(about) 1 import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse 2 import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue 3 import org.junit.After 4 import org.junit.Before 5 import org.junit.Rule 6 import org.junit.Test 7 import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException 8 import org.junit.rules.RuleChain 9 import 10 11 import util.* 12 13 14 class MulticloudDeployTest extends BasePiperTest { 15 16 private ExpectedException thrown = new ExpectedException().none() 17 private JenkinsStepRule stepRule = new JenkinsStepRule(this) 18 private JenkinsMockStepRule neoDeployRule = new JenkinsMockStepRule(this, 'neoDeploy') 19 private JenkinsMockStepRule cloudFoundryDeployRule = new JenkinsMockStepRule(this, 'cloudFoundryDeploy') 20 private JenkinsMockStepRule cloudFoundryCreateServiceRule = new JenkinsMockStepRule(this, 'cloudFoundryCreateService') 21 private JenkinsReadMavenPomRule readMavenPomRule = new JenkinsReadMavenPomRule(this, 'test/resources/deploy') 22 23 private Map neo1 = [:] 24 private Map neo2 = [:] 25 private Map cloudFoundry1 = [:] 26 private Map cloudFoundry2 = [:] 27 private boolean executedOnKubernetes = false 28 private boolean executedOnNode = false 29 private boolean executedInParallel = false 30 31 @Rule 32 public RuleChain ruleChain = Rules 33 .getCommonRules(this) 34 .around(new JenkinsReadYamlRule(this)) 35 .around(thrown) 36 .around(stepRule) 37 .around(neoDeployRule) 38 .around(cloudFoundryDeployRule) 39 .around(cloudFoundryCreateServiceRule) 40 .around(readMavenPomRule) 41 42 @Before 43 void init() { 44 helper.registerAllowedMethod("deleteDir", [], null) 45 helper.registerAllowedMethod('dockerExecuteOnKubernetes', [Map.class, Closure.class], {params, body -> 46 executedOnKubernetes = true 47 body() 48 }) 49 helper.registerAllowedMethod('node', [String.class, Closure.class], {s, body -> 50 executedOnNode = true 51 body() 52 }) 53 helper.registerAllowedMethod("parallel", [Map.class], { map -> 54 map.each {key, value -> 55 value() 56 } 57 executedInParallel = true 58 }) 59 60 neo1 = [ 61 host: '', 62 account: 'trialuser1', 63 credentialsId: 'credentialsId1' 64 ] 65 66 neo2 = [ 67 host: '', 68 account: 'trialuser2', 69 credentialsId: 'credentialsId2' 70 ] 71 72 cloudFoundry1 = [ 73 apiEndpoint: 'apiEndpoint1', 74 appName:'testAppName1', 75 credentialsId: 'cfCredentialsId1', 76 manifest: 'test.yml', 77 mtaExtensionDescriptor: 'targetMtaDescriptor.mtaext', 78 org: 'testOrg1', 79 space: 'testSpace1' 80 ] 81 82 cloudFoundry2 = [ 83 apiEndpoint: 'apiEndpoint2', 84 appName:'testAppName2', 85 credentialsId: 'cfCredentialsId2', 86 manifest: 'test.yml', 87 org: 'testOrg2', 88 space: 'testSpace2' 89 ] 90 91 nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration = [ 92 general: [ 93 neoTargets: [ 94 neo1, neo2 95 ], 96 cfTargets: [ 97 cloudFoundry1, cloudFoundry2 98 ] 99 ], 100 stages: [ 101 acceptance: [ 102 org: 'testOrg', 103 space: 'testSpace', 104 deployUser: 'testUser' 105 ] 106 ], 107 steps: [ 108 cloudFoundryDeploy: [ 109 cloudFoundry : [ 110 apiEndpoint: 'globalApiEndpoint', 111 appName:'globalAppName', 112 credentialsId: 'globalCredentialsId', 113 mtaExtensionDescriptor: 'globalTargetMtaDescriptor.mtaext', 114 org: 'globalOrg', 115 space: 'globalSpace' 116 ], 117 mtaExtensionDescriptor: 'globalMtaDescriptor.mtaext', 118 deployTool: 'cf_native', 119 deployType: 'blue-green', 120 keepOldInstance: true, 121 cf_native: [ 122 dockerImage: 'ppiper/cf-cli:6', 123 dockerWorkspace: '/home/piper' 124 ] 125 ] 126 ] 127 ] 128 129 helper.registerAllowedMethod('echo', [CharSequence.class], {}) 130 131 Utils.metaClass.echo = { def m -> } 132 } 133 134 @After 135 public void tearDown() { 136 Utils.metaClass = null 137 } 138 139 140 @Test 141 void errorNoTargetsDefined() { 142 143 nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.general.neoTargets = [] 144 nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.general.cfTargets = [] 145 146 thrown.expect(Exception) 147 thrown.expectMessage('Deployment skipped because no targets defined!') 