
     1  package parquet
     3  import (
     4  	"log"
     5  	"reflect"
     6  	"runtime"
     7  	"sort"
     8  	"sync"
     9  	"sync/atomic"
    11  	""
    12  )
    14  // GenericBuffer is similar to a Buffer but uses a type parameter to define the
    15  // Go type representing the schema of rows in the buffer.
    16  //
    17  // See GenericWriter for details about the benefits over the classic Buffer API.
    18  type GenericBuffer[T any] struct {
    19  	base  Buffer
    20  	write bufferFunc[T]
    21  }
    23  // NewGenericBuffer is like NewBuffer but returns a GenericBuffer[T] suited to write
    24  // rows of Go type T.
    25  //
    26  // The type parameter T should be a map, struct, or any. Any other types will
    27  // cause a panic at runtime. Type checking is a lot more effective when the
    28  // generic parameter is a struct type, using map and interface types is somewhat
    29  // similar to using a Writer.  If using an interface type for the type parameter,
    30  // then providing a schema at instantiation is required.
    31  //
    32  // If the option list may explicitly declare a schema, it must be compatible
    33  // with the schema generated from T.
    34  func NewGenericBuffer[T any](options ...RowGroupOption) *GenericBuffer[T] {
    35  	config, err := NewRowGroupConfig(options...)
    36  	if err != nil {
    37  		panic(err)
    38  	}
    40  	t := typeOf[T]()
    41  	if config.Schema == nil && t != nil {
    42  		config.Schema = schemaOf(dereference(t))
    43  	}
    45  	if config.Schema == nil {
    46  		panic("generic buffer must be instantiated with schema or concrete type.")
    47  	}
    49  	buf := &GenericBuffer[T]{
    50  		base: Buffer{config: config},
    51  	}
    52  	buf.base.configure(config.Schema)
    53  	buf.write = bufferFuncOf[T](t, config.Schema)
    54  	return buf
    55  }
    57  func typeOf[T any]() reflect.Type {
    58  	var v T
    59  	return reflect.TypeOf(v)
    60  }
    62  type bufferFunc[T any] func(*GenericBuffer[T], []T) (int, error)
    64  func bufferFuncOf[T any](t reflect.Type, schema *Schema) bufferFunc[T] {
    65  	if t == nil {
    66  		return (*GenericBuffer[T]).writeRows
    67  	}
    68  	switch t.Kind() {
    69  	case reflect.Interface, reflect.Map:
    70  		return (*GenericBuffer[T]).writeRows
    72  	case reflect.Struct:
    73  		return makeBufferFunc[T](t, schema)
    75  	case reflect.Pointer:
    76  		if e := t.Elem(); e.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
    77  			return makeBufferFunc[T](t, schema)
    78  		}
    79  	}
    80  	panic("cannot create buffer for values of type " + t.String())
    81  }
    83  func makeBufferFunc[T any](t reflect.Type, schema *Schema) bufferFunc[T] {
    84  	writeRows := writeRowsFuncOf(t, schema, nil)
    85  	return func(buf *GenericBuffer[T], rows []T) (n int, err error) {
    86  		err = writeRows(buf.base.columns, makeArrayOf(rows), columnLevels{})
    87  		if err == nil {
    88  			n = len(rows)
    89  		}
    90  		return n, err
    91  	}
    92  }
    94  func (buf *GenericBuffer[T]) Size() int64 {
    95  	return buf.base.Size()
    96  }
    98  func (buf *GenericBuffer[T]) NumRows() int64 {
    99  	return buf.base.NumRows()
   100  }
   102  func (buf *GenericBuffer[T]) ColumnChunks() []ColumnChunk {
   103  	return buf.base.ColumnChunks()
   104  }
   106  func (buf *GenericBuffer[T]) ColumnBuffers() []ColumnBuffer {
   107  	return buf.base.ColumnBuffers()
   108  }
   110  func (buf *GenericBuffer[T]) SortingColumns() []SortingColumn {
