
     1  <!--{
     2  	"Title": "Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)",
     3  	"Path": "/doc/faq"
     4  }-->
     6  <h2 id="Origins">Origins</h2>
     8  <h3 id="What_is_the_purpose_of_the_project">
     9  What is the purpose of the project?</h3>
    11  <p>
    12  No major systems language has emerged in over a decade, but over that time
    13  the computing landscape has changed tremendously. There are several trends:
    14  </p>
    16  <ul>
    17  <li>
    18  Computers are enormously quicker but software development is not faster.
    19  <li>
    20  Dependency management is a big part of software development today but the
    21  &ldquo;header files&rdquo; of languages in the C tradition are antithetical to clean
    22  dependency analysis&mdash;and fast compilation.
    23  <li>
    24  There is a growing rebellion against cumbersome type systems like those of
    25  Java and C++, pushing people towards dynamically typed languages such as
    26  Python and JavaScript.
    27  <li>
    28  Some fundamental concepts such as garbage collection and parallel computation
    29  are not well supported by popular systems languages.
    30  <li>
    31  The emergence of multicore computers has generated worry and confusion.
    32  </ul>
    34  <p>
    35  We believe it's worth trying again with a new language, a concurrent,
    36  garbage-collected language with fast compilation. Regarding the points above:
    37  </p>
    39  <ul>
    40  <li>
    41  It is possible to compile a large Go program in a few seconds on a single computer.
    42  <li>
    43  Go provides a model for software construction that makes dependency
    44  analysis easy and avoids much of the overhead of C-style include files and
    45  libraries.
    46  <li>
    47  Go's type system has no hierarchy, so no time is spent defining the
    48  relationships between types. Also, although Go has static types the language
    49  attempts to make types feel lighter weight than in typical OO languages.
    50  <li>
    51  Go is fully garbage-collected and provides fundamental support for
    52  concurrent execution and communication.
    53  <li>
    54  By its design, Go proposes an approach for the construction of system
    55  software on multicore machines.
    56  </ul>
    58  <p>
    59  A much more expansive answer to this question is available in the article,
    60  <a href="//">Go at Google:
    61  Language Design in the Service of Software Engineering</a>.
    63  <h3 id="What_is_the_status_of_the_project">
    64  What is the status of the project?</h3>
    66  <p>
    67  Go became a public open source project on November 10, 2009.
    68  After a couple of years of very active design and development, stability was called for and
    69  Go 1 was <a href="//">released</a>
    70  on March 28, 2012.
    71  Go 1, which includes a <a href="/ref/spec">language specification</a>,
    72  <a href="/pkg/">standard libraries</a>,
    73  and <a href="/cmd/go/">custom tools</a>,
    74  provides a stable foundation for creating reliable products, projects, and publications.
    75  </p>
    77  <p>
    78  With that stability established, we are using Go to develop programs, products, and tools rather than
    79  actively changing the language and libraries.
    80  In fact, the purpose of Go 1 is to provide <a href="/doc/go1compat.html">long-term stability</a>.
    81  Backwards-incompatible changes will not be made to any Go 1 point release.
    82  We want to use what we have to learn how a future version of Go might look, rather than to play with
    83  the language underfoot.
    84  </p>
    86  <p>
    87  Of course, development will continue on Go itself, but the focus will be on performance, reliability,
    88  portability and the addition of new functionality such as improved support for internationalization.
    89  </p>
    91  <p>
    92  There may well be a Go 2 one day, but not for a few years and it will be influenced by what we learn using Go 1 as it is today.
    93  </p>
    95  <h3 id="Whats_the_origin_of_the_mascot">
    96  What's the origin of the mascot?</h3>
    98  <p>
    99  The mascot and logo were designed by
   100  <a href="">Renée French</a>, who also designed
   101  <a href="">Glenda</a>,
   102  the Plan 9 bunny.
   103  The <a href="">gopher</a>
   104  is derived from one she used for an <a href="">WFMU</a>
   105  T-shirt design some years ago.
   106  The logo and mascot are covered by the
   107  <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0</a>
   108  license.
   109  </p>
   111  <h3 id="history">
   112  What is the history of the project?</h3>
   113  <p>
   114  Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike and Ken Thompson started sketching the
   115  goals for a new language on the white board on September 21, 2007.
   116  Within a few days the goals had settled into a plan to do something
   117  and a fair idea of what it would be.  Design continued part-time in
   118  parallel with unrelated work.  By January 2008, Ken had started work
   119  on a compiler with which to explore ideas; it generated C code as its
   120  output.  By mid-year the language had become a full-time project and
   121  had settled enough to attempt a production compiler.  In May 2008,
   122  Ian Taylor independently started on a GCC front end for Go using the
   123  draft specification.  Russ Cox joined in late 2008 and helped move the language
   124  and libraries from prototype to reality.
   125  </p>
   127  <p>
   128  Go became a public open source project on November 10, 2009.
   129  Many people from the community have contributed ideas, discussions, and code.
   130  </p>
   132  <h3 id="creating_a_new_language">
   133  Why are you creating a new language?</h3>
   134  <p>
   135  Go was born out of frustration with existing languages and
   136  environments for systems programming.  Programming had become too
   137  difficult and the choice of languages was partly to blame.  One had to
   138  choose either efficient compilation, efficient execution, or ease of
   139  programming; all three were not available in the same mainstream
   140  language.  Programmers who could were choosing ease over
   141  safety and efficiency by moving to dynamically typed languages such as
   142  Python and JavaScript rather than C++ or, to a lesser extent, Java.
   143  </p>
   145  <p>
   146  Go is an attempt to combine the ease of programming of an interpreted,
   147  dynamically typed
   148  language with the efficiency and safety of a statically typed, compiled language.
   149  It also aims to be modern, with support for networked and multicore
   150  computing.  Finally, working with Go is intended to be <i>fast</i>: it should take
   151  at most a few seconds to build a large executable on a single computer.
   152  To meet these goals required addressing a number of
   153  linguistic issues: an expressive but lightweight type system;
   154  concurrency and garbage collection; rigid dependency specification;
   155  and so on.  These cannot be addressed well by libraries or tools; a new
   156  language was called for.
   157  </p>
   159  <p>
   160  The article <a href="//">Go at Google</a>
   161  discusses the background and motivation behind the design of the Go language,
   162  as well as providing more detail about many of the answers presented in this FAQ.
   163  </p>
   165  <h3 id="ancestors">
   166  What are Go's ancestors?</h3>
   167  <p>
   168  Go is mostly in the C family (basic syntax),
   169  with significant input from the Pascal/Modula/Oberon
   170  family (declarations, packages),
   171  plus some ideas from languages
   172  inspired by Tony Hoare's CSP,
   173  such as Newsqueak and Limbo (concurrency).
   174  However, it is a new language across the board.
   175  In every respect the language was designed by thinking
   176  about what programmers do and how to make programming, at least the
   177  kind of programming we do, more effective, which means more fun.
   178  </p>
   180  <h3 id="principles">
   181  What are the guiding principles in the design?</h3>
   182  <p>
   183  Programming today involves too much bookkeeping, repetition, and
   184  clerical work.  As Dick Gabriel says, &ldquo;Old programs read
   185  like quiet conversations between a well-spoken research worker and a
   186  well-studied mechanical colleague, not as a debate with a compiler.
   187  Who'd have guessed sophistication bought such noise?&rdquo;
   188  The sophistication is worthwhile&mdash;no one wants to go back to
   189  the old languages&mdash;but can it be more quietly achieved?
   190  </p>
   191  <p>
   192  Go attempts to reduce the amount of typing in both senses of the word.
   193  Throughout its design, we have tried to reduce clutter and
   194  complexity.  There are no forward declarations and no header files;
   195  everything is declared exactly once.  Initialization is expressive,
   196  automatic, and easy to use.  Syntax is clean and light on keywords.
   197  Stuttering (<code>foo.Foo* myFoo = new(foo.Foo)</code>) is reduced by
   198  simple type derivation using the <code>:=</code>
   199  declare-and-initialize construct.  And perhaps most radically, there
   200  is no type hierarchy: types just <i>are</i>, they don't have to
   201  announce their relationships.  These simplifications allow Go to be
   202  expressive yet comprehensible without sacrificing, well, sophistication.
   203  </p>
   204  <p>
   205  Another important principle is to keep the concepts orthogonal.
   206  Methods can be implemented for any type; structures represent data while
   207  interfaces represent abstraction; and so on.  Orthogonality makes it
   208  easier to understand what happens when things combine.
   209  </p>
   211  <h2 id="Usage">Usage</h2>
   213  <h3 id="Is_Google_using_go_internally"> Is Google using Go internally?</h3>
   215  <p>
   216  Yes. There are now several Go programs deployed in
   217  production inside Google.  A public example is the server behind
   218  <a href="//"></a>.
   219  It's just the <a href="/cmd/godoc"><code>godoc</code></a>
   220  document server running in a production configuration on
   221  <a href="">Google App Engine</a>.
   222  </p>
   224  <p>
   225  Other examples include the <a href="//">Vitess</a>
   226  system for large-scale SQL installations and Google's download server, <code></code>,
   227  which delivers Chrome binaries and other large installables such as <code>apt-get</code>
   228  packages.