148 149 stepRule.step.multicloudDeploy( 150 script: nullScript 151 ) 152 } 153 154 @Test 155 void neoDeploymentTest() { 156 157 nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.general.neoTargets = [neo1] 158 nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.general.cfTargets = [] 159 160 stepRule.step.multicloudDeploy( 161 script: nullScript, 162 source: 'file.mtar' 163 ) 164 165 assert neoDeployRule.hasParameter('script', nullScript) 166 assert neoDeployRule.hasParameter('warAction', 'deploy') 167 assert neoDeployRule.hasParameter('source', 'file.mtar') 168 assert neoDeployRule.hasParameter('neo', neo1) 169 } 170 171 @Test 172 void neoRollingUpdateTest() { 173 174 nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.general.neoTargets = [] 175 nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.general.cfTargets = [] 176 177 def neoParam = [ 178 host: '', 179 account: 'trialparamNeoUser', 180 credentialsId: 'paramNeoCredentialsId' 181 ] 182 183 stepRule.step.multicloudDeploy( 184 script: nullScript, 185 neoTargets: [neoParam], 186 source: 'file.mtar', 187 enableZeroDowntimeDeployment: true 188 ) 189 190 assert neoDeployRule.hasParameter('script', nullScript) 191 assert neoDeployRule.hasParameter('warAction', 'rolling-update') 192 assert neoDeployRule.hasParameter('source', 'file.mtar') 193 assert neoDeployRule.hasParameter('neo', neoParam) 194 } 195 196 @Test 197 void cfDeploymentTest() { 198 199 nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.general.neoTargets = [] 200 nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.general.cfTargets = [] 201 202 def cloudFoundry = [ 203 appName:'paramTestAppName', 204 manifest: 'test.yml', 205 org: 'paramTestOrg', 206 space: 'paramTestSpace', 207 credentialsId: 'paramCfCredentialsId' 208 ] 209 210 stepRule.step.multicloudDeploy([ 211 script: nullScript, 212 cfTargets: [cloudFoundry] 213 ]) 214 215 assert cloudFoundryDeployRule.hasParameter('script', nullScript) 216 assert cloudFoundryDeployRule.hasParameter('deployType', 'standard') 217 assert cloudFoundryDeployRule.hasParameter('cloudFoundry', cloudFoundry) 218 } 219 220 @Test 221 void cfBlueGreenDeploymentTest() { 222 223 nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.general.neoTargets = [] 224 nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.general.cfTargets = [cloudFoundry1] 225 226 stepRule.step.multicloudDeploy([ 227 script: nullScript, 228 enableZeroDowntimeDeployment: true 229 ]) 230 231 assert cloudFoundryDeployRule.hasParameter('script', nullScript) 232 assert cloudFoundryDeployRule.hasParameter('deployType', 'blue-green') 233 assert cloudFoundryDeployRule.hasParameter('cloudFoundry', cloudFoundry1) 234 } 235 236 @Test 237 void multicloudDeploymentTest() { 238 239 stepRule.step.multicloudDeploy([ 240 script: nullScript, 241 enableZeroDowntimeDeployment: true, 242 source: 'file.mtar' 243 ]) 244 245 assert neoDeployRule.hasParameter('script', nullScript) 246 assert neoDeployRule.hasParameter('warAction', 'rolling-update') 247 assert neoDeployRule.hasParameter('source', 'file.mtar') 248 assert neoDeployRule.hasParameter('neo', neo1) 249 assert neoDeployRule.hasParameter('neo', neo2) 250 251 assert cloudFoundryDeployRule.hasParameter('script', nullScript) 252 assert cloudFoundryDeployRule.hasParameter('deployType', 'blue-green') 253 assert cloudFoundryDeployRule.hasParameter('cloudFoundry', cloudFoundry1) 254 assert cloudFoundryDeployRule.hasParameter('cloudFoundry', cloudFoundry2) 255 } 256 257 @Test 258 void multicloudParallelDeploymentTest() { 259 260 stepRule.step.multicloudDeploy([ 261 script: nullScript, 262 enableZeroDowntimeDeployment: true, 263 parallelExecution: true, 264 source: 'file.mtar' 265 ]) 266 267 assert neoDeployRule.hasParameter('script', nullScript) 268 assert neoDeployRule.hasParameter('warAction', 'rolling-update') 269 assert