
     1  import
     3  import
     4  import
     5  import
     6  import org.junit.After
     7  import org.junit.Before
     8  import org.junit.Rule
     9  import org.junit.Test
    10  import org.junit.rules.RuleChain
    12  import util.BasePiperTest
    13  import util.JenkinsLoggingRule
    14  import util.JenkinsReadYamlRule
    15  import util.JenkinsShellCallRule
    16  import util.JenkinsStepRule
    17  import util.PluginMock
    18  import util.Rules
    20  import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*
    21  import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat
    22  import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue
    23  import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
    24  import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse
    26  class DockerExecuteTest extends BasePiperTest {
    27      private DockerMock docker
    28      private JenkinsLoggingRule loggingRule = new JenkinsLoggingRule(this)
    29      private JenkinsStepRule stepRule = new JenkinsStepRule(this)
    30      private JenkinsShellCallRule shellRule = new JenkinsShellCallRule(this)
    32      @Rule
    33      public RuleChain ruleChain = Rules
    34          .getCommonRules(this)
    35          .around(new JenkinsReadYamlRule(this))
    36          .around(loggingRule)
    37          .around(stepRule)
    38          .around(shellRule)
    40      def bodyExecuted
    41      def containerName
    43      @Before
    44      void init() {
    45          bodyExecuted = false
    46          docker = new DockerMock()
    47          JenkinsUtils.metaClass.static.isPluginActive = { def s -> new PluginMock(s).isActive() }
    48          binding.setVariable('docker', docker)
    49          shellRule.setReturnValue(JenkinsShellCallRule.Type.REGEX, "docker .*", 0)
    50          Utils.metaClass.echo = { def m -> }
    51      }
    53      @After
    54      public void tearDown() {
    55          Utils.metaClass = null
    56      }
    58      @Test
    59      void testExecuteInsideContainerOfExistingPod() throws Exception {
    60          List usedDockerEnvVars
    61          helper.registerAllowedMethod('container', [String.class, Closure.class], { String container, Closure body ->
    62              containerName = container
    63              body()
    64          })
    65          helper.registerAllowedMethod('withEnv', [List.class, Closure.class], { List envVars, Closure body ->
    66              usedDockerEnvVars = envVars
    67              body()
    68          })
    69          binding.setVariable('env', [POD_NAME: 'testpod', ON_K8S: 'true'])
    70          ContainerMap.instance.setMap(['testpod': ['maven:3.5-jdk-8-alpine': 'mavenexec']])
    71          stepRule.step.dockerExecute(script: nullScript,
    72              dockerImage: 'maven:3.5-jdk-8-alpine',
    73              dockerEnvVars: ['http_proxy': 'http://proxy:8000']) {
    74              bodyExecuted = true
    75          }
    76          assertTrue(loggingRule.log.contains('Executing inside a Kubernetes Container'))
    77          assertEquals('mavenexec', containerName)
    78          assertEquals(usedDockerEnvVars[0].toString(), "http_proxy=http://proxy:8000")
    79          assertTrue(bodyExecuted)
    80      }
    82      @Test
    83      void testExecuteInsideNewlyCreatedPod() throws Exception {
    84          helper.registerAllowedMethod('dockerExecuteOnKubernetes', [Map.class, Closure.class], { Map config, Closure body -> body() })
    85          binding.setVariable('env', [ON_K8S: 'true'])
    86          ContainerMap.instance.setMap(['testpod': ['maven:3.5-jdk-8-alpine': 'mavenexec']])
    87          stepRule.step.dockerExecute(script: nullScript,
    88              dockerImage: 'maven:3.5-jdk-8-alpine',
    89              dockerEnvVars: ['http_proxy': 'http://proxy:8000']) {
    90              bodyExecuted = true
    91          }
    92          assertTrue(loggingRule.log.contains('Executing inside a Kubernetes Pod'))
    93          assertTrue(bodyExecuted)
    94      }
    96      @Test
    97      void testExecuteInsidePodWithEmptyContainerMap() throws Exception {
    98          helper.registerAllowedMethod('dockerExecuteOnKubernetes', [Map.class, Closure.class], { Map config, Closure body -> body() })
