
     1  # Adding New Labels
     2  New Docker Labels may be created and/or updated for the output image via the image metadata file.
     4  If a new label is specified in the metadata file, the label will be added in the output image.  However, any label previously defined in the base builder image will be ***overwritten*** in the output image, if the same label name is specified in the image metadata file.
     6  ## Image Metadata File Name and Path
     7  The name and path of the file ***must*** be the following:
     8  ```bash
     9  /tmp/.s2i/image_metadata.json
    10  ```
    12  ## Example 
    13  The file may have one or more label/value pairs.  Below is the JSON format of the labels, in the image metadata file:
    14  ```bash
    15  {
    16    "labels": [
    17      {"labelkey1":"value1"},
    18      {"labelkey2":"value2"},
    19      .........
    20    ]
    21  }
    23  ```
    24  Note: If the JSON format is different than shown above, it will cause an error.
    26  ## Creating the File
    27  The file should be created during the `assemble` step. 
    29  ## Notes on OpenShift 4.x
    30  The feature of updating output image labels as described above is currently not working in OpenShift 4.x at the time of writing this section (04.14.2020). See the error report at
    32  A workaround is to update the output image labels during building by adding custom labels to the BuildConfig as described in
    34  Another consequence of the above described faulty behavior of OpenShift 4.x is that the command inside the docker image is not created correctly based on the value of the *io.openshift.s2i.scripts-url* label, even if you updated the value of the label correctly with the workaround described above. This can lead to a failing deployment process. The workaround for this is to define the correct command directly in the DeploymentConfig as described here: