(about) 1 package bundled 2 3 const narrowElv = ` 4 # Implementation of location, history and lastcmd mode using the new 5 # -narrow-read mode. One advantage of this is that it allows the 6 # execution of arbitrary hooks before or after each mode. 7 # 8 # Usage: 9 # use narrow 10 # narrow:bind-trigger-keys 11 # 12 # narrow:bind-trigger-keys binds keys for location, history and lastcmd 13 # modes. Without options, it uses the default bindings (same as the 14 # default bindings for edit:location, edit:history and edit:lastcmd), 15 # but different keys can be specified with the options. To disable a 16 # binding, specify its key as "". 17 # Example: 18 # narrow:bind-trigger-keys &location=Alt-l &lastcmd="" 19 20 # Hooks 21 # Each hook variable is an array which must contain lambdas, all of 22 # which will be executed in sequence before and after the 23 # corresponding mode. 24 # Example (list the new directory after switching to it in location mode): 25 # narrow:after-location = [ $@narrow:after-location { edit:insert-at-dot "ls"; edit:smart-enter } ] 26 before-location = [] 27 after-location = [] 28 before-history = [] 29 after-history = [] 30 before-lastcmd = [] 31 after-lastcmd = [] 32 33 fn location { 34 for hook $before-location { $hook } 35 candidates = [(dir-history | each [arg]{ 36 score = (splits . $arg[score] | take 1) 37 put [ 38 &content=$arg[path] 39 &display=$score" "(tilde-abbr $arg[path]) 40 ] 41 })] 42 43 edit:-narrow-read { 44 put $@candidates 45 } [arg]{ 46 cd $arg[content] 47 for hook $after-location { $hook } 48 } &modeline="[narrow] Location " &ignore-case=$true 49 } 50 51 fn history { 52 for hook $before-history { $hook } 53 candidates = [(edit:command-history | each [arg]{ 54 put [ 55 &content=$arg[cmd] 56 &display=$arg[id]" "$arg[cmd] 57 ] 58 })] 59 60 edit:-narrow-read { 61 put $@candidates 62 } [arg]{ 63 edit:replace-input $arg[content] 64 for hook $after-history { $hook } 65 } &modeline="[narrow] History " &keep-bottom=$true &ignore-case=$true 66 } 67 68 fn lastcmd { 69 for hook $before-lastcmd { $hook } 70 last = (edit:command-history -1) 71 cmd = [ 72 &content=$last[cmd] 73 &display="M-1 "$last[cmd] 74 &filter-text="" 75 ] 76 index = 0 77 candidates = [$cmd ( edit:wordify $last[cmd] | each [arg]{ 78 put [ 79 &content=$arg 80 &display=$index" "$arg 81 &filter-text=$index 82 ] 83 index = (+ $index 1) 84 })] 85 edit:-narrow-read { 86 put $@candidates 87 } [arg]{ 88 edit:insert-at-dot $arg[content] 89 for hook $after-lastcmd { $hook } 90 } &modeline="[narrow] Lastcmd " &auto-commit=$true &bindings=[&M-1={ edit:narrow:accept-close }] &ignore-case=$true 91 } 92 93 94 fn -bind-insert [k f]{ 95 edit:insert:binding[$k] = $f 96 } 97 98 fn -bind [k f]{ 99 edit:narrow:binding[$k] = $f 100 } 101 102 # Bind keys for location, history and lastcmd modes. Without 103 # options, it uses the default bindings, but different keys 104 # can be specified with the options. To disable a binding, 105 # specify its key as "". 106 # Example: 107 # narrow:bind-trigger-keys &location=Alt-l &lastcmd="" 108 fn bind-trigger-keys [&location=C-l &history=C-r &lastcmd=M-1]{ 109 if (not-eq $location "") { -bind-insert $location $location~ } 110 if (not-eq $history "") { -bind-insert $history $history~ } 111 if (not-eq $lastcmd "") { -bind-insert $lastcmd $lastcmd~ } 112 } 113 114 # Set up some default useful bindings for narrow mode 115 -bind Up $edit:narrow:up~ 116 -bind PageUp $edit:narrow:page-up~ 117 -bind Down $edit:narrow:down~ 118 -bind PageDown $edit:narrow:page-down~ 119 -bind Tab $edit:narrow:down-cycle~ 120 -bind S-Tab $edit:narrow:up-cycle~ 121 -bind Backspace $edit:narrow:backspace~ 122 -bind Enter $edit:narrow:accept-close~ 123 -bind M-Enter $edit:narrow:accept~ 124 -bind Default $edit:narrow:default~ 125 -bind "C-[" $edit:insert:start~ 126 -bind C-G $edit:narrow:toggle-ignore-case~ 127 -bind C-D $edit:narrow:toggle-ignore-duplication~ 128 `