
     1  // Copyright (c) 2013-2017 The btcsuite developers
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package txscript
     7  import (
     8  	"bytes"
     9  	"encoding/hex"
    10  	"encoding/json"
    11  	"errors"
    12  	"fmt"
    13  	"io/ioutil"
    14  	"strconv"
    15  	"strings"
    16  	"testing"
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  )
    23  // scriptTestName returns a descriptive test name for the given reference script
    24  // test data.
    25  func scriptTestName(test []interface{}) (string, error) {
    26  	// Account for any optional leading witness data.
    27  	var witnessOffset int
    28  	if _, ok := test[0].([]interface{}); ok {
    29  		witnessOffset++
    30  	}
    32  	// In addition to the optional leading witness data, the test must
    33  	// consist of at least a signature script, public key script, flags,
    34  	// and expected error.  Finally, it may optionally contain a comment.
    35  	if len(test) < witnessOffset+4 || len(test) > witnessOffset+5 {
    36  		return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid test length %d", len(test))
    37  	}
    39  	// Use the comment for the test name if one is specified, otherwise,
    40  	// construct the name based on the signature script, public key script,
    41  	// and flags.
    42  	var name string
    43  	if len(test) == witnessOffset+5 {
    44  		name = fmt.Sprintf("test (%s)", test[witnessOffset+4])
    45  	} else {
    46  		name = fmt.Sprintf("test ([%s, %s, %s])", test[witnessOffset],
    47  			test[witnessOffset+1], test[witnessOffset+2])
    48  	}
    49  	return name, nil
    50  }
    52  // parse hex string into a []byte.
    53  func parseHex(tok string) ([]byte, error) {
    54  	if !strings.HasPrefix(tok, "0x") {
    55  		return nil, errors.New("not a hex number")
    56  	}
    57  	return hex.DecodeString(tok[2:])
    58  }
    60  // parseWitnessStack parses a json array of witness items encoded as hex into a
    61  // slice of witness elements.
    62  func parseWitnessStack(elements []interface{}) ([][]byte, error) {
    63  	witness := make([][]byte, len(elements))
    64  	for i, e := range elements {
    65  		witElement, err := hex.DecodeString(e.(string))
    66  		if err != nil {
    67  			return nil, err
    68  		}
    70  		witness[i] = witElement
    71  	}
    73  	return witness, nil
    74  }
    76  // shortFormOps holds a map of opcode names to values for use in short form
    77  // parsing.  It is declared here so it only needs to be created once.
    78  var shortFormOps map[string]byte
    80  // parseShortForm parses a string as as used in the Bitcoin Core reference tests
    81  // into the script it came from.
    82  //
    83  // The format used for these tests is pretty simple if ad-hoc:
    84  //   - Opcodes other than the push opcodes and unknown are present as
    85  //     either OP_NAME or just NAME
    86  //   - Plain numbers are made into push operations
    87  //   - Numbers beginning with 0x are inserted into the []byte as-is (so
    88  //     0x14 is OP_DATA_20)
    89  //   - Single quoted strings are pushed as data
    90  //   - Anything else is an error
    91  func parseShortForm(script string) ([]byte, error) {
    92  	// Only create the short form opcode map once.
    93  	if shortFormOps == nil {
    94  		ops := make(map[string]byte)
    95  		for opcodeName, opcodeValue := range OpcodeByName {
    96  			if strings.Contains(opcodeName, "OP_UNKNOWN") {
    97  				continue
    98  			}
    99  			ops[opcodeName] = opcodeValue
   101  			// The opcodes named OP_# can't have the OP_ prefix
   102  			// stripped or they would conflict with the plain
   103  			// numbers.  Also, since OP_FALSE and OP_TRUE are
   104  			// aliases for the OP_0, and OP_1, respectively, they
   105  			// have the same value, so detect those by name and
   106  			// allow them.
   107  			if (opcodeName == "OP_FALSE" || opcodeName == "OP_TRUE") ||
   108  				(opcodeValue != OP_0 && (opcodeValue < OP_1 ||
   109  					opcodeValue > OP_16)) {
   111  				ops[strings.TrimPrefix(opcodeName, "OP_")] = opcodeValue
   112  			}
   113  		}
   114  		shortFormOps = ops
   115  	}
   117  	// Split only does one separator so convert all \n and tab into  space.
