
     1  import org.junit.Before
     2  import org.junit.Rule
     3  import org.junit.Test
     4  import org.junit.rules.RuleChain
     5  import util.BasePiperTest
     6  import util.JenkinsCredentialsRule
     7  import util.JenkinsStepRule
     8  import util.Rules
     9  import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
    10  import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue
    12  class CloudFoundryDeployTest extends BasePiperTest {
    14      private JenkinsStepRule stepRule = new JenkinsStepRule(this)
    15      private JenkinsCredentialsRule credentialsRule = new JenkinsCredentialsRule(this)
    17      @Rule
    18      public RuleChain rules = Rules
    19          .getCommonRules(this)
    20          .around(credentialsRule)
    21          .around(stepRule) // needs to be activated after dockerExecuteRule, otherwise executeDocker is not mocked
    23      @Before
    24      void init() {
    25          // removing additional credentials tests might have added; adding default credentials
    26          credentialsRule.reset()
    27              .withCredentials('test_cfCredentialsId', 'test_cf', '********')
    28      }
    30      @Test
    31      void testGoStepWithMtaExtensionCredentialsFromParams() {
    32          String calledStep = ''
    33          String usedMetadataFile = ''
    34          List credInfo = []
    35          helper.registerAllowedMethod('piperExecuteBin', [Map, String, String, List], {
    36              Map parameters, String stepName,
    37              String metadataFile, List credentialInfo ->
    38                  calledStep = stepName
    39                  usedMetadataFile = metadataFile
    40                  credInfo = credentialInfo
    41          })
    43          stepRule.step.cloudFoundryDeploy([
    44              script                 : nullScript,
    45              juStabUtils            : utils,
    46              useGoStep              : true,
    47              mtaExtensionCredentials: [myCred: 'Mta.ExtensionCredential~Credential_Id1'],
    48          ])
    50          assertEquals('cloudFoundryDeploy', calledStep)
    51          assertEquals('metadata/cloudFoundryDeploy.yaml', usedMetadataFile)
    53          // contains assertion does not work apparently when comparing a list of lists agains an expected list.
    54          boolean found = false
    55          credInfo.each { entry ->
    56              if (entry == [type: 'token', id: 'Mta.ExtensionCredential~Credential_Id1', env: ['MTA_EXTENSION_CREDENTIAL_CREDENTIAL_ID1'], resolveCredentialsId: false]) {
    57                  found = true
    58              }
    59          }
    60          assertTrue(found)
    61      }
    63      @Test
    64      void testGoStepWithMtaExtensionCredentialsFromConfig() {
    65          String calledStep = ''
    66          String usedMetadataFile = ''
    67          List credInfo = []
    68          helper.registerAllowedMethod('piperExecuteBin', [Map, String, String, List], {
    69              Map parameters, String stepName,
    70              String metadataFile, List credentialInfo ->
    71                  calledStep = stepName
    72                  usedMetadataFile = metadataFile
    73                  credInfo = credentialInfo
    74          })
    76          nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration = [steps:[cloudFoundryDeploy:[
    77              mtaExtensionCredentials: [myCred: 'Mta.ExtensionCredential~Credential_Id1']
    78          ]]]
    80          stepRule.step.cloudFoundryDeploy([
    81              script                 : nullScript,
    82              juStabUtils            : utils,
    83              useGoStep              : true,
    84          ])
    86          assertEquals('cloudFoundryDeploy', calledStep)
    87          assertEquals('metadata/cloudFoundryDeploy.yaml', usedMetadataFile)
    89          // contains assertion does not work apparently when comparing a list of lists agains an expected list.
    90          boolean found = false
    91          credInfo.each { entry ->
    92              if (entry == [type: 'token', id: 'Mta.ExtensionCredential~Credential_Id1', env: ['MTA_EXTENSION_CREDENTIAL_CREDENTIAL_ID1'], resolveCredentialsId: false]) {
    93                  found = true
    94              }
    95          }
    96          assertTrue(found)
    97      }
    98  }