   229  </p>
   231  <h3 id="Do_Go_programs_link_with_Cpp_programs">
   232  Do Go programs link with C/C++ programs?</h3>
   234  <p>
   235  There are two Go compiler implementations, <code>gc</code>
   236  and <code>gccgo</code>.
   237  <code>Gc</code> uses a different calling convention and linker and can
   238  therefore only be linked with C programs using the same convention.
   239  There is such a C compiler but no C++ compiler.
   240  <code>Gccgo</code> is a GCC front-end that can, with care, be linked with
   241  GCC-compiled C or C++ programs.
   242  </p>
   244  <p>
   245  The <a href="/cmd/cgo/">cgo</a> program provides the mechanism for a
   246  &ldquo;foreign function interface&rdquo; to allow safe calling of
   247  C libraries from Go code. SWIG extends this capability to C++ libraries.
   248  </p>
   251  <h3 id="Does_Go_support_Google_protocol_buffers">
   252  Does Go support Google's protocol buffers?</h3>
   254  <p>
   255  A separate open source project provides the necessary compiler plugin and library.
   256  It is available at
   257  <a href="//"></a>
   258  </p>
   261  <h3 id="Can_I_translate_the_Go_home_page">
   262  Can I translate the Go home page into another language?</h3>
   264  <p>
   265  Absolutely. We encourage developers to make Go Language sites in their own languages.
   266  However, if you choose to add the Google logo or branding to your site
   267  (it does not appear on <a href="//"></a>),
   268  you will need to abide by the guidelines at
   269  <a href="//"></a>
   270  </p>
   272  <h2 id="Design">Design</h2>
   274  <h3 id="unicode_identifiers">
   275  What's up with Unicode identifiers?</h3>
   277  <p>
   278  It was important to us to extend the space of identifiers from the
   279  confines of ASCII.  Go's rule&mdash;identifier characters must be
   280  letters or digits as defined by Unicode&mdash;is simple to understand
   281  and to implement but has restrictions.  Combining characters are
   282  excluded by design, for instance.
   283  Until there
   284  is an agreed external definition of what an identifier might be,
   285  plus a definition of canonicalization of identifiers that guarantees
   286  no ambiguity, it seemed better to keep combining characters out of
   287  the mix.  Thus we have a simple rule that can be expanded later
   288  without breaking programs, one that avoids bugs that would surely arise
   289  from a rule that admits ambiguous identifiers.
   290  </p>
   292  <p>
   293  On a related note, since an exported identifier must begin with an
   294  upper-case letter, identifiers created from &ldquo;letters&rdquo;
   295  in some languages can, by definition, not be exported.  For now the
   296  only solution is to use something like <code>X日本語</code>, which
   297  is clearly unsatisfactory; we are considering other options.  The
   298  case-for-visibility rule is unlikely to change however; it's one
   299  of our favorite features of Go.
   300  </p>
   302  <h3 id="Why_doesnt_Go_have_feature_X">Why does Go not have feature X?</h3>
   304  <p>
   305  Every language contains novel features and omits someone's favorite
   306  feature. Go was designed with an eye on felicity of programming, speed of
   307  compilation, orthogonality of concepts, and the need to support features
   308  such as concurrency and garbage collection. Your favorite feature may be
   309  missing because it doesn't fit, because it affects compilation speed or
   310  clarity of design, or because it would make the fundamental system model
   311  too difficult.
   312  </p>
   314  <p>
   315  If it bothers you that Go is missing feature <var>X</var>,
   316  please forgive us and investigate the features that Go does have. You might find that
   317  they compensate in interesting ways for the lack of <var>X</var>.
   318  </p>
   320  <h3 id="generics">
   321  Why does Go not have generic types?</h3>
   322  <p>
   323  Generics may well be added at some point.  We don't feel an urgency for
   324  them, although we understand some programmers do.
   325  </p>
   327  <p>
   328  Generics are convenient but they come at a cost in
   329  complexity in the type system and run-time.  We haven't yet found a
   330  design that gives value proportionate to the complexity, although we
   331  continue to think about it.  Meanwhile, Go's built-in maps and slices,
   332  plus the ability to use the empty interface to construct containers
   333  (with explicit unboxing) mean in many cases it is possible to write
   334  code that does what generics would enable, if less smoothly.
   335  </p>
   337  <p>
   338  This remains an open issue.
   339  </p>
   341  <h3 id="exceptions">
   342  Why does Go not have exceptions?</h3>
   343  <p>
   344  We believe that coupling exceptions to a control
   345  structure, as in the <code>try-catch-finally</code> idiom, results in
   346  convoluted code.  It also tends to encourage programmers to label
   347  too many ordinary errors, such as failing to open a file, as
   348  exceptional.
   349  </p>
   351  <p>
   352  Go takes a different approach.  For plain error handling, Go's multi-value
   353  returns make it easy to report an error without overloading the return value.
   354  <a href="/doc/articles/error_handling.html">A canonical error type, coupled
   355  with Go's other features</a>, makes error handling pleasant but quite different
   356  from that in other languages.
   357  </p>
   359  <p>
   360  Go also has a couple
   361  of built-in functions to signal and recover from truly exceptional
   362  conditions.  The recovery mechanism is executed only as part of a
   363  function's state being torn down after an error, which is sufficient
   364  to handle catastrophe but requires no extra control structures and,
   365  when used well, can result in clean error-handling code.
   366  </p>
   368  <p>
   369  See the <a href="/doc/articles/defer_panic_recover.html">Defer, Panic, and Recover</a> article for details.
   370  </p>
   372  <h3 id="assertions">
   373  Why does Go not have assertions?</h3>
   375  <p>
   376  Go doesn't provide assertions. They are undeniably convenient, but our
   377  experience has been that programmers use them as a crutch to avoid thinking
   378  about proper error handling and reporting. Proper error handling means that
   379  servers continue operation after non-fatal errors instead of crashing.
   380  Proper error reporting means that errors are direct and to the point,
   381  saving the programmer from interpreting a large crash trace. Precise
   382  errors are particularly important when the programmer seeing the errors is
   383  not familiar with the code.
   384  </p>
   386  <p>
   387  We understand that this is a point of contention. There are many things in
   388  the Go language and libraries that differ from modern practices, simply
   389  because we feel it's sometimes worth trying a different approach.
   390  </p>
   392  <h3 id="csp">
   393  Why build concurrency on the ideas of CSP?</h3>
   394  <p>
   395  Concurrency and multi-threaded programming have a reputation
   396  for difficulty.  We believe this is due partly to complex
   397  designs such as pthreads and partly to overemphasis on low-level details
   398  such as mutexes, condition variables, and memory barriers.
   399  Higher-level interfaces enable much simpler code, even if there are still
   400  mutexes and such under the covers.
   401  </p>
   403  <p>
   404  One of the most successful models for providing high-level linguistic support
   405  for concurrency comes from Hoare's Communicating Sequential Processes, or CSP.
   406  Occam and Erlang are two well known languages that stem from CSP.
   407  Go's concurrency primitives derive from a different part of the family tree
   408  whose main contribution is the powerful notion of channels as first class objects.
   409  Experience with several earlier languages has shown that the CSP model
   410  fits well into a procedural language framework.
   411  </p>
   413  <h3 id="goroutines">
   414  Why goroutines instead of threads?</h3>
   415  <p>
   416  Goroutines are part of making concurrency easy to use.  The idea, which has
   417  been around for a while, is to multiplex independently executing
   418  functions&mdash;coroutines&mdash;onto a set of threads.
   419  When a coroutine blocks, such as by calling a blocking system call,
   420  the run-time automatically moves other coroutines on the same operating
   421  system thread to a different, runnable thread so they won't be blocked.
   422  The programmer sees none of this, which is the point.
   423  The result, which we call goroutines, can be very cheap: they have little
   424  overhead beyond the memory for the stack, which is just a few kilobytes.
   425  </p>
   427  <p>
   428  To make the stacks small, Go's run-time uses resizable, bounded stacks.  A newly
   429  minted goroutine is given a few kilobytes, which is almost always enough.
   430  When it isn't, the run-time grows (and shrinks) the memory for storing
   431  the stack automatically, allowing many goroutines to live in a modest
   432  amount of memory.
   433  The CPU overhead averages about three cheap instructions per function call.
   434  It is practical to create hundreds of thousands of goroutines in the same
   435  address space.
   436  If goroutines were just threads, system resources would
   437  run out at a much smaller number.
   438  </p>
   440  <h3 id="atomic_maps">
   441  Why are map operations not defined to be atomic?</h3>
   443  <p>
   444  After long discussion it was decided that the typical use of maps did not require
   445  safe access from multiple goroutines, and in those cases where it did, the map was
   446  probably part of some larger data structure or computation that was already
   447  synchronized.  Therefore requiring that all map operations grab a mutex would slow
   448  down most programs and add safety to few.  This was not an easy decision,
   449  however, since it means uncontrolled map access can crash the program.
   450  </p>
   452  <p>
   453  The language does not preclude atomic map updates.  When required, such
   454  as when hosting an untrusted program, the implementation could interlock
   455  map access.