   118  	script = strings.Replace(script, "\n", " ", -1)
   119  	script = strings.Replace(script, "\t", " ", -1)
   120  	tokens := strings.Split(script, " ")
   121  	builder := NewScriptBuilder()
   123  	for _, tok := range tokens {
   124  		if len(tok) == 0 {
   125  			continue
   126  		}
   127  		// if parses as a plain number
   128  		if num, err := strconv.ParseInt(tok, 10, 64); err == nil {
   129  			builder.AddInt64(num)
   130  			continue
   131  		} else if bts, err := parseHex(tok); err == nil {
   132  			// Concatenate the bytes manually since the test code
   133  			// intentionally creates scripts that are too large and
   134  			// would cause the builder to error otherwise.
   135  			if builder.err == nil {
   136  				builder.script = append(builder.script, bts...)
   137  			}
   138  		} else if len(tok) >= 2 &&
   139  			tok[0] == '\'' && tok[len(tok)-1] == '\'' {
   140  			builder.AddFullData([]byte(tok[1 : len(tok)-1]))
   141  		} else if opcode, ok := shortFormOps[tok]; ok {
   142  			builder.AddOp(opcode)
   143  		} else {
   144  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad token %q", tok)
   145  		}
   147  	}
   148  	return builder.Script()
   149  }
   151  // parseScriptFlags parses the provided flags string from the format used in the
   152  // reference tests into ScriptFlags suitable for use in the script engine.
   153  func parseScriptFlags(flagStr string) (ScriptFlags, error) {
   154  	var flags ScriptFlags
   156  	sFlags := strings.Split(flagStr, ",")
   157  	for _, flag := range sFlags {
   158  		switch flag {
   159  		case "":
   160  			// Nothing.
   162  			flags |= ScriptVerifyCheckLockTimeVerify
   164  			flags |= ScriptVerifyCheckSequenceVerify
   165  		case "CLEANSTACK":
   166  			flags |= ScriptVerifyCleanStack
   167  		case "DERSIG":
   168  			flags |= ScriptVerifyDERSignatures
   170  			flags |= ScriptDiscourageUpgradableNops
   171  		case "LOW_S":
   172  			flags |= ScriptVerifyLowS
   173  		case "MINIMALDATA":
   174  			flags |= ScriptVerifyMinimalData
   175  		case "NONE":
   176  			// Nothing.
   177  		case "NULLDUMMY":
   178  			flags |= ScriptStrictMultiSig
   179  		case "NULLFAIL":
   180  			flags |= ScriptVerifyNullFail
   181  		case "P2SH":
   182  			flags |= ScriptBip16
   183  		case "SIGPUSHONLY":
   184  			flags |= ScriptVerifySigPushOnly
   185  		case "STRICTENC":
   186  			flags |= ScriptVerifyStrictEncoding
   187  		case "WITNESS":
   188  			flags |= ScriptVerifyWitness
   190  			flags |= ScriptVerifyDiscourageUpgradeableWitnessProgram
   191  		case "MINIMALIF":
   192  			flags |= ScriptVerifyMinimalIf
   193  		case "WITNESS_PUBKEYTYPE":
   194  			flags |= ScriptVerifyWitnessPubKeyType
   195  		default:
   196  			return flags, fmt.Errorf("invalid flag: %s", flag)
   197  		}
   198  	}
   199  	return flags, nil
   200  }
   202  // parseExpectedResult parses the provided expected result string into allowed
   203  // script error codes.  An error is returned if the expected result string is
   204  // not supported.
