
     1  ## 0.5.3 (Unreleased)
     5    * **New resource: `aws_sqs_queue`** [GH-1939]
     6    * provider/aws: support ec2 termination protection [GH-1988]
     7    * provider/aws: `aws_s3_bucket` add support for `policy` [GH-1992]
     9  ## 0.5.2 (May 15, 2015)
    11  FEATURES:
    13    * **Chef provisioning**: You can now provision new hosts (both Linux and
    14       Windows) with [Chef]( using a native provisioner [GH-1868]
    18    * **New config function: `formatlist`** - Format lists in a similar way to `format`.
    19      Useful for creating URLs from a list of IPs. [GH-1829]
    20    * **New resource: `aws_route53_zone_association`**
    21    * provider/aws: `aws_autoscaling_group` can wait for capacity in ELB
    22        via `min_elb_capacity` [GH-1970]
    23    * provider/aws: `aws_db_instances` supports `license_model` [GH-1966]
    24    * provider/aws: `aws_elasticache_cluster` add support for Tags [GH-1965]
    25    * provider/aws: `aws_network_acl` Network ACLs can be applied to multiple subnets [GH-1931]
    26    * provider/aws: `aws_s3_bucket` exports `hosted_zone_id` and `region` [GH-1865]
    27    * provider/aws: `aws_s3_bucket` add support for website `redirect_all_requests_to` [GH-1909]
    28    * provider/aws: `aws_route53_record` exports `fqdn` [GH-1847]
    29    * provider/aws: `aws_route53_zone` can create private hosted zones [GH-1526]
    30    * provider/google: `google_compute_instance` `scratch` attribute added [GH-1920]
    32  BUG FIXES:
    34    * core: fix "resource not found" for interpolation issues with modules
    35    * core: fix unflattenable error for orphans [GH-1922]
    36    * core: fix deadlock with create-before-destroy + modules [GH-1949]
    37    * core: fix "no roots found" error with create-before-destroy [GH-1953]
    38    * core: variables set with environment variables won't validate as
    39        not set without a default [GH-1930]
    40    * core: resources with a blank ID in the state are now assumed to not exist [GH-1905]
    41    * command/push: local vars override remote ones [GH-1881]
    42    * provider/aws: Mark `aws_security_group` description as `ForceNew` [GH-1871]
    43    * provider/aws: `aws_db_instance` ARN value is correct [GH-1910]
    44    * provider/aws: `aws_db_instance` only submit modify request if there
    45        is a change. [GH-1906]
    46    * provider/aws: `aws_elasticache_cluster` export missing information on cluster nodes [GH-1965]
    47    * provider/aws: bad AMI on a launch configuration won't block refresh [GH-1901]
    48    * provider/aws: `aws_security_group` + `aws_subnet` - destroy timeout increased
    49      to prevent DependencyViolation errors. [GH-1886]
    50    * provider/google: `google_compute_instance` Local SSDs no-longer cause crash
    51        [GH-1088]
    52    * provider/google: `google_http_health_check` Defaults now driven from Terraform,
    53        avoids errors on update [GH-1894]
    54    * provider/google: `google_compute_template` Update Instance Template network
    55        definition to match changes to Instance [GH-980]
    56    * provider/template: Fix infinite diff [GH-1898]
    58  ## 0.5.1 (never released)
    60  This version was never released since we accidentally skipped it!
    62  ## 0.5.0 (May 7, 2015)
    66    * provider/aws: Terraform now remove the default egress rule created by AWS in
    67      a new security group.
    69  FEATURES:
    71    * **Multi-provider (a.k.a multi-region)**: Multiple instances of a single
    72       provider can be configured so resources can apply to different settings.
    73       As an example, this allows Terraform to manage multiple regions with AWS.
    74    * **Environmental variables to set variables**: Environment variables can be
    75       used to set variables. The environment variables must be in the format
    76       `TF_VAR_name` and this will be checked last for a value.
    77    * **New remote state backend: `s3`**: You can now store remote state in
    78       an S3 bucket. [GH-1723]
    79    * **Automatic AWS retries**: This release includes a lot of improvement
    80       around automatic retries of transient errors in AWS. The number of
    81       retry attempts is also configurable.
    82    * **Templates**: A new `template_file` resource allows long strings needing
    83       variable interpolation to be moved into files. [GH-1778]
    84    * **Provision with WinRM**: Provisioners can now run remote commands on
    85       Windows hosts. [GH-1483]
    89    * **New config function: `length`** - Get the length of a string or a list.
    90        Useful in conjunction with `split`. [GH-1495]
    91    * **New resource: `aws_app_cookie_stickiness_policy`**
    92    * **New resource: `aws_customer_gateway`**
    93    * **New resource: `aws_ebs_volume`**
    94    * **New resource: `aws_elasticache_cluster`**
    95    * **New resource: `aws_elasticache_security_group`**
    96    * **New resource: `aws_elasticache_subnet_group`**
    97    * **New resource: `aws_iam_access_key`**
    98    * **New resource: `aws_iam_group_policy`**
    99    * **New resource: `aws_iam_group`**
   100    * **New resource: `aws_iam_instance_profile`**
   101    * **New resource: `aws_iam_policy`**
   102    * **New resource: `aws_iam_role_policy`**
   103    * **New resource: `aws_iam_role`**
   104    * **New resource: `aws_iam_user_policy`**
   105    * **New resource: `aws_iam_user`**
   106    * **New resource: `aws_lb_cookie_stickiness_policy`**
   107    * **New resource: `aws_proxy_protocol_policy`**
   108    * **New resource: `aws_security_group_rule`**
   109    * **New resource: `aws_vpc_dhcp_options_association`**
   110    * **New resource: `aws_vpc_dhcp_options`**
   111    * **New resource: `aws_vpn_connection_route`**
   112    * **New resource: `google_dns_managed_zone`**
   113    * **New resource: `google_dns_record_set`**
   114    * **Migrate to upstream AWS SDK:** Migrate the AWS provider to
   115        [awslabs/aws-sdk-go](,
   116        the offical `awslabs` library. Previously we had forked the library for
   117        stability while `awslabs` refactored. Now that work has completed, and we've
   118        migrated back to the upstream version.