    99          binding.setVariable('env', [POD_NAME: 'testpod', ON_K8S: 'true'])
   100          ContainerMap.instance.setMap([:])
   101          stepRule.step.dockerExecute(script: nullScript,
   102              dockerImage: 'maven:3.5-jdk-8-alpine',
   103              dockerEnvVars: ['http_proxy': 'http://proxy:8000']) {
   104              bodyExecuted = true
   105          }
   106          assertTrue(loggingRule.log.contains('Executing inside a Kubernetes Pod'))
   107          assertTrue(bodyExecuted)
   108      }
   110      @Test
   111      void testExecuteInsidePodWithStageKeyEmptyValue() throws Exception {
   112          helper.registerAllowedMethod('dockerExecuteOnKubernetes', [Map.class, Closure.class], { Map config, Closure body -> body() })
   113          binding.setVariable('env', [POD_NAME: 'testpod', ON_K8S: 'true'])
   114          ContainerMap.instance.setMap(['testpod': [:]])
   115          stepRule.step.dockerExecute(script: nullScript,
   116              dockerImage: 'maven:3.5-jdk-8-alpine',
   117              dockerEnvVars: ['http_proxy': 'http://proxy:8000']) {
   118              bodyExecuted = true
   119          }
   120          assertTrue(loggingRule.log.contains('Executing inside a Kubernetes Pod'))
   121          assertTrue(bodyExecuted)
   122      }
   124      @Test
   125      void testExecuteInsidePodWithCustomCommandAndShell() throws Exception {
   126          Map kubernetesConfig = [:]
   127          helper.registerAllowedMethod('dockerExecuteOnKubernetes', [Map.class, Closure.class], { Map config, Closure body ->
   128              kubernetesConfig = config
   129              return body()
   130          })
   131          binding.setVariable('env', [ON_K8S: 'true'])
   132          stepRule.step.dockerExecute(
   133              script: nullScript,
   134              containerCommand: '/busybox/tail -f /dev/null',
   135              containerShell: '/busybox/sh',
   136              dockerImage: 'maven:3.5-jdk-8-alpine'
   137          ) {
   138              bodyExecuted = true
   139          }
   140          assertTrue(loggingRule.log.contains('Executing inside a Kubernetes Pod'))
   141          assertThat(kubernetesConfig.containerCommand, is('/busybox/tail -f /dev/null'))
   142          assertThat(kubernetesConfig.containerShell, is('/busybox/sh'))
   143          assertTrue(bodyExecuted)
   144      }
   146      @Test
   147      void testExecuteInsidePodWithCustomUserShort() throws Exception {
   148          Map kubernetesConfig = [:]
   149          helper.registerAllowedMethod('dockerExecuteOnKubernetes', [Map.class, Closure.class], { Map config, Closure body ->
   150              kubernetesConfig = config
   151              return body()
   152          })
   153          binding.setVariable('env', [ON_K8S: 'true'])
   154          stepRule.step.dockerExecute(
   155              script: nullScript,
   156              dockerImage: 'maven:3.5-jdk-8-alpine',
   157              dockerOptions: ["-u 0:0", "-v foo:bar"]
   158          ) {
   159              bodyExecuted = true
   160          }
   162          assertTrue(loggingRule.log.contains('Executing inside a Kubernetes Pod'))
   163          assertThat(kubernetesConfig.securityContext, is([
   164              'runAsUser': 0,
   165              'runAsGroup': 0
   166          ]))
   167          assertTrue(bodyExecuted)
   168      }
   170      @Test
   171      void testExecuteInsidePodWithCustomUserLong() throws Exception {
   172          Map kubernetesConfig = [:]
   173          helper.registerAllowedMethod('dockerExecuteOnKubernetes', [Map.class, Closure.class], { Map config, Closure body ->
   174              kubernetesConfig = config
   175              return body()
   176          })
   177          binding.setVariable('env', [ON_K8S: 'true'])
   178          stepRule.step.dockerExecute(
   179              script: nullScript,
   180              dockerImage: 'maven:3.5-jdk-8-alpine',
   181              dockerOptions: ["--user 0:0", "-v foo:bar"]
   182          ) {
   183              bodyExecuted = true
   184          }
   186          assertTrue(loggingRule.log.contains('Executing inside a Kubernetes Pod'))
   187          assertThat(kubernetesConfig.securityContext, is([
   188              'runAsUser': 0,