   111  	return buf.base.SortingColumns()
   112  }
   114  func (buf *GenericBuffer[T]) Len() int {
   115  	return buf.base.Len()
   116  }
   118  func (buf *GenericBuffer[T]) Less(i, j int) bool {
   119  	return buf.base.Less(i, j)
   120  }
   122  func (buf *GenericBuffer[T]) Swap(i, j int) {
   123  	buf.base.Swap(i, j)
   124  }
   126  func (buf *GenericBuffer[T]) Reset() {
   127  	buf.base.Reset()
   128  }
   130  func (buf *GenericBuffer[T]) Write(rows []T) (int, error) {
   131  	if len(rows) == 0 {
   132  		return 0, nil
   133  	}
   134  	return buf.write(buf, rows)
   135  }
   137  func (buf *GenericBuffer[T]) WriteRows(rows []Row) (int, error) {
   138  	return buf.base.WriteRows(rows)
   139  }
   141  func (buf *GenericBuffer[T]) WriteRowGroup(rowGroup RowGroup) (int64, error) {
   142  	return buf.base.WriteRowGroup(rowGroup)
   143  }
   145  func (buf *GenericBuffer[T]) Rows() Rows {
   146  	return buf.base.Rows()
   147  }
   149  func (buf *GenericBuffer[T]) Schema() *Schema {
   150  	return buf.base.Schema()
   151  }
   153  func (buf *GenericBuffer[T]) writeRows(rows []T) (int, error) {
   154  	if cap(buf.base.rowbuf) < len(rows) {
   155  		buf.base.rowbuf = make([]Row, len(rows))
   156  	} else {
   157  		buf.base.rowbuf = buf.base.rowbuf[:len(rows)]
   158  	}
   159  	defer clearRows(buf.base.rowbuf)
   161  	schema := buf.base.Schema()
   162  	for i := range rows {
   163  		buf.base.rowbuf[i] = schema.Deconstruct(buf.base.rowbuf[i], &rows[i])
   164  	}
   166  	return buf.base.WriteRows(buf.base.rowbuf)
   167  }
   169  var (
   170  	_ RowGroup       = (*GenericBuffer[any])(nil)
   171  	_ RowGroupWriter = (*GenericBuffer[any])(nil)
   172  	_ sort.Interface = (*GenericBuffer[any])(nil)
   174  	_ RowGroup       = (*GenericBuffer[struct{}])(nil)
   175  	_ RowGroupWriter = (*GenericBuffer[struct{}])(nil)
   176  	_ sort.Interface = (*GenericBuffer[struct{}])(nil)
   178  	_ RowGroup       = (*GenericBuffer[map[struct{}]struct{}])(nil)
   179  	_ RowGroupWriter = (*GenericBuffer[map[struct{}]struct{}])(nil)
   180  	_ sort.Interface = (*GenericBuffer[map[struct{}]struct{}])(nil)
   181  )
   183  // Buffer represents an in-memory group of parquet rows.
   184  //
   185  // The main purpose of the Buffer type is to provide a way to sort rows before
   186  // writing them to a parquet file. Buffer implements sort.Interface as a way
   187  // to support reordering the rows that have been written to it.
   188  type Buffer struct {
   189  	config  *RowGroupConfig
   190  	schema  *Schema
   191  	rowbuf  []Row
   192  	colbuf  [][]Value
   193  	chunks  []ColumnChunk
   194  	columns []ColumnBuffer
   195  	sorted  []ColumnBuffer
   196  }
   198  // NewBuffer constructs a new buffer, using the given list of buffer options
   199  // to configure the buffer returned by the function.
   200  //
   201  // The function panics if the buffer configuration is invalid. Programs that
   202  // cannot guarantee the validity of the options passed to NewBuffer should
   203  // construct the buffer configuration independently prior to calling this
   204  // function:
   205  //
   206  //	config, err := parquet.NewRowGroupConfig(options...)
   207  //	if err != nil {
   208  //		// handle the configuration error
   209  //		...
   210  //	} else {
   211  //		// this call to create a buffer is guaranteed not to panic
   212  //		buffer := parquet.NewBuffer(config)
   213  //		...
   214  //	}
   215  func NewBuffer(options ...RowGroupOption) *Buffer {
   216  	config, err := NewRowGroupConfig(options...)
