(about) 1 variable "resource_group" { 2 description = "The name of the resource group in which the image to clone resides." 3 default = "myrg" 4 } 5 6 variable "image_uri" { 7 description = "Specifies the image_uri in the form publisherName:offer:skus:version. image_uri can also specify the VHD uri of a custom VM image to clone." 8 } 9 10 variable "os_type" { 11 description = "Specifies the operating system Type, valid values are windows, linux." 12 default = "linux" 13 } 14 15 variable "location" { 16 description = "The location/region where the virtual network is created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created." 17 default = "southcentralus" 18 } 19 20 variable "address_space" { 21 description = "The address space that is used by the virtual network. You can supply more than one address space. Changing this forces a new resource to be created." 22 default = "" 23 } 24 25 variable "subnet_prefix" { 26 description = "The address prefix to use for the subnet." 27 default = "" 28 } 29 30 variable "storage_account_name" { 31 description = "The name of the storage account in which the image from which you are cloning resides." 32 } 33 34 variable "storage_account_type" { 35 description = "Defines the type of storage account to be created. Valid options are Standard_LRS, Standard_ZRS, Standard_GRS, Standard_RAGRS, Premium_LRS. Changing this is sometimes valid - see the Azure documentation for more information on which types of accounts can be converted into other types." 36 default = "Premium_LRS" 37 } 38 39 variable "vm_size" { 40 description = "Specifies the size of the virtual machine. This must be the same as the vm image from which you are copying." 41 default = "Standard_DS1_v2" 42 } 43 44 variable "hostname" { 45 description = "VM name referenced also in storage-related names. This is also used as the label for the Domain Name and to make up the FQDN. If a domain name label is specified, an A DNS record is created for the public IP in the Microsoft Azure DNS system." 46 } 47 48 variable "admin_username" { 49 description = "administrator user name" 50 default = "vmadmin" 51 } 52 53 variable "admin_password" { 54 description = "The Password for the account specified in the 'admin_username' field. We recommend disabling Password Authentication in a Production environment." 55 }