  2233  				return c
  2234  			}(),
  2235  		},
  2236  		{
  2237  			name: "valid enabled MAPI capability configuration",
  2238  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  2239  				c := validInstallConfig()
  2240  				c.Capabilities = &types.Capabilities{
  2241  					BaselineCapabilitySet:         configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilitySetNone,
  2242  					AdditionalEnabledCapabilities: []configv1.ClusterVersionCapability{configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityBaremetal, configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityMachineAPI, configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityCloudCredential, configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityCloudControllerManager, configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityIngress},
  2243  				}
  2244  				return c
  2245  			}(),
  2246  		},
  2247  		{
  2248  			name: "valid enabled MAPI capability configuration 2",
  2249  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  2250  				c := validInstallConfig()
  2251  				c.Capabilities = &types.Capabilities{
  2252  					BaselineCapabilitySet:         configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilitySetNone,
  2253  					AdditionalEnabledCapabilities: []configv1.ClusterVersionCapability{configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityMachineAPI, configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityCloudCredential, configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityCloudControllerManager, configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityIngress},
  2254  				}
  2255  				return c
  2256  			}(),
  2257  		},
  2258  		{
  2259  			name: "CloudCredential is enabled in cloud",
  2260  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  2261  				c := validInstallConfig()
  2262  				c.Capabilities = &types.Capabilities{
  2263  					BaselineCapabilitySet: configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilitySetCurrent,
  2264  				}
  2265  				return c
  2266  			}(),
  2267  		},
  2268  		{
  2269  			name: "CloudCredential is disabled in cloud aws",
  2270  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  2271  				c := validInstallConfig()
  2272  				c.Capabilities = &types.Capabilities{
  2273  					BaselineCapabilitySet: configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilitySetNone,
  2274  				}
  2275  				return c
  2276  			}(),
  2277  			expectedError: "disabling CloudCredential capability available only for baremetal platforms",
  2278  		},
  2279  		{
  2280  			name: "CloudCredential is disabled in cloud gcp",
  2281  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  2282  				c := validInstallConfig()
  2283  				c.GCP = validGCPPlatform()
  2284  				c.AWS = nil
  2285  				c.Capabilities = &types.Capabilities{
  2286  					BaselineCapabilitySet: configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilitySetNone,
  2287  				}
  2288  				return c
  2289  			}(),
  2290  			expectedError: "disabling CloudCredential capability available only for baremetal platforms",
  2291  		},
  2292  		{
  2293  			name: "CloudCredential is enabled in baremetal",
  2294  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  2295  				c := validInstallConfig()
  2296  				c.BareMetal = validBareMetalPlatform()
  2297  				c.AWS = nil
  2298  				c.Capabilities = &types.Capabilities{
  2299  					BaselineCapabilitySet: configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilitySetCurrent,
  2300  				}
  2301  				return c
  2302  			}(),
  2303  		},
  2304  		{
  2305  			name: "CloudCredential is disabled in baremetal",
  2306  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  2307  				c := validInstallConfig()
  2308  				c.BareMetal = validBareMetalPlatform()
  2309  				c.AWS = nil
  2310  				c.Capabilities = &types.Capabilities{
  2311  					BaselineCapabilitySet:         configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilitySetNone,
  2312  					AdditionalEnabledCapabilities: []configv1.ClusterVersionCapability{configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityBaremetal, configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityMachineAPI, configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityIngress},
  2313  				}
  2314  				return c
  2315  			}(),
  2316  		},
  2317  		{
  2318  			name: "CloudController can't be disabled on cloud",
  2319  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  2320  				c := validInstallConfig()
  2321  				c.Capabilities = &types.Capabilities{
  2322  					BaselineCapabilitySet: configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilitySetNone,
  2323  				}
  2324  				return c
  2325  			}(),
  2326  			expectedError: "disabling CloudControllerManager is only supported on the Baremetal, None, or External platform with cloudControllerManager value none",
  2327  		},
  2328  		{
  2329  			name: "valid disabled CloudController configuration none platform",
  2330  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  2331  				c := validInstallConfig()
  2332  				c.Platform.AWS = nil
  2333  				c.Platform.None = &none.Platform{}
  2334  				c.Capabilities = &types.Capabilities{
  2335  					BaselineCapabilitySet:         configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilitySetNone,
  2336  					AdditionalEnabledCapabilities: []configv1.ClusterVersionCapability{configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityIngress},
  2337  				}
  2338  				return c
  2339  			}(),
  2340  		},
