
     1  // Copyright 2014 The go-ethereum Authors
     2  // This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
     3  //
     4  // The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     5  // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
     6  // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     7  // (at your option) any later version.
     8  //
     9  // The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    10  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    12  // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
    13  //
    14  // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
    15  // along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>.
    17  package core
    19  import (
    20  	"context"
    21  	"fmt"
    22  	"math"
    23  	"math/big"
    25  	""
    26  	cmath ""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  )
    33  var emptyCodeHash = crypto.Keccak256Hash(nil)
    35  /*
    36  The State Transitioning Model
    38  A state transition is a change made when a transaction is applied to the current world state
    39  The state transitioning model does all the necessary work to work out a valid new state root.
    41  1) Nonce handling
    42  2) Pre pay gas
    43  3) Create a new state object if the recipient is \0*32
    44  4) Value transfer
    45  == If contract creation ==
    47  	4a) Attempt to run transaction data
    48  	4b) If valid, use result as code for the new state object
    50  == end ==
    51  5) Run Script section
    52  6) Derive new state root
    53  */
    54  type StateTransition struct {
    55  	gp         *GasPool
    56  	msg        Message
    57  	gas        uint64
    58  	gasPrice   *big.Int
    59  	gasFeeCap  *big.Int
    60  	gasTipCap  *big.Int
    61  	initialGas uint64
    62  	value      *big.Int
    63  	data       []byte
    64  	state      vm.StateDB
    65  	evm        *vm.EVM
    67  	// If true, fee burning and tipping won't happen during transition. Instead, their values will be included in the
    68  	// ExecutionResult, which caller can use the values to update the balance of burner and coinbase account.
    69  	// This is useful during parallel state transition, where the common account read/write should be minimized.
    70  	noFeeBurnAndTip bool
    71  }
    73  // Message represents a message sent to a contract.
    74  type Message interface {
    75  	From() common.Address
    76  	To() *common.Address
    78  	GasPrice() *big.Int
    79  	GasFeeCap() *big.Int
    80  	GasTipCap() *big.Int
    81  	Gas() uint64
    82  	Value() *big.Int
    84  	Nonce() uint64
    85  	IsFake() bool
    86  	Data() []byte
    87  	AccessList() types.AccessList
    88  }
    90  // ExecutionResult includes all output after executing given evm
    91  // message no matter the execution itself is successful or not.
    92  type ExecutionResult struct {
    93  	UsedGas              uint64 // Total used gas but include the refunded gas
    94  	Err                  error  // Any error encountered during the execution(listed in core/vm/errors.go)
    95  	ReturnData           []byte // Returned data from evm(function result or data supplied with revert opcode)
    96  	SenderInitBalance    *big.Int
    97  	FeeBurnt             *big.Int
    98  	BurntContractAddress common.Address
    99  	FeeTipped            *big.Int
   100  }
   102  // Unwrap returns the internal evm error which allows us for further
   103  // analysis outside.
   104  func (result *ExecutionResult) Unwrap() error {
   105  	return result.Err
   106  }
   108  // Failed returns the indicator whether the execution is successful or not
   109  func (result *ExecutionResult) Failed() bool { return result.Err != nil }
   111  // Return is a helper function to help caller distinguish between revert reason
   112  // and function return. Return returns the data after execution if no error occurs.
   113  func (result *ExecutionResult) Return() []byte {
   114  	if result.Err != nil {
   115  		return nil
   116  	}
   117  	return common.CopyBytes(result.ReturnData)
   118  }
   120  // Revert returns the concrete revert reason if the execution is aborted by `REVERT`
   121  // opcode. Note the reason can be nil if no data supplied with revert opcode.
   122  func (result *ExecutionResult) Revert() []byte {
   123  	if result.Err != vm.ErrExecutionReverted {
   124  		return nil
   125  	}
   126  	return common.CopyBytes(result.ReturnData)
   127  }
   129  // IntrinsicGas computes the 'intrinsic gas' for a message with the given data.