   119    * core: Improve error message on diff mismatch [GH-1501]
   120    * provisioner/file: expand `~` in source path [GH-1569]
   121    * provider/aws: Better retry logic, now retries up to 11 times by default
   122        with exponentional backoff. This number is configurable. [GH-1787]
   123    * provider/aws: Improved credential detection [GH-1470]
   124    * provider/aws: Can specify a `token` via the config file [GH-1601]
   125    * provider/aws: Added new `vpc_security_group_ids` attribute for AWS
   126        Instances. If using a VPC, you can now modify the security groups for that
   127        Instance without destroying it [GH-1539]
   128    * provider/aws: White or blacklist account IDs that can be used to
   129        protect against accidents. [GH-1595]
   130    * provider/aws: Add a subset of IAM resources [GH-939]
   131    * provider/aws: `aws_autoscaling_group` retries deletes through "in progress"
   132        errors [GH-1840]
   133    * provider/aws: `aws_autoscaling_group` waits for healthy capacity during
   134        ASG creation [GH-1839]
   135    * provider/aws: `aws_instance` supports placement groups [GH-1358]
   136    * provider/aws: `aws_eip` supports network interface attachment [GH-1681]
   137    * provider/aws: `aws_elb` supports in-place changing of listeners [GH-1619]
   138    * provider/aws: `aws_elb` supports connection draining settings [GH-1502]
   139    * provider/aws: `aws_elb` increase default idle timeout to 60s [GH-1646]
   140    * provider/aws: `aws_key_pair` name can be omitted and generated [GH-1751]
   141    * provider/aws: `aws_network_acl` improved validation for network ACL ports
   142        and protocols [GH-1798] [GH-1808]
   143    * provider/aws: `aws_route_table` can target network interfaces [GH-968]
   144    * provider/aws: `aws_route_table` can specify propogating VGWs [GH-1516]
   145    * provider/aws: `aws_route53_record` supports weighted sets [GH-1578]
   146    * provider/aws: `aws_route53_zone` exports nameservers [GH-1525]
   147    * provider/aws: `aws_s3_bucket` website support [GH-1738]
   148    * provider/aws: `aws_security_group` name becomes optional and can be
   149        automatically set to a unique identifier; this helps with
   150        `create_before_destroy` scenarios [GH-1632]
   151    * provider/aws: `aws_security_group` description becomes optional with a
   152        static default value [GH-1632]
   153    * provider/aws: automatically set the private IP as the SSH address
   154        if not specified and no public IP is available [GH-1623]
   155    * provider/aws: `aws_elb` exports `source_security_group` field [GH-1708]
   156    * provider/aws: `aws_route53_record` supports alias targeting [GH-1775]
   157    * provider/aws: Remove default AWS egress rule for newly created Security Groups [GH-1765]
   158    * provider/consul: add `scheme` configuration argument [GH-1838]
   159    * provider/docker: `docker_container` can specify links [GH-1564]
   160    * provider/google: `resource_compute_disk` supports snapshots [GH-1426]
   161    * provider/google: `resource_compute_instance` supports specifying the
   162        device name [GH-1426]
   163    * provider/openstack: Floating IP support for LBaaS [GH-1550]
   164    * provider/openstack: Add AZ to `openstack_blockstorage_volume_v1` [GH-1726]
   166  BUG FIXES:
   168    * core: Fix graph cycle issues surrounding modules [GH-1582] [GH-1637]
   169    * core: math on arbitrary variables works if first operand isn't a
   170        numeric primitive. [GH-1381]
   171    * core: avoid unnecessary cycles by pruning tainted destroys from
   172        graph if there are no tainted resources [GH-1475]
   173    * core: fix issue where destroy nodes weren't pruned in specific
   174        edge cases around matching prefixes, which could cause cycles [GH-1527]
   175    * core: fix issue causing diff mismatch errors in certain scenarios during
   176        resource replacement [GH-1515]
   177    * core: dependencies on resources with a different index work when
   178        count > 1 [GH-1540]
   179    * core: don't panic if variable default type is invalid [GH-1344]
   180    * core: fix perpetual diff issue for computed maps that are empty [GH-1607]
   181    * core: validation added to check for `self` variables in modules [GH-1609]
   182    * core: fix edge case where validation didn't pick up unknown fields
   183        if the value was computed [GH-1507]
   184    * core: Fix issue where values in sets on resources couldn't contain
   185        hyphens. [GH-1641]
   186    * core: Outputs removed from the config are removed from the state [GH-1714]
   187    * core: Validate against the worst-case graph during plan phase to catch cycles
   188        that would previously only show up during apply [GH-1655]
   189    * core: Referencing invalid module output in module validates [GH-1448]
   190    * command: remote states with uppercase types work [GH-1356]
   191    * provider/aws: Support `AWS_SECURITY_TOKEN` env var again [GH-1785]
   192    * provider/aws: Don't save "instance" for EIP if association fails [GH-1776]
   193    * provider/aws: launch configuration ID set after create success [GH-1518]
   194    * provider/aws: Fixed an issue with creating ELBs without any tags [GH-1580]
   195    * provider/aws: Fix issue in Security Groups with empty IPRanges [GH-1612]
   196    * provider/aws: manually deleted S3 buckets are refreshed properly [GH-1574]
