
     1  ---
     2  layout: "docs"
     3  page_title: "Manual Bootstrapping"
     4  sidebar_current: "docs-install-bootstrapping"
     5  description: |-
     6    When deploying Consul to a datacenter for the first time, there is an initial bootstrapping that must be done. As of Consul 0.4, an automatic bootstrapping is available and is the recommended approach. However, older versions only support a manual bootstrap that is documented here.
     7  ---
     9  # Manually Bootstrapping a Datacenter
    11  When deploying Consul to a datacenter for the first time, there is an initial
    12  bootstrapping that must be done. As of Consul 0.4, an
    13  [automatic bootstrapping](/docs/guides/bootstrapping.html) is available and is
    14  the recommended approach. However, older versions only support a manual
    15  bootstrap that is documented here.
    17  Generally, the first nodes that are started are the server nodes. Remember that
    18  an agent can run in both client and server mode. Server nodes are responsible
    19  for running the [consensus protocol](/docs/internals/consensus.html), and
    20  storing the cluster state. The client nodes are mostly stateless and rely on the
    21  server nodes, so they can be started easily.
    23  Manual bootstrapping requires that the first server that is deployed in a new
    24  datacenter provide the [`-bootstrap` configuration option](/docs/agent/options.html#_bootstrap).
    25  This option allows the server
    26  to assert leadership of the cluster without agreement from any other server.
    27  This is necessary because at this point, there are no other servers running in
    28  the datacenter! Lets call this first server `Node A`. When starting `Node A`
    29  something like the following will be logged:
    31  ```text
    32  2014/02/22 19:23:32 [INFO] consul: cluster leadership acquired
    33  ```
    35  Once `Node A` is running, we can start the next set of servers. There is a
    36  [deployment table](/docs/internals/consensus.html#toc_4) that covers various
    37  options, but it is recommended to have 3 or 5 total servers per datacenter. A
    38  single server deployment is _**highly**_ discouraged as data loss is inevitable
    39  in a failure scenario. We start the next servers **without** specifying
    40  `-bootstrap`. This is critical, since only one server should ever be running in
    41  bootstrap mode. Once `Node B` and `Node C` are started, you should see a
    42  message to the effect of:
    44  ```text
    45  [WARN] raft: EnableSingleNode disabled, and no known peers. Aborting election.
    46  ```
    48  This indicates that the node is not in bootstrap mode, and it will not elect
    49  itself as leader. We can now join these machines together. Since a join
    50  operation is symmetric it does not matter which node initiates it. From
    51  `Node B` and `Node C` you can do the following:
    53  ```text
    54  $ consul join <Node A Address>
    55  Successfully joined cluster by contacting 1 nodes.
    56  ```
    58  Alternatively, from `Node A` you can do the following:
    60  ```text
    61  $ consul join <Node B Address> <Node C Address>
    62  Successfully joined cluster by contacting 2 nodes.
    63  ```
    65  Once the join is successful, `Node A` should output something like:
    67  ```text
    68  [INFO] raft: Added peer, starting replication
    69  ....
    70  [INFO] raft: Added peer, starting replication
    71  ```
    73  As a sanity check, the `consul info` command is a useful tool. It can be used to
    74  verify `raft.num_peers` is now 2, and you can view the latest log index under
    75  `raft.last_log_index`. When running `consul info` on the followers, you should
    76  see `raft.last_log_index` converge to the same value as the leader begins
    77  replication. That value represents the last log entry that has been stored on
    78  disk.
    80  This indicates that `Node B` and `Node C` have been added as peers. At this
    81  point, all three nodes see each other as peers, `Node A` is the leader, and
    82  replication should be working.
    84  The final step is to remove the `-bootstrap` flag. This is important since we
    85  don't want the node to be able to make unilateral decisions in the case of a
    86  failure of the other two nodes. To do this, we send a `SIGINT` to `Node A` to
    87  allow it to perform a graceful leave. Then we remove the `-bootstrap` flag and
    88  restart the node. The node will need to rejoin the cluster, since the graceful
    89  exit leaves the cluster. Any transactions that took place while `Node A` was
    90  offline will be replicated and the node will catch up.
    92  Now that the servers are all started and replicating to each other, all the
    93  remaining clients can be joined. Clients are much easier, as they can be started
    94  and perform a `join` against any existing node. All nodes participate in a
    95  gossip protocol to perform basic discovery, so clients will automatically find
    96  the servers and register themselves.
    98  ->  If you accidentally start another server with the flag set, do not fret.
    99  Shutdown the node, and remove the `raft/` folder from the data directory. This
   100  will remove the bad state caused by being in `-bootstrap` mode. Then restart the
   101  node and join the cluster normally.