
     1      <header class={{if service 'with-service' }}>
     2        <strong>{{address}}</strong>
     3          <a href={{href}}>
     4              <span>{{name}}</span>
     5              <em>{{service}}</em>
     6          </a>
     7      </header>
     8      {{! its important to keep this <ul> with no whitespace so we can use :empty in css }}
     9      <ul>{{#if status }}
    10          <li class={{status}}>
    11              <a href={{href}}>
    12                  <strong>{{status}}</strong>
    13              </a>
    14          </li>
    15  {{ else }}
    16      {{#each unhealthy as |check| }}
    17          <li class={{check.Status}}>
    18              <a href={{href}}>
    19                  <strong>{{ check.Status }}</strong>
    20                  <span>{{ check.Name }}</span>
    21              </a>
    22          </li>
    23      {{/each}}
    24      {{#if (gt healthy.length 0)}}
    25          <li class="passing">
    26              <a href={{href}}>
    27                  <strong>{{healthy.length}}</strong>
    28                  <span>other passing {{pluralize healthy.length 'check' without-count=true}}</span>
    29              </a>
    30          </li>
    31      {{/if}}
    32  {{/if}}</ul>