   456  </p>
   458  <h3 id="language_changes">
   459  Will you accept my language change?</h3>
   461  <p>
   462  People often suggest improvements to the language—the
   463  <a href="//">mailing list</a>
   464  contains a rich history of such discussions—but very few of these changes have
   465  been accepted.
   466  </p>
   468  <p>
   469  Although Go is an open source project, the language and libraries are protected
   470  by a <a href="/doc/go1compat.html">compatibility promise</a> that prevents
   471  changes that break existing programs.
   472  If your proposal violates the Go 1 specification we cannot even entertain the
   473  idea, regardless of its merit.
   474  A future major release of Go may be incompatible with Go 1, but we're not ready
   475  to start talking about what that might be.
   476  </p>
   478  <p>
   479  Even if your proposal is compatible with the Go 1 spec, it might
   480  not be in the spirit of Go's design goals.
   481  The article <i><a href="//">Go
   482  at Google: Language Design in the Service of Software Engineering</a></i>
   483  explains Go's origins and the motivation behind its design.
   484  </p>
   486  <h2 id="types">Types</h2>
   488  <h3 id="Is_Go_an_object-oriented_language">
   489  Is Go an object-oriented language?</h3>
   491  <p>
   492  Yes and no. Although Go has types and methods and allows an
   493  object-oriented style of programming, there is no type hierarchy.
   494  The concept of &ldquo;interface&rdquo; in Go provides a different approach that
   495  we believe is easy to use and in some ways more general. There are
   496  also ways to embed types in other types to provide something
   497  analogous&mdash;but not identical&mdash;to subclassing.
   498  Moreover, methods in Go are more general than in C++ or Java:
   499  they can be defined for any sort of data, even built-in types such
   500  as plain, &ldquo;unboxed&rdquo; integers.
   501  They are not restricted to structs (classes).
   502  </p>
   504  <p>
   505  Also, the lack of a type hierarchy makes &ldquo;objects&rdquo; in Go feel much more
   506  lightweight than in languages such as C++ or Java.
   507  </p>
   509  <h3 id="How_do_I_get_dynamic_dispatch_of_methods">
   510  How do I get dynamic dispatch of methods?</h3>
   512  <p>
   513  The only way to have dynamically dispatched methods is through an
   514  interface. Methods on a struct or any other concrete type are always resolved statically.
   515  </p>
   517  <h3 id="inheritance">
   518  Why is there no type inheritance?</h3>
   519  <p>
   520  Object-oriented programming, at least in the best-known languages,
   521  involves too much discussion of the relationships between types,
   522  relationships that often could be derived automatically.  Go takes a
   523  different approach.
   524  </p>
   526  <p>
   527  Rather than requiring the programmer to declare ahead of time that two
   528  types are related, in Go a type automatically satisfies any interface
   529  that specifies a subset of its methods.  Besides reducing the
   530  bookkeeping, this approach has real advantages.  Types can satisfy
   531  many interfaces at once, without the complexities of traditional
   532  multiple inheritance.
   533  Interfaces can be very lightweight&mdash;an interface with
   534  one or even zero methods can express a useful concept.
   535  Interfaces can be added after the fact if a new idea comes along
   536  or for testing&mdash;without annotating the original types.
   537  Because there are no explicit relationships between types
   538  and interfaces, there is no type hierarchy to manage or discuss.
   539  </p>
   541  <p>
   542  It's possible to use these ideas to construct something analogous to
   543  type-safe Unix pipes.  For instance, see how <code>fmt.Fprintf</code>
   544  enables formatted printing to any output, not just a file, or how the
   545  <code>bufio</code> package can be completely separate from file I/O,
   546  or how the <code>image</code> packages generate compressed
   547  image files.  All these ideas stem from a single interface
   548  (<code>io.Writer</code>) representing a single method
   549  (<code>Write</code>).  And that's only scratching the surface.
   550  Go's interfaces have a profound influence on how programs are structured.
   551  </p>
   553  <p>
   554  It takes some getting used to but this implicit style of type
   555  dependency is one of the most productive things about Go.
   556  </p>
   558  <h3 id="methods_on_basics">
   559  Why is <code>len</code> a function and not a method?</h3>
   560  <p>
   561  We debated this issue but decided
   562  implementing <code>len</code> and friends as functions was fine in practice and
   563  didn't complicate questions about the interface (in the Go type sense)
   564  of basic types.
   565  </p>
   567  <h3 id="overloading">
   568  Why does Go not support overloading of methods and operators?</h3>
   569  <p>
   570  Method dispatch is simplified if it doesn't need to do type matching as well.
   571  Experience with other languages told us that having a variety of
   572  methods with the same name but different signatures was occasionally useful
   573  but that it could also be confusing and fragile in practice.  Matching only by name
   574  and requiring consistency in the types was a major simplifying decision
   575  in Go's type system.
   576  </p>
   578  <p>
   579  Regarding operator overloading, it seems more a convenience than an absolute
   580  requirement.  Again, things are simpler without it.
   581  </p>
   583  <h3 id="implements_interface">
   584  Why doesn't Go have "implements" declarations?</h3>
   586  <p>
   587  A Go type satisfies an interface by implementing the methods of that interface,
   588  nothing more.  This property allows interfaces to be defined and used without
   589  having to modify existing code.  It enables a kind of structural typing that
   590  promotes separation of concerns and improves code re-use, and makes it easier
   591  to build on patterns that emerge as the code develops.
   592  The semantics of interfaces is one of the main reasons for Go's nimble,
   593  lightweight feel.
   594  </p>
   596  <p>
   597  See the <a href="#inheritance">question on type inheritance</a> for more detail.
   598  </p>
   600  <h3 id="guarantee_satisfies_interface">
   601  How can I guarantee my type satisfies an interface?</h3>
   603  <p>
   604  You can ask the compiler to check that the type <code>T</code> implements the
   605  interface <code>I</code> by attempting an assignment using the zero value for
   606  <code>T</code> or pointer to <code>T</code>, as appropriate:
   607  </p>
   609  <pre>
   610  type T struct{}
   611  var _ I = T{}       // Verify that T implements I.
   612  var _ I = (*T)(nil) // Verify that *T implements I.
   613  </pre>
   615  <p>
   616  If <code>T</code> (or <code>*T</code>, accordingly) doesn't implement
   617  <code>I</code>, the mistake will be caught at compile time.
   618  </p>
   620  <p>
   621  If you wish the users of an interface to explicitly declare that they implement
   622  it, you can add a method with a descriptive name to the interface's method set.
   623  For example:
   624  </p>
   626  <pre>
   627  type Fooer interface {
   628      Foo()
   629      ImplementsFooer()
   630  }
   631  </pre>
   633  <p>
   634  A type must then implement the <code>ImplementsFooer</code> method to be a
   635  <code>Fooer</code>, clearly documenting the fact and announcing it in
   636  <a href="/cmd/godoc/">godoc</a>'s output.
   637  </p>
   639  <pre>
   640  type Bar struct{}
   641  func (b Bar) ImplementsFooer() {}
   642  func (b Bar) Foo() {}
   643  </pre>
   645  <p>
   646  Most code doesn't make use of such constraints, since they limit the utility of
   647  the interface idea. Sometimes, though, they're necessary to resolve ambiguities
   648  among similar interfaces.
   649  </p>
   651  <h3 id="t_and_equal_interface">
   652  Why doesn't type T satisfy the Equal interface?</h3>
   654  <p>
   655  Consider this simple interface to represent an object that can compare
   656  itself with another value:
   657  </p>
   659  <pre>
   660  type Equaler interface {
   661      Equal(Equaler) bool
   662  }
   663  </pre>
   665  <p>
   666  and this type, <code>T</code>:
   667  </p>
   669  <pre>
   670  type T int
   671  func (t T) Equal(u T) bool { return t == u } // does not satisfy Equaler
   672  </pre>
   674  <p>
   675  Unlike the analogous situation in some polymorphic type systems,
   676  <code>T</code> does not implement <code>Equaler</code>.
   677  The argument type of <code>T.Equal</code> is <code>T</code>,
   678  not literally the required type <code>Equaler</code>.
   679  </p>
   681  <p>
   682  In Go, the type system does not promote the argument of
   683  <code>Equal</code>; that is the programmer's responsibility, as
   684  illustrated by the type <code>T2</code>, which does implement
   685  <code>Equaler</code>:
   686  </p>
   688  <pre>
   689  type T2 int
   690  func (t T2) Equal(u Equaler) bool { return t == u.(T2) }  // satisfies Equaler
   691  </pre>
   693  <p>
   694  Even this isn't like other type systems, though, because in Go <em>any</em>
   695  type that satisfies <code>Equaler</code> could be passed as the
   696  argument to <code>T2.Equal</code>, and at run time we must
   697  check that the argument is of type <code>T2</code>.
   698  Some languages arrange to make that guarantee at compile time.
   699  </p>
   701  <p>
   702  A related example goes the other way:
   703  </p>
   705  <pre>
   706  type Opener interface {
   707     Open() Reader
   708  }
   710  func (t T3) Open() *os.File
   711  </pre>
   713  <p>
   714  In Go, <code>T3</code> does not satisfy <code>Opener</code>,
   715  although it might in another language.