   189              'runAsGroup': 0
   190          ]))
   191          assertTrue(bodyExecuted)
   192      }
   194      @Test
   195      void testExecuteInsidePodWithCustomUserNoGroup() throws Exception {
   196          Map kubernetesConfig = [:]
   197          helper.registerAllowedMethod('dockerExecuteOnKubernetes', [Map.class, Closure.class], { Map config, Closure body ->
   198              kubernetesConfig = config
   199              return body()
   200          })
   201          binding.setVariable('env', [ON_K8S: 'true'])
   202          stepRule.step.dockerExecute(
   203              script: nullScript,
   204              dockerImage: 'maven:3.5-jdk-8-alpine',
   205              dockerOptions: ["-v foo:bar", "-u 0"]
   206          ) {
   207              bodyExecuted = true
   208          }
   210          assertTrue(loggingRule.log.contains('Executing inside a Kubernetes Pod'))
   211          assertThat(kubernetesConfig.securityContext, is([
   212              'runAsUser': 0
   213          ]))
   214          assertTrue(bodyExecuted)
   215      }
   217      @Test
   218      void testExecuteInsidePodWithCustomUserGroupString() throws Exception {
   219          Map kubernetesConfig = [:]
   220          helper.registerAllowedMethod('dockerExecuteOnKubernetes', [Map.class, Closure.class], { Map config, Closure body ->
   221              kubernetesConfig = config
   222              return body()
   223          })
   224          binding.setVariable('env', [ON_K8S: 'true'])
   225          stepRule.step.dockerExecute(
   226              script: nullScript,
   227              dockerImage: 'maven:3.5-jdk-8-alpine',
   228              dockerOptions: ["-v foo:bar", "-u root:wheel"]
   229          ) {
   230              bodyExecuted = true
   231          }
   233          assertTrue(loggingRule.log.contains('Executing inside a Kubernetes Pod'))
   234          assertThat(kubernetesConfig.securityContext, is([
   235              'runAsUser': 'root',
   236              'runAsGroup': 'wheel'
   237          ]))
   238          assertTrue(bodyExecuted)
   239      }
   241      @Test
   242      void testExecuteInsideDockerContainer() throws Exception {
   243          stepRule.step.dockerExecute(script: nullScript, dockerImage: 'maven:3.5-jdk-8-alpine') {
   244              bodyExecuted = true
   245          }
   246          assertEquals('maven:3.5-jdk-8-alpine', docker.getImageNames()[0])
   247          assertTrue(docker.isImagePulled())
   248          assertEquals('--env http_proxy --env https_proxy --env no_proxy --env HTTP_PROXY --env HTTPS_PROXY --env NO_PROXY', docker.getParameters().trim())
   249          assertTrue(bodyExecuted)
   250      }
   252      @Test
   253      void testSkipDockerImagePull() throws Exception {
   254          nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration = [steps: [dockerExecute: [dockerPullImage: false]]]
   255          stepRule.step.dockerExecute(
   256              script: nullScript,
   257              dockerImage: 'maven:3.5-jdk-8-alpine'
   258          ) {
   259              bodyExecuted = true
   260          }
   261          assertThat(docker.imagePullCount, is(0))
   262          assertThat(bodyExecuted, is(true))
   263      }
   265      @Test
   266      void testPullSidecarWithDedicatedCredentialsAndRegistry() {
   267          nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration =
   268          [
   269              steps: [
   270                  dockerExecute: [
   271                      dockerRegistryUrl: '',
   272                      dockerRegistryCredentialsId: 'mySecrets',
   273                      sidecarRegistryUrl: '',
   274                      sidecarRegistryCredentialsId: 'mySidecarRegistryCredentials',
   275                  ]
   276              ]
   277          ]
   278          stepRule.step.dockerExecute(
   279              script: nullScript,
   280              dockerImage: 'maven:3.5-jdk-8-alpine',
   281              dockerRegistryCredentialsId: 'mySecrets',
   282              sidecarImage: 'ubuntu',
   283          ) {
   284              bodyExecuted = true
   285          }
   286          // not clear which image has been pulled with which registry, but at least
   287          // both registries are involved.