   217  	if err != nil {
   218  		panic(err)
   219  	}
   220  	buf := &Buffer{
   221  		config: config,
   222  	}
   223  	if config.Schema != nil {
   224  		buf.configure(config.Schema)
   225  	}
   226  	return buf
   227  }
   229  func (buf *Buffer) configure(schema *Schema) {
   230  	if schema == nil {
   231  		return
   232  	}
   233  	sortingColumns := buf.config.Sorting.SortingColumns
   234  	buf.sorted = make([]ColumnBuffer, len(sortingColumns))
   236  	forEachLeafColumnOf(schema, func(leaf leafColumn) {
   237  		nullOrdering := nullsGoLast
   238  		columnIndex := int(leaf.columnIndex)
   239  		columnType := leaf.node.Type()
   240  		bufferCap := buf.config.ColumnBufferCapacity
   241  		dictionary := (Dictionary)(nil)
   242  		encoding := encodingOf(leaf.node)
   244  		if isDictionaryEncoding(encoding) {
   245  			estimatedDictBufferSize := columnType.EstimateSize(bufferCap)
   246  			dictBuffer := columnType.NewValues(
   247  				make([]byte, 0, estimatedDictBufferSize),
   248  				nil,
   249  			)
   250  			dictionary = columnType.NewDictionary(columnIndex, 0, dictBuffer)
   251  			columnType = dictionary.Type()
   252  		}
   254  		sortingIndex := searchSortingColumn(sortingColumns, leaf.path)
   255  		if sortingIndex < len(sortingColumns) && sortingColumns[sortingIndex].NullsFirst() {
   256  			nullOrdering = nullsGoFirst
   257  		}
   259  		column := columnType.NewColumnBuffer(columnIndex, bufferCap)
   260  		switch {
   261  		case leaf.maxRepetitionLevel > 0:
   262  			column = newRepeatedColumnBuffer(column, leaf.maxRepetitionLevel, leaf.maxDefinitionLevel, nullOrdering)
   263  		case leaf.maxDefinitionLevel > 0:
   264  			column = newOptionalColumnBuffer(column, leaf.maxDefinitionLevel, nullOrdering)
   265  		}
   266  		buf.columns = append(buf.columns, column)
   268  		if sortingIndex < len(sortingColumns) {
   269  			if sortingColumns[sortingIndex].Descending() {
   270  				column = &reversedColumnBuffer{column}
   271  			}
   272  			buf.sorted[sortingIndex] = column
   273  		}
   274  	})
   276  	buf.schema = schema
   277  	buf.rowbuf = make([]Row, 0, 1)
   278  	buf.colbuf = make([][]Value, len(buf.columns))
   279  	buf.chunks = make([]ColumnChunk, len(buf.columns))
   281  	for i, column := range buf.columns {
   282  		buf.chunks[i] = column
   283  	}
   284  }
   286  // Size returns the estimated size of the buffer in memory (in bytes).
   287  func (buf *Buffer) Size() int64 {
   288  	size := int64(0)
   289  	for _, col := range buf.columns {
   290  		size += col.Size()
   291  	}
   292  	return size
   293  }
   295  // NumRows returns the number of rows written to the buffer.
   296  func (buf *Buffer) NumRows() int64 { return int64(buf.Len()) }
   298  // ColumnChunks returns the buffer columns.
   299  func (buf *Buffer) ColumnChunks() []ColumnChunk { return buf.chunks }
   301  // ColumnBuffer returns the buffer columns.
   302  //
   303  // This method is similar to ColumnChunks, but returns a list of ColumnBuffer
   304  // instead of a ColumnChunk values (the latter being read-only); calling
   305  // ColumnBuffers or ColumnChunks with the same index returns the same underlying
   306  // objects, but with different types, which removes the need for making a type
   307  // assertion if the program needed to write directly to the column buffers.
   308  // The presence of the ColumnChunks method is still required to satisfy the
   309  // RowGroup interface.
   310  func (buf *Buffer) ColumnBuffers() []ColumnBuffer { return buf.columns }
   312  // Schema returns the schema of the buffer.
   313  //
   314  // The schema is either configured by passing a Schema in the option list when
   315  // constructing the buffer, or lazily discovered when the first row is written.
   316  func (buf *Buffer) Schema() *Schema { return buf.schema }
   318  // SortingColumns returns the list of columns by which the buffer will be
   319  // sorted.
   320  //
   321  // The sorting order is configured by passing a SortingColumns option when
   322  // constructing the buffer.
   323  func (buf *Buffer) SortingColumns() []SortingColumn { return buf.config.Sorting.SortingColumns }
   325  // Len returns the number of rows written to the buffer.
   326  func (buf *Buffer) Len() int {
   327  	if len(buf.columns) == 0 {
   328  		return 0
   329  	} else {
   330  		// All columns have the same number of rows.
   331  		return buf.columns[0].Len()
   332  	}
   333  }
   335  // Less returns true if row[i] < row[j] in the buffer.
   336  func (buf *Buffer) Less(i, j int) bool {
   337  	for _, col := range buf.sorted {
   338  		switch {
   339  		case col.Less(i, j):
   340  			return true
   341  		case col.Less(j, i):
   342  			return false
   343  		}
   344  	}
   345  	return false
   346  }
   348  // Swap exchanges the rows at indexes i and j.