   197    * provider/aws: only check for EIP allocation ID in VPC [GH-1555]
   198    * provider/aws: raw protocol numbers work in `aws_network_acl` [GH-1435]
   199    * provider/aws: Block devices can be encrypted [GH-1718]
   200    * provider/aws: ASG health check grace period can be updated in-place [GH-1682]
   201    * provider/aws: ELB security groups can be updated in-place [GH-1662]
   202    * provider/aws: `aws_main_route_table_association` can be deleted
   203        manually [GH-1806]
   204    * provider/docker: image can reference more complex image addresses,
   205        such as with private repos with ports [GH-1818]
   206    * provider/openstack: region config is not required [GH-1441]
   207    * provider/openstack: `enable_dhcp` for networking subnet should be bool [GH-1741]
   208    * provisioner/remote-exec: add random number to uploaded script path so
   209        that parallel provisions work [GH-1588]
   210    * provisioner/remote-exec: chmod the script to 0755 properly [GH-1796]
   212  ## 0.4.2 (April 10, 2015)
   214  BUG FIXES:
   216    * core: refresh won't remove outputs from state file [GH-1369]
   217    * core: clarify "unknown variable" error [GH-1480]
   218    * core: properly merge parent provider configs when asking for input
   219    * provider/aws: fix panic possibility if RDS DB name is empty [GH-1460]
   220    * provider/aws: fix issue detecting credentials for some resources [GH-1470]
   221    * provider/google: fix issue causing unresolvable diffs when using legacy
   222        `network` field on `google_compute_instance` [GH-1458]
   224  ## 0.4.1 (April 9, 2015)
   228    * provider/aws: Route 53 records can now update `ttl` and `records` attributes
   229        without destroying/creating the record [GH-1396]
   230    * provider/aws: Support changing additional attributes of RDS databases
   231        without forcing a new resource  [GH-1382]
   233  BUG FIXES:
   235    * core: module paths in ".terraform" are consistent across different
   236        systems so copying your ".terraform" folder works. [GH-1418]
   237    * core: don't validate providers too early when nested in a module [GH-1380]
   238    * core: fix race condition in `count.index` interpolation [GH-1454]
   239    * core: properly initialize provisioners, fixing resource targeting
   240        during destroy [GH-1544]
   241    * command/push: don't ask for input if terraform.tfvars is present
   242    * command/remote-config: remove spurrious error "nil" when initializing
   243        remote state on a new configuration. [GH-1392]
   244    * provider/aws: Fix issue with Route 53 and pre-existing Hosted Zones [GH-1415]
   245    * provider/aws: Fix refresh issue in Route 53 hosted zone [GH-1384]
   246    * provider/aws: Fix issue when changing map-public-ip in Subnets #1234
   247    * provider/aws: Fix issue finding db subnets [GH-1377]
   248    * provider/aws: Fix issues with `*_block_device` attributes on instances and
   249        launch configs creating unresolvable diffs when certain optional
   250        parameters were omitted from the config [GH-1445]
   251    * provider/aws: Fix issue with `aws_launch_configuration` causing an
   252        unnecessary diff for pre-0.4 environments [GH-1371]
   253    * provider/aws: Fix several related issues with `aws_launch_configuration`
   254        causing unresolvable diffs [GH-1444]
   255    * provider/aws: Fix issue preventing launch configurations from being valid
   256        in EC2 Classic [GH-1412]
   257    * provider/aws: Fix issue in updating Route 53 records on refresh/read. [GH-1430]
   258    * provider/docker: Don't ask for `cert_path` input on every run [GH-1432]
   259    * provider/google: Fix issue causing unresolvable diff on instances with
   260        `network_interface` [GH-1427]
   262  ## 0.4.0 (April 2, 2015)
   266    * Commands `terraform push` and `terraform pull` are now nested under
   267      the `remote` command: `terraform remote push` and `terraform remote pull`.
   268      The old `remote` functionality is now at `terraform remote config`. This
   269      consolidates all remote state management under one command.
   270    * Period-prefixed configuration files are now ignored. This might break
   271      existing Terraform configurations if you had period-prefixed files.
   272    * The `block_device` attribute of `aws_instance` has been removed in favor
   273      of three more specific attributes to specify block device mappings:
   274      `root_block_device`, `ebs_block_device`, and `ephemeral_block_device`.
   275      Configurations using the old attribute will generate a validation error
   276      indicating that they must be updated to use the new fields [GH-1045].
   278  FEATURES:
   280    * **New provider: `dme` (DNSMadeEasy)** [GH-855]
   281    * **New provider: `docker` (Docker)** - Manage container lifecycle
   282        using the standard Docker API. [GH-855]
   283    * **New provider: `openstack` (OpenStack)** - Interact with the many resources
   284        provided by OpenStack. [GH-924]
   285    * **New feature: `terraform_remote_state` resource** - Reference remote
   286        states from other Terraform runs to use Terraform outputs as inputs
   287        into another Terraform run.
   288    * **New command: `taint`** - Manually mark a resource as tainted, causing
   289        a destroy and recreate on the next plan/apply.