  2341  		{
  2342  			name: "valid disabled CloudController configuration platform baremetal",
  2343  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  2344  				c := validInstallConfig()
  2345  				c.Platform.AWS = nil
  2346  				c.Platform.BareMetal = validBareMetalPlatform()
  2347  				c.Capabilities = &types.Capabilities{
  2348  					BaselineCapabilitySet:         configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilitySetNone,
  2349  					AdditionalEnabledCapabilities: []configv1.ClusterVersionCapability{configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityBaremetal, configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityMachineAPI, configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityIngress},
  2350  				}
  2351  				return c
  2352  			}(),
  2353  		},
  2354  		{
  2355  			name: "valid disabled CloudController configuration platform External",
  2356  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  2357  				c := validInstallConfig()
  2358  				c.Platform.AWS = nil
  2359  				c.Platform.External = &external.Platform{}
  2360  				c.Capabilities = &types.Capabilities{
  2361  					BaselineCapabilitySet:         configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilitySetNone,
  2362  					AdditionalEnabledCapabilities: []configv1.ClusterVersionCapability{configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityCloudCredential, configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityIngress},
  2363  				}
  2364  				return c
  2365  			}(),
  2366  		},
  2367  		{
  2368  			name: "valid disabled CloudController configuration platform External 2",
  2369  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  2370  				c := validInstallConfig()
  2371  				c.Platform.AWS = nil
  2372  				c.Platform.External = &external.Platform{
  2373  					CloudControllerManager: external.CloudControllerManagerTypeNone,
  2374  				}
  2375  				c.Capabilities = &types.Capabilities{
  2376  					BaselineCapabilitySet:         configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilitySetNone,
  2377  					AdditionalEnabledCapabilities: []configv1.ClusterVersionCapability{configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityCloudCredential, configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityIngress},
  2378  				}
  2379  				return c
  2380  			}(),
  2381  		},
  2382  		{
  2383  			name: "invalid disabled CloudController configuration platform External 2",
  2384  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  2385  				c := validInstallConfig()
  2386  				c.Platform.AWS = nil
  2387  				c.Platform.External = &external.Platform{
  2388  					CloudControllerManager: external.CloudControllerManagerTypeExternal,
  2389  				}
  2390  				c.Capabilities = &types.Capabilities{
  2391  					BaselineCapabilitySet:         configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilitySetNone,
  2392  					AdditionalEnabledCapabilities: []configv1.ClusterVersionCapability{configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilityCloudCredential},
  2393  				}
  2394  				return c
  2395  			}(),
  2396  			expectedError: "disabling CloudControllerManager on External platform supported only with cloudControllerManager value none",
  2397  		},
  2398  		{
  2399  			name: "Ingress can't be disabled",
  2400  			installConfig: func() *types.InstallConfig {
  2401  				c := validInstallConfig()
  2402  				c.Capabilities = &types.Capabilities{
  2403  					BaselineCapabilitySet: configv1.ClusterVersionCapabilitySetNone,
  2404  				}
  2405  				return c
  2406  			}(),
  2407  			expectedError: "the Ingress capability is required",
  2408  		},
  2409  	}
  2410  	for _, tc := range cases {
  2411  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
  2412  			err := ValidateInstallConfig(tc.installConfig, false).ToAggregate()
  2413  			if tc.expectedError == "" {
  2414  				assert.NoError(t, err)
  2415  			} else {
  2416  				assert.Regexp(t, tc.expectedError, err)
  2417  			}
  2418  		})
  2419  	}
  2420  }
  2422  func Test_ensureIPv4IsFirstInDualStackSlice(t *testing.T) {
  2423  	tests := []struct {
  2424  		name    string
  2425  		vips    []string
  2426  		want    []string
  2427  		wantErr bool
  2428  	}{
  2429  		{
  2430  			name:    "should switch VIPs",
  2431  			vips:    []string{"fe80::0", ""},
  2432  			want:    []string{"", "fe80::0"},
  2433  			wantErr: false,
  2434  		},
  2435  		{
  2436  			name:    "should do nothing on single stack",
  2437  			vips:    []string{""},
  2438  			want:    []string{""},
  2439  			wantErr: false,
  2440  		},
  2441  		{
  2442  			name:    "should do nothing on correct order",
  2443  			vips:    []string{"", "fe80::0"},
  2444  			want:    []string{"", "fe80::0"},
  2445  			wantErr: false,
  2446  		},
  2447  		{
  2448  			name:    "return error on invalid number of vips",
  2449  			vips:    []string{"", "fe80::0", ""},
  2450  			want:    nil,
  2451  			wantErr: true,
  2452  		},
  2453  	}
  2454  	for _, tt := range tests {
  2455  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
  2456  			if err := ensureIPv4IsFirstInDualStackSlice(&tt.vips, field.NewPath("test")); (len(err) > 0) != tt.wantErr {
  2457  				t.Errorf("ensureIPv4IsFirstInDualStackSlice() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
  2458  			}
  2459  			if !tt.wantErr && !utilsslice.Equal(tt.vips, tt.want) && len(tt.vips) == 2 {
  2460  				t.Errorf("ensureIPv4IsFirstInDualStackSlice() changed to %v, expected %v", tt.vips, tt.want)
  2461  			}
  2462  		})
  2463  	}
  2464  }