   716  </p>
   718  <p>
   719  While it is true that Go's type system does less for the programmer
   720  in such cases, the lack of subtyping makes the rules about
   721  interface satisfaction very easy to state: are the function's names
   722  and signatures exactly those of the interface?
   723  Go's rule is also easy to implement efficiently.
   724  We feel these benefits offset the lack of
   725  automatic type promotion. Should Go one day adopt some form of polymorphic
   726  typing, we expect there would be a way to express the idea of these
   727  examples and also have them be statically checked.
   728  </p>
   730  <h3 id="convert_slice_of_interface">
   731  Can I convert a []T to an []interface{}?</h3>
   733  <p>
   734  Not directly, because they do not have the same representation in memory.
   735  It is necessary to copy the elements individually to the destination
   736  slice. This example converts a slice of <code>int</code> to a slice of
   737  <code>interface{}</code>:
   738  </p>
   740  <pre>
   741  t := []int{1, 2, 3, 4}
   742  s := make([]interface{}, len(t))
   743  for i, v := range t {
   744      s[i] = v
   745  }
   746  </pre>
   748  <h3 id="nil_error">
   749  Why is my nil error value not equal to nil?
   750  </h3>
   752  <p>
   753  Under the covers, interfaces are implemented as two elements, a type and a value.
   754  The value, called the interface's dynamic value,
   755  is an arbitrary concrete value and the type is that of the value.
   756  For the <code>int</code> value 3, an interface value contains,
   757  schematically, (<code>int</code>, <code>3</code>).
   758  </p>
   760  <p>
   761  An interface value is <code>nil</code> only if the inner value and type are both unset,
   762  (<code>nil</code>, <code>nil</code>).
   763  In particular, a <code>nil</code> interface will always hold a <code>nil</code> type.
   764  If we store a <code>nil</code> pointer of type <code>*int</code> inside
   765  an interface value, the inner type will be <code>*int</code> regardless of the value of the pointer:
   766  (<code>*int</code>, <code>nil</code>).
   767  Such an interface value will therefore be non-<code>nil</code>
   768  <em>even when the pointer inside is</em> <code>nil</code>.
   769  </p>
   771  <p>
   772  This situation can be confusing, and arises when a <code>nil</code> value is
   773  stored inside an interface value such as an <code>error</code> return:
   774  </p>
   776  <pre>
   777  func returnsError() error {
   778  	var p *MyError = nil
   779  	if bad() {
   780  		p = ErrBad
   781  	}
   782  	return p // Will always return a non-nil error.
   783  }
   784  </pre>
   786  <p>
   787  If all goes well, the function returns a <code>nil</code> <code>p</code>,
   788  so the return value is an <code>error</code> interface
   789  value holding (<code>*MyError</code>, <code>nil</code>).
   790  This means that if the caller compares the returned error to <code>nil</code>,
   791  it will always look as if there was an error even if nothing bad happened.
   792  To return a proper <code>nil</code> <code>error</code> to the caller,
   793  the function must return an explicit <code>nil</code>:
   794  </p>
   797  <pre>
   798  func returnsError() error {
   799  	if bad() {
   800  		return ErrBad
   801  	}
   802  	return nil
   803  }
   804  </pre>
   806  <p>
   807  It's a good idea for functions
   808  that return errors always to use the <code>error</code> type in
   809  their signature (as we did above) rather than a concrete type such
   810  as <code>*MyError</code>, to help guarantee the error is
   811  created correctly. As an example,
   812  <a href="/pkg/os/#Open"><code>os.Open</code></a>
   813  returns an <code>error</code> even though, if not <code>nil</code>,
   814  it's always of concrete type
   815  <a href="/pkg/os/#PathError"><code>*os.PathError</code></a>.
   816  </p>
   818  <p>
   819  Similar situations to those described here can arise whenever interfaces are used.
   820  Just keep in mind that if any concrete value
   821  has been stored in the interface, the interface will not be <code>nil</code>.
   822  For more information, see
   823  <a href="/doc/articles/laws_of_reflection.html">The Laws of Reflection</a>.
   824  </p>
   827  <h3 id="unions">
   828  Why are there no untagged unions, as in C?</h3>
   830  <p>
   831  Untagged unions would violate Go's memory safety
   832  guarantees.
   833  </p>
   835  <h3 id="variant_types">
   836  Why does Go not have variant types?</h3>
   838  <p>
   839  Variant types, also known as algebraic types, provide a way to specify
   840  that a value might take one of a set of other types, but only those
   841  types. A common example in systems programming would specify that an
   842  error is, say, a network error, a security error or an application
   843  error and allow the caller to discriminate the source of the problem
   844  by examining the type of the error. Another example is a syntax tree
   845  in which each node can be a different type: declaration, statement,
   846  assignment and so on.
   847  </p>
   849  <p>
   850  We considered adding variant types to Go, but after discussion
   851  decided to leave them out because they overlap in confusing ways
   852  with interfaces. What would happen if the elements of a variant type
   853  were themselves interfaces?
   854  </p>
   856  <p>
   857  Also, some of what variant types address is already covered by the
   858  language. The error example is easy to express using an interface
   859  value to hold the error and a type switch to discriminate cases.  The
   860  syntax tree example is also doable, although not as elegantly.
   861  </p>
   863  <h2 id="values">Values</h2>
   865  <h3 id="conversions">
   866  Why does Go not provide implicit numeric conversions?</h3>
   867  <p>
   868  The convenience of automatic conversion between numeric types in C is
   869  outweighed by the confusion it causes.  When is an expression unsigned?
   870  How big is the value?  Does it overflow?  Is the result portable, independent
   871  of the machine on which it executes?
   872  It also complicates the compiler; &ldquo;the usual arithmetic conversions&rdquo;
   873  are not easy to implement and inconsistent across architectures.
   874  For reasons of portability, we decided to make things clear and straightforward
   875  at the cost of some explicit conversions in the code.
   876  The definition of constants in Go&mdash;arbitrary precision values free
   877  of signedness and size annotations&mdash;ameliorates matters considerably,
   878  though.
   879  </p>
   881  <p>
   882  A related detail is that, unlike in C, <code>int</code> and <code>int64</code>
   883  are distinct types even if <code>int</code> is a 64-bit type.  The <code>int</code>
   884  type is generic; if you care about how many bits an integer holds, Go
   885  encourages you to be explicit.
   886  </p>
   888  <p>
   889  A blog post titled <a href="">Constants</a>
   890  explores this topic in more detail.
   891  </p>
   893  <h3 id="builtin_maps">
   894  Why are maps built in?</h3>
   895  <p>
   896  The same reason strings are: they are such a powerful and important data
   897  structure that providing one excellent implementation with syntactic support
   898  makes programming more pleasant.  We believe that Go's implementation of maps
   899  is strong enough that it will serve for the vast majority of uses.
   900  If a specific application can benefit from a custom implementation, it's possible
   901  to write one but it will not be as convenient syntactically; this seems a reasonable tradeoff.
   902  </p>
   904  <h3 id="map_keys">
   905  Why don't maps allow slices as keys?</h3>
   906  <p>
   907  Map lookup requires an equality operator, which slices do not implement.
   908  They don't implement equality because equality is not well defined on such types;
   909  there are multiple considerations involving shallow vs. deep comparison, pointer vs.
   910  value comparison, how to deal with recursive types, and so on.
   911  We may revisit this issue&mdash;and implementing equality for slices
   912  will not invalidate any existing programs&mdash;but without a clear idea of what
   913  equality of slices should mean, it was simpler to leave it out for now.
   914  </p>
   916  <p>
   917  In Go 1, unlike prior releases, equality is defined for structs and arrays, so such
   918  types can be used as map keys. Slices still do not have a definition of equality, though.
   919  </p>
   921  <h3 id="references">
   922  Why are maps, slices, and channels references while arrays are values?</h3>
   923  <p>
   924  There's a lot of history on that topic.  Early on, maps and channels
   925  were syntactically pointers and it was impossible to declare or use a
   926  non-pointer instance.  Also, we struggled with how arrays should work.
   927  Eventually we decided that the strict separation of pointers and
   928  values made the language harder to use.  Changing these
   929  types to act as references to the associated, shared data structures resolved
   930  these issues. This change added some regrettable complexity to the
   931  language but had a large effect on usability: Go became a more
   932  productive, comfortable language when it was introduced.
   933  </p>
   935  <h2 id="Writing_Code">Writing Code</h2>
   937  <h3 id="How_are_libraries_documented">
   938  How are libraries documented?</h3>
   940  <p>
   941  There is a program, <code>godoc</code>, written in Go, that extracts
   942  package documentation from the source code. It can be used on the
   943  command line or on the web. An instance is running at
   944  <a href="/pkg/"></a>.
   945  In fact, <code>godoc</code> implements the full site at
   946  <a href="/"></a>.
   947  </p>
   949  <p>
   950  A <code>godoc</code> instance may be configured to provide rich,
   951  interactive static analyses of symbols in the programs it displays; details are
   952  listed <a href="">here</a>.
   953  </p>
   955  <p>
   956  For access to documentation from the command line, the
   957  <a href="">go</a> tool has a
   958  <a href="">doc</a>
   959  subcommand that provides a textual interface to the same information.