   290    * **New resource: `aws_vpn_gateway`** [GH-1137]
   291    * **New resource: `aws_elastic_network_interfaces`** [GH-1149]
   292    * **Self-variables** can be used to reference the current resource's
   293        attributes within a provisioner. Ex. `${self.private_ip_address}` [GH-1033]
   294    * **Continuous state** saving during `terraform apply`. The state file is
   295        continuously updated as apply is running, meaning that the state is
   296        less likely to become corrupt in a catastrophic case: terraform panic
   297        or system killing Terraform.
   298    * **Math operations** in interpolations. You can now do things like
   299        `${count.index+1}`. [GH-1068]
   300    * **New AWS SDK:** Move to `aws-sdk-go` (hashicorp/aws-sdk-go),
   301        a fork of the offical `awslabs` repo. We forked for stability while
   302        `awslabs` refactored the library, and will move back to the officially
   303        supported version in the next release.
   307    * **New config function: `format`** - Format a string using `sprintf`
   308        format. [GH-1096]
   309    * **New config function: `replace`** - Search and replace string values.
   310        Search can be a regular expression. See documentation for more
   311        info. [GH-1029]
   312    * **New config function: `split`** - Split a value based on a delimiter.
   313        This is useful for faking lists as parameters to modules.
   314    * **New resource: `digitalocean_ssh_key`** [GH-1074]
   315    * config: Expand `~` with homedir in `file()` paths [GH-1338]
   316    * core: The serial of the state is only updated if there is an actual
   317        change. This will lower the amount of state changing on things
   318        like refresh.
   319    * core: Autoload `terraform.tfvars.json` as well as `terraform.tfvars` [GH-1030]
   320    * core: `.tf` files that start with a period are now ignored. [GH-1227]
   321    * command/remote-config: After enabling remote state, a `pull` is
   322        automatically done initially.
   323    * providers/google: Add `size` option to disk blocks for instances. [GH-1284]
   324    * providers/aws: Improve support for tagging resources.
   325    * providers/aws: Add a short syntax for Route 53 Record names, e.g.
   326        `www` instead of ``.
   327    * providers/aws: Improve dependency violation error handling, when deleting
   328        Internet Gateways or Auto Scaling groups [GH-1325].
   329    * provider/aws: Add non-destructive updates to AWS RDS. You can now upgrade
   330        `egine_version`, `parameter_group_name`, and `multi_az` without forcing
   331        a new database to be created.[GH-1341]
   332    * providers/aws: Full support for block device mappings on instances and
   333        launch configurations [GH-1045, GH-1364]
   334    * provisioners/remote-exec: SSH agent support. [GH-1208]
   336  BUG FIXES:
   338    * core: module outputs can be used as inputs to other modules [GH-822]
   339    * core: Self-referencing splat variables are no longer allowed in
   340        provisioners. [GH-795][GH-868]
   341    * core: Validate that `depends_on` doesn't contain interpolations. [GH-1015]
   342    * core: Module inputs can be non-strings. [GH-819]
   343    * core: Fix invalid plan that resulted in "diffs don't match" error when
   344        a computed attribute was used as part of a set parameter. [GH-1073]
   345    * core: Fix edge case where state containing both "resource" and
   346        "resource.0" would ignore the latter completely. [GH-1086]
   347    * core: Modules with a source of a relative file path moving up
   348        directories work properly, i.e. "../a" [GH-1232]
   349    * providers/aws: manually deleted VPC removes it from the state
   350    * providers/aws: `source_dest_check` regression fixed (now works). [GH-1020]
   351    * providers/aws: Longer wait times for DB instances.
   352    * providers/aws: Longer wait times for route53 records (30 mins). [GH-1164]
   353    * providers/aws: Fix support for TXT records in Route 53. [GH-1213]
   354    * providers/aws: Fix support for wildcard records in Route 53. [GH-1222]
   355    * providers/aws: Fix issue with ignoring the 'self' attribute of a
   356        Security Group rule. [GH-1223]
   357    * providers/aws: Fix issue with `sql_mode` in RDS parameter group always
   358        causing an update. [GH-1225]
   359    * providers/aws: Fix dependency violation with subnets and security groups
   360        [GH-1252]
   361    * providers/aws: Fix issue with refreshing `db_subnet_groups` causing an error
   362        instead of updating state [GH-1254]
   363    * providers/aws: Prevent empty string to be used as default
   364        `health_check_type` [GH-1052]
   365    * providers/aws: Add tags on AWS IG creation, not just on update [GH-1176]
   366    * providers/digitalocean: Waits until droplet is ready to be destroyed [GH-1057]
   367    * providers/digitalocean: More lenient about 404's while waiting [GH-1062]
   368    * providers/digitalocean: FQDN for domain records in CNAME, MX, NS, etc.
   369        Also fixes invalid updates in plans. [GH-863]
   370    * providers/google: Network data in state was not being stored. [GH-1095]
   371    * providers/heroku: Fix panic when config vars block was empty. [GH-1211]
   375    * New `helper/schema` fields for resources: `Deprecated` and `Removed` allow
   376        plugins to generate warning or error messages when a given attribute is used.
   378  ## 0.3.7 (February 19, 2015)
   382    * **New resources: `google_compute_forwarding_rule`, `google_compute_http_health_check`,
   383        and `google_compute_target_pool`** - Together these provide network-level
   384        load balancing. [GH-588]
   385    * **New resource: `aws_main_route_table_association`** - Manage the main routing table
   386        of a VPC. [GH-918]
   387    * **New resource: `aws_vpc_peering_connection`** [GH-963]
   388    * core: Formalized the syntax of interpolations and documented it
   389        very heavily.
   390    * core: Strings in interpolations can now contain further interpolations,
   391        e.g.: `foo ${bar("${baz}")}`.