   205  func parseExpectedResult(expected string) ([]ErrorCode, error) {
   206  	switch expected {
   207  	case "OK":
   208  		return nil, nil
   209  	case "UNKNOWN_ERROR":
   210  		return []ErrorCode{ErrNumberTooBig, ErrMinimalData}, nil
   211  	case "PUBKEYTYPE":
   212  		return []ErrorCode{ErrPubKeyType}, nil
   213  	case "SIG_DER":
   214  		return []ErrorCode{ErrSigTooShort, ErrSigTooLong,
   215  			ErrSigInvalidSeqID, ErrSigInvalidDataLen, ErrSigMissingSTypeID,
   216  			ErrSigMissingSLen, ErrSigInvalidSLen,
   217  			ErrSigInvalidRIntID, ErrSigZeroRLen, ErrSigNegativeR,
   218  			ErrSigTooMuchRPadding, ErrSigInvalidSIntID,
   219  			ErrSigZeroSLen, ErrSigNegativeS, ErrSigTooMuchSPadding,
   220  			ErrInvalidSigHashType}, nil
   221  	case "EVAL_FALSE":
   222  		return []ErrorCode{ErrEvalFalse, ErrEmptyStack}, nil
   223  	case "EQUALVERIFY":
   224  		return []ErrorCode{ErrEqualVerify}, nil
   225  	case "NULLFAIL":
   226  		return []ErrorCode{ErrNullFail}, nil
   227  	case "SIG_HIGH_S":
   228  		return []ErrorCode{ErrSigHighS}, nil
   229  	case "SIG_HASHTYPE":
   230  		return []ErrorCode{ErrInvalidSigHashType}, nil
   231  	case "SIG_NULLDUMMY":
   232  		return []ErrorCode{ErrSigNullDummy}, nil
   233  	case "SIG_PUSHONLY":
   234  		return []ErrorCode{ErrNotPushOnly}, nil
   235  	case "CLEANSTACK":
   236  		return []ErrorCode{ErrCleanStack}, nil
   237  	case "BAD_OPCODE":
   238  		return []ErrorCode{ErrReservedOpcode, ErrMalformedPush}, nil
   240  		return []ErrorCode{ErrUnbalancedConditional,
   241  			ErrInvalidStackOperation}, nil
   242  	case "OP_RETURN":
   243  		return []ErrorCode{ErrEarlyReturn}, nil
   244  	case "VERIFY":
   245  		return []ErrorCode{ErrVerify}, nil
   247  		return []ErrorCode{ErrInvalidStackOperation}, nil
   248  	case "DISABLED_OPCODE":
   249  		return []ErrorCode{ErrDisabledOpcode}, nil
   251  		return []ErrorCode{ErrDiscourageUpgradableNOPs}, nil
   252  	case "PUSH_SIZE":
   253  		return []ErrorCode{ErrElementTooBig}, nil
   254  	case "OP_COUNT":
   255  		return []ErrorCode{ErrTooManyOperations}, nil
   256  	case "STACK_SIZE":
   257  		return []ErrorCode{ErrStackOverflow}, nil
   258  	case "SCRIPT_SIZE":
   259  		return []ErrorCode{ErrScriptTooBig}, nil
   260  	case "PUBKEY_COUNT":
   261  		return []ErrorCode{ErrInvalidPubKeyCount}, nil
   262  	case "SIG_COUNT":
   263  		return []ErrorCode{ErrInvalidSignatureCount}, nil
   264  	case "MINIMALDATA":
   265  		return []ErrorCode{ErrMinimalData}, nil
   266  	case "NEGATIVE_LOCKTIME":
   267  		return []ErrorCode{ErrNegativeLockTime}, nil
   269  		return []ErrorCode{ErrUnsatisfiedLockTime}, nil
   270  	case "MINIMALIF":
   271  		return []ErrorCode{ErrMinimalIf}, nil
   273  		return []ErrorCode{ErrDiscourageUpgradableWitnessProgram}, nil
   275  		return []ErrorCode{ErrWitnessProgramWrongLength}, nil
   277  		return []ErrorCode{ErrWitnessProgramEmpty}, nil
   279  		return []ErrorCode{ErrWitnessProgramMismatch}, nil
   280  	case "WITNESS_MALLEATED":
   281  		return []ErrorCode{ErrWitnessMalleated}, nil
   282  	case "WITNESS_MALLEATED_P2SH":
   283  		return []ErrorCode{ErrWitnessMalleatedP2SH}, nil
   284  	case "WITNESS_UNEXPECTED":
   285  		return []ErrorCode{ErrWitnessUnexpected}, nil
   286  	case "WITNESS_PUBKEYTYPE":
   287  		return []ErrorCode{ErrWitnessPubKeyType}, nil
   288  	}
   290  	return nil, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized expected result in test data: %v",
   291  		expected)
   292  }
   294  // createSpendTx generates a basic spending transaction given the passed
   295  // signature, witness and public key scripts.
