
     1  AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
     2  Description: Template for OpenShift Cluster Network Elements (Route53 & LBs)
     4  Parameters:
     5    ClusterName:
     6      AllowedPattern: ^([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\-]{0,26})$
     7      MaxLength: 27
     8      MinLength: 1
     9      ConstraintDescription: Cluster name must be alphanumeric, start with a letter, and have a maximum of 27 characters.
    10      Description: A short, representative cluster name to use for host names and other identifying names.
    11      Type: String
    12    InfrastructureName:
    13      AllowedPattern: ^([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\-]{0,26})$
    14      MaxLength: 27
    15      MinLength: 1
    16      ConstraintDescription: Infrastructure name must be alphanumeric, start with a letter, and have a maximum of 27 characters.
    17      Description: A short, unique cluster ID used to tag cloud resources and identify items owned or used by the cluster.
    18      Type: String
    19    HostedZoneId:
    20      Description: The Route53 public zone ID to register the targets with, such as Z21IXYZABCZ2A4.
    21      Type: String
    22    HostedZoneName:
    23      Description: The Route53 zone to register the targets with, such as Omit the trailing period.
    24      Type: String
    25      Default: ""
    26    PublicSubnets:
    27      Description: The internet-facing subnets.
    28      Type: List<AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id>
    29    PrivateSubnets:
    30      Description: The internal subnets.
    31      Type: List<AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id>
    32    VpcId:
    33      Description: The VPC-scoped resources will belong to this VPC.
    34      Type: AWS::EC2::VPC::Id
    36  Metadata:
    37    AWS::CloudFormation::Interface:
    38      ParameterGroups:
    39      - Label:
    40          default: "Cluster Information"
    41        Parameters:
    42        - ClusterName
    43        - InfrastructureName
    44      - Label:
    45          default: "Network Configuration"
    46        Parameters:
    47        - VpcId
    48        - PublicSubnets
    49        - PrivateSubnets
    50      - Label:
    51          default: "DNS"
    52        Parameters:
    53        - HostedZoneName
    54        - HostedZoneId
    55      ParameterLabels:
    56        ClusterName:
    57          default: "Cluster Name"
    58        InfrastructureName:
    59          default: "Infrastructure Name"
    60        VpcId:
    61          default: "VPC ID"
    62        PublicSubnets:
    63          default: "Public Subnets"
    64        PrivateSubnets:
    65          default: "Private Subnets"
    66        HostedZoneName:
    67          default: "Public Hosted Zone Name"
    68        HostedZoneId:
    69          default: "Public Hosted Zone ID"
    71  Resources:
    72    ExtApiElb:
    73      Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer
    74      Properties:
    75        Name: !Join ["-", [!Ref InfrastructureName, "ext"]]
    76        IpAddressType: ipv4
    77        Subnets: !Ref PublicSubnets
    78        Type: network
    80    IntApiElb:
    81      Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer
    82      Properties:
    83        Name: !Join ["-", [!Ref InfrastructureName, "int"]]
    84        Scheme: internal
    85        IpAddressType: ipv4
    86        Subnets: !Ref PrivateSubnets
    87        Type: network
    89    IntDns:
    90      Type: "AWS::Route53::HostedZone"
    91      Properties:
    92        HostedZoneConfig:
    93          Comment: "Managed by CloudFormation"
    94        Name: !Join [".", [!Ref ClusterName, !Ref HostedZoneName]]
    95        HostedZoneTags:
    96        - Key: Name
    97          Value: !Join ["-", [!Ref InfrastructureName, "int"]]
    98        - Key: !Join ["", ["", !Ref InfrastructureName]]
    99          Value: "owned"
   100        VPCs:
   101        - VPCId: !Ref VpcId
   102          VPCRegion: !Ref "AWS::Region"
   104    ExternalApiServerRecord:
   105      Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup
   106      Properties:
   107        Comment: Alias record for the API server
   108        HostedZoneId: !Ref HostedZoneId
   109        RecordSets:
   110        - Name:
   111            !Join [
   112              ".",
   113              ["api", !Ref ClusterName, !Join ["", [!Ref HostedZoneName, "."]]],
   114            ]
   115          Type: A
   116          AliasTarget:
   117            HostedZoneId: !GetAtt ExtApiElb.CanonicalHostedZoneID
   118            DNSName: !GetAtt ExtApiElb.DNSName
   120    InternalApiServerRecord:
   121      Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup
   122      Properties:
   123        Comment: Alias record for the API server
   124        HostedZoneId: !Ref IntDns
   125        RecordSets:
   126        - Name:
   127            !Join [
   128              ".",
   129              ["api", !Ref ClusterName, !Join ["", [!Ref HostedZoneName, "."]]],
   130            ]
   131          Type: A
   132          AliasTarget:
   133            HostedZoneId: !GetAtt IntApiElb.CanonicalHostedZoneID
   134            DNSName: !GetAtt IntApiElb.DNSName
   135        - Name:
   136            !Join [
