(about) 1 2 locals { 3 failure_domains = length(var.failure_domains) == 0 ? [{ 4 datacenter = var.vsphere_datacenter 5 cluster = var.vsphere_cluster 6 datastore = var.vsphere_datastore 7 network = var.vm_network 8 distributed_virtual_switch_uuid = "" 9 }] : var.failure_domains 10 11 failure_domain_count = length(local.failure_domains) 12 bootstrap_fqdns = ["bootstrap-0.${var.cluster_domain}"] 13 lb_fqdns = ["lb-0.${var.cluster_domain}"] 14 api_lb_fqdns = formatlist("%s.%s", ["api", "api-int", "*.apps"], var.cluster_domain) 15 control_plane_fqdns = [for idx in range(var.control_plane_count) : "control-plane-${idx}.${var.cluster_domain}"] 16 compute_fqdns = [for idx in range(var.compute_count) : "compute-${idx}.${var.cluster_domain}"] 17 datastores = [for idx in range(length(local.failure_domains)) : local.failure_domains[idx]["datastore"]] 18 datacenters = [for idx in range(length(local.failure_domains)) : local.failure_domains[idx]["datacenter"]] 19 datacenters_distinct = distinct([for idx in range(length(local.failure_domains)) : local.failure_domains[idx]["datacenter"]]) 20 clusters = [for idx in range(length(local.failure_domains)) : local.failure_domains[idx]["cluster"]] 21 networks = [for idx in range(length(local.failure_domains)) : local.failure_domains[idx]["cluster"]] 22 folders = [for idx in range(length(local.datacenters)) : "/${local.datacenters[idx]}/vm/${var.cluster_id}"] 23 } 24 25 provider "vsphere" { 26 user = var.vsphere_user 27 password = var.vsphere_password 28 vsphere_server = var.vsphere_server 29 allow_unverified_ssl = true 30 } 31 32 data "vsphere_datacenter" "dc" { 33 count = length(local.datacenters_distinct) 34 name = local.datacenters_distinct[count.index] 35 } 36 37 data "vsphere_compute_cluster" "compute_cluster" { 38 count = length(local.failure_domains) 39 name = local.clusters[count.index] 40 datacenter_id = data.vsphere_datacenter.dc[index(data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.*.name, local.datacenters[count.index])].id 41 } 42 # 43 data "vsphere_datastore" "datastore" { 44 count = length(local.failure_domains) 45 name = local.datastores[count.index] 46 datacenter_id = data.vsphere_datacenter.dc[index(data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.*.name, local.datacenters[count.index])].id 47 } 48 49 # 50 data "vsphere_network" "network" { 51 count = length(local.failure_domains) 52 name = local.failure_domains[count.index]["network"] 53 datacenter_id = data.vsphere_datacenter.dc[index(data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.*.name, local.failure_domains[count.index]["datacenter"])].id 54 distributed_virtual_switch_uuid = local.failure_domains[count.index]["distributed_virtual_switch_uuid"] 55 } 56 57 data "vsphere_virtual_machine" "template" { 58 count = length(local.datacenters_distinct) 59 name = var.vm_template 60 datacenter_id = data.vsphere_datacenter.dc[index(data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.*.name, local.datacenters_distinct[count.index])].id 61 } 62 63 resource "vsphere_resource_pool" "resource_pool" { 64 count = length(data.vsphere_compute_cluster.compute_cluster) 65 name = var.cluster_id 66 parent_resource_pool_id = data.vsphere_compute_cluster.compute_cluster[count.index].resource_pool_id 67 } 68 69 resource "vsphere_folder" "folder" { 70 count = length(local.datacenters_distinct) 71 path = var.cluster_id 72 type = "vm" 73 datacenter_id = data.vsphere_datacenter.dc[index(data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.