   288          assertThat(docker.registriesWithCredentials, is([
   289              [
   290                  registry: '',
   291                  credentialsId: 'mySecrets',
   292              ],
   293              [
   294                  registry: '',
   295                  credentialsId: 'mySidecarRegistryCredentials',
   296              ]
   297          ]))
   298          assertThat(docker.imagePullCount, is(2))
   299          assertThat(bodyExecuted, is(true))
   300      }
   302      @Test
   303      void testPullSidecarWithSameCredentialsAndRegistryLikeBaseImageWhenNothingElseIsSpecified() {
   304          nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration =
   305          [
   306              steps: [
   307                  dockerExecute: [
   308                      dockerRegistryUrl: '',
   309                  ]
   310              ]
   311          ]
   312          stepRule.step.dockerExecute(
   313              script: nullScript,
   314              dockerImage: 'maven:3.5-jdk-8-alpine',
   315              dockerRegistryCredentialsId: 'mySecrets',
   316              sidecarImage: 'ubuntu',
   317          ) {
   318              bodyExecuted = true
   319          }
   320          // from getting an empty list we derive withRegistry has not been called
   321          // if it would have been called we would have the registry provided above.
   322          assertThat(docker.registriesWithCredentials, is([
   323              [
   324                  registry: '',
   325                  credentialsId: 'mySecrets',
   326              ],
   327              [
   328                  registry: '',
   329                  credentialsId: 'mySecrets',
   330              ],
   331          ]))
   332          assertThat(docker.imagePullCount, is(2))
   333          assertThat(bodyExecuted, is(true))
   334      }
   336      @Test
   337      void testPullWithRegistryOnlyAndNoCredentials() {
   338          nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration =
   339          [
   340              steps: [
   341                  dockerExecute: [
   342                      dockerRegistryUrl: '',
   343                  ]
   344              ]
   345          ]
   346          stepRule.step.dockerExecute(
   347              script: nullScript,
   348              dockerImage: 'maven:3.5-jdk-8-alpine'
   349          ) {
   350              bodyExecuted = true
   351          }
   352          // from getting an empty list we derive withRegistry has not been called
   353          // if it would have been called we would have the registry provided above.
   354          assertThat(docker.registriesWithCredentials, is([
   355              [
   356                  registry: '',
   357              ]
   358          ]))
   359          assertThat(docker.imagePullCount, is(1))
   360          assertThat(bodyExecuted, is(true))
   361      }
   363      @Test
   364      void testPullWithCredentials() throws Exception {
   366          nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration =
   367          [
   368              steps: [
   369                  dockerExecute: [
   370                      dockerRegistryUrl: '',
   371                      dockerRegistryCredentialsId: 'mySecrets',
   372                  ]
   373              ]
   374          ]
   375          stepRule.step.dockerExecute(
   376              script: nullScript,
   377              dockerImage: 'maven:3.5-jdk-8-alpine'
   378          ) {
   379              bodyExecuted = true
   380          }
   381          assertThat(docker.registriesWithCredentials, is([
   382              [
   383                  registry: '',
   384                  credentialsId: 'mySecrets',
   385              ]
   386          ]))
   387          assertThat(docker.imagePullCount, is(1))
   388          assertThat(bodyExecuted, is(true))
   389      }
   391      @Test
   392      void testSkipSidecarImagePull() throws Exception {
   393          stepRule.step.dockerExecute(
   394              script: nullScript,
   395              dockerName: 'maven',
   396              dockerImage: 'maven:3.5-jdk-8-alpine',
   397              sidecarEnvVars: ['testEnv': 'testVal'],
   398              sidecarImage: 'selenium/standalone-chrome',
   399              sidecarVolumeBind: ['/dev/shm': '/dev/shm'],
   400              sidecarName: 'testAlias',
   401              sidecarPorts: ['4444': '4444', '1111': '1111'],
   402              sidecarPullImage: false
