(about) 1 --- 2 applications: 3 - name: ((unique-prefix))-catalog-service-odatav2-0.0.1 4 memory: 1024M 5 disk_quota: 512M 6 instances: ((integer-variable)) 7 buildpacks: 8 - java_buildpack 9 path: ./srv/target/srv-backend-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar 10 11 routes: 12 - route: ((unique-prefix)) 13 14 services: 15 - ((xsuaa-instance-name)) # requires an instance of xsuaa instantiated with xs-security.json of this project. See services-manifest.yml. 16 - ((hana-instance-name)) # requires an instance of hana service with plan hdi-shared. See services-manifest.yml. 17 18 env: 19 cloud # activate the spring profile named 'cloud'. 20 xsuaa-instance-name: ((xsuaa-instance-name)) 21 db_service_instance_name: ((hana-instance-name)) 22 booleanVariableTrue: ((boolean-variable-true)) 23 booleanVariableFalse: ((boolean-variable-false)) 24 floatVariable: ((float-variable)) 25 json-variable: ((json-variable)) 26 object-variable: ((object-variable)) 27 string-variable: ((boolean-variable-true))-((float-variable))-((integer-variable))-((json-variable)) 28 single-var-with-string-constants: ((boolean-variable-true))-with-some-more-text