   130  func IntrinsicGas(data []byte, accessList types.AccessList, isContractCreation bool, isHomestead, isEIP2028 bool) (uint64, error) {
   131  	// Set the starting gas for the raw transaction
   132  	var gas uint64
   133  	if isContractCreation && isHomestead {
   134  		gas = params.TxGasContractCreation
   135  	} else {
   136  		gas = params.TxGas
   137  	}
   138  	// Bump the required gas by the amount of transactional data
   139  	if len(data) > 0 {
   140  		// Zero and non-zero bytes are priced differently
   141  		var nz uint64
   142  		for _, byt := range data {
   143  			if byt != 0 {
   144  				nz++
   145  			}
   146  		}
   147  		// Make sure we don't exceed uint64 for all data combinations
   148  		nonZeroGas := params.TxDataNonZeroGasFrontier
   149  		if isEIP2028 {
   150  			nonZeroGas = params.TxDataNonZeroGasEIP2028
   151  		}
   152  		if (math.MaxUint64-gas)/nonZeroGas < nz {
   153  			return 0, ErrGasUintOverflow
   154  		}
   155  		gas += nz * nonZeroGas
   157  		z := uint64(len(data)) - nz
   158  		if (math.MaxUint64-gas)/params.TxDataZeroGas < z {
   159  			return 0, ErrGasUintOverflow
   160  		}
   161  		gas += z * params.TxDataZeroGas
   162  	}
   163  	if accessList != nil {
   164  		gas += uint64(len(accessList)) * params.TxAccessListAddressGas
   165  		gas += uint64(accessList.StorageKeys()) * params.TxAccessListStorageKeyGas
   166  	}
   167  	return gas, nil
   168  }
   170  // NewStateTransition initialises and returns a new state transition object.
   171  func NewStateTransition(evm *vm.EVM, msg Message, gp *GasPool) *StateTransition {
   172  	return &StateTransition{
   173  		gp:        gp,
   174  		evm:       evm,
   175  		msg:       msg,
   176  		gasPrice:  msg.GasPrice(),
   177  		gasFeeCap: msg.GasFeeCap(),
   178  		gasTipCap: msg.GasTipCap(),
   179  		value:     msg.Value(),
   180  		data:      msg.Data(),
   181  		state:     evm.StateDB,
   182  	}
   183  }
   185  // ApplyMessage computes the new state by applying the given message
   186  // against the old state within the environment.
   187  //
   188  // ApplyMessage returns the bytes returned by any EVM execution (if it took place),
   189  // the gas used (which includes gas refunds) and an error if it failed. An error always
   190  // indicates a core error meaning that the message would always fail for that particular
   191  // state and would never be accepted within a block.
   192  func ApplyMessage(evm *vm.EVM, msg Message, gp *GasPool, interruptCtx context.Context) (*ExecutionResult, error) {
   193  	return NewStateTransition(evm, msg, gp).TransitionDb(interruptCtx)
   194  }
   196  func ApplyMessageNoFeeBurnOrTip(evm *vm.EVM, msg Message, gp *GasPool, interruptCtx context.Context) (*ExecutionResult, error) {
   197  	st := NewStateTransition(evm, msg, gp)
   198  	st.noFeeBurnAndTip = true
   200  	return st.TransitionDb(interruptCtx)
   201  }
   203  // to returns the recipient of the message.
   204  func (st *StateTransition) to() common.Address {
   205  	if st.msg == nil || st.msg.To() == nil /* contract creation */ {
   206  		return common.Address{}
   207  	}
   208  	return *st.msg.To()
   209  }
   211  func (st *StateTransition) buyGas() error {
   212  	mgval := new(big.Int).SetUint64(st.msg.Gas())
   213  	mgval = mgval.Mul(mgval, st.gasPrice)
   214  	balanceCheck := mgval
   215  	if st.gasFeeCap != nil {
   216  		balanceCheck = new(big.Int).SetUint64(st.msg.Gas())
   217  		balanceCheck = balanceCheck.Mul(balanceCheck, st.gasFeeCap)
   218  		balanceCheck.Add(balanceCheck, st.value)
   219  	}
   220  	if have, want := st.state.GetBalance(st.msg.From()), balanceCheck; have.Cmp(want) < 0 {
   221  		return fmt.Errorf("%w: address %v have %v want %v", ErrInsufficientFunds, st.msg.From().Hex(), have, want)
   222  	}
   223  	if err :=; err != nil {
   224  		return err
   225  	}
   226  	st.gas += st.msg.Gas()
   228  	st.initialGas = st.msg.Gas()
   229  	st.state.SubBalance(st.msg.From(), mgval)
   230  	return nil
   231  }
   233  func (st *StateTransition) preCheck() error {
   234  	// Only check transactions that are not fake
   235  	if !st.msg.IsFake() {
   236  		// Make sure this transaction's nonce is correct.
