
     1  ---
     2  description: |-
     3    Consul is a highly available and distributed service discovery and KV
     4    store designed with support for the modern data center to make distributed
     5    systems and configuration easy.
     6  ---
     8  <div class='consul-connect'>
     9    <section id='home-hero'>
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    14              <a class='notification' href='/downloads.html'>
    15                <span>New</span> HashiCorp Consul 1.4 has been released! Download now <span><svg xmlns='' width='6' height='10' viewBox='0 0 6 10'><path fill='#650D34' d='M1.138.529a.666.666 0 1 0-.942.943L3.724 5 .195 8.53a.666.666 0 1 0 .943.943l4-4a.666.666 0 0 0 0-.943l-4-4z'/></svg><span>
    16              </a>
    17              <h1>Service Mesh Made Easy</h1>
    18              <p>Consul is a distributed service mesh to connect, secure, and configure services across any runtime platform and public or private cloud</p>
    19              <a href='/downloads.html' class='g-btn download'>
    20                <svg xmlns='' width='20' height='22' viewBox='0 0 20 22'>
    21                  <path d='M9.292 15.706a1 1 0 0 0 1.416 0l3.999-3.999a1 1 0 1 0-1.414-1.414L11 12.586V1a1 1 0 1 0-2 0v11.586l-2.293-2.293a1 1 0 1 0-1.414 1.414l3.999 3.999zM20 16v3c0 1.654-1.346 3-3 3H3c-1.654 0-3-1.346-3-3v-3a1 1 0 1 1 2 0v3c0 .551.448 1 1 1h14c.552 0 1-.449 1-1v-3a1 1 0 1 1 2 0z'/>
    22                </svg>
    23                Download
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    25              <a href="" class='g-btn dark-outline'>Get Started</a>
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    27                <a href='' class='secondary-link'>View demo of web UI</a>
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    34                <span>CLI</span>
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    70    </section>
    72    <section id='static-dynamic' class='g-section bg-light'>
    73      <div class='g-container'>
    74        <div class='intro'>
    75          <h2>Service-based networking for dynamic infrastructure</h2>
    76          <p>The shift from static infrastructure to dynamic
    77            infrastructure changes the approach to networking from host-based to
    78            service-based. Connectivity moves from the use of static IPs to
    79            dynamic service discovery, and security moves from static firewalls to
    80            dynamic service segmentation.</p>
    81        </div>
    82        <div class='g-timeline'>
    83          <div>
    84            <span class='line'></span>
    85            <span class='line'>
    86              <svg xmlns='' width='11' height='15' viewBox='0 0 11 15'>
    87                  <path fill='#CA2171' d='M0 0v15l5.499-3.751L11 7.5 5.499 3.749.002 0z'/>
    88              </svg>
    89            </span>
    90            <span class='dot'></span>
    91            <h3>Static</h3>
    92            <span class='sub-heading'>Host-based networking</span>
    93            <img src='/assets/images/consul-connect/svgs/static.svg' alt='static, host-based networking' class='static-callout' />
    94          </div>
    95          <div>
    96            <span class='dot'></span>
    97            <h3>Dynamic</h3>
    98            <span class='sub-heading'>Service-based networking</span>
    99            <div id='index-dynamic-animation'>
   100              <%= inline_svg 'consul-connect/svgs/dynamic.svg' %>
   101            </div>
   102          </div>
   103        </div>
   104      </div>
   105    </section>
   107    <section id='use-cases' class='g-section'>
   108      <div class='g-container'>
   109        <div class='intro'>
   110          <h2>Use Cases</h2>
   111        </div>
   112        <div class='g-use-cases'>
   113          <div>
   114            <div>
   115              <img src='/assets/images/consul-connect/svgs/discovery-simple.svg' alt='Service Discovery'>
   116              <h3>Service Discovery <span>for connectivity</h3>
   117              <p>Service Registry enables services to register and discover each other.</p>
   118            </div>
   119            <div>
   120              <a href='/discovery.html' class='g-btn dark-outline'>Learn more</a>
   121            </div>
   122          </div>
   123          <div>
   124            <div>
   125              <img src='/assets/images/consul-connect/svgs/segmentation-simple.svg' alt='Service Segmentation'>
   126              <h3>Service Segmentation <span>for security</h3>
   127              <p>Secure service-to-service communication with automatic TLS encryption and identity-based authorization.</p>
   128            </div>
   129            <div>
   130              <a href='/segmentation.html' class='g-btn dark-outline'>Learn more</a>
   131            </div>
   132          </div>
   133          <div>
   134            <div>
   135              <img src='/assets/images/consul-connect/svgs/configuration-simple.svg' alt='Service Configuration'>
   136              <h3>Service Configuration <span>for runtime configuration</h3>
   137              <p>Feature rich Key/Value store to easily configure services.</p>
   138            </div>
   139            <div>
   140              <a href='/configuration.html' class='g-btn dark-outline'>Learn more</a>
   141            </div>
   142          </div>
   143        </div>
   144      </div>
   145    </section>
   147    <section class='g-section bg-light'>
   148      <div class='g-container'>
   149        <div class='intro'>
   150          <h2>Consul Principles</h2>
   151        </div>
   152        <div class='g-text-asset'>
   153          <div>
   154            <div>
   155              <h3>API-Driven</h3>
   156              <p>Codify and automate service definitions, health checks, service
   157                authorization policies, failover logic, and more.</p>
   158            </div>
   159          </div>
   160          <div class='code-sample'>
   161            <div>
   162              <span></span>
   163              <div class='code'>