*.name, local.datacenters_distinct[count.index])].id 74 } 75 76 // Request from phpIPAM a new IP address for the bootstrap node 77 module "ipam_bootstrap" { 78 source = "./ipam" 79 80 // The hostname that will be added to phpIPAM when requesting an ip address 81 hostnames = local.bootstrap_fqdns 82 83 // Hostname or IP address of the phpIPAM server 84 ipam = var.ipam 85 86 // Access token for phpIPAM 87 ipam_token = var.ipam_token 88 89 // Subnet where we will request an ip address from phpIPAM 90 machine_cidr = var.machine_cidr 91 92 static_ip_addresses = var.bootstrap_ip_address == "" ? [] : [var.bootstrap_ip_address] 93 94 } 95 96 // Request from phpIPAM a new IP addresses for the control-plane nodes 97 module "ipam_control_plane" { 98 source = "./ipam" 99 hostnames = local.control_plane_fqdns 100 ipam = var.ipam 101 ipam_token = var.ipam_token 102 machine_cidr = var.machine_cidr 103 static_ip_addresses = var.control_plane_ip_addresses 104 } 105 106 // Request from phpIPAM a new IP addresses for the compute nodes 107 module "ipam_compute" { 108 source = "./ipam" 109 hostnames = local.compute_fqdns 110 ipam = var.ipam 111 ipam_token = var.ipam_token 112 machine_cidr = var.machine_cidr 113 static_ip_addresses = var.compute_ip_addresses 114 } 115 116 // Request from phpIPAM a new IP addresses for the load balancer nodes 117 module "ipam_lb" { 118 source = "./ipam" 119 hostnames = local.lb_fqdns 120 ipam = var.ipam 121 ipam_token = var.ipam_token 122 machine_cidr = var.machine_cidr 123 static_ip_addresses = var.lb_ip_address == "" ? [] : [var.lb_ip_address] 124 } 125 126 module "lb" { 127 source = "./lb" 128 lb_ip_address = module.ipam_lb.ip_addresses[0] 129 130 api_backend_addresses = flatten([ 131 module.ipam_bootstrap.ip_addresses[0], 132 module.ipam_control_plane.ip_addresses] 133 ) 134 135 ingress_backend_addresses = module.ipam_compute.ip_addresses 136 ssh_public_key_path = var.ssh_public_key_path 137 } 138 139 module "dns_cluster_domain" { 140 source = "./cluster_domain" 141 cluster_domain = var.cluster_domain 142 base_domain = var.base_domain 143 } 144 145 module "lb_a_records" { 146 source = "./host_a_record" 147 zone_id = module.dns_cluster_domain.zone_id 148 records = zipmap( 149 local.api_lb_fqdns, 150 [for name in local.api_lb_fqdns : module.ipam_lb.ip_addresses[0]] 151 ) 152 } 153 154 module "control_plane_a_records" { 155 source = "./host_a_record" 156 zone_id = module.dns_cluster_domain.zone_id 157 records = zipmap(local.control_plane_fqdns, module.ipam_control_plane.ip_addresses) 158 } 159 160 module "compute_a_records" { 161 source = "./host_a_record" 162 zone_id = module.dns_cluster_domain.zone_id 163 records = zipmap(local.compute_fqdns, module.ipam_compute.ip_addresses) 164 } 165 166 module "lb_vm" { 167 source = "./vm" 168 vmname = element(split(".", local.lb_fqdns[0]), 0) 169 ipaddress = module.ipam_lb.ip_addresses[0] 170 ignition = 171 resource_pool_id = vsphere_resource_pool.resource_pool[0].id 172 datastore_id = data.vsphere_datastore.datastore[0].id 173 datacenter_id = data.vsphere_datacenter.dc[0].id 174 network_id =[0].id 175 folder_id = vsphere_folder.folder[0].path 176 guest_id = data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template[0].guest_id 177 template_uuid = data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template[0].id 178 disk_thin_provisioned = data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template[0].disks[0].thin_provisioned 179 cluster_domain = var.cluster_domain 180 machine_cidr = var.machine_cidr 181 num_cpus = 2 182 memory = 2096 183 dns_addresses = var.vm_dns_addresses 184 } 185 186 module "bootstrap" { 187 source = "./vm" 188 189 ignition = file(var.bootstrap_ignition_path) 190 191 vmname = element(split(".", local.bootstrap_fqdns[0]), 0) 192 ipaddress = module.ipam_bootstrap.ip_addresses[0] 193 resource_pool_id = vsphere_resource_pool.resource_pool[0].id 194 datastore_id = data.vsphere_datastore.datastore[0].id 195 datacenter_id = data.vsphere_datacenter.dc[0].id 196 network_id =[0].id 197 folder_id = vsphere_folder.folder[0].path 198 guest_id = data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template[0].guest_id 199 template_uuid = data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template[0].id 200 disk_thin_provisioned = data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template[0].disks[0].thin_provisioned 201 202 cluster_domain = var.cluster_domain 203 machine_cidr = var.machine_cidr 204 205 num_cpus = 2 206 memory = 8192 207 dns_addresses = var.vm_dns_addresses 208 } 209 210 module "control_plane_vm" { 211 count = length(module.control_plane_a_records.fqdns) 212 source = "./vm" 213 // Using the output from control_plane_a_records 214 // is on purpose. I want the A records to be created before 215 // the virtual machines which gives additional time to 216 // replicate the records. 