   403          ) {
   404              bodyExecuted = true
   405          }
   406          assertThat(docker.imagePullCount, is(1))
   407          assertThat(bodyExecuted, is(true))
   408      }
   410      @Test
   411      void testExecuteInsideDockerContainerWithParameters() throws Exception {
   412          stepRule.step.dockerExecute(script: nullScript,
   413              dockerImage: 'maven:3.5-jdk-8-alpine',
   414              dockerOptions: '-description=lorem ipsum',
   415              dockerVolumeBind: ['my_vol': '/my_vol'],
   416              dockerEnvVars: ['http_proxy': 'http://proxy:8000']) {
   417              bodyExecuted = true
   418          }
   419          assertTrue(docker.getParameters().contains('--env https_proxy '))
   420          assertTrue(docker.getParameters().contains('--env http_proxy=http://proxy:8000'))
   421          assertTrue(docker.getParameters().contains('description=lorem\\ ipsum'))
   422          assertTrue(docker.getParameters().contains('--volume my_vol:/my_vol'))
   423          assertTrue(bodyExecuted)
   424      }
   426      @Test
   427      void testExecuteInsideDockerContainerWithDockerOptionsList() throws Exception {
   428          stepRule.step.dockerExecute(script: nullScript,
   429              dockerImage: 'maven:3.5-jdk-8-alpine',
   430              dockerOptions: ['-it', '--network=my-network', 'description=lorem ipsum'],
   431              dockerEnvVars: ['http_proxy': 'http://proxy:8000']) {
   432              bodyExecuted = true
   433          }
   434          assertTrue(docker.getParameters().contains('--env http_proxy=http://proxy:8000'))
   435          assertTrue(docker.getParameters().contains('-it'))
   436          assertTrue(docker.getParameters().contains('--network=my-network'))
   437          assertTrue(docker.getParameters().contains('description=lorem\\ ipsum'))
   438      }
   440      @Test
   441      void testDockerNotInstalledResultsInLocalExecution() throws Exception {
   442          shellRule.setReturnValue(JenkinsShellCallRule.Type.REGEX, "docker .*", 1)
   443          stepRule.step.dockerExecute(script: nullScript,
   444              dockerOptions: '-it') {
   445              bodyExecuted = true
   446          }
   447          assertTrue(loggingRule.log.contains('Cannot connect to docker daemon'))
   448          assertTrue(loggingRule.log.contains('Running on local environment'))
   449          assertTrue(bodyExecuted)
   450          assertFalse(docker.isImagePulled())
   451      }
   453      @Test
   454      void testSidecarDefault() {
   455          stepRule.step.dockerExecute(
   456              script: nullScript,
   457              dockerName: 'maven',
   458              dockerImage: 'maven:3.5-jdk-8-alpine',
   459              sidecarEnvVars: ['testEnv': 'testVal'],
   460              sidecarImage: 'selenium/standalone-chrome',
   461              sidecarVolumeBind: ['/dev/shm': '/dev/shm'],
   462              sidecarName: 'testAlias',
   463              sidecarPorts: ['4444': '4444', '1111': '1111']
   464          ) {
   465              bodyExecuted = true
   466          }
   468          assertThat(bodyExecuted, is(true))
   469          assertThat(docker.imagePullCount, is(2))
   470          assertThat(docker.sidecarParameters, allOf(
   471              containsString('--env testEnv=testVal'),
   472              containsString('--volume /dev/shm:/dev/shm'),
   473              containsString('--network sidecar-'),
   474              containsString('--network-alias testAlias')
   475          ))
   476          assertThat(docker.parameters, allOf(
   477              containsString('--network sidecar-'),
   478              containsString('--network-alias maven')
   479          ))
   480      }
   482      @Test
   483      void testSidecarHealthCheck() {
   484          stepRule.step.dockerExecute(
   485              script: nullScript,
   486              dockerImage: 'maven:3.5-jdk-8-alpine',
   487              sidecarImage: 'selenium/standalone-chrome',
   488              sidecarName: 'testAlias',
   489              sidecarReadyCommand: ""
   490          ) {}
   491          assertThat(, hasItem("docker exec uniqueId"))
   492      }
   494      @Test
   495      void testSidecarKubernetes() {
   496          boolean dockerExecuteOnKubernetesCalled = false
   497          binding.setVariable('env', [ON_K8S: 'true'])
   498          helper.registerAllowedMethod('dockerExecuteOnKubernetes', [Map.class, Closure.class], { params, body ->