   137              ".",
   138              ["api-int", !Ref ClusterName, !Join ["", [!Ref HostedZoneName, "."]]],
   139            ]
   140          Type: A
   141          AliasTarget:
   142            HostedZoneId: !GetAtt IntApiElb.CanonicalHostedZoneID
   143            DNSName: !GetAtt IntApiElb.DNSName
   145    ExternalApiListener:
   146      Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
   147      Properties:
   148        DefaultActions:
   149        - Type: forward
   150          TargetGroupArn:
   151            Ref: ExternalApiTargetGroup
   152        LoadBalancerArn:
   153          Ref: ExtApiElb
   154        Port: 6443
   155        Protocol: TCP
   157    ExternalApiTargetGroup:
   158      Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
   159      Properties:
   160        HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 10
   161        HealthCheckPath: "/readyz"
   162        HealthCheckPort: 6443
   163        HealthCheckProtocol: HTTPS
   164        HealthyThresholdCount: 2
   165        UnhealthyThresholdCount: 2
   166        Port: 6443
   167        Protocol: TCP
   168        TargetType: ip
   169        VpcId:
   170          Ref: VpcId
   171        TargetGroupAttributes:
   172        - Key: deregistration_delay.timeout_seconds
   173          Value: 60
   175    InternalApiListener:
   176      Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
   177      Properties:
   178        DefaultActions:
   179        - Type: forward
   180          TargetGroupArn:
   181            Ref: InternalApiTargetGroup
   182        LoadBalancerArn:
   183          Ref: IntApiElb
   184        Port: 6443
   185        Protocol: TCP
   187    InternalApiTargetGroup:
   188      Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
   189      Properties:
   190        HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 10
   191        HealthCheckPath: "/readyz"
   192        HealthCheckPort: 6443
   193        HealthCheckProtocol: HTTPS
   194        HealthyThresholdCount: 2
   195        UnhealthyThresholdCount: 2
   196        Port: 6443
   197        Protocol: TCP
   198        TargetType: ip
   199        VpcId:
   200          Ref: VpcId
   201        TargetGroupAttributes:
   202        - Key: deregistration_delay.timeout_seconds
   203          Value: 60
   205    InternalServiceInternalListener:
   206      Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
   207      Properties:
   208        DefaultActions:
   209        - Type: forward
   210          TargetGroupArn:
   211            Ref: InternalServiceTargetGroup
   212        LoadBalancerArn:
   213          Ref: IntApiElb
   214        Port: 22623
   215        Protocol: TCP
   217    InternalServiceTargetGroup:
   218      Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
   219      Properties:
   220        HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 10
   221        HealthCheckPath: "/healthz"
   222        HealthCheckPort: 22623
   223        HealthCheckProtocol: HTTPS
   224        HealthyThresholdCount: 2
   225        UnhealthyThresholdCount: 2
   226        Port: 22623
   227        Protocol: TCP
   228        TargetType: ip
   229        VpcId:
   230          Ref: VpcId
   231        TargetGroupAttributes:
   232        - Key: deregistration_delay.timeout_seconds
   233          Value: 60
   235    RegisterTargetLambdaIamRole:
   236      Type: AWS::IAM::Role
   237      Properties:
   238        RoleName: !Join ["-", [!Ref InfrastructureName, "nlb", "lambda", "role"]]
   239        AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
   240          Version: "2012-10-17"
   241          Statement:
   242          - Effect: "Allow"
   243            Principal:
   244              Service:
   245              - ""
   246            Action:
   247            - "sts:AssumeRole"
   248        Path: "/"
   249        Policies:
   250        - PolicyName: !Join ["-", [!Ref InfrastructureName, "master", "policy"]]
   251          PolicyDocument:
   252            Version: "2012-10-17"
   253            Statement:
   254            - Effect: "Allow"
   255              Action:
   256                [
   257                  "elasticloadbalancing:RegisterTargets",
   258                  "elasticloadbalancing:DeregisterTargets",
   259                ]
   260              Resource: !Ref InternalApiTargetGroup
   261            - Effect: "Allow"
   262              Action:
   263                [
   264                  "elasticloadbalancing:RegisterTargets",
   265                  "elasticloadbalancing:DeregisterTargets",
   266                ]
   267              Resource: !Ref InternalServiceTargetGroup
   268            - Effect: "Allow"
   269              Action:
   270                [
   271                  "elasticloadbalancing:RegisterTargets",
   272                  "elasticloadbalancing:DeregisterTargets",
   273                ]
   274              Resource: !Ref ExternalApiTargetGroup
   276    RegisterNlbIpTargets:
   277      Type: "AWS::Lambda::Function"
   278      Properties:
   279        Handler: "index.handler"
   280        Role:
   281          Fn::GetAtt:
   282          - "RegisterTargetLambdaIamRole"
   283          - "Arn"
   284        Code:
   285          ZipFile: |
   286            import json