   296  func createSpendingTx(witness [][]byte, sigScript, pkScript []byte,
   297  	outputValue int64) *wire.MsgTx {
   299  	coinbaseTx := wire.NewMsgTx(wire.TxVersion)
   301  	outPoint := wire.NewOutPoint(&chainhash.Hash{}, ^uint32(0))
   302  	txIn := wire.NewTxIn(outPoint, []byte{OP_0, OP_0}, nil)
   303  	txOut := wire.NewTxOut(outputValue, pkScript)
   304  	coinbaseTx.AddTxIn(txIn)
   305  	coinbaseTx.AddTxOut(txOut)
   307  	spendingTx := wire.NewMsgTx(wire.TxVersion)
   308  	coinbaseTxSha := coinbaseTx.TxHash()
   309  	outPoint = wire.NewOutPoint(&coinbaseTxSha, 0)
   310  	txIn = wire.NewTxIn(outPoint, sigScript, witness)
   311  	txOut = wire.NewTxOut(outputValue, nil)
   313  	spendingTx.AddTxIn(txIn)
   314  	spendingTx.AddTxOut(txOut)
   316  	return spendingTx
   317  }
   319  // scriptWithInputVal wraps a target pkScript with the value of the output in
   320  // which it is contained. The inputVal is necessary in order to properly
   321  // validate inputs which spend nested, or native witness programs.
   322  type scriptWithInputVal struct {
   323  	inputVal int64
   324  	pkScript []byte
   325  }
   327  // testScripts ensures all of the passed script tests execute with the expected
   328  // results with or without using a signature cache, as specified by the
   329  // parameter.
   330  func testScripts(t *testing.T, tests [][]interface{}, useSigCache bool) {
   331  	// Create a signature cache to use only if requested.
   332  	var sigCache *SigCache
   333  	if useSigCache {
   334  		sigCache = NewSigCache(10)
   335  	}
   337  	for i, test := range tests {
   338  		// "Format is: [[wit..., amount]?, scriptSig, scriptPubKey,
   339  		//    flags, expected_scripterror, ... comments]"
   341  		// Skip single line comments.
   342  		if len(test) == 1 {
   343  			continue
   344  		}
   346  		// Construct a name for the test based on the comment and test
   347  		// data.
   348  		name, err := scriptTestName(test)
   349  		if err != nil {
   350  			t.Errorf("TestScripts: invalid test #%d: %v", i, err)
   351  			continue
   352  		}
   354  		var (
   355  			witness  wire.TxWitness
   356  			inputAmt palcutil.Amount
   357  		)
   359  		// When the first field of the test data is a slice it contains
   360  		// witness data and everything else is offset by 1 as a result.
   361  		witnessOffset := 0
   362  		if witnessData, ok := test[0].([]interface{}); ok {
   363  			witnessOffset++
   365  			// If this is a witness test, then the final element
   366  			// within the slice is the input amount, so we ignore
   367  			// all but the last element in order to parse the
   368  			// witness stack.
   369  			strWitnesses := witnessData[:len(witnessData)-1]
   370  			witness, err = parseWitnessStack(strWitnesses)
   371  			if err != nil {
   372  				t.Errorf("%s: can't parse witness; %v", name, err)
   373  				continue
   374  			}
   376  			inputAmt, err = palcutil.NewAmount(witnessData[len(witnessData)-1].(float64))
   377  			if err != nil {
   378  				t.Errorf("%s: can't parse input amt: %v",
   379  					name, err)
   380  				continue
   381  			}
   383  		}
   385  		// Extract and parse the signature script from the test fields.
   386  		scriptSigStr, ok := test[witnessOffset].(string)
   387  		if !ok {
   388  			t.Errorf("%s: signature script is not a string", name)
   389  			continue
   390  		}
   391  		scriptSig, err := parseShortForm(scriptSigStr)
   392  		if err != nil {
   393  			t.Errorf("%s: can't parse signature script: %v", name,
   394  				err)
   395  			continue
   396  		}
   398  		// Extract and parse the public key script from the test fields.
   399  		scriptPubKeyStr, ok := test[witnessOffset+1].(string)
   400  		if !ok {
   401  			t.Errorf("%s: public key script is not a string", name)
   402  			continue
   403  		}
   404  		scriptPubKey, err := parseShortForm(scriptPubKeyStr)
   405  		if err != nil {
   406  			t.Errorf("%s: can't parse public key script: %v", name,
   407  				err)
   408  			continue
   409  		}
   411  		// Extract and parse the script flags from the test fields.