   960  </p>
   962  <h3 id="Is_there_a_Go_programming_style_guide">
   963  Is there a Go programming style guide?</h3>
   965  <p>
   966  Eventually, there may be a small number of rules to guide things
   967  like naming, layout, and file organization.
   968  The document <a href="effective_go.html">Effective Go</a>
   969  contains some style advice.
   970  More directly, the program <code>gofmt</code> is a pretty-printer
   971  whose purpose is to enforce layout rules; it replaces the usual
   972  compendium of do's and don'ts that allows interpretation.
   973  All the Go code in the repository has been run through <code>gofmt</code>.
   974  </p>
   976  <p>
   977  The document titled
   978  <a href="//">Go Code Review Comments</a>
   979  is a collection of very short essays about details of Go idiom that are often
   980  missed by programmers.
   981  It is a handy reference for people doing code reviews for Go projects.
   982  </p>
   984  <h3 id="How_do_I_submit_patches_to_the_Go_libraries">
   985  How do I submit patches to the Go libraries?</h3>
   987  <p>
   988  The library sources are in the <code>src</code> directory of the repository.
   989  If you want to make a significant change, please discuss on the mailing list before embarking.
   990  </p>
   992  <p>
   993  See the document
   994  <a href="contribute.html">Contributing to the Go project</a>
   995  for more information about how to proceed.
   996  </p>
   998  <h3 id="git_https">
   999  Why does "go get" use HTTPS when cloning a repository?</h3>
  1001  <p>
  1002  Companies often permit outgoing traffic only on the standard TCP ports 80 (HTTP)
  1003  and 443 (HTTPS), blocking outgoing traffic on other ports, including TCP port 9418 
  1004  (git) and TCP port 22 (SSH).
  1005  When using HTTPS instead of HTTP, <code>git</code> enforces certificate validation by
  1006  default, providing protection against man-in-the-middle, eavesdropping and tampering attacks.
  1007  The <code>go get</code> command therefore uses HTTPS for safety.
  1008  </p>
  1010  <p>
  1011  If you use <code>git</code> and prefer to push changes through SSH using your existing key 
  1012  it's easy to work around this. For GitHub, try one of these solutions:
  1013  </p>
  1014  <ul>
  1015  <li>Manually clone the repository in the expected package directory:
  1016  <pre>
  1017  $ cd $GOPATH/src/
  1018  $ git clone
  1019  </pre>
  1020  </li>
  1021  <li>Force <code>git push</code> to use the <code>SSH</code> protocol by appending
  1022  these two lines to <code>~/.gitconfig</code>:
  1023  <pre>
  1024  [url ""]
  1025  	pushInsteadOf =
  1026  </pre>
  1027  </li>
  1028  </ul>
  1030  <h3 id="get_version">
  1031  How should I manage package versions using "go get"?</h3>
  1033  <p>
  1034  "Go get" does not have any explicit concept of package versions.
  1035  Versioning is a source of significant complexity, especially in large code bases,
  1036  and we are unaware of any approach that works well at scale in a large enough
  1037  variety of situations to be appropriate to force on all Go users.
  1038  What "go get" and the larger Go toolchain do provide is isolation of
  1039  packages with different import paths.
  1040  For example, the standard library's <code>html/template</code> and <code>text/template</code>
  1041  coexist even though both are "package template".
  1042  This observation leads to some advice for package authors and package users.
  1043  </p>
  1045  <p>
  1046  Packages intended for public use should try to maintain backwards compatibility as they evolve.
  1047  The <a href="/doc/go1compat.html">Go 1 compatibility guidelines</a> are a good reference here:
  1048  don't remove exported names, encourage tagged composite literals, and so on.
  1049  If different functionality is required, add a new name instead of changing an old one.
  1050  If a complete break is required, create a new package with a new import path.</p>
  1052  <p>
  1053  If you're using an externally supplied package and worry that it might change in
  1054  unexpected ways, the simplest solution is to copy it to your local repository.
  1055  (This is the approach Google takes internally.)
  1056  Store the copy under a new import path that identifies it as a local copy.
  1057  For example, you might copy "" to "".
  1058  The <a href="">gomvpkg</a>
  1059  program is one tool to help automate this process.
  1060  </p>
  1062  <p>
  1063  The Go 1.5 release includes an experimental facility to the
  1064  <a href="">go</a> command
  1065  that makes it easier to manage external dependencies by "vendoring"
  1066  them into a special directory near the package that depends upon them.
  1067  See the <a href="">design
  1068  document</a> for details.
  1069  </p>
  1071  <h2 id="Pointers">Pointers and Allocation</h2>
  1073  <h3 id="pass_by_value">
  1074  When are function parameters passed by value?</h3>
  1076  <p>
  1077  As in all languages in the C family, everything in Go is passed by value.
  1078  That is, a function always gets a copy of the
  1079  thing being passed, as if there were an assignment statement assigning the
  1080  value to the parameter.  For instance, passing an <code>int</code> value
  1081  to a function makes a copy of the <code>int</code>, and passing a pointer
  1082  value makes a copy of the pointer, but not the data it points to.
  1083  (See a <a href="/doc/faq#methods_on_values_or_pointers">later
  1084  section</a> for a discussion of how this affects method receivers.)
  1085  </p>
  1087  <p>
  1088  Map and slice values behave like pointers: they are descriptors that
  1089  contain pointers to the underlying map or slice data.  Copying a map or
  1090  slice value doesn't copy the data it points to.  Copying an interface value
  1091  makes a copy of the thing stored in the interface value.  If the interface
  1092  value holds a struct, copying the interface value makes a copy of the
  1093  struct.  If the interface value holds a pointer, copying the interface value
  1094  makes a copy of the pointer, but again not the data it points to.
  1095  </p>
  1097  <h3 id="pointer_to_interface">
  1098  When should I use a pointer to an interface?</h3>
  1100  <p>
  1101  Almost never. Pointers to interface values arise only in rare, tricky situations involving
  1102  disguising an interface value's type for delayed evaluation.
  1103  </p>
  1105  <p>
  1106  It is however a common mistake to pass a pointer to an interface value
  1107  to a function expecting an interface. The compiler will complain about this
  1108  error but the situation can still be confusing, because sometimes a
  1109  <a href="#different_method_sets">pointer
  1110  is necessary to satisfy an interface</a>.
  1111  The insight is that although a pointer to a concrete type can satisfy
  1112  an interface, with one exception <em>a pointer to an interface can never satisfy an interface</em>.
  1113  </p>
  1115  <p>
  1116  Consider the variable declaration,
  1117  </p>
  1119  <pre>
  1120  var w io.Writer
  1121  </pre>
  1123  <p>
  1124  The printing function <code>fmt.Fprintf</code> takes as its first argument
  1125  a value that satisfies <code>io.Writer</code>—something that implements
  1126  the canonical <code>Write</code> method. Thus we can write
  1127  </p>
  1129  <pre>
  1130  fmt.Fprintf(w, "hello, world\n")
  1131  </pre>
  1133  <p>
  1134  If however we pass the address of <code>w</code>, the program will not compile.
  1135  </p>
  1137  <pre>
  1138  fmt.Fprintf(&amp;w, "hello, world\n") // Compile-time error.
  1139  </pre>
  1141  <p>
  1142  The one exception is that any value, even a pointer to an interface, can be assigned to
  1143  a variable of empty interface type (<code>interface{}</code>).
  1144  Even so, it's almost certainly a mistake if the value is a pointer to an interface;
  1145  the result can be confusing.
  1146  </p>
  1148  <h3 id="methods_on_values_or_pointers">
  1149  Should I define methods on values or pointers?</h3>
  1151  <pre>
  1152  func (s *MyStruct) pointerMethod() { } // method on pointer
  1153  func (s MyStruct)  valueMethod()   { } // method on value
  1154  </pre>
  1156  <p>
  1157  For programmers unaccustomed to pointers, the distinction between these
  1158  two examples can be confusing, but the situation is actually very simple.
  1159  When defining a method on a type, the receiver (<code>s</code> in the above
  1160  examples) behaves exactly as if it were an argument to the method.
  1161  Whether to define the receiver as a value or as a pointer is the same
  1162  question, then, as whether a function argument should be a value or
  1163  a pointer.
  1164  There are several considerations.
  1165  </p>
  1167  <p>
  1168  First, and most important, does the method need to modify the
  1169  receiver?
  1170  If it does, the receiver <em>must</em> be a pointer.
  1171  (Slices and maps act as references, so their story is a little
  1172  more subtle, but for instance to change the length of a slice
  1173  in a method the receiver must still be a pointer.)
  1174  In the examples above, if <code>pointerMethod</code> modifies
  1175  the fields of <code>s</code>,
  1176  the caller will see those changes, but <code>valueMethod</code>
  1177  is called with a copy of the caller's argument (that's the definition
  1178  of passing a value), so changes it makes will be invisible to the caller.
  1179  </p>
  1181  <p>
  1182  By the way, pointer receivers are identical to the situation in Java,
  1183  although in Java the pointers are hidden under the covers; it's Go's
  1184  value receivers that are unusual.
  1185  </p>
  1187  <p>
  1188  Second is the consideration of efficiency. If the receiver is large,
  1189  a big <code>struct</code> for instance, it will be much cheaper to
  1190  use a pointer receiver.