   164                <code>$ curl <code class='keyword'>http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/deployment</code>
   165  [
   166    {
   167      "LockIndex": 1,
   168      "Session": "1c3f5836-4df4-0e26-6697-90dcce78acd9",
   169      "Value": "Zm9v",
   170      "Flags": 0,
   171      "Key": "deployment",
   172      "CreateIndex": 13,
   173      "ModifyIndex": 19
   174    }
   175  ]</code>
   176              </div>
   177            </div>
   178          </div>
   179        </div>
   180      </div>
   181    </section>
   183    <section class='g-section bg-light border-top'>
   184      <div class='g-container'>
   185        <div class='g-text-asset reverse'>
   186          <div>
   187            <div>
   188              <h3>Run and Connect Anywhere</h3>
   189              <p>Connect services across any runtime platform and public or private cloud. Connect services from Kubernetes to VMs, Containers to Serverless functions.</p>
   190            </div>
   191          </div>
   192          <div>
   193            <picture>
   194              <source type="image/webp" srcset="
   195                /assets/images/consul-connect/grid_1/grid_1_300.webp 300w,
   196                /assets/images/consul-connect/grid_1/grid_1_715.webp 715w,
   197                /assets/images/consul-connect/grid_1/grid_1_1256.webp 1256w" />
   198               <source type="image/png" srcset="
   199                /assets/images/consul-connect/grid_1/grid_1_300.png 300w,
   200                /assets/images/consul-connect/grid_1/grid_1_715.png 715w,
   201                /assets/images/consul-connect/grid_1/grid_1_1256.png 1256w" />
   202                <img src='/assets/images/consul-connect/grid_1/grid_1_1256.png' alt='Run and Connect Anywhere'>
   203            </picture>
   204          </div>
   205        </div>
   206      </div>
   207    </section>
   209    <section class='g-section bg-light border-top'>
   210      <div class='g-container'>
   211        <div class='g-text-asset'>
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   213            <div>
   214              <h3>Extend and Integrate</h3>
   215              <ul>
   216                <li>Provision clusters on any infrastructure.</li>
   217                <li>Connect to services over TLS via proxy integrations.</li>
   218                <li>Serve TLS certificates with pluggable Certificate Authorities.</li>
   219              </ul>
   220            </div>
   221          </div>
   222          <div>
   223            <picture>
   224              <source type="image/webp" srcset="
   225                /assets/images/consul-connect/grid_2/grid_2_300.webp 300w,
   226                /assets/images/consul-connect/grid_2/grid_2_704.webp 704w,
   227                /assets/images/consul-connect/grid_2/grid_2_1256.webp 1256w" />
   228               <source type="image/png" srcset="
   229                /assets/images/consul-connect/grid_2/grid_2_300.png 300w,
   230                /assets/images/consul-connect/grid_2/grid_2_704.png 704w,
   231                /assets/images/consul-connect/grid_2/grid_2_1256.png 1256w" />
   232                <img src='/assets/images/consul-connect/grid_2/grid_2_1256.png' alt='Extend and Integrate'>
   233            </picture>
   234          </div>
   235        </div>
   236      </div>
   237    </section>
   239    <section class='g-section'>
   240      <div class='g-container'>
   241        <div class='intro'>
   242          <h3>Companies that trust Consul</h3>
   243        </div>
   244        <div class='g-logo-grid'>
   245          <div>
   246            <img src='/assets/images/consul-connect/logos/logo_sap-ariba_space.svg' alt='SAP Ariba'>
   247          </div>
   248          <div>
   249            <img src='/assets/images/consul-connect/logos/logo_citadel_space.svg' alt='Citadel'>
   250          </div>
   251          <div>
   252            <img src='/assets/images/consul-connect/logos/logo_barclays_space.svg' alt='Barclays'>
   253          </div>
   254          <div>
   255            <img src='/assets/images/consul-connect/logos/logo_itv_space.svg' alt='itv'>
   256          </div>
   257          <div>
   258            <img src='/assets/images/consul-connect/logos/logo_spaceflight-industries_space.svg' alt='Spaceflight Industries'>
   259          </div>
   260          <div>
   261            <img src='/assets/images/consul-connect/logos/logo_lotto-nz_space.svg' alt='MyLotto'>
   262          </div>
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   270          <div>
   271            <%= inline_svg 'consul-connect/logos/consul-logo.svg' %>
   272          </div>
   273          <p>Consul Open Source addresses the technical complexity of connecting services across distributed infrastructure.</p>
   274          <div>
   275            <a href='/downloads.html' class='g-btn white download'>
   276              <svg xmlns='' width='20' height='22' viewBox='0 0 20 22'>
   277                <path d='M9.292 15.706a1 1 0 0 0 1.416 0l3.999-3.999a1 1 0 1 0-1.414-1.414L11 12.586V1a1 1 0 1 0-2 0v11.586l-2.293-2.293a1 1 0 1 0-1.414 1.414l3.999 3.999zM20 16v3c0 1.654-1.346 3-3 3H3c-1.654 0-3-1.346-3-3v-3a1 1 0 1 1 2 0v3c0 .551.448 1 1 1h14c.552 0 1-.449 1-1v-3a1 1 0 1 1 2 0z'/>
   278              </svg>
   279              Download
   280            </a>
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   285        <div>
   286          <div>
   287            <%= inline_svg 'consul-connect/logos/consul-enterprise-logo.svg' %>
   288          </div>
   289          <p>Consul Enterprise addresses the organizational complexity of large user bases and compliance requirements with collaboration and governance features.</p>
   290          <div>
   291            <a href='' class='g-btn white-outline'>Learn More</a>
   292          </div>
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   299  <% content_for :scripts do %>
   300    <script src='/assets/javascripts/consul-connect/home-hero.js' defer></script>
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