   412  		flagsStr, ok := test[witnessOffset+2].(string)
   413  		if !ok {
   414  			t.Errorf("%s: flags field is not a string", name)
   415  			continue
   416  		}
   417  		flags, err := parseScriptFlags(flagsStr)
   418  		if err != nil {
   419  			t.Errorf("%s: %v", name, err)
   420  			continue
   421  		}
   423  		// Extract and parse the expected result from the test fields.
   424  		//
   425  		// Convert the expected result string into the allowed script
   426  		// error codes.  This is necessary because txscript is more
   427  		// fine grained with its errors than the reference test data, so
   428  		// some of the reference test data errors map to more than one
   429  		// possibility.
   430  		resultStr, ok := test[witnessOffset+3].(string)
   431  		if !ok {
   432  			t.Errorf("%s: result field is not a string", name)
   433  			continue
   434  		}
   435  		allowedErrorCodes, err := parseExpectedResult(resultStr)
   436  		if err != nil {
   437  			t.Errorf("%s: %v", name, err)
   438  			continue
   439  		}
   441  		// Generate a transaction pair such that one spends from the
   442  		// other and the provided signature and public key scripts are
   443  		// used, then create a new engine to execute the scripts.
   444  		tx := createSpendingTx(witness, scriptSig, scriptPubKey,
   445  			int64(inputAmt))
   446  		vm, err := NewEngine(scriptPubKey, tx, 0, flags, sigCache, nil,
   447  			int64(inputAmt))
   448  		if err == nil {
   449  			err = vm.Execute()
   450  		}
   452  		// Ensure there were no errors when the expected result is OK.
   453  		if resultStr == "OK" {
   454  			if err != nil {
   455  				t.Errorf("%s failed to execute: %v", name, err)
   456  			}
   457  			continue
   458  		}
   460  		// At this point an error was expected so ensure the result of
   461  		// the execution matches it.
   462  		success := false
   463  		for _, code := range allowedErrorCodes {
   464  			if IsErrorCode(err, code) {
   465  				success = true
   466  				break
   467  			}
   468  		}
   469  		if !success {
   470  			if serr, ok := err.(Error); ok {
   471  				t.Errorf("%s: want error codes %v, got %v", name,
   472  					allowedErrorCodes, serr.ErrorCode)
   473  				continue
   474  			}
   475  			t.Errorf("%s: want error codes %v, got err: %v (%T)",
   476  				name, allowedErrorCodes, err, err)
   477  			continue
   478  		}
   479  	}
   480  }
   482  // TestScripts ensures all of the tests in script_tests.json execute with the
   483  // expected results as defined in the test data.
   484  func TestScripts(t *testing.T) {
   485  	file, err := ioutil.ReadFile("data/script_tests.json")
   486  	if err != nil {
   487  		t.Fatalf("TestScripts: %v\n", err)
   488  	}
   490  	var tests [][]interface{}
   491  	err = json.Unmarshal(file, &tests)
   492  	if err != nil {
   493  		t.Fatalf("TestScripts couldn't Unmarshal: %v", err)
   494  	}
   496  	// Run all script tests with and without the signature cache.
   497  	testScripts(t, tests, true)
   498  	testScripts(t, tests, false)
   499  }
   501  // testVecF64ToUint32 properly handles conversion of float64s read from the JSON
   502  // test data to unsigned 32-bit integers.  This is necessary because some of the
   503  // test data uses -1 as a shortcut to mean max uint32 and direct conversion of a
   504  // negative float to an unsigned int is implementation dependent and therefore
   505  // doesn't result in the expected value on all platforms.  This function woks
   506  // around that limitation by converting to a 32-bit signed integer first and
   507  // then to a 32-bit unsigned integer which results in the expected behavior on
   508  // all platforms.
   509  func testVecF64ToUint32(f float64) uint32 {
   510  	return uint32(int32(f))
   511  }
   513  // TestTxInvalidTests ensures all of the tests in tx_invalid.json fail as
   514  // expected.