   392    * provider/aws: Internet gateway supports tags [GH-720]
   393    * provider/aws: Support the more standard environmental variable names
   394        for access key and secret keys. [GH-851]
   395    * provider/aws: The `aws_db_instance` resource no longer requires both
   396        `final_snapshot_identifier` and `skip_final_snapshot`; the presence or
   397        absence of the former now implies the latter. [GH-874]
   398    * provider/aws: Avoid unnecessary update of `aws_subnet` when
   399        `map_public_ip_on_launch` is not specified in config. [GH-898]
   400    * provider/aws: Add `apply_method` to `aws_db_parameter_group` [GH-897]
   401    * provider/aws: Add `storage_type` to `aws_db_instance` [GH-896]
   402    * provider/aws: ELB can update listeners without requiring new. [GH-721]
   403    * provider/aws: Security group support egress rules. [GH-856]
   404    * provider/aws: Route table supports VPC peering connection on route. [GH-963]
   405    * provider/aws: Add `root_block_device` to `aws_db_instance` [GH-998]
   406    * provider/google: Remove "client secrets file", as it's no longer necessary
   407        for API authentication [GH-884].
   408    * provider/google: Expose `self_link` on `google_compute_instance` [GH-906]
   410  BUG FIXES:
   412    * core: Fixing use of remote state with plan files. [GH-741]
   413    * core: Fix a panic case when certain invalid types were used in
   414        the configuration. [GH-691]
   415    * core: Escape characters `\"`, `\n`, and `\\` now work in interpolations.
   416    * core: Fix crash that could occur when there are exactly zero providers
   417        installed on a system. [GH-786]
   418    * core: JSON TF configurations can configure provisioners. [GH-807]
   419    * core: Sort `depends_on` in state to prevent unnecessary file changes. [GH-928]
   420    * core: State containing the zero value won't cause a diff with the
   421        lack of a value. [GH-952]
   422    * core: If a set type becomes empty, the state will be properly updated
   423        to remove it. [GH-952]
   424    * core: Bare "splat" variables are not allowed in provisioners. [GH-636]
   425    * core: Invalid configuration keys to sub-resources are now errors. [GH-740]
   426    * command/apply: Won't try to initialize modules in some cases when
   427        no arguments are given. [GH-780]
   428    * command/apply: Fix regression where user variables weren't asked [GH-736]
   429    * helper/hashcode: Update `hash.String()` to always return a positive index.
   430        Fixes issue where specific strings would convert to a negative index
   431        and be omitted when creating Route53 records. [GH-967]
   432    * provider/aws: Automatically suffix the Route53 zone name on record names. [GH-312]
   433    * provider/aws: Instance should ignore root EBS devices. [GH-877]
   434    * provider/aws: Fix `aws_db_instance` to not recreate each time. [GH-874]
   435    * provider/aws: ASG termination policies are synced with remote state. [GH-923]
   436    * provider/aws: ASG launch configuration setting can now be updated in-place. [GH-904]
   437    * provider/aws: No read error when subnet is manually deleted. [GH-889]
   438    * provider/aws: Tags with empty values (empty string) are properly
   439        managed. [GH-968]
   440    * provider/aws: Fix case where route table would delete its routes
   441        on an unrelated change. [GH-990]
   442    * provider/google: Fix bug preventing instances with metadata from being
   443        created [GH-884].
   447    * New `helper/schema` type: `TypeFloat` [GH-594]
   448    * New `helper/schema` field for resources: `Exists` must point to a function
   449        to check for the existence of a resource. This is used to properly
   450        handle the case where the resource was manually deleted. [GH-766]
   451    * There is a semantic change in `GetOk` where it will return `true` if
   452        there is any value in the diff that is _non-zero_. Before, it would
   453        return true only if there was a value in the diff.
   455  ## 0.3.6 (January 6, 2015)
   457  FEATURES:
   459    * **New provider: `cloudstack`**
   463    * **New resource: `aws_key_pair`** - Import a public key into AWS. [GH-695]
   464    * **New resource: `heroku_cert`** - Manage Heroku app certs.
   465    * provider/aws: Support `eu-central-1`, `cn-north-1`, and GovCloud. [GH-525]
   466    * provider/aws: `route_table` can have tags. [GH-648]
   467    * provider/google: Support Ubuntu images. [GH-724]
   468    * provider/google: Support for service accounts. [GH-725]
   470  BUG FIXES:
   472    * core: temporary/hidden files that look like Terraform configurations
   473        are no longer loaded. [GH-548]
   474    * core: Set types in resources now result in deterministic states,
   475        resulting in cleaner plans. [GH-663]
   476    * core: fix issue where "diff was not the same" would come up with
   477        diffing lists. [GH-661]
   478    * core: fix crash where module inputs weren't strings, and add more
   479        validation around invalid types here. [GH-624]
   480    * core: fix error when using a computed module output as an input to
   481        another module. [GH-659]
   482    * core: map overrides in "terraform.tfvars" no longer result in a syntax
   483        error. [GH-647]
   484    * core: Colon character works in interpolation [GH-700]
   485    * provider/aws: Fix crash case when internet gateway is not attached
   486        to any VPC. [GH-664]
   487    * provider/aws: `vpc_id` is no longer required. [GH-667]
   488    * provider/aws: `availability_zones` on ELB will contain more than one
   489        AZ if it is set as such. [GH-682]
   490    * provider/aws: More fields are marked as "computed" properly, resulting
   491        in more accurate diffs for AWS instances. [GH-712]
   492    * provider/aws: Fix panic case by using the wrong type when setting
   493        volume size for AWS instances. [GH-712]
   494    * provider/aws: route table ignores routes with 'EnableVgwRoutePropagation'
   495        origin since those come from gateways. [GH-722]
   496    * provider/aws: Default network ACL ID and default security group ID
   497        support for `aws_vpc`. [GH-704]
   498    * provider/aws: Tags are not marked as computed. This introduces another
   499        issue with not detecting external tags, but this will be fixed in
   500        the future. [GH-730]
   502  ## 0.3.5 (December 9, 2014)
