
     1  ---
     2  layout: "docs"
     3  page_title: "Connect in Production"
     4  sidebar_current: "docs-guides-connect-production"
     5  description: |-
     6    This guide describes best practices for running Consul Connect in production.
     7  ---
     9  # Running Connect in Production
    11  Consul Connect can secure all inter-service communication via mutual TLS. It's
    12  designed to work with [minimal configuration out of the
    13  box](, but completing the [security
    14  checklist](/docs/connect/security.html) and understanding the [Consul security
    15  model](/docs/internals/security.html) are prerequisites for production
    16  deployments.
    18  This guide aims to walk through the steps required to ensure the security
    19  guarantees hold.
    21  We assume a cluster is already running with an appropriate number of servers and
    22  clients and that other reference material like the
    23  [deployment](/docs/guides/deployment.html) and
    24  [performance](/docs/guides/performance.html) guides have been followed.
    26  In practical deployments it may be necessary to incrementally adopt Connect
    27  service-by-service. In this case some or all of the advice below may not apply
    28  during the transition but should give a good understanding on which security
    29  properties have been sacrificed in the interim. The final deployment goal should
    30  be to end up compliant with all the advice below.
    32  The steps we need to get to a secure Connect cluster are:
    34   1. [Configure ACLs](#configure-acls)
    35   1. [Configure Agent Transport Encryption](#configure-agent-transport-encryption)
    36   1. [Bootstrap Certificate Authority](#bootstrap-certificate-authority)
    37   1. [Setup Host Firewall](#setup-host-firewall)
    38   1. [Configure Service Instances](#configure-service-instances)
    40  ## Configure ACLs
    42  Consul Connect's security is based on service identity. In practice the identity
    43  of the service is only enforcible with sufficiently restrictive ACLs.
    45  This section will not replace reading the full [ACL
    46  guide](/docs/guides/acl.html) but will highlight the specific requirements
    47  Connect relies on to ensure it's security properties.
    49  A service's identity, in the form of an x.509 certificate, will only be issued
    50  to an API client that has `service:write` permission for that service. In other
    51  words, any client that has permission to _register_ an instance of a service
    52  will be able to identify as that service and access all of the resources that that
    53  service is allowed to access.
    55  A secure ACL setup must meet these criteria:
    57   1. **[ACL default
    58      policy](/docs/agent/options.html#acl_default_policy)
    59      must be `deny`.** It is technically sufficient to keep the default policy of
    60      `allow` but add an explicit ACL denying anonymous `service:write`. Note
    61      however that in this case the Connect intention graph will also default to
    62      `allow` and explicit `deny` intentions will be needed to restrict service
    63      access. Also note that explicit rules to limit who can manage intentions are
    64      necessary in this case. It is assumed for the remainder of this guide that
    65      ACL policy defaults to `deny`.
    66   2. **Each service must have a distinct ACL token** that is restricted to
    67      `service:write` only for the named service. Current Consul ACLs only support
    68      prefix matching but in a near-future release we will allow exact name
    69      matching. It is possible for all instances of the service to share the same
    70      token although best practices is for each instance to get a unique token as
    71      described below.
    73  ### Fine Grained Enforcement
    75  Connect intentions manage access based only on service identity so it is
    76  sufficient for ACL tokens to only be unique per _service_ and shared between
    77  instances.
    79  It is much better though if ACL tokens are unique per service _instance_ because
    80  it limits the blast radius of a compromise.
    82  A future release of Connect will support revoking specific certificates that
    83  have been issued. For example if a single node in a datacenter has been
    84  compromised, it will be possible to find all certificates issued to the agent on
    85  that node and revoke them. This will block all access to the intruder without
    86  taking instances of the service(s) on other nodes offline too.
    88  While this will work with service-unique tokens, there is nothing stopping an
    89  attacker from obtaining certificates while spoofing the agent ID or other
    90  identifier – these certificates will not appear to have been issued to the
    91  compromised agent and so will not be revoked.
    93  If every service instance has a unique token however, it will be possible to
    94  revoke all certificates that were requested under that token. Assuming the
    95  attacker can only access the tokens present on the compromised host, this
    96  guarantees that any certificate they might have access to or requested directly
    97  will be revoked.
