
     1  <form>
     2      <fieldset>
     3  {{#if create }}
     4          <label class="type-text{{if item.error.Key ' has-error'}}">
     5              <span>Key or folder</span>
     6              <input autofocus="autofocus" type="text" value={{left-trim item.Key parent.Key}} name="additional" oninput={{action 'change'}} placeholder="Key or folder" />
     7              <em>To create a folder, end a key with <code>/</code></em>
     8          </label>
     9  {{/if}}
    10  {{#if (or (eq (left-trim item.Key parent.Key) '') (not-eq (last item.Key) '/')) }}
    11          <div>
    12              <div class="type-toggle">
    13                <label>
    14                    <input type="checkbox" name="json" checked={{if json 'checked' }} onchange={{action 'change'}} />
    15                    <span>Code</span>
    16                </label>
    17              </div>
    18              <label class="type-text{{if item.error.Value ' has-error'}}">
    19                  <span>Value</span>
    20  {{#if json}}
    21                  {{ code-editor value=(atob item.Value) onkeyup=(action 'change') }}
    22  {{else}}
    23                  <textarea autofocus={{not create}} name="value" oninput={{action 'change'}}>{{atob item.Value}}</textarea>
    24  {{/if}}
    25              </label>
    26          </div>
    27  {{/if}}
    28      </fieldset>
    29      {{!TODO This has a <div> around it in acls, remove or add for consistency }}
    30  {{#if create }}
    31      {{! we only need to check for an empty keyname here as ember munges autofocus, once we have autofocus back revisit this}}
    32      <button type="submit" {{ action "create" item parent}} disabled={{if (or item.isPristine item.isInvalid (eq (left-trim item.Key parent.Key) '')) 'disabled'}}>Save</button>
    33  {{ else }}
    34      <button type="submit" {{ action "update" item parent}} disabled={{if item.isInvalid 'disabled'}}>Save</button>
    35      <button type="reset" {{ action "cancel" item parent}}>Cancel changes</button>
    36      {{#confirmation-dialog message='Are you sure you want to delete this key?'}}
    37          {{#block-slot 'action' as |confirm|}}
    38              <button data-test-delete type="button" class="type-delete" {{action confirm 'delete' item parent}}>Delete</button>
    39          {{/block-slot}}
    40          {{#block-slot 'dialog' as |execute cancel message|}}
    41            {{delete-confirmation message=message execute=execute cancel=cancel}}
    42          {{/block-slot}}
    43      {{/confirmation-dialog}}
    44  {{/if}}
    45  </form>