   349  func (buf *Buffer) Swap(i, j int) {
   350  	for _, col := range buf.columns {
   351  		col.Swap(i, j)
   352  	}
   353  }
   355  // Reset clears the content of the buffer, allowing it to be reused.
   356  func (buf *Buffer) Reset() {
   357  	for _, col := range buf.columns {
   358  		col.Reset()
   359  	}
   360  }
   362  // Write writes a row held in a Go value to the buffer.
   363  func (buf *Buffer) Write(row interface{}) error {
   364  	if buf.schema == nil {
   365  		buf.configure(SchemaOf(row))
   366  	}
   368  	buf.rowbuf = buf.rowbuf[:1]
   369  	defer clearRows(buf.rowbuf)
   371  	buf.rowbuf[0] = buf.schema.Deconstruct(buf.rowbuf[0], row)
   372  	_, err := buf.WriteRows(buf.rowbuf)
   373  	return err
   374  }
   376  // WriteRows writes parquet rows to the buffer.
   377  func (buf *Buffer) WriteRows(rows []Row) (int, error) {
   378  	defer func() {
   379  		for i, colbuf := range buf.colbuf {
   380  			clearValues(colbuf)
   381  			buf.colbuf[i] = colbuf[:0]
   382  		}
   383  	}()
   385  	if buf.schema == nil {
   386  		return 0, ErrRowGroupSchemaMissing
   387  	}
   389  	for _, row := range rows {
   390  		for _, value := range row {
   391  			columnIndex := value.Column()
   392  			buf.colbuf[columnIndex] = append(buf.colbuf[columnIndex], value)
   393  		}
   394  	}
   396  	for columnIndex, values := range buf.colbuf {
   397  		if _, err := buf.columns[columnIndex].WriteValues(values); err != nil {
   398  			// TODO: an error at this stage will leave the buffer in an invalid
   399  			// state since the row was partially written. Applications are not
   400  			// expected to continue using the buffer after getting an error,
   401  			// maybe we can enforce it?
   402  			return 0, err
   403  		}
   404  	}
   406  	return len(rows), nil
   407  }
   409  // WriteRowGroup satisfies the RowGroupWriter interface.
   410  func (buf *Buffer) WriteRowGroup(rowGroup RowGroup) (int64, error) {
   411  	rowGroupSchema := rowGroup.Schema()
   412  	switch {
   413  	case rowGroupSchema == nil:
   414  		return 0, ErrRowGroupSchemaMissing
   415  	case buf.schema == nil:
   416  		buf.configure(rowGroupSchema)
   417  	case !nodesAreEqual(buf.schema, rowGroupSchema):
   418  		return 0, ErrRowGroupSchemaMismatch
   419  	}
   420  	if !sortingColumnsHavePrefix(rowGroup.SortingColumns(), buf.SortingColumns()) {
   421  		return 0, ErrRowGroupSortingColumnsMismatch
   422  	}
   423  	n := buf.NumRows()
   424  	r := rowGroup.Rows()
   425  	defer r.Close()
   426  	_, err := CopyRows(bufferWriter{buf}, r)
   427  	return buf.NumRows() - n, err
   428  }
   430  // Rows returns a reader exposing the current content of the buffer.
   431  //
   432  // The buffer and the returned reader share memory. Mutating the buffer
   433  // concurrently to reading rows may result in non-deterministic behavior.
   434  func (buf *Buffer) Rows() Rows { return newRowGroupRows(buf, ReadModeSync) }
   436  // bufferWriter is an adapter for Buffer which implements both RowWriter and
   437  // PageWriter to enable optimizations in CopyRows for types that support writing
   438  // rows by copying whole pages instead of calling WriteRow repeatedly.