   504  FEATURES:
   506   * **Remote State**: State files can now be stored remotely via HTTP,
   507       Consul, or HashiCorp's Atlas.
   508   * **New Provider: `atlas`**: Retrieve artifacts for deployment from
   509       HashiCorp's Atlas service.
   510   * New `element()` function to index into arrays
   514    * provider/aws: Support tenancy for aws\_instance
   515    * provider/aws: Support block devices for aws\_instance
   516    * provider/aws: Support virtual\_name on block device
   517    * provider/aws: Improve RDS reliability (more grace time)
   518    * provider/aws: Added aws\_db\_parameter\_group resource
   519    * provider/aws: Added tag support to aws\_subnet
   520    * provider/aws: Routes in RouteTable are optional
   521    * provider/aws: associate\_public\_ip\_address on aws\_launch\_configuration
   522    * provider/aws: Added aws\_network\_acl
   523    * provider/aws: Ingress rules in security groups are optional
   524    * provider/aws: Support termination policy for ASG
   525    * provider/digitalocean: Improved droplet size compatibility
   527  BUG FIXES:
   529    * core: Fixed issue causing double delete. [GH-555]
   530    * core: Fixed issue with create-before-destroy not being respected in
   531        some circumstances.
   532    * core: Fixing issue with count expansion with non-homogenous instance
   533        plans.
   534    * core: Fix issue with referencing resource variables from resources
   535        that don't exist yet within resources that do exist, or modules.
   536    * core: Fixing depedency handling for modules
   537    * core: Fixing output handling [GH-474]
   538    * core: Fixing count interpolation in modules
   539    * core: Fixing multi-var without module state
   540    * core: Fixing HCL variable declaration
   541    * core: Fixing resource interpolation for without state
   542    * core: Fixing handling of computed maps
   543    * command/init: Fixing recursion issue [GH-518]
   544    * command: Validate config before requesting input [GH-602]
   545    * build: Fixing GOPATHs with spaces
   547  MISC:
   549    * provider/aws: Upgraded to helper.Schema
   550    * provider/heroku: Upgraded to helper.Schema
   551    * provider/mailgun: Upgraded to helper.Schema
   552    * provider/dnsimple: Upgraded to helper.Schema
   553    * provider/cloudflare: Upgraded to helper.Schema
   554    * provider/digitalocean: Upgraded to helper.Schema
   555    * provider/google: Upgraded to helper.Schema
   557  ## 0.3.1 (October 21, 2014)
   561    * providers/aws: Support tags for security groups.
   562    * providers/google: Add "external\_address" to network attributes [GH-454]
   563    * providers/google: External address is used as default connection host. [GH-454]
   564    * providers/heroku: Support `locked` and `personal` booleans on organization
   565        settings. [GH-406]
   567  BUG FIXES:
   569    * core: Remove panic case when applying with a plan that generates no
   570        new state. [GH-403]
   571    * core: Fix a hang that can occur with enough resources. [GH-410]
   572    * core: Config validation will not error if the field is being
   573        computed so the value is still unknown.
   574    * core: If a resource fails to create and has provisioners, it is
   575        marked as tainted. [GH-434]
   576    * core: Set types are validated to be sets. [GH-413]
   577    * core: String types are validated properly. [GH-460]
   578    * core: Fix crash case when destroying with tainted resources. [GH-412]
   579    * core: Don't execute provisioners in some cases on destroy.
   580    * core: Inherited provider configurations will be properly interpolated. [GH-418]
   581    * core: Refresh works properly if there are outputs that depend on resources
   582        that aren't yet created. [GH-483]
   583    * providers/aws: Refresh of launch configs and autoscale groups load
   584        the correct data and don't incorrectly recreate themselves. [GH-425]
   585    * providers/aws: Fix case where ELB would incorrectly plan to modify
   586        listeners (with the same data) in some cases.
   587    * providers/aws: Retry destroying internet gateway for some amount of time
   588        if there is a dependency violation since it is probably just eventual
   589        consistency (public facing resources being destroyed). [GH-447]
   590    * providers/aws: Retry deleting security groups for some amount of time
   591        if there is a dependency violation since it is probably just eventual
   592        consistency. [GH-436]
   593    * providers/aws: Retry deleting subnet for some amount of time if there is a
   594        dependency violation since probably asynchronous destroy events take
   595        place still. [GH-449]
   596    * providers/aws: Drain autoscale groups before deleting. [GH-435]
   597    * providers/aws: Fix crash case if launch config is manually deleted. [GH-421]
   598    * providers/aws: Disassociate EIP before destroying.
   599    * providers/aws: ELB treats subnets as a set.
   600    * providers/aws: Fix case where in a destroy/create tags weren't reapplied. [GH-464]
   601    * providers/aws: Fix incorrect/erroneous apply cases around security group
   602        rules. [GH-457]
   603    * providers/consul: Fix regression where `key` param changed to `keys. [GH-475]
   605  ## 0.3.0 (October 14, 2014)
   607  FEATURES:
   609    * **Modules**: Configuration can now be modularized. Modules can live on
   610      GitHub, BitBucket, Git/Hg repos, HTTP URLs, and file paths. Terraform
   611      automatically downloads/updates modules for you on request.
