
     1  %tab-section {
     2    /* this keeps in-tab-section toolbars flush to the top, see Node Detail > Services */
     3    margin-top: 0 !important;
     4  }
     5  @media #{$--horizontal-tabs} {
     6    %tab-nav ul {
     7      display: flex;
     8      align-items: center;
     9    }
    10    %tab-nav a {
    11      padding-left: 16px;
    12      padding-right: 16px;
    13    }
    14  }
    15  @media #{$--lt-horizontal-tabs} {
    16    %tab-nav li {
    17      width: 100%;
    18    }
    19  }
    20  %tab-nav a {
    21    display: block;
    22    padding-top: 13px;
    23    padding-bottom: 13px;
    24  }
    25  %tab-section > input[type='radio'],
    26  %tab-section > input[type='radio'] + * {
    27    display: none;
    28  }
    29  %tab-section > input[type='radio']:checked + * {
    30    display: block;
    31  }