   439  type bufferWriter struct{ buf *Buffer }
   441  func (w bufferWriter) WriteRows(rows []Row) (int, error) {
   442  	return w.buf.WriteRows(rows)
   443  }
   445  func (w bufferWriter) WriteValues(values []Value) (int, error) {
   446  	return w.buf.columns[values[0].Column()].WriteValues(values)
   447  }
   449  func (w bufferWriter) WritePage(page Page) (int64, error) {
   450  	return CopyValues(w.buf.columns[page.Column()], page.Values())
   451  }
   453  var (
   454  	_ RowGroup       = (*Buffer)(nil)
   455  	_ RowGroupWriter = (*Buffer)(nil)
   456  	_ sort.Interface = (*Buffer)(nil)
   458  	_ RowWriter   = (*bufferWriter)(nil)
   459  	_ PageWriter  = (*bufferWriter)(nil)
   460  	_ ValueWriter = (*bufferWriter)(nil)
   461  )
   463  type buffer struct {
   464  	data  []byte
   465  	refc  uintptr
   466  	pool  *bufferPool
   467  	stack []byte
   468  }
   470  func (b *buffer) refCount() int {
   471  	return int(atomic.LoadUintptr(&b.refc))
   472  }
   474  func (b *buffer) ref() {
   475  	atomic.AddUintptr(&b.refc, +1)
   476  }
   478  func (b *buffer) unref() {
   479  	if atomic.AddUintptr(&b.refc, ^uintptr(0)) == 0 {
   480  		if b.pool != nil {
   481  			b.pool.put(b)
   482  		}
   483  	}
   484  }
   486  func monitorBufferRelease(b *buffer) {
   487  	if rc := b.refCount(); rc != 0 {
   488  		log.Printf("PARQUETGODEBUG: buffer garbage collected with non-zero reference count\n%s", string(b.stack))
   489  	}
   490  }
   492  type bufferPool struct {
   493  	// Buckets are split in two groups for short and large buffers. In the short
   494  	// buffer group (below 256KB), the growth rate between each bucket is 2. The
   495  	// growth rate changes to 1.5 in the larger buffer group.
   496  	//
   497  	// Short buffer buckets:
   498  	// ---------------------
   499  	//   4K, 8K, 16K, 32K, 64K, 128K, 256K
   500  	//
   501  	// Large buffer buckets:
   502  	// ---------------------
   503  	//   364K, 546K, 819K ...
   504  	//
   505  	buckets [bufferPoolBucketCount]sync.Pool
   506  }
   508  func (p *bufferPool) newBuffer(bufferSize, bucketSize int) *buffer {
   509  	b := &buffer{
   510  		data: make([]byte, bufferSize, bucketSize),
   511  		refc: 1,
   512  		pool: p,
   513  	}
   514  	if debug.TRACEBUF > 0 {
   515  		b.stack = make([]byte, 4096)
   516  		runtime.SetFinalizer(b, monitorBufferRelease)
   517  	}
   518  	return b
   519  }
   521  // get returns a buffer from the levelled buffer pool. size is used to choose
   522  // the appropriate pool.
   523  func (p *bufferPool) get(bufferSize int) *buffer {
   524  	bucketIndex, bucketSize := bufferPoolBucketIndexAndSizeOfGet(bufferSize)
   526  	b := (*buffer)(nil)
   527  	if bucketIndex >= 0 {
   528  		b, _ = p.buckets[bucketIndex].Get().(*buffer)
   529  	}
   531  	if b == nil {
   532  		b = p.newBuffer(bufferSize, bucketSize)
   533  	} else {
   534 =[:bufferSize]
   535  		b.ref()
   536  	}
   538  	if debug.TRACEBUF > 0 {
   539  		b.stack = b.stack[:runtime.Stack(b.stack[:cap(b.stack)], false)]
   540  	}
   541  	return b
   542  }
   544  func (p *bufferPool) put(b *buffer) {
   545  	if b.pool != p {
   546  		panic("BUG: buffer returned to a different pool than the one it was allocated from")
   547  	}
   548  	if b.refCount() != 0 {
   549  		panic("BUG: buffer returned to pool with a non-zero reference count")
   550  	}
   551  	if bucketIndex, _ := bufferPoolBucketIndexAndSizeOfPut(cap(; bucketIndex >= 0 {
   552  		p.buckets[bucketIndex].Put(b)
   553  	}
   554  }
   556  const (
   557  	bufferPoolBucketCount         = 32
   558  	bufferPoolMinSize             = 4096
   559  	bufferPoolLastShortBucketSize = 262144
   560  )
   562  func bufferPoolNextSize(size int) int {
   563  	if size < bufferPoolLastShortBucketSize {
   564  		return size * 2
   565  	} else {
   566  		return size + (size / 2)
   567  	}
   568  }
   570  func bufferPoolBucketIndexAndSizeOfGet(size int) (int, int) {
   571  	limit := bufferPoolMinSize
   573  	for i := 0; i < bufferPoolBucketCount; i++ {
   574  		if size <= limit {
   575  			return i, limit
   576  		}
   577  		limit = bufferPoolNextSize(limit)
   578  	}
   580  	return -1, size
   581  }
   583  func bufferPoolBucketIndexAndSizeOfPut(size int) (int, int) {
   584  	// When releasing buffers, some may have a capacity that is not one of the
   585  	// bucket sizes (due to the use of append for example). In this case, we
   586  	// have to put the buffer is the highest bucket with a size less or equal
   587  	// to the buffer capacity.