   612    * **New Command: `init`**. This command initializes a Terraform configuration
   613      from an existing Terraform module (also new in 0.3).
   614    * **New Command: `destroy`**. This command destroys infrastructure
   615      created with `apply`.
   616    * Terraform will ask for user input to fill in required variables and
   617      provider configurations if they aren't set.
   618    * `terraform apply MODULE` can be used as a shorthand to quickly build
   619      infrastructure from a module.
   620    * The state file format is now JSON rather than binary. This allows for
   621      easier machine and human read/write. Old binary state files will be
   622      automatically upgraded.
   623    * You can now specify `create_before_destroy` as an option for replacement
   624      so that new resources are created before the old ones are destroyed.
   625    * The `count` metaparameter can now contain interpolations (such as
   626      variables).
   627    * The current index for a resource with a `count` set can be interpolated
   628      using `${count.index}`.
   629    * Various paths can be interpolated with the `path.X` variables. For example,
   630      the path to the current module can be interpolated using `${path.module}`.
   634    * config: Trailing commas are now allowed for the final elements of lists.
   635    * core: Plugins are loaded from `~/.terraform.d/plugins` (Unix) or
   636      `%USERDATA%/terraform.d/plugins` (Windows).
   637    * command/show: With no arguments, it will show the default state. [GH-349]
   638    * helper/schema: Can now have default values. [GH-245]
   639    * providers/aws: Tag support for most resources.
   640    * providers/aws: New resource `db_subnet_group`. [GH-295]
   641    * providers/aws: Add `map_public_ip_on_launch` for subnets. [GH-285]
   642    * providers/aws: Add `iam_instance_profile` for instances. [GH-319]
   643    * providers/aws: Add `internal` option for ELBs. [GH-303]
   644    * providers/aws: Add `ssl_certificate_id` for ELB listeners. [GH-350]
   645    * providers/aws: Add `self` option for security groups for ingress
   646        rules with self as source. [GH-303]
   647    * providers/aws: Add `iam_instance_profile` option to
   648        `aws_launch_configuration`. [GH-371]
   649    * providers/aws: Non-destructive update of `desired_capacity` for
   650        autoscale groups.
   651    * providers/aws: Add `main_route_table_id` attribute to VPCs. [GH-193]
   652    * providers/consul: Support tokens. [GH-396]
   653    * providers/google: Support `target_tags` for firewalls. [GH-324]
   654    * providers/google: `google_compute_instance` supports `can_ip_forward` [GH-375]
   655    * providers/google: `google_compute_disk` supports `type` to support disks
   656        such as SSDs. [GH-351]
   657    * provisioners/local-exec: Output from command is shown in CLI output. [GH-311]
   658    * provisioners/remote-exec: Output from command is shown in CLI output. [GH-311]
   660  BUG FIXES:
   662    * core: Providers are validated even without a `provider` block. [GH-284]
   663    * core: In the case of error, walk all non-dependent trees.
   664    * core: Plugin loading from CWD works properly.
   665    * core: Fix many edge cases surrounding the `count` meta-parameter.
   666    * core: Strings in the configuration can escape double-quotes with the
   667        standard `\"` syntax.
   668    * core: Error parsing CLI config will show properly. [GH-288]
   669    * core: More than one Ctrl-C will exit immediately.
   670    * providers/aws: autoscaling_group can be launched into a vpc [GH-259]
   671    * providers/aws: not an error when RDS instance is deleted manually. [GH-307]
   672    * providers/aws: Retry deleting subnet for some time while AWS eventually
   673        destroys dependencies. [GH-357]
   674    * providers/aws: More robust destroy for route53 records. [GH-342]
   675    * providers/aws: ELB generates much more correct plans without extranneous
   676        data.
   677    * providers/aws: ELB works properly with dynamically changing
   678        count of instances.
   679    * providers/aws: Terraform can handle ELBs deleted manually. [GH-304]
   680    * providers/aws: Report errors properly if RDS fails to delete. [GH-310]
   681    * providers/aws: Wait for launch configuration to exist after creation
   682        (AWS eventual consistency) [GH-302]
   684  ## 0.2.2 (September 9, 2014)
   688    * providers/amazon: Add `ebs_optimized` flag. [GH-260]
   689    * providers/digitalocean: Handle 404 on delete
   690    * providers/digitalocean: Add `user_data` argument for creating droplets
   691    * providers/google: Disks can be marked `auto_delete`. [GH-254]
   693  BUG FIXES:
   695    * core: Fix certain syntax of configuration that could cause hang. [GH-261]
   696    * core: `-no-color` flag properly disables color. [GH-250]
   697    * core: "~" is expanded in `-var-file` flags. [GH-273]
   698    * core: Errors with tfvars are shown in console. [GH-269]
   699    * core: Interpolation function calls with more than two args parse. [GH-282]
   700    * providers/aws: Refreshing EIP from pre-0.2 state file won't error. [GH-258]
   701    * providers/aws: Creating EIP without an instance/network won't fail.
   702    * providers/aws: Refreshing EIP manually deleted works.
   703    * providers/aws: Retry EIP delete to allow AWS eventual consistency to
   704        detect it isn't attached. [GH-276]
   705    * providers/digitalocean: Handle situations when resource was destroyed
   706        manually. [GH-279]
   707    * providers/digitalocean: Fix a couple scenarios where the diff was
   708        incorrect (and therefore the execution as well).