217 218 219 vmname = element(split(".", module.control_plane_a_records.fqdns[count.index]), 0) 220 ipaddress = module.ipam_control_plane.ip_addresses[count.index] 221 ignition = file(var.control_plane_ignition_path) 222 resource_pool_id = vsphere_resource_pool.resource_pool[count.index % local.failure_domain_count].id 223 datastore_id = data.vsphere_datastore.datastore[count.index % local.failure_domain_count].id 224 datacenter_id = data.vsphere_datacenter.dc[index(data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.*.name, local.failure_domains[count.index % local.failure_domain_count]["datacenter"])].id 225 network_id =[count.index % local.failure_domain_count].id 226 folder_id = vsphere_folder.folder[index(data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.*.name, local.failure_domains[count.index % local.failure_domain_count]["datacenter"])].path 227 guest_id = data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template[index(data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.*.name, local.failure_domains[count.index % local.failure_domain_count]["datacenter"])].guest_id 228 template_uuid = data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template[index(data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.*.name, local.failure_domains[count.index % local.failure_domain_count ]["datacenter"])].id 229 disk_thin_provisioned = data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template[index(data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.*.name, local.failure_domains[count.index % local.failure_domain_count]["datacenter"])].disks[0].thin_provisioned 230 cluster_domain = var.cluster_domain 231 machine_cidr = var.machine_cidr 232 num_cpus = var.control_plane_num_cpus 233 memory = var.control_plane_memory 234 dns_addresses = var.vm_dns_addresses 235 } 236 module "compute_vm" { 237 count = length(module.compute_a_records.fqdns) 238 source = "./vm" 239 ignition = file(var.compute_ignition_path) 240 vmname = element(split(".", module.compute_a_records.fqdns[count.index]), 0) 241 ipaddress = module.ipam_compute.ip_addresses[count.index] 242 243 resource_pool_id = vsphere_resource_pool.resource_pool[count.index % local.failure_domain_count].id 244 datastore_id = data.vsphere_datastore.datastore[count.index % local.failure_domain_count].id 245 datacenter_id = data.vsphere_datacenter.dc[index(data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.*.name, local.failure_domains[count.index % local.failure_domain_count]["datacenter"])].id 246 network_id =[count.index % local.failure_domain_count].id 247 folder_id = vsphere_folder.folder[index(data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.*.name, local.failure_domains[count.index % local.failure_domain_count]["datacenter"])].path 248 guest_id = data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template[index(data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.*.name, local.failure_domains[count.index % local.failure_domain_count]["datacenter"])].guest_id 249 template_uuid = data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template[index(data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.*.name, local.failure_domains[count.index % local.failure_domain_count]["datacenter"])].id 250 disk_thin_provisioned = data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template[index(data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.*.name, local.failure_domains[count.index % local.failure_domain_count]["datacenter"])].disks[0].thin_provisioned 251 cluster_domain = var.cluster_domain 252 machine_cidr = var.machine_cidr 253 num_cpus = var.compute_num_cpus 254 memory = var.compute_memory 255 dns_addresses = var.vm_dns_addresses 256 }