    99  In practice, managing per-instance tokens requires automated ACL provisioning,
   100  for example using [HashiCorp's
   101  Vault](
   103  ## Configure Agent Transport Encryption
   105  Consul's gossip (UDP) and RPC (TCP) communications need to be encrypted
   106  otherwise attackers may be able to see ACL tokens while in flight
   107  between the server and client agents (RPC) or between client agent and
   108  application (HTTP). Certificate private keys never leave the host they
   109  are used on but are delivered to the application or proxy over local
   110  HTTP so local agent traffic should be encrypted where potentially
   111  untrusted parties might be able to observe localhost agent API traffic.
   113  Follow the [encryption documentation](/docs/agent/encryption.html) to ensure
   114  both gossip encryption and RPC/HTTP TLS are configured securely.
   116  For now client and server TLS certificates are still managed by manual
   117  configuration. In the future we plan to automate more of that with the same
   118  mechanisms Connect offers to user applications.
   120  ## Bootstrap Certificate Authority
   122  Consul Connect comes with a built in Certificate Authority (CA) that will
   123  bootstrap by default when you first enable Connect on your servers.
   125  To use the built-in CA, enable it in the server's configuration.
   127  ```text
   128  connect {
   129    enabled = true
   130  }
   131  ```
   133  This config change requires a restart which you can perform one server at a time
   134  to maintain availability in an existing cluster.
   136  As soon as a server that has Connect enabled becomes the leader, it will
   137  bootstrap a new CA and generate it's own private key which is written to the
   138  Raft state.
   140  Alternatively, an external private key can be provided via the [CA
   141  configuration](/docs/connect/ca.html#specifying-a-private-key-and-root-certificate).
   143  ### External CAs
   145  Connect has been designed with a pluggable CA component so external CAs can be
   146  integrated. We will expand the external CA systems that are supported in the
   147  future and will allow seamless online migration to a different CA or
   148  bootstrapping with an external CA.
   150  For production workloads we recommend using [Vault or another external
   151  CA](/docs/connect/ca.html#external-ca-certificate-authority-providers) once
   152  available such that the root key is not stored within Consul state at all.
   154  ## Setup Host Firewall
   156  In order to enable inbound connections to connect proxies, you may need to
   157  configure host or network firewalls to allow incoming connections to proxy
   158  ports.
   160  In addition to Consul agent's [communication
   161  ports](/docs/agent/options.html#ports) any
   162  [proxies](/docs/connect/proxies.html) will need to have
   163  ports open to accept incoming connections.
   165  If using [sidecar service
   166  registration](/docs/connect/proxies/sidecar-service.html) Consul will by default
   167  assign ports from [a configurable
   168  range](/docs/agent/options.html#sidecar_min_port) the default range is 21000 -
   169  21255. If this feature is used, the agent assumes all ports in that range are
   170  both free to use (no other processes listening on them) and are exposed in the
   171  firewall to accept connections from other service hosts.
   173  It is possible to prevent automated port selection by [configuring
   174  `sidecar_min_port` and
   175  `sidecar_max_port`](/docs/agent/options.html#sidecar_min_port) to both be `0`,
   176  forcing any sidecar service registrations to need an explicit port configured.
   178  It then becomes the same problem as opening ports necessary for any other
   179  application and might be managed by configuration management or a scheduler.
   181  ## Configure Service Instances
   183  With [necessary ACL tokens](#configure-acls) in place, all service registrations
   184  need to have an appropriate ACL token present.
   186  For on-disk configuration the `token` parameter of the service definition must
   187  be set.
   189  For registration via the API [the token is passed in the request
   190  header](/api/index.html#acls) or by using the [Go
   191  client configuration](
   193  For examples of proxy service definitions see the [proxy
   194  documentation](/docs/connect/proxies.html).
   196  To avoid the overhead of a proxy, applications may [natively
   197  integrate](/docs/connect/native.html) with connect.
   199  ### Protect Application Listener
   201  If using any kind of proxy for connect, the application must ensure no untrusted
   202  connections can be made to it's unprotected listening port. This is typically
   203  done by binding to `localhost` and only allowing loopback traffic, but may also
   204  be achieved using firewall rules or network namespacing.