   515  func TestTxInvalidTests(t *testing.T) {
   516  	file, err := ioutil.ReadFile("data/tx_invalid.json")
   517  	if err != nil {
   518  		t.Fatalf("TestTxInvalidTests: %v\n", err)
   519  	}
   521  	var tests [][]interface{}
   522  	err = json.Unmarshal(file, &tests)
   523  	if err != nil {
   524  		t.Fatalf("TestTxInvalidTests couldn't Unmarshal: %v\n", err)
   525  	}
   527  	// form is either:
   528  	//   ["this is a comment "]
   529  	// or:
   530  	//   [[[previous hash, previous index, previous scriptPubKey]...,]
   531  	//	serializedTransaction, verifyFlags]
   532  testloop:
   533  	for i, test := range tests {
   534  		inputs, ok := test[0].([]interface{})
   535  		if !ok {
   536  			continue
   537  		}
   539  		if len(test) != 3 {
   540  			t.Errorf("bad test (bad length) %d: %v", i, test)
   541  			continue
   543  		}
   544  		serializedhex, ok := test[1].(string)
   545  		if !ok {
   546  			t.Errorf("bad test (arg 2 not string) %d: %v", i, test)
   547  			continue
   548  		}
   549  		serializedTx, err := hex.DecodeString(serializedhex)
   550  		if err != nil {
   551  			t.Errorf("bad test (arg 2 not hex %v) %d: %v", err, i,
   552  				test)
   553  			continue
   554  		}
   556  		tx, err := palcutil.NewTxFromBytes(serializedTx)
   557  		if err != nil {
   558  			t.Errorf("bad test (arg 2 not msgtx %v) %d: %v", err,
   559  				i, test)
   560  			continue
   561  		}
   563  		verifyFlags, ok := test[2].(string)
   564  		if !ok {
   565  			t.Errorf("bad test (arg 3 not string) %d: %v", i, test)
   566  			continue
   567  		}
   569  		flags, err := parseScriptFlags(verifyFlags)
   570  		if err != nil {
   571  			t.Errorf("bad test %d: %v", i, err)
   572  			continue
   573  		}
   575  		prevOuts := make(map[wire.OutPoint]scriptWithInputVal)
   576  		for j, iinput := range inputs {
   577  			input, ok := iinput.([]interface{})
   578  			if !ok {
   579  				t.Errorf("bad test (%dth input not array)"+
   580  					"%d: %v", j, i, test)
   581  				continue testloop
   582  			}
   584  			if len(input) < 3 || len(input) > 4 {
   585  				t.Errorf("bad test (%dth input wrong length)"+
   586  					"%d: %v", j, i, test)
   587  				continue testloop
   588  			}
   590  			previoustx, ok := input[0].(string)
   591  			if !ok {
   592  				t.Errorf("bad test (%dth input hash not string)"+
   593  					"%d: %v", j, i, test)
   594  				continue testloop
   595  			}
   597  			prevhash, err := chainhash.NewHashFromStr(previoustx)
   598  			if err != nil {
   599  				t.Errorf("bad test (%dth input hash not hash %v)"+
   600  					"%d: %v", j, err, i, test)
   601  				continue testloop
   602  			}
   604  			idxf, ok := input[1].(float64)
   605  			if !ok {
   606  				t.Errorf("bad test (%dth input idx not number)"+
   607  					"%d: %v", j, i, test)
   608  				continue testloop
   609  			}
   610  			idx := testVecF64ToUint32(idxf)
   612  			oscript, ok := input[2].(string)
   613  			if !ok {
   614  				t.Errorf("bad test (%dth input script not "+
   615  					"string) %d: %v", j, i, test)
   616  				continue testloop
   617  			}
   619  			script, err := parseShortForm(oscript)
   620  			if err != nil {
   621  				t.Errorf("bad test (%dth input script doesn't "+
   622  					"parse %v) %d: %v", j, err, i, test)
   623  				continue testloop
   624  			}
   626  			var inputValue float64
   627  			if len(input) == 4 {
   628  				inputValue, ok = input[3].(float64)
   629  				if !ok {
   630  					t.Errorf("bad test (%dth input value not int) "+
   631  						"%d: %v", j, i, test)
   632  					continue
   633  				}
   634  			}
   636  			v := scriptWithInputVal{
   637  				inputVal: int64(inputValue),
   638  				pkScript: script,
   639  			}
   640  			prevOuts[*wire.NewOutPoint(prevhash, idx)] = v
   641  		}
   643  		for k, txin := range tx.MsgTx().TxIn {
   644  			prevOut, ok := prevOuts[txin.PreviousOutPoint]
   645  			if !ok {
   646  				t.Errorf("bad test (missing %dth input) %d:%v",
   647  					k, i, test)
   648  				continue testloop
   649  			}
   650  			// These are meant to fail, so as soon as the first
   651  			// input fails the transaction has failed. (some of the
   652  			// test txns have good inputs, too..