   237  		stNonce := st.state.GetNonce(st.msg.From())
   238  		if msgNonce := st.msg.Nonce(); stNonce < msgNonce {
   239  			return fmt.Errorf("%w: address %v, tx: %d state: %d", ErrNonceTooHigh,
   240  				st.msg.From().Hex(), msgNonce, stNonce)
   241  		} else if stNonce > msgNonce {
   242  			return fmt.Errorf("%w: address %v, tx: %d state: %d", ErrNonceTooLow,
   243  				st.msg.From().Hex(), msgNonce, stNonce)
   244  		} else if stNonce+1 < stNonce {
   245  			return fmt.Errorf("%w: address %v, nonce: %d", ErrNonceMax,
   246  				st.msg.From().Hex(), stNonce)
   247  		}
   248  		// Make sure the sender is an EOA
   249  		if codeHash := st.state.GetCodeHash(st.msg.From()); codeHash != emptyCodeHash && codeHash != (common.Hash{}) {
   250  			return fmt.Errorf("%w: address %v, codehash: %s", ErrSenderNoEOA,
   251  				st.msg.From().Hex(), codeHash)
   252  		}
   253  	}
   254  	// Make sure that transaction gasFeeCap is greater than the baseFee (post london)
   255  	if st.evm.ChainConfig().IsLondon(st.evm.Context.BlockNumber) {
   256  		// Skip the checks if gas fields are zero and baseFee was explicitly disabled (eth_call)
   257  		if !st.evm.Config.NoBaseFee || st.gasFeeCap.BitLen() > 0 || st.gasTipCap.BitLen() > 0 {
   258  			if l := st.gasFeeCap.BitLen(); l > 256 {
   259  				return fmt.Errorf("%w: address %v, maxFeePerGas bit length: %d", ErrFeeCapVeryHigh,
   260  					st.msg.From().Hex(), l)
   261  			}
   262  			if l := st.gasTipCap.BitLen(); l > 256 {
   263  				return fmt.Errorf("%w: address %v, maxPriorityFeePerGas bit length: %d", ErrTipVeryHigh,
   264  					st.msg.From().Hex(), l)
   265  			}
   266  			if st.gasFeeCap.Cmp(st.gasTipCap) < 0 {
   267  				return fmt.Errorf("%w: address %v, maxPriorityFeePerGas: %s, maxFeePerGas: %s", ErrTipAboveFeeCap,
   268  					st.msg.From().Hex(), st.gasTipCap, st.gasFeeCap)
   269  			}
   270  			// This will panic if baseFee is nil, but basefee presence is verified
   271  			// as part of header validation.
   272  			if st.gasFeeCap.Cmp(st.evm.Context.BaseFee) < 0 {
   273  				return fmt.Errorf("%w: address %v, maxFeePerGas: %s baseFee: %s", ErrFeeCapTooLow,
   274  					st.msg.From().Hex(), st.gasFeeCap, st.evm.Context.BaseFee)
   275  			}
   276  		}
   277  	}
   278  	return st.buyGas()
   279  }
   281  // TransitionDb will transition the state by applying the current message and
   282  // returning the evm execution result with following fields.
   283  //
   284  //   - used gas:
   285  //     total gas used (including gas being refunded)
   286  //   - returndata:
   287  //     the returned data from evm
   288  //   - concrete execution error:
   289  //     various **EVM** error which aborts the execution,
   290  //     e.g. ErrOutOfGas, ErrExecutionReverted
   291  //
   292  // However if any consensus issue encountered, return the error directly with
   293  // nil evm execution result.
   294  func (st *StateTransition) TransitionDb(interruptCtx context.Context) (*ExecutionResult, error) {
   295  	input1 := st.state.GetBalance(st.msg.From())
   297  	var input2 *big.Int
   299  	if !st.noFeeBurnAndTip {
   300  		input2 = st.state.GetBalance(st.evm.Context.Coinbase)
   301  	}
   303  	// First check this message satisfies all consensus rules before
   304  	// applying the message. The rules include these clauses
   305  	//
   306  	// 1. the nonce of the message caller is correct
   307  	// 2. caller has enough balance to cover transaction fee(gaslimit * gasprice)
   308  	// 3. the amount of gas required is available in the block
   309  	// 4. the purchased gas is enough to cover intrinsic usage
   310  	// 5. there is no overflow when calculating intrinsic gas
   311  	// 6. caller has enough balance to cover asset transfer for **topmost** call
   313  	// Check clauses 1-3, buy gas if everything is correct
   314  	if err := st.preCheck(); err != nil {
   315  		return nil, err
   316  	}
   317  	msg := st.msg
   318  	sender := vm.AccountRef(msg.From())
   319  	homestead := st.evm.ChainConfig().IsHomestead(st.evm.Context.BlockNumber)
   320  	istanbul := st.evm.ChainConfig().IsIstanbul(st.evm.Context.BlockNumber)
   321  	london := st.evm.ChainConfig().IsLondon(st.evm.Context.BlockNumber)
   322  	contractCreation := msg.To() == nil
   324  	// Check clauses 4-5, subtract intrinsic gas if everything is correct
   325  	gas, err := IntrinsicGas(, st.msg.AccessList(), contractCreation, homestead, istanbul)
   326  	if err != nil {
   327  		return nil, err
   328  	}
   329  	if st.gas < gas {
   330  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: have %d, want %d", ErrIntrinsicGas, st.gas, gas)
   331  	}
   332  	st.gas -= gas
   334  	// Check clause 6
   335  	if msg.Value().Sign() > 0 && !st.evm.Context.CanTransfer(st.state, msg.From(), msg.Value()) {
   336  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: address %v", ErrInsufficientFundsForTransfer, msg.From().Hex())
   337  	}
   339  	// Set up the initial access list.