   287            import boto3
   288            import cfnresponse
   289            def handler(event, context):
   290              elb = boto3.client('elbv2')
   291              if event['RequestType'] == 'Delete':
   292                elb.deregister_targets(TargetGroupArn=event['ResourceProperties']['TargetArn'],Targets=[{'Id': event['ResourceProperties']['TargetIp']}])
   293              elif event['RequestType'] == 'Create':
   294                elb.register_targets(TargetGroupArn=event['ResourceProperties']['TargetArn'],Targets=[{'Id': event['ResourceProperties']['TargetIp']}])
   295              responseData = {}
   296              cfnresponse.send(event, context, cfnresponse.SUCCESS, responseData, event['ResourceProperties']['TargetArn']+event['ResourceProperties']['TargetIp'])
   297        Runtime: "python3.8"
   298        Timeout: 120
   300    RegisterSubnetTagsLambdaIamRole:
   301      Type: AWS::IAM::Role
   302      Properties:
   303        RoleName: !Join ["-", [!Ref InfrastructureName, "subnet-tags-lambda-role"]]
   304        AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
   305          Version: "2012-10-17"
   306          Statement:
   307          - Effect: "Allow"
   308            Principal:
   309              Service:
   310              - ""
   311            Action:
   312            - "sts:AssumeRole"
   313        Path: "/"
   314        Policies:
   315        - PolicyName: !Join ["-", [!Ref InfrastructureName, "subnet-tagging-policy"]]
   316          PolicyDocument:
   317            Version: "2012-10-17"
   318            Statement:
   319            - Effect: "Allow"
   320              Action:
   321                [
   322                  "ec2:DeleteTags",
   323                  "ec2:CreateTags"
   324                ]
   325              Resource: "arn:aws:ec2:*:*:subnet/*"
   326            - Effect: "Allow"
   327              Action:
   328                [
   329                  "ec2:DescribeSubnets",
   330                  "ec2:DescribeTags"
   331                ]
   332              Resource: "*"
   334    RegisterSubnetTags:
   335      Type: "AWS::Lambda::Function"
   336      Properties:
   337        Handler: "index.handler"
   338        Role:
   339          Fn::GetAtt:
   340          - "RegisterSubnetTagsLambdaIamRole"
   341          - "Arn"
   342        Code:
   343          ZipFile: |
   344            import json
   345            import boto3
   346            import cfnresponse
   347            def handler(event, context):
   348              ec2_client = boto3.client('ec2')
   349              if event['RequestType'] == 'Delete':
   350                for subnet_id in event['ResourceProperties']['Subnets']:
   351                  ec2_client.delete_tags(Resources=[subnet_id], Tags=[{'Key': '' + event['ResourceProperties']['InfrastructureName']}]);
   352              elif event['RequestType'] == 'Create':
   353                for subnet_id in event['ResourceProperties']['Subnets']:
   354                  ec2_client.create_tags(Resources=[subnet_id], Tags=[{'Key': '' + event['ResourceProperties']['InfrastructureName'], 'Value': 'shared'}]);
   355              responseData = {}
   356              cfnresponse.send(event, context, cfnresponse.SUCCESS, responseData, event['ResourceProperties']['InfrastructureName']+event['ResourceProperties']['Subnets'][0])
   357        Runtime: "python3.8"
   358        Timeout: 120
   360    RegisterPublicSubnetTags:
   361      Type: Custom::SubnetRegister
   362      Properties:
   363        ServiceToken: !GetAtt RegisterSubnetTags.Arn
   364        InfrastructureName: !Ref InfrastructureName
   365        Subnets: !Ref PublicSubnets
   367    RegisterPrivateSubnetTags:
   368      Type: Custom::SubnetRegister
   369      Properties:
   370        ServiceToken: !GetAtt RegisterSubnetTags.Arn
   371        InfrastructureName: !Ref InfrastructureName
   372        Subnets: !Ref PrivateSubnets
   374  Outputs:
   375    PrivateHostedZoneId:
   376      Description: Hosted zone ID for the private DNS, which is required for private records.
   377      Value: !Ref IntDns
   378    ExternalApiLoadBalancerName:
   379      Description: Full name of the external API load balancer.
   380      Value: !GetAtt ExtApiElb.LoadBalancerFullName
   381    InternalApiLoadBalancerName:
   382      Description: Full name of the internal API load balancer.
   383      Value: !GetAtt IntApiElb.LoadBalancerFullName
   384    ApiServerDnsName:
   385      Description: Full hostname of the API server, which is required for the Ignition config files.
   386      Value: !Join [".", ["api-int", !Ref ClusterName, !Ref HostedZoneName]]
   387    RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambda:
   388      Description: Lambda ARN useful to help register or deregister IP targets for these load balancers.
   389      Value: !GetAtt RegisterNlbIpTargets.Arn
   390    ExternalApiTargetGroupArn:
   391      Description: ARN of the external API target group.
   392      Value: !Ref ExternalApiTargetGroup
   393    InternalApiTargetGroupArn:
   394      Description: ARN of the internal API target group.
   395      Value: !Ref InternalApiTargetGroup
   396    InternalServiceTargetGroupArn:
   397      Description: ARN of the internal service target group.
   398      Value: !Ref InternalServiceTargetGroup