
     1  # Required Python packages:
     2  #
     3  # ansible
     4  # openstackclient
     5  # openstacksdk
     6  # netaddr
     8  - ansible.builtin.import_playbook: common.yaml
    10  - hosts: all
    11    gather_facts: no
    13    tasks:
    14    - name: 'Create the bootstrap server port'
    15      os_port:
    16        name: "{{ os_port_bootstrap }}"
    17        network: "{{ os_network }}"
    18        security_groups:
    19        - "{{ os_sg_master }}"
    20        allowed_address_pairs:
    21        - ip_address: "{{ os_apiVIP }}"
    22      when: os_subnet6_range is not defined
    24    - name: 'Create the bootstrap dualstack server port'
    25      os_port:
    26        name: "{{ os_port_bootstrap }}"
    27        network: "{{ os_network }}"
    28        security_groups:
    29        - "{{ os_sg_master }}"
    30        allowed_address_pairs:
    31        - ip_address: "{{ os_apiVIP }}"
    32        - ip_address: "{{ os_apiVIP6 }}"
    33      when: os_subnet6_range is defined
    35    - name: 'Set bootstrap port tag'
    36      command:
    37        cmd: "openstack port set --tag {{ cluster_id_tag }} {{ os_port_bootstrap }}"
    39    - name: 'Set bootstrap auto_ip to false'
    40      ansible.builtin.set_fact:
    41        bootstrap_auto_ip: false
    42      when: os_bootstrap_fip is not defined
    44    - name: 'Create the bootstrap server'
    45      os_server:
    46        name: "{{ os_bootstrap_server_name }}"
    47        image: "{{ os_image_rhcos }}"
    48        flavor: "{{ os_flavor_master }}"
    49        userdata: "{{ lookup('file', os_bootstrap_ignition) | string }}"
    50        floating_ips: "{{ os_bootstrap_fip | default(omit) }}"
    51        auto_ip: "{{ bootstrap_auto_ip | default(omit) }}"
    52        nics:
    53        - port-name: "{{ os_port_bootstrap }}"
    54        meta: "{{ cluster_id_tag }}"