
     1  query GetPokemonSiblings($input: PokemonInput!) {
     2    user(query: {hasPokemon: $input}) {
     3      # this will override the default mapping to internal/testutil.ID:
     4      # @genqlient(bind: "string")
     5      id
     6      # this is normally an enum, but here we make it a (list of) string:
     7      # @genqlient(bind: "[]string")
     8      roles
     9      name
    10      # this is mapped globally to internal/testutil.Pokemon:
    11      # note field ordering matters, but whitespace shouldn't.
    12      pokemon {    species level }
    13      # this overrides said mapping:
    14      # @genqlient(bind: "-")
    15      genqlientPokemon: pokemon { species level }
    16    }
    17  }