(about) 1 package util 2 3 import com.lesfurets.jenkins.unit.BasePipelineTest 4 import groovy.json.JsonSlurper 5 import org.jenkinsci.plugins.credentialsbinding.impl.CredentialNotFoundException 6 import org.junit.rules.TestRule 7 import org.junit.runner.Description 8 import org.junit.runners.model.Statement 9 10 /** 11 * By default a user "anonymous" with password "********" 12 * is provided. 13 * 14 */ 15 class JenkinsCredentialsRule implements TestRule { 16 17 Map credentials = [:] 18 Map bindingTypes = [:] 19 20 final BasePipelineTest testInstance 21 22 JenkinsCredentialsRule(BasePipelineTest testInstance) { 23 this.testInstance = testInstance 24 } 25 26 JenkinsCredentialsRule withCredentials(String credentialsId, String user, String passwd) { 27 credentials.put(credentialsId, [user: user, passwd: passwd]) 28 return this 29 } 30 31 JenkinsCredentialsRule withCredentials(String credentialsId, String secretTextOrFilePath) { 32 credentials.put(credentialsId, [token: secretTextOrFilePath]) 33 return this 34 } 35 36 JenkinsCredentialsRule reset(){ 37 credentials.clear() 38 return this 39 } 40 41 @Override 42 Statement apply(Statement base, Description description) { 43 return statement(base) 44 } 45 46 private Statement statement(final Statement base) { 47 48 return new Statement() { 49 50 @Override 51 void evaluate() throws Throwable { 52 53 testInstance.helper.registerAllowedMethod('usernamePassword', [Map.class], 54 { m -> 55 if (credentials.keySet().contains(m.credentialsId)) { bindingTypes[m.credentialsId] = 'usernamePassword'; return m } 56 // this is what really happens in case of an unknown credentials id, 57 // checked with reality using credentials plugin 2.1.18. 58 throw new CredentialNotFoundException( 59 "Could not find credentials entry with ID '${m.credentialsId}'") 60 }) 61 62 testInstance.helper.registerAllowedMethod('string', [Map.class], 63 { m -> 64 if (credentials.keySet().contains(m.credentialsId)) { bindingTypes[m.credentialsId] = 'string'; return m } 65 // this is what really happens in case of an unknown credentials id, 66 // checked with reality using credentials plugin 2.1.18. 67 throw new CredentialNotFoundException( 68 "Could not find credentials entry with ID '${m.credentialsId}'") 69 }) 70 71 testInstance.helper.registerAllowedMethod('file', [Map.class], 72 { m -> 73 if (credentials.keySet().contains(m.credentialsId)) { bindingTypes[m.credentialsId] = 'file'; return m } 74 // this is what really happens in case of an unknown credentials id, 75 // checked with reality using credentials plugin 2.1.18. 76 throw new CredentialNotFoundException( 77 "Could not find credentials entry with ID '${m.credentialsId}'") 78 }) 79 80 testInstance.helper.registerAllowedMethod('withCredentials', [List, Closure], { config, closure -> 81 // there can be multiple credentials defined for the closure; collecting the necessary binding 82 // preparations and destructions before executing closure 83 def preparations = [] 84 def destructions = [] 85 config.each { cred -> 86 def credsId = cred.credentialsId 87 def credentialsBindingType = bindingTypes.get(credsId) 88 def creds = credentials.get(credsId) 89 90 def tokenVariable, usernameVariable, passwordVariable, prepare, destruct 91 if (credentialsBindingType == "usernamePassword") { 92 passwordVariable = cred.passwordVariable 93 usernameVariable = cred.usernameVariable 94 preparations.add({ 95 binding.setProperty(usernameVariable, creds?.user) 96 binding.setProperty(passwordVariable, creds?.passwd) 97 }) 98 destructions.add({ 99 binding.setProperty(usernameVariable, null) 100 binding.setProperty(passwordVariable, null) 101 }) 102 } else if (credentialsBindingType == "string") { 103 tokenVariable = cred.variable 104 preparations.add({ 105 binding.setProperty(tokenVariable, creds?.token) 106 }) 107 destructions.add({ 108 binding.setProperty(tokenVariable, null) 109 }) 110 } 111 else if (credentialsBindingType == "file") { 112 fileContentVariable = cred.variable 113 preparations.add({ 114 binding.setProperty(fileContentVariable, creds?.token) 115 }) 116 destructions.add({ 117 binding.setProperty(fileContentVariable, null) 118 }) 119 } 120 else { 121 throw new RuntimeException("Unknown binding type") 122 } 123 } 124 125 preparations.each { it() } 126 try { 127 closure() 128 } finally { 129 destructions.each { it() } 130 } 131 }) 132 133 base.evaluate() 134 } 135 } 136 } 137 }