  1191  </p>
  1193  <p>
  1194  Next is consistency. If some of the methods of the type must have
  1195  pointer receivers, the rest should too, so the method set is
  1196  consistent regardless of how the type is used.
  1197  See the section on <a href="#different_method_sets">method sets</a>
  1198  for details.
  1199  </p>
  1201  <p>
  1202  For types such as basic types, slices, and small <code>structs</code>,
  1203  a value receiver is very cheap so unless the semantics of the method
  1204  requires a pointer, a value receiver is efficient and clear.
  1205  </p>
  1208  <h3 id="new_and_make">
  1209  What's the difference between new and make?</h3>
  1211  <p>
  1212  In short: <code>new</code> allocates memory, <code>make</code> initializes
  1213  the slice, map, and channel types.
  1214  </p>
  1216  <p>
  1217  See the <a href="/doc/effective_go.html#allocation_new">relevant section
  1218  of Effective Go</a> for more details.
  1219  </p>
  1221  <h3 id="q_int_sizes">
  1222  What is the size of an <code>int</code> on a 64 bit machine?</h3>
  1224  <p>
  1225  The sizes of <code>int</code> and <code>uint</code> are implementation-specific
  1226  but the same as each other on a given platform.
  1227  For portability, code that relies on a particular
  1228  size of value should use an explicitly sized type, like <code>int64</code>.
  1229  Prior to Go 1.1, the 64-bit Go compilers (both gc and gccgo) used
  1230  a 32-bit representation for <code>int</code>. As of Go 1.1 they use
  1231  a 64-bit representation.
  1232  On the other hand, floating-point scalars and complex
  1233  numbers are always sized: <code>float32</code>, <code>complex64</code>,
  1234  etc., because programmers should be aware of precision when using
  1235  floating-point numbers.
  1236  The default size of a floating-point constant is <code>float64</code>.
  1237  </p>
  1239  <h3 id="stack_or_heap">
  1240  How do I know whether a variable is allocated on the heap or the stack?</h3>
  1242  <p>
  1243  From a correctness standpoint, you don't need to know.
  1244  Each variable in Go exists as long as there are references to it.
  1245  The storage location chosen by the implementation is irrelevant to the
  1246  semantics of the language.
  1247  </p>
  1249  <p>
  1250  The storage location does have an effect on writing efficient programs.
  1251  When possible, the Go compilers will allocate variables that are
  1252  local to a function in that function's stack frame.  However, if the
  1253  compiler cannot prove that the variable is not referenced after the
  1254  function returns, then the compiler must allocate the variable on the
  1255  garbage-collected heap to avoid dangling pointer errors.
  1256  Also, if a local variable is very large, it might make more sense
  1257  to store it on the heap rather than the stack.
  1258  </p>
  1260  <p>
  1261  In the current compilers, if a variable has its address taken, that variable
  1262  is a candidate for allocation on the heap. However, a basic <em>escape
  1263  analysis</em> recognizes some cases when such variables will not
  1264  live past the return from the function and can reside on the stack.
  1265  </p>
  1267  <h3 id="Why_does_my_Go_process_use_so_much_virtual_memory">
  1268  Why does my Go process use so much virtual memory?</h3>
  1270  <p>
  1271  The Go memory allocator reserves a large region of virtual memory as an arena
  1272  for allocations. This virtual memory is local to the specific Go process; the
  1273  reservation does not deprive other processes of memory.
  1274  </p>
  1276  <p>
  1277  To find the amount of actual memory allocated to a Go process, use the Unix
  1278  <code>top</code> command and consult the <code>RES</code> (Linux) or
  1279  <code>RSIZE</code> (Mac OS X) columns.
  1280  <!-- TODO(adg): find out how this works on Windows -->
  1281  </p>
  1283  <h2 id="Concurrency">Concurrency</h2>
  1285  <h3 id="What_operations_are_atomic_What_about_mutexes">
  1286  What operations are atomic? What about mutexes?</h3>
  1288  <p>
  1289  We haven't fully defined it all yet, but some details about atomicity are
  1290  available in the <a href="/ref/mem">Go Memory Model specification</a>.
  1291  </p>
  1293  <p>
  1294  Regarding mutexes, the <a href="/pkg/sync">sync</a>
  1295  package implements them, but we hope Go programming style will
  1296  encourage people to try higher-level techniques. In particular, consider
  1297  structuring your program so that only one goroutine at a time is ever
  1298  responsible for a particular piece of data.
  1299  </p>
  1301  <p>
  1302  Do not communicate by sharing memory. Instead, share memory by communicating.
  1303  </p>
  1305  <p>
  1306  See the <a href="/doc/codewalk/sharemem/">Share Memory By Communicating</a> code walk and its <a href="//">associated article</a> for a detailed discussion of this concept.
  1307  </p>
  1309  <h3 id="Why_no_multi_CPU">
  1310  Why doesn't my multi-goroutine program use multiple CPUs?</h3>
  1312  <p>
  1313  The number of CPUs available simultaneously to executing goroutines is
  1314  controlled by the <code>GOMAXPROCS</code> shell environment variable.
  1315  In earlier releases of Go, the default value was 1, but as of Go 1.5 the default
  1316  value is the number of cores available.
  1317  Therefore programs compiled after 1.5 should demonstrate parallel execution
  1318  of multiple goroutines.
  1319  To change the behavior, set the environment variable or use the similarly-named
  1320  <a href="/pkg/runtime/#GOMAXPROCS">function</a>
  1321  of the runtime package to configure the
  1322  run-time support to utilize a different number of threads.
  1323  </p>
  1325  <p>
  1326  Programs that perform parallel computation might benefit from a further increase in
  1327  <code>GOMAXPROCS</code>.
  1328  However, be aware that
  1329  <a href="//">concurrency
  1330  is not parallelism</a>.
  1331  </p>
  1333  <h3 id="Why_GOMAXPROCS">
  1334  Why does using <code>GOMAXPROCS</code> &gt; 1 sometimes make my program
  1335  slower?</h3>
  1337  <p>
  1338  It depends on the nature of your program.
  1339  Problems that are intrinsically sequential cannot be sped up by adding
  1340  more goroutines.
  1341  Concurrency only becomes parallelism when the problem is
  1342  intrinsically parallel.
  1343  </p>
  1345  <p>
  1346  In practical terms, programs that spend more time
  1347  communicating on channels than doing computation
  1348  may experience performance degradation when using
  1349  multiple OS threads.
  1350  This is because sending data between threads involves switching
  1351  contexts, which has significant cost.
  1352  For instance, the <a href="/ref/spec#An_example_package">prime sieve example</a>
  1353  from the Go specification has no significant parallelism although it launches many
  1354  goroutines; increasing <code>GOMAXPROCS</code> is more likely to slow it down than
  1355  to speed it up.
  1356  </p>
  1358  <p>
  1359  Go's goroutine scheduler is not as good as it needs to be, although it
  1360  has improved in recent releases.
  1361  In the future, it may better optimize its use of OS threads.
  1362  For now, if there are performance issues,
  1363  setting <code>GOMAXPROCS</code> on a per-application basis may help.
  1364  </p>
  1366  <p>
  1367  For more detail on this topic see the talk entitled,
  1368  <a href="//">Concurrency
  1369  is not Parallelism</a>.
  1371  <h2 id="Functions_methods">Functions and Methods</h2>
  1373  <h3 id="different_method_sets">
  1374  Why do T and *T have different method sets?</h3>
  1376  <p>
  1377  From the <a href="/ref/spec#Types">Go Spec</a>:
  1378  </p>
  1380  <blockquote>
  1381  The method set of any other named type <code>T</code> consists of all methods
  1382  with receiver type <code>T</code>. The method set of the corresponding pointer
  1383  type <code>*T</code> is the set of all methods with receiver <code>*T</code> or
  1384  <code>T</code> (that is, it also contains the method set of <code>T</code>).
  1385  </blockquote>
  1387  <p>
  1388  If an interface value contains a pointer <code>*T</code>,
  1389  a method call can obtain a value by dereferencing the pointer,
  1390  but if an interface value contains a value <code>T</code>,
  1391  there is no useful way for a method call to obtain a pointer.
  1392  </p>
  1394  <p>
  1395  Even in cases where the compiler could take the address of a value
  1396  to pass to the method, if the method modifies the value the changes
  1397  will be lost in the caller.
  1398  As an example, if the <code>Write</code> method of
  1399  <a href="/pkg/bytes/#Buffer"><code>bytes.Buffer</code></a>
  1400  used a value receiver rather than a pointer,
  1401  this code:
  1402  </p>
  1404  <pre>
  1405  var buf bytes.Buffer
  1406  io.Copy(buf, os.Stdin)
  1407  </pre>
  1409  <p>
  1410  would copy standard input into a <i>copy</i> of <code>buf</code>,
  1411  not into <code>buf</code> itself.