   709    * providers/google: Attaching a disk source (not an image) works
   710        properly. [GH-254]
   712  ## 0.2.1 (August 31, 2014)
   716    * core: Plugins are automatically discovered in the executable directory
   717        or pwd if named properly. [GH-190]
   718    * providers/mailgun: domain records are now saved to state
   720  BUG FIXES:
   722    * core: Configuration parses when identifier and '=' have no space. [GH-243]
   723    * core: `depends_on` with `count` generates the proper graph. [GH-244]
   724    * core: Depending on a computed variable of a list type generates a
   725        plan without failure. i.e. `${}` where `foos`
   726        is computed. [GH-247]
   727    * providers/aws: Route53 destroys in parallel work properly. [GH-183]
   729  ## 0.2.0 (August 28, 2014)
   733    * We've replaced the configuration language in use from a C library to
   734      a pure-Go reimplementation. In the process, we removed some features
   735      of the language since it was too flexible:
   736      * Semicolons are no longer valid at the end of lines
   737      * Keys cannot be double-quoted strings: `"foo" = "bar"` is no longer
   738        valid.
   739      * JSON style maps `{ "foo": "bar" }` are no longer valid outside of JSON.
   740        Maps must be in the format of `{ foo = "bar" }` (like other objects
   741        in the config)
   742    * Heroku apps now require (will not validate without) `region` and
   743      `name` due to an upstream API change. [GH-239]
   745  FEATURES:
   747    * **New Provider: `google`**: Manage Google Compute instances, disks,
   748        firewalls, and more.
   749    * **New Provider: `mailgun`**: Manage mailgun domains.
   750    * **New Function: `concat`**: Concatenate multiple strings together.
   751      Example: `concat(var.region, "-",`.
   755    * core: "~/.terraformrc" (Unix) or "%APPDATA%/terraform.rc" (Windows)
   756      can be used to configure custom providers and provisioners. [GH-192]
   757    * providers/aws: EIPs now expose `allocation_id` and `public_ip`
   758        attributes.
   759    * providers/aws: Security group rules can be updated without a
   760        destroy/create.
   761    * providers/aws: You can enable and disable dns settings for VPCs. [GH-172]
   762    * providers/aws: Can specify a private IP address for `aws_instance` [GH-217]
   764  BUG FIXES:
   766    * core: Variables are validated to not contain interpolations. [GH-180]
   767    * core: Key files for provisioning can now contain `~` and will be expanded
   768        to the user's home directory. [GH-179]
   769    * core: The `file()` function can load files in sub-directories. [GH-213]
   770    * core: Fix issue where some JSON structures didn't map properly into
   771       Terraform structures. [GH-177]
   772    * core: Resources with only `file()` calls will interpolate. [GH-159]
   773    * core: Variables work in block names. [GH-234]
   774    * core: Plugins are searched for in the same directory as the executable
   775        before the PATH. [GH-157]
   776    * command/apply: "tfvars" file no longer interferes with plan apply. [GH-153]
   777    * providers/aws: Fix issues around failing to read EIPs. [GH-122]
   778    * providers/aws: Autoscaling groups now register and export load
   779      balancers. [GH-207]
   780    * providers/aws: Ingress results are treated as a set, so order doesn't
   781        matter anymore. [GH-87]
   782    * providers/aws: Instance security groups treated as a set [GH-194]
   783    * providers/aws: Retry Route53 requests if operation failed because another
   784        operation is in progress [GH-183]
   785    * providers/aws: Route53 records with multiple record values work. [GH-221]
   786    * providers/aws: Changing AMI doesn't result in errors anymore. [GH-196]
   787    * providers/heroku: If you delete the `config_vars` block, config vars
   788        are properly nuked.
   789    * providers/heroku: Domains and drains are deleted before the app.
   790    * providers/heroku: Moved from the client library bgentry/heroku-go to
   791        cyberdelia/heroku-go [GH-239].
   792    * providers/heroku: Plans without a specific plan name for
   793        heroku\_addon work. [GH-198]
   797    * **New Package:** `helper/schema`. This introduces a high-level framework
   798      for easily writing new providers and resources. The Heroku provider has
   799      been converted to this as an example.
   801  ## 0.1.1 (August 5, 2014)
   803  FEATURES:
   805    * providers/heroku: Now supports creating Heroku Drains [GH-97]
   809    * providers/aws: Launch configurations accept user data [GH-94]
   810    * providers/aws: Regions are now validated [GH-96]
   811    * providers/aws: ELB now supports health check configurations [GH-109]
   813  BUG FIXES:
   815    * core: Default variable file "terraform.tfvars" is auto-loaded. [GH-59]
   816    * core: Multi-variables (`foo.*.bar`) work even when `count = 1`. [GH-115]
   817    * core: `file()` function can have string literal arg [GH-145]
   818    * providers/cloudflare: Include the proper bins so the cloudflare
   819        provider is compiled
   820    * providers/aws: Engine version for RDS now properly set [GH-118]
   821    * providers/aws: Security groups now depend on each other and
   822    * providers/aws: DB instances now wait for destroys, have proper
   823        dependencies and allow passing skip_final_snapshot
   824    * providers/aws: Add associate_public_ip_address as an attribute on
   825        the aws_instance resource [GH-85]
   826    * providers/aws: Fix cidr blocks being updated [GH-65, GH-85]
   827    * providers/aws: Description is now required for security groups
   828    * providers/digitalocean: Private IP addresses are now a separate
   829        attribute
   830    * provisioner/all: If an SSH key is given with a password, a better
   831        error message is shown. [GH-73]
   833  ## 0.1.0 (July 28, 2014)
   835    * Initial release