
     1  <label data-test-new-policy class="type-dialog" for="new-policy-toggle">
     2    <span>Create new policy</span>
     3    {{#modal-dialog data-test-policy-form onclose=(action 'sendClearPolicy') onopen=(action 'refreshCodeEditor' '#policy_rules') name="new-policy-toggle"}}
     4      {{#block-slot 'header'}}
     5        <h2>New Policy</h2>
     6      {{/block-slot}}
     7      {{#block-slot 'body'}}
     8        {{#with policy as |item|}}
     9          {{partial 'dc/acls/policies/fieldsets'}}
    10        {{/with}}
    11      {{/block-slot}}
    12      {{#block-slot 'actions' as |close|}}
    13        <button type="submit" {{action 'sendCreatePolicy' policy item.Policies close}} disabled={{if (or policy.isSaving policy.isPristine policy.isInvalid) 'disabled'}}>
    14          {{#if policy.isSaving }}
    15            <div class="progress indeterminate"></div>
    16          {{/if}}
    17          <span>Create and apply</span>
    18        </button>
    19        <button type="reset" disabled={{if policy.isSaving 'disabled'}} {{action close}}>Cancel</button>
    20      {{/block-slot}}
    21    {{/modal-dialog}}
    22  </label>
    23  <label class="type-text" data-test-policy-element>
    24    <span>Apply an existing policy</span>
    25        {{#power-select
    26          options=(difference items item.Policies item.Policies.length)
    27          searchField='Name'
    28          selected=DestinationName
    29          searchPlaceholder='Type policy name'
    30          onchange=(action 'change' 'Policy') as |policy|
    31        }}
    32          {{policy.Name}}
    33        {{/power-select}}
    34  </label>
    35  {{#if (gt item.Policies.length 0)}}
    36      {{#with item as |token| }}
    37        {{#tabular-details
    38            data-test-policies
    39            onchange=(action 'change')
    40            name="Details"
    41            items=(sort-by 'CreateTime:desc' 'Name:asc' item.Policies) as |item index|
    42        }}
    43          {{#block-slot 'header'}}
    44            <th>Name</th>
    45            <th>Datacenters</th>
    46          {{/block-slot}}
    47          {{#block-slot 'row'}}
    48            <td>
    49              <a href={{href-to 'dc.acls.policies.edit' item.ID}}>{{item.Name}}</a>
    50            </td>
    51            <td>
    52              {{if (not item.isSaving) (join ', ' (policy/datacenters item)) 'Saving...'}}
    53            </td>
    54          {{/block-slot}}
    55          {{#block-slot 'details'}}
    56              <label class="type-text">
    57                <span>Rules <a href="{{env 'CONSUL_DOCUMENTATION_URL'}}/guides/acl.html#rule-specification" rel="help noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">(HCL Format)</a></span>
    58                {{code-editor readonly=true value=item.Rules}}
    59              </label>
    60              <div>
    61                {{#confirmation-dialog message='Are you sure you want to remove this policy from this token?'}}
    62                  {{#block-slot 'action' as |confirm|}}
    63                    <button data-test-delete type="button" class="type-delete" {{action confirm 'remove' item token.Policies}}>Remove</button>
    64                  {{/block-slot}}
    65                  {{#block-slot 'dialog' as |execute cancel message|}}
    66                    <p>
    67                      {{message}}
    68                    </p>
    69                    <button type="button" class="type-delete" {{action execute}}>Confirm remove</button>
    70                    <button type="button" class="type-cancel" {{action cancel}}>Cancel</button>
    71                  {{/block-slot}}
    72                {{/confirmation-dialog}}
    73              </div>
    74          {{/block-slot}}
    75        {{/tabular-details}}
    76      {{/with}}
    77  {{/if}}