   340  	if rules := st.evm.ChainConfig().Rules(st.evm.Context.BlockNumber, st.evm.Context.Random != nil); rules.IsBerlin {
   341  		st.state.PrepareAccessList(msg.From(), msg.To(), vm.ActivePrecompiles(rules), msg.AccessList())
   342  	}
   343  	var (
   344  		ret   []byte
   345  		vmerr error // vm errors do not effect consensus and are therefore not assigned to err
   346  	)
   347  	if contractCreation {
   348  		ret, _, st.gas, vmerr = st.evm.Create(sender,, st.gas, st.value)
   349  	} else {
   350  		// Increment the nonce for the next transaction
   351  		st.state.SetNonce(msg.From(), st.state.GetNonce(sender.Address())+1)
   352  		ret, st.gas, vmerr = st.evm.Call(sender,,, st.gas, st.value, interruptCtx)
   353  	}
   355  	if !london {
   356  		// Before EIP-3529: refunds were capped to gasUsed / 2
   357  		st.refundGas(params.RefundQuotient)
   358  	} else {
   359  		// After EIP-3529: refunds are capped to gasUsed / 5
   360  		st.refundGas(params.RefundQuotientEIP3529)
   361  	}
   362  	effectiveTip := st.gasPrice
   363  	if london {
   364  		effectiveTip = cmath.BigMin(st.gasTipCap, new(big.Int).Sub(st.gasFeeCap, st.evm.Context.BaseFee))
   365  	}
   366  	amount := new(big.Int).Mul(new(big.Int).SetUint64(st.gasUsed()), effectiveTip)
   368  	var burnAmount *big.Int
   370  	var burntContractAddress common.Address
   372  	if london {
   373  		burntContractAddress = common.HexToAddress(st.evm.ChainConfig().Bor.CalculateBurntContract(st.evm.Context.BlockNumber.Uint64()))
   374  		burnAmount = new(big.Int).Mul(new(big.Int).SetUint64(st.gasUsed()), st.evm.Context.BaseFee)
   376  		if !st.noFeeBurnAndTip {
   377  			st.state.AddBalance(burntContractAddress, burnAmount)
   378  		}
   379  	}
   381  	if !st.noFeeBurnAndTip {
   382  		st.state.AddBalance(st.evm.Context.Coinbase, amount)
   384  		output1 := new(big.Int).Set(input1)
   385  		output2 := new(big.Int).Set(input2)
   387  		// Deprecating transfer log and will be removed in future fork. PLEASE DO NOT USE this transfer log going forward. Parameters won't get updated as expected going forward with EIP1559
   388  		// add transfer log
   389  		AddFeeTransferLog(
   390  			st.state,
   392  			msg.From(),
   393  			st.evm.Context.Coinbase,
   395  			amount,
   396  			input1,
   397  			input2,
   398  			output1.Sub(output1, amount),
   399  			output2.Add(output2, amount),
   400  		)
   401  	}
   403  	return &ExecutionResult{
   404  		UsedGas:              st.gasUsed(),
   405  		Err:                  vmerr,
   406  		ReturnData:           ret,
   407  		SenderInitBalance:    input1,
   408  		FeeBurnt:             burnAmount,
   409  		BurntContractAddress: burntContractAddress,
   410  		FeeTipped:            amount,
   411  	}, nil
   412  }
   414  func (st *StateTransition) refundGas(refundQuotient uint64) {
   415  	// Apply refund counter, capped to a refund quotient
   416  	refund := st.gasUsed() / refundQuotient
   417  	if refund > st.state.GetRefund() {
   418  		refund = st.state.GetRefund()
   419  	}
   420  	st.gas += refund
   422  	// Return ETH for remaining gas, exchanged at the original rate.
   423  	remaining := new(big.Int).Mul(new(big.Int).SetUint64(st.gas), st.gasPrice)
   424  	st.state.AddBalance(st.msg.From(), remaining)
   426  	// Also return remaining gas to the block gas counter so it is
   427  	// available for the next transaction.
   429  }
   431  // gasUsed returns the amount of gas used up by the state transition.
   432  func (st *StateTransition) gasUsed() uint64 {
   433  	return st.initialGas - st.gas
   434  }