   499              dockerExecuteOnKubernetesCalled = true
   500              assertThat(params.dockerImage, is('maven:3.5-jdk-8-alpine'))
   501              assertThat(params.containerName, is('maven'))
   502              assertThat(params.sidecarEnvVars, is(['testEnv': 'testVal']))
   503              assertThat(params.sidecarName, is('selenium'))
   504              assertThat(params.sidecarImage, is('selenium/standalone-chrome'))
   505              assertThat(params.containerName, is('maven'))
   506              assertThat(params.containerPortMappings['selenium/standalone-chrome'], hasItem(allOf(hasEntry('containerPort', 4444), hasEntry('hostPort', 4444))))
   507              assertThat(params.dockerWorkspace, is('/home/piper'))
   508              body()
   509          })
   510          stepRule.step.dockerExecute(
   511              script: nullScript,
   512              containerPortMappings: [
   513                  'selenium/standalone-chrome': [[name: 'selPort', containerPort: 4444, hostPort: 4444]]
   514              ],
   515              dockerImage: 'maven:3.5-jdk-8-alpine',
   516              dockerName: 'maven',
   517              dockerWorkspace: '/home/piper',
   518              sidecarEnvVars: ['testEnv': 'testVal'],
   519              sidecarImage: 'selenium/standalone-chrome',
   520              sidecarName: 'selenium',
   521              sidecarVolumeBind: ['/dev/shm': '/dev/shm']
   522          ) {
   523              bodyExecuted = true
   524          }
   525          assertThat(bodyExecuted, is(true))
   526          assertThat(dockerExecuteOnKubernetesCalled, is(true))
   527      }
   529      @Test
   530      void testSidecarKubernetesHealthCheck() {
   531          binding.setVariable('env', [ON_K8S: 'true'])
   533          helper.registerAllowedMethod('dockerExecuteOnKubernetes', [Map.class, Closure.class], { params, body ->
   534              body()
   535              SidecarUtils sidecarUtils = new SidecarUtils(nullScript)
   536              sidecarUtils.waitForSidecarReadyOnKubernetes(params.sidecarName, params.sidecarReadyCommand)
   537          })
   539          def containerCalled = false
   540          helper.registerAllowedMethod('container', [Map.class, Closure.class], { params, body ->
   541              containerCalled = true
   542              assertThat(, is('testAlias'))
   543              body()
   544          })
   546          stepRule.step.dockerExecute(
   547              script: nullScript,
   548              dockerImage: 'maven:3.5-jdk-8-alpine',
   549              sidecarImage: 'selenium/standalone-chrome',
   550              sidecarName: 'testAlias',
   551              sidecarReadyCommand: ""
   552          ) {}
   554          assertThat(containerCalled, is(true))
   555          assertThat(, hasItem(""))
   556      }
   558      private class DockerMock {
   559          private List imageNames = []
   560          private boolean imagePulled = false
   561          private int imagePullCount = 0
   562          private String parameters
   563          private String sidecarParameters
   564          private List registriesWithCredentials = []
   565          private String credentialsId
   567          DockerMock image(String imageName) {
   568              this.imageNames << imageName
   569              return this
   570          }
   572          void pull() {
   573              imagePullCount++
   574              imagePulled = true
   575          }
   577          void withRegistry(String  registry, String credentialsId, Closure c) {
   578              this.registriesWithCredentials << [registry: registry, credentialsId: credentialsId]
   579              c()
   580          }
   582          void withRegistry(String  registry, Closure c) {
   583              this.registriesWithCredentials << [registry: registry]
   584              c()
   585          }
   587          void inside(String parameters, body) {
   588              this.parameters = parameters
   589              body()
   590          }
   592          void withRun(String parameters, body) {
   593              this.sidecarParameters = parameters
   594              body([id: 'uniqueId'])
   595          }
   597          def getImageNames() {
   598              return imageNames
   599          }
   601          boolean isImagePulled() {
   602              return imagePulled
   603          }
   605          String getParameters() {
   606              return parameters
   607          }
   608      }
   609  }