   588  	if limit := bufferPoolMinSize; size >= limit {
   589  		for i := 0; i < bufferPoolBucketCount; i++ {
   590  			n := bufferPoolNextSize(limit)
   591  			if size < n {
   592  				return i, limit
   593  			}
   594  			limit = n
   595  		}
   596  	}
   597  	return -1, size
   598  }
   600  var (
   601  	buffers bufferPool
   602  )
   604  type bufferedPage struct {
   605  	Page
   606  	values           *buffer
   607  	offsets          *buffer
   608  	repetitionLevels *buffer
   609  	definitionLevels *buffer
   610  }
   612  func newBufferedPage(page Page, values, offsets, definitionLevels, repetitionLevels *buffer) *bufferedPage {
   613  	p := &bufferedPage{
   614  		Page:             page,
   615  		values:           values,
   616  		offsets:          offsets,
   617  		definitionLevels: definitionLevels,
   618  		repetitionLevels: repetitionLevels,
   619  	}
   620  	bufferRef(values)
   621  	bufferRef(offsets)
   622  	bufferRef(definitionLevels)
   623  	bufferRef(repetitionLevels)
   624  	return p
   625  }
   627  func (p *bufferedPage) Slice(i, j int64) Page {
   628  	return newBufferedPage(
   629  		p.Page.Slice(i, j),
   630  		p.values,
   631  		p.offsets,
   632  		p.definitionLevels,
   633  		p.repetitionLevels,
   634  	)
   635  }
   637  func (p *bufferedPage) Retain() {
   638  	bufferRef(p.values)
   639  	bufferRef(p.offsets)
   640  	bufferRef(p.definitionLevels)
   641  	bufferRef(p.repetitionLevels)
   642  }
   644  func (p *bufferedPage) Release() {
   645  	bufferUnref(p.values)
   646  	bufferUnref(p.offsets)
   647  	bufferUnref(p.definitionLevels)
   648  	bufferUnref(p.repetitionLevels)
   649  }
   651  func bufferRef(buf *buffer) {
   652  	if buf != nil {
   653  		buf.ref()
   654  	}
   655  }
   657  func bufferUnref(buf *buffer) {
   658  	if buf != nil {
   659  		buf.unref()
   660  	}
   661  }
   663  // Retain is a helper function to increment the reference counter of pages
   664  // backed by memory which can be granularly managed by the application.
   665  //
   666  // Usage of this function is optional and with Release, is intended to allow
   667  // finer grain memory management in the application. Most programs should be
   668  // able to rely on automated memory management provided by the Go garbage
   669  // collector instead.
   670  //
   671  // The function should be called when a page lifetime is about to be shared
   672  // between multiple goroutines or layers of an application, and the program
   673  // wants to express "sharing ownership" of the page.
   674  //
   675  // Calling this function on pages that do not embed a reference counter does
   676  // nothing.
   677  func Retain(page Page) {
   678  	if p, _ := page.(retainable); p != nil {
   679  		p.Retain()
   680  	}
   681  }
   683  // Release is a helper function to decrement the reference counter of pages
   684  // backed by memory which can be granularly managed by the application.
   685  //
   686  // Usage of this is optional and with Retain, is intended to allow finer grained
   687  // memory management in the application, at the expense of potentially causing
   688  // panics if the page is used after its reference count has reached zero. Most
   689  // programs should be able to rely on automated memory management provided by
   690  // the Go garbage collector instead.
   691  //
   692  // The function should be called to return a page to the internal buffer pool,
   693  // when a goroutine "releases ownership" it acquired either by being the single
   694  // owner (e.g. capturing the return value from a ReadPage call) or having gotten
   695  // shared ownership by calling Retain.
   696  //
   697  // Calling this function on pages that do not embed a reference counter does
   698  // nothing.
   699  func Release(page Page) {
   700  	if p, _ := page.(releasable); p != nil {
   701  		p.Release()
   702  	}
   703  }
   705  type retainable interface {
   706  	Retain()
   707  }
   709  type releasable interface {
   710  	Release()
   711  }
   713  var (
   714  	_ retainable = (*bufferedPage)(nil)
   715  	_ releasable = (*bufferedPage)(nil)
   716  )