   653  			vm, err := NewEngine(prevOut.pkScript, tx.MsgTx(), k,
   654  				flags, nil, nil, prevOut.inputVal)
   655  			if err != nil {
   656  				continue testloop
   657  			}
   659  			err = vm.Execute()
   660  			if err != nil {
   661  				continue testloop
   662  			}
   664  		}
   665  		t.Errorf("test (%d:%v) succeeded when should fail",
   666  			i, test)
   667  	}
   668  }
   670  // TestTxValidTests ensures all of the tests in tx_valid.json pass as expected.
   671  func TestTxValidTests(t *testing.T) {
   672  	file, err := ioutil.ReadFile("data/tx_valid.json")
   673  	if err != nil {
   674  		t.Fatalf("TestTxValidTests: %v\n", err)
   675  	}
   677  	var tests [][]interface{}
   678  	err = json.Unmarshal(file, &tests)
   679  	if err != nil {
   680  		t.Fatalf("TestTxValidTests couldn't Unmarshal: %v\n", err)
   681  	}
   683  	// form is either:
   684  	//   ["this is a comment "]
   685  	// or:
   686  	//   [[[previous hash, previous index, previous scriptPubKey, input value]...,]
   687  	//	serializedTransaction, verifyFlags]
   688  testloop:
   689  	for i, test := range tests {
   690  		inputs, ok := test[0].([]interface{})
   691  		if !ok {
   692  			continue
   693  		}
   695  		if len(test) != 3 {
   696  			t.Errorf("bad test (bad length) %d: %v", i, test)
   697  			continue
   698  		}
   699  		serializedhex, ok := test[1].(string)
   700  		if !ok {
   701  			t.Errorf("bad test (arg 2 not string) %d: %v", i, test)
   702  			continue
   703  		}
   704  		serializedTx, err := hex.DecodeString(serializedhex)
   705  		if err != nil {
   706  			t.Errorf("bad test (arg 2 not hex %v) %d: %v", err, i,
   707  				test)
   708  			continue
   709  		}
   711  		tx, err := palcutil.NewTxFromBytes(serializedTx)
   712  		if err != nil {
   713  			t.Errorf("bad test (arg 2 not msgtx %v) %d: %v", err,
   714  				i, test)
   715  			continue
   716  		}
   718  		verifyFlags, ok := test[2].(string)
   719  		if !ok {
   720  			t.Errorf("bad test (arg 3 not string) %d: %v", i, test)
   721  			continue
   722  		}
   724  		flags, err := parseScriptFlags(verifyFlags)
   725  		if err != nil {
   726  			t.Errorf("bad test %d: %v", i, err)
   727  			continue
   728  		}
   730  		prevOuts := make(map[wire.OutPoint]scriptWithInputVal)
   731  		for j, iinput := range inputs {
   732  			input, ok := iinput.([]interface{})
   733  			if !ok {
   734  				t.Errorf("bad test (%dth input not array)"+
   735  					"%d: %v", j, i, test)
   736  				continue
   737  			}
   739  			if len(input) < 3 || len(input) > 4 {
   740  				t.Errorf("bad test (%dth input wrong length)"+
   741  					"%d: %v", j, i, test)
   742  				continue
   743  			}
   745  			previoustx, ok := input[0].(string)
   746  			if !ok {
   747  				t.Errorf("bad test (%dth input hash not string)"+
   748  					"%d: %v", j, i, test)
   749  				continue
   750  			}
   752  			prevhash, err := chainhash.NewHashFromStr(previoustx)
   753  			if err != nil {
   754  				t.Errorf("bad test (%dth input hash not hash %v)"+
   755  					"%d: %v", j, err, i, test)
   756  				continue
   757  			}
   759  			idxf, ok := input[1].(float64)
   760  			if !ok {
   761  				t.Errorf("bad test (%dth input idx not number)"+
   762  					"%d: %v", j, i, test)
   763  				continue
   764  			}
   765  			idx := testVecF64ToUint32(idxf)
   767  			oscript, ok := input[2].(string)