  1412  This is almost never the desired behavior.
  1413  </p>
  1415  <h3 id="closures_and_goroutines">
  1416  What happens with closures running as goroutines?</h3>
  1418  <p>
  1419  Some confusion may arise when using closures with concurrency.
  1420  Consider the following program:
  1421  </p>
  1423  <pre>
  1424  func main() {
  1425      done := make(chan bool)
  1427      values := []string{"a", "b", "c"}
  1428      for _, v := range values {
  1429          go func() {
  1430              fmt.Println(v)
  1431              done &lt;- true
  1432          }()
  1433      }
  1435      // wait for all goroutines to complete before exiting
  1436      for _ = range values {
  1437          &lt;-done
  1438      }
  1439  }
  1440  </pre>
  1442  <p>
  1443  One might mistakenly expect to see <code>a, b, c</code> as the output.
  1444  What you'll probably see instead is <code>c, c, c</code>.  This is because
  1445  each iteration of the loop uses the same instance of the variable <code>v</code>, so
  1446  each closure shares that single variable. When the closure runs, it prints the
  1447  value of <code>v</code> at the time <code>fmt.Println</code> is executed,
  1448  but <code>v</code> may have been modified since the goroutine was launched.
  1449  To help detect this and other problems before they happen, run
  1450  <a href="/cmd/go/#hdr-Run_go_tool_vet_on_packages"><code>go vet</code></a>.
  1451  </p>
  1453  <p>
  1454  To bind the current value of <code>v</code> to each closure as it is launched, one
  1455  must modify the inner loop to create a new variable each iteration.
  1456  One way is to pass the variable as an argument to the closure:
  1457  </p>
  1459  <pre>
  1460      for _, v := range values {
  1461          go func(<b>u</b> string) {
  1462              fmt.Println(<b>u</b>)
  1463              done &lt;- true
  1464          }(<b>v</b>)
  1465      }
  1466  </pre>
  1468  <p>
  1469  In this example, the value of <code>v</code> is passed as an argument to the
  1470  anonymous function. That value is then accessible inside the function as
  1471  the variable <code>u</code>.
  1472  </p>
  1474  <p>
  1475  Even easier is just to create a new variable, using a declaration style that may
  1476  seem odd but works fine in Go:
  1477  </p>
  1479  <pre>
  1480      for _, v := range values {
  1481          <b>v := v</b> // create a new 'v'.
  1482          go func() {
  1483              fmt.Println(<b>v</b>)
  1484              done &lt;- true
  1485          }()
  1486      }
  1487  </pre>
  1489  <h2 id="Control_flow">Control flow</h2>
  1491  <h3 id="Does_Go_have_a_ternary_form">
  1492  Does Go have the <code>?:</code> operator?</h3>
  1494  <p>
  1495  There is no ternary testing operation in Go. You may use the following to achieve the same
  1496  result:
  1497  </p>
  1499  <pre>
  1500  if expr {
  1501      n = trueVal
  1502  } else {
  1503      n = falseVal
  1504  }
  1505  </pre>
  1507  <h2 id="Packages_Testing">Packages and Testing</h2>
  1509  <h3 id="How_do_I_create_a_multifile_package">
  1510  How do I create a multifile package?</h3>
  1512  <p>
  1513  Put all the source files for the package in a directory by themselves.
  1514  Source files can refer to items from different files at will; there is
  1515  no need for forward declarations or a header file.
  1516  </p>
  1518  <p>
  1519  Other than being split into multiple files, the package will compile and test
  1520  just like a single-file package.
  1521  </p>
  1523  <h3 id="How_do_I_write_a_unit_test">
  1524  How do I write a unit test?</h3>
  1526  <p>
  1527  Create a new file ending in <code>_test.go</code> in the same directory
  1528  as your package sources. Inside that file, <code>import "testing"</code>
  1529  and write functions of the form
  1530  </p>
  1532  <pre>
  1533  func TestFoo(t *testing.T) {
  1534      ...
  1535  }
  1536  </pre>
  1538  <p>
  1539  Run <code>go test</code> in that directory.
  1540  That script finds the <code>Test</code> functions,
  1541  builds a test binary, and runs it.
  1542  </p>
  1544  <p>See the <a href="/doc/code.html">How to Write Go Code</a> document,
  1545  the <a href="/pkg/testing/"><code>testing</code></a> package
  1546  and the <a href="/cmd/go/#hdr-Test_packages"><code>go test</code></a> subcommand for more details.
  1547  </p>
  1549  <h3 id="testing_framework">
  1550  Where is my favorite helper function for testing?</h3>
  1552  <p>
  1553  Go's standard <a href="/pkg/testing/"><code>testing</code></a> package makes it easy to write unit tests, but it lacks
  1554  features provided in other language's testing frameworks such as assertion functions.
  1555  An <a href="#assertions">earlier section</a> of this document explained why Go
  1556  doesn't have assertions, and
  1557  the same arguments apply to the use of <code>assert</code> in tests.
  1558  Proper error handling means letting other tests run after one has failed, so
  1559  that the person debugging the failure gets a complete picture of what is
  1560  wrong. It is more useful for a test to report that
  1561  <code>isPrime</code> gives the wrong answer for 2, 3, 5, and 7 (or for
  1562  2, 4, 8, and 16) than to report that <code>isPrime</code> gives the wrong
  1563  answer for 2 and therefore no more tests were run. The programmer who
  1564  triggers the test failure may not be familiar with the code that fails.
  1565  Time invested writing a good error message now pays off later when the
  1566  test breaks.
  1567  </p>
  1569  <p>
  1570  A related point is that testing frameworks tend to develop into mini-languages
  1571  of their own, with conditionals and controls and printing mechanisms,
  1572  but Go already has all those capabilities; why recreate them?
  1573  We'd rather write tests in Go; it's one fewer language to learn and the
  1574  approach keeps the tests straightforward and easy to understand.
  1575  </p>
  1577  <p>
  1578  If the amount of extra code required to write
  1579  good errors seems repetitive and overwhelming, the test might work better if
  1580  table-driven, iterating over a list of inputs and outputs defined
  1581  in a data structure (Go has excellent support for data structure literals).
  1582  The work to write a good test and good error messages will then be amortized over many
  1583  test cases. The standard Go library is full of illustrative examples, such as in
  1584  <a href="/src/fmt/fmt_test.go">the formatting tests for the <code>fmt</code> package</a>.
  1585  </p>
  1587  <h3 id="x_in_std">
  1588  Why isn't <i>X</i> in the standard library?</h3>
  1590  <p>
  1591  The standard library's purpose is to support the runtime, connect to
  1592  the operating system, and provide key functionality that many Go
  1593  programs require, such as formatted I/O and networking.
  1594  It also contains elements important for web programming, including
  1595  cryptography and support for standards like HTTP, JSON, and XML.
  1596  </p>
  1598  <p>
  1599  There is no clear criterion that defines what is included because for
  1600  a long time, this was the <i>only</i> Go library.
  1601  There are criteria that define what gets added today, however.
  1602  </p>
  1604  <p>
  1605  New additions to the standard library are rare and the bar for
  1606  inclusion is high.
  1607  Code included in the standard library bears a large ongoing maintenance cost
  1608  (often borne by those other than the original author),
  1609  is subject to the <a href="/doc/go1compat.html">Go 1 compatibility promise</a>
  1610  (blocking fixes to any flaws in the API),
  1611  and is subject to the Go
  1612  <a href="">release schedule</a>,
  1613  preventing bug fixes from being available to users quickly.
  1614  </p>
  1616  <p>
  1617  Most new code should live outside of the standard library and be accessible
  1618  via the <a href="/cmd/go/"><code>go</code> tool</a>'s
  1619  <code>go get</code> command.
  1620  Such code can have its own maintainers, release cycle,
  1621  and compatibility guarantees.
  1622  Users can find packages and read their documentation at
  1623  <a href=""></a>.
  1624  </p>
  1626  <p>
  1627  Although there are pieces in the standard library that don't really belong,
  1628  such as <code>log/syslog</code>, we continue to maintain everything in the
  1629  library because of the Go 1 compatibility promise.
  1630  But we encourage most new code to live elsewhere.
  1631  </p>
  1633  <h2 id="Implementation">Implementation</h2>
  1635  <h3 id="What_compiler_technology_is_used_to_build_the_compilers">
  1636  What compiler technology is used to build the compilers?</h3>
  1638  <p>
  1639  <code>Gccgo</code> has a front end written in C++, with a recursive descent parser coupled to the
  1640  standard GCC back end. <code>Gc</code> is written in Go using
  1641  <code>yacc</code>/<code>bison</code> for the parser
  1642  and uses a custom loader, also written in Go but
  1643  based on the Plan 9 loader, to generate ELF/Mach-O/PE binaries.
  1644  </p>
  1646  <p>
  1647  We considered using LLVM for <code>gc</code> but we felt it was too large and
  1648  slow to meet our performance goals.
  1649  </p>
  1651  <p>
  1652  The original <code>gc</code>, the Go compiler, was written in C
  1653  because of the difficulties of bootstrapping&mdash;you'd need a Go compiler to
  1654  set up a Go environment.
  1655  But things have advanced and as of Go 1.5 the compiler is written in Go.
  1656  It was converted from C to Go using automatic translation tools, as
  1657  described in <a href="/s/go13compiler">this design document</a>
  1658  and <a href="">a recent talk</a>.
  1659  Thus the compiler is now "self-hosting", which means we must face
  1660  the bootstrapping problem.
  1661  The solution, naturally, is to have a working Go installation already,
  1662  just as one normally has a working C installation in place.