neoDeployRule.hasParameter('source', 'file.mtar') 270 assert neoDeployRule.hasParameter('neo', neo1) 271 assert neoDeployRule.hasParameter('neo', neo2) 272 273 assert cloudFoundryDeployRule.hasParameter('script', nullScript) 274 assert cloudFoundryDeployRule.hasParameter('deployType', 'blue-green') 275 assert cloudFoundryDeployRule.hasParameter('cloudFoundry', cloudFoundry1) 276 assert cloudFoundryDeployRule.hasParameter('cloudFoundry', cloudFoundry2) 277 } 278 279 @Test 280 void 'cfCreateServices calls cloudFoundryCreateService step with correct parameters'() { 281 stepRule.step.multicloudDeploy([ 282 script : nullScript, 283 cfCreateServices: [[apiEndpoint: '', serviceManifest: 'services-manifest.yml', manifestVariablesFiles: 'vars.yml', space: 'PerformanceTests', org: 'MyOrg', credentialsId: 'MyCred']], 284 source : 'file.mtar' 285 ]) 286 287 assert cloudFoundryCreateServiceRule.hasParameter('cloudFoundry', [ 288 serviceManifest : 'services-manifest.yml', 289 space : 'PerformanceTests', 290 org : 'MyOrg', 291 credentialsId : 'MyCred', 292 apiEndpoint : '', 293 manifestVariablesFiles: 'vars.yml' 294 ]) 295 } 296 297 @Test 298 void 'cfCreateServices with parallelTestExecution defined in compatible parameter - must run in parallel'() { 299 def closureRun = null 300 301 helper.registerAllowedMethod('error', [String.class], { s-> 302 if (s == "Deployment skipped because no targets defined!") { 303 // This error is ok because in this test we're not interested in the deployment 304 } else { 305 throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected error in test with message: ${s}") 306 } 307 }) 308 helper.registerAllowedMethod('parallel', [Map.class], {m -> closureRun = m}) 309 310 nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.general['features'] = [parallelTestExecution: true] 311 312 stepRule.step.multicloudDeploy([ 313 script: nullScript, 314 cfCreateServices: [[serviceManifest: 'services-manifest.yml', space: 'PerformanceTests', org: 'foo', credentialsId: 'foo']], 315 source: 'file.mtar' 316 ]) 317 318 assert closureRun != null 319 } 320 321 @Test 322 void 'cfCreateServices with parallelExecution defined - must run in parallel'() { 323 def closureRun = null 324 325 helper.registerAllowedMethod('error', [String.class], { s-> 326 if (s == "Deployment skipped because no targets defined!") { 327 // This error is ok because in this test we're not interested in the deployment 328 } else { 329 throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected error in test with message: ${s}") 330 } 331 }) 332 helper.registerAllowedMethod('parallel', [Map.class], {m -> closureRun = m}) 333 334 nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.general = [parallelExecution: true] 335 336 stepRule.step.multicloudDeploy([ 337 script: nullScript, 338 cfCreateServices: [[serviceManifest: 'services-manifest.yml', space: 'PerformanceTests', org: 'foo', credentialsId: 'foo']], 339 source: 'file.mtar' 340 ]) 341 342 assert closureRun != null 343 } 344 345 @Test 346 void multicloudParallelOnK8sTest() { 347 binding.variables.env.POD_NAME = "name" 348 349 stepRule.step.multicloudDeploy([ 350 script : nullScript, 351 enableZeroDowntimeDeployment: true, 352 parallelExecution : true, 353 source : 'file.mtar' 354 ]) 355 356 assertTrue(executedInParallel) 357 assertTrue(executedOnKubernetes) 358 assertFalse(executedOnNode) 359 360 } 361 362 @Test 363 void multicloudParallelOnNodeTest() { 364 stepRule.step.multicloudDeploy([ 365 script : nullScript, 366 enableZeroDowntimeDeployment: true, 367 parallelExecution : true, 368 source : 'file.mtar' 369 ]) 370 371 assertTrue(executedInParallel) 372 assertTrue(executedOnNode) 373 assertFalse(executedOnKubernetes) 374 375 } 376 377 @Test 378 void multicloudPreDeploymentHookTest() { 379 def closureRun = null 380 381 stepRule.step.multicloudDeploy([ 382 script : nullScript, 383 preDeploymentHook : {closureRun = true}, 384 ]) 385 386 assertTrue(closureRun) 387 } 388 }