   768  			if !ok {
   769  				t.Errorf("bad test (%dth input script not "+
   770  					"string) %d: %v", j, i, test)
   771  				continue
   772  			}
   774  			script, err := parseShortForm(oscript)
   775  			if err != nil {
   776  				t.Errorf("bad test (%dth input script doesn't "+
   777  					"parse %v) %d: %v", j, err, i, test)
   778  				continue
   779  			}
   781  			var inputValue float64
   782  			if len(input) == 4 {
   783  				inputValue, ok = input[3].(float64)
   784  				if !ok {
   785  					t.Errorf("bad test (%dth input value not int) "+
   786  						"%d: %v", j, i, test)
   787  					continue
   788  				}
   789  			}
   791  			v := scriptWithInputVal{
   792  				inputVal: int64(inputValue),
   793  				pkScript: script,
   794  			}
   795  			prevOuts[*wire.NewOutPoint(prevhash, idx)] = v
   796  		}
   798  		for k, txin := range tx.MsgTx().TxIn {
   799  			prevOut, ok := prevOuts[txin.PreviousOutPoint]
   800  			if !ok {
   801  				t.Errorf("bad test (missing %dth input) %d:%v",
   802  					k, i, test)
   803  				continue testloop
   804  			}
   805  			vm, err := NewEngine(prevOut.pkScript, tx.MsgTx(), k,
   806  				flags, nil, nil, prevOut.inputVal)
   807  			if err != nil {
   808  				t.Errorf("test (%d:%v:%d) failed to create "+
   809  					"script: %v", i, test, k, err)
   810  				continue
   811  			}
   813  			err = vm.Execute()
   814  			if err != nil {
   815  				t.Errorf("test (%d:%v:%d) failed to execute: "+
   816  					"%v", i, test, k, err)
   817  				continue
   818  			}
   819  		}
   820  	}
   821  }
   823  // TestCalcSignatureHash runs the Bitcoin Core signature hash calculation tests
   824  // in sighash.json.
   825  //
   826  func TestCalcSignatureHash(t *testing.T) {
   827  	file, err := ioutil.ReadFile("data/sighash.json")
   828  	if err != nil {
   829  		t.Fatalf("TestCalcSignatureHash: %v\n", err)
   830  	}
   832  	var tests [][]interface{}
   833  	err = json.Unmarshal(file, &tests)
   834  	if err != nil {
   835  		t.Fatalf("TestCalcSignatureHash couldn't Unmarshal: %v\n",
   836  			err)
   837  	}
   839  	for i, test := range tests {
   840  		if i == 0 {
   841  			// Skip first line -- contains comments only.
   842  			continue
   843  		}
   844  		if len(test) != 5 {
   845  			t.Fatalf("TestCalcSignatureHash: Test #%d has "+
   846  				"wrong length.", i)
   847  		}
   848  		var tx wire.MsgTx
   849  		rawTx, _ := hex.DecodeString(test[0].(string))
   850  		err := tx.Deserialize(bytes.NewReader(rawTx))
   851  		if err != nil {
   852  			t.Errorf("TestCalcSignatureHash failed test #%d: "+
   853  				"Failed to parse transaction: %v", i, err)
   854  			continue
   855  		}
   857  		subScript, _ := hex.DecodeString(test[1].(string))
   858  		parsedScript, err := parseScript(subScript)
   859  		if err != nil {
   860  			t.Errorf("TestCalcSignatureHash failed test #%d: "+
   861  				"Failed to parse sub-script: %v", i, err)
   862  			continue
   863  		}
   865  		hashType := SigHashType(testVecF64ToUint32(test[3].(float64)))
   866  		hash := calcSignatureHash(parsedScript, hashType, &tx,
   867  			int(test[2].(float64)))
   869  		expectedHash, _ := chainhash.NewHashFromStr(test[4].(string))
   870  		if !bytes.Equal(hash, expectedHash[:]) {
   871  			t.Errorf("TestCalcSignatureHash failed test #%d: "+
   872  				"Signature hash mismatch.", i)
   873  		}
   874  	}
   875  }