  1663  The story of how to bring up a new Go installation from source
  1664  is described <a href="/s/go15bootstrap">separately</a>.
  1665  </p>
  1667  <p>
  1668  Go is a fine language in which to implement a Go compiler.
  1669  Although <code>gc</code> does not use them (yet?), a native lexer and
  1670  parser are available in the <a href="/pkg/go/"><code>go</code></a> package
  1671  and there is also a <a href="/pkg/go/types">type checker</a>.
  1672  </p>
  1674  <h3 id="How_is_the_run_time_support_implemented">
  1675  How is the run-time support implemented?</h3>
  1677  <p>
  1678  Again due to bootstrapping issues, the run-time code was originally written mostly in C (with a
  1679  tiny bit of assembler) but it has since been translated to Go
  1680  (except for some assembler bits).
  1681  <code>Gccgo</code>'s run-time support uses <code>glibc</code>.
  1682  The <code>gccgo</code> compiler implements goroutines using
  1683  a technique called segmented stacks,
  1684  supported by recent modifications to the gold linker.
  1685  </p>
  1687  <h3 id="Why_is_my_trivial_program_such_a_large_binary">
  1688  Why is my trivial program such a large binary?</h3>
  1690  <p>
  1691  The linker in the <code>gc</code> tool chain
  1692  creates statically-linked binaries by default.  All Go binaries therefore include the Go
  1693  run-time, along with the run-time type information necessary to support dynamic
  1694  type checks, reflection, and even panic-time stack traces.
  1695  </p>
  1697  <p>
  1698  A simple C "hello, world" program compiled and linked statically using gcc
  1699  on Linux is around 750 kB,
  1700  including an implementation of <code>printf</code>.
  1701  An equivalent Go program using <code>fmt.Printf</code>
  1702  is around 2.3 MB, but
  1703  that includes more powerful run-time support and type information.
  1704  </p>
  1706  <h3 id="unused_variables_and_imports">
  1707  Can I stop these complaints about my unused variable/import?</h3>
  1709  <p>
  1710  The presence of an unused variable may indicate a bug, while
  1711  unused imports just slow down compilation,
  1712  an effect that can become substantial as a program accumulates
  1713  code and programmers over time.
  1714  For these reasons, Go refuses to compile programs with unused
  1715  variables or imports,
  1716  trading short-term convenience for long-term build speed and
  1717  program clarity.
  1718  </p>
  1720  <p>
  1721  Still, when developing code, it's common to create these situations
  1722  temporarily and it can be annoying to have to edit them out before the
  1723  program will compile.
  1724  </p>
  1726  <p>
  1727  Some have asked for a compiler option to turn those checks off
  1728  or at least reduce them to warnings.
  1729  Such an option has not been added, though,
  1730  because compiler options should not affect the semantics of the
  1731  language and because the Go compiler does not report warnings, only
  1732  errors that prevent compilation.
  1733  </p>
  1735  <p>
  1736  There are two reasons for having no warnings.  First, if it's worth
  1737  complaining about, it's worth fixing in the code.  (And if it's not
  1738  worth fixing, it's not worth mentioning.) Second, having the compiler
  1739  generate warnings encourages the implementation to warn about weak
  1740  cases that can make compilation noisy, masking real errors that
  1741  <em>should</em> be fixed.
  1742  </p>
  1744  <p>
  1745  It's easy to address the situation, though.  Use the blank identifier
  1746  to let unused things persist while you're developing.
  1747  </p>
  1749  <pre>
  1750  import "unused"
  1752  // This declaration marks the import as used by referencing an
  1753  // item from the package.
  1754  var _ = unused.Item  // TODO: Delete before committing!
  1756  func main() {
  1757      debugData := debug.Profile()
  1758      _ = debugData // Used only during debugging.
  1759      ....
  1760  }
  1761  </pre>
  1763  <p>
  1764  Nowadays, most Go programmers use a tool,
  1765  <a href="">goimports</a>,
  1766  which automatically rewrites a Go source file to have the correct imports,
  1767  eliminating the unused imports issue in practice.
  1768  This program is easily connected to most editors to run automatically when a Go source file is written.
  1769  </p>
  1771  <h2 id="Performance">Performance</h2>
  1773  <h3 id="Why_does_Go_perform_badly_on_benchmark_x">
  1774  Why does Go perform badly on benchmark X?</h3>
  1776  <p>
  1777  One of Go's design goals is to approach the performance of C for comparable
  1778  programs, yet on some benchmarks it does quite poorly, including several
  1779  in <a href="/test/bench/shootout/">test/bench/shootout</a>. The slowest depend on libraries
  1780  for which versions of comparable performance are not available in Go.
  1781  For instance, <a href="/test/bench/shootout/pidigits.go">pidigits.go</a>
  1782  depends on a multi-precision math package, and the C
  1783  versions, unlike Go's, use <a href="">GMP</a> (which is
  1784  written in optimized assembler).
  1785  Benchmarks that depend on regular expressions
  1786  (<a href="/test/bench/shootout/regex-dna.go">regex-dna.go</a>, for instance) are
  1787  essentially comparing Go's native <a href="/pkg/regexp">regexp package</a> to
  1788  mature, highly optimized regular expression libraries like PCRE.
  1789  </p>
  1791  <p>
  1792  Benchmark games are won by extensive tuning and the Go versions of most
  1793  of the benchmarks need attention.  If you measure comparable C
  1794  and Go programs
  1795  (<a href="/test/bench/shootout/reverse-complement.go">reverse-complement.go</a> is one example), you'll see the two
  1796  languages are much closer in raw performance than this suite would
  1797  indicate.
  1798  </p>
  1800  <p>
  1801  Still, there is room for improvement. The compilers are good but could be
  1802  better, many libraries need major performance work, and the garbage collector
  1803  isn't fast enough yet. (Even if it were, taking care not to generate unnecessary
  1804  garbage can have a huge effect.)
  1805  </p>
  1807  <p>
  1808  In any case, Go can often be very competitive.
  1809  There has been significant improvement in the performance of many programs
  1810  as the language and tools have developed.
  1811  See the blog post about
  1812  <a href="//">profiling
  1813  Go programs</a> for an informative example.
  1815  <h2 id="change_from_c">Changes from C</h2>
  1817  <h3 id="different_syntax">
  1818  Why is the syntax so different from C?</h3>
  1819  <p>
  1820  Other than declaration syntax, the differences are not major and stem
  1821  from two desires.  First, the syntax should feel light, without too
  1822  many mandatory keywords, repetition, or arcana.  Second, the language
  1823  has been designed to be easy to analyze
  1824  and can be parsed without a symbol table.  This makes it much easier
  1825  to build tools such as debuggers, dependency analyzers, automated
  1826  documentation extractors, IDE plug-ins, and so on.  C and its
  1827  descendants are notoriously difficult in this regard.
  1828  </p>
  1830  <h3 id="declarations_backwards">
  1831  Why are declarations backwards?</h3>
  1832  <p>
  1833  They're only backwards if you're used to C. In C, the notion is that a
  1834  variable is declared like an expression denoting its type, which is a
  1835  nice idea, but the type and expression grammars don't mix very well and
  1836  the results can be confusing; consider function pointers.  Go mostly
  1837  separates expression and type syntax and that simplifies things (using
  1838  prefix <code>*</code> for pointers is an exception that proves the rule).  In C,
  1839  the declaration
  1840  </p>
  1841  <pre>
  1842      int* a, b;
  1843  </pre>
  1844  <p>
  1845  declares <code>a</code> to be a pointer but not <code>b</code>; in Go
  1846  </p>
  1847  <pre>
  1848      var a, b *int
  1849  </pre>
  1850  <p>
  1851  declares both to be pointers.  This is clearer and more regular.
  1852  Also, the <code>:=</code> short declaration form argues that a full variable
  1853  declaration should present the same order as <code>:=</code> so
  1854  </p>
  1855  <pre>
  1856      var a uint64 = 1
  1857  </pre>
  1858  <p>
  1859  has the same effect as
  1860  </p>
  1861  <pre>
  1862      a := uint64(1)
  1863  </pre>
  1864  <p>
  1865  Parsing is also simplified by having a distinct grammar for types that
  1866  is not just the expression grammar; keywords such as <code>func</code>
  1867  and <code>chan</code> keep things clear.
  1868  </p>
  1870  <p>
  1871  See the article about
  1872  <a href="/doc/articles/gos_declaration_syntax.html">Go's Declaration Syntax</a>
  1873  for more details.
  1874  </p>
  1876  <h3 id="no_pointer_arithmetic">
  1877  Why is there no pointer arithmetic?</h3>
  1878  <p>
  1879  Safety.  Without pointer arithmetic it's possible to create a
  1880  language that can never derive an illegal address that succeeds
  1881  incorrectly.  Compiler and hardware technology have advanced to the
  1882  point where a loop using array indices can be as efficient as a loop
  1883  using pointer arithmetic.  Also, the lack of pointer arithmetic can
  1884  simplify the implementation of the garbage collector.
  1885  </p>
  1887  <h3 id="inc_dec">
  1888  Why are <code>++</code> and <code>--</code> statements and not expressions?  And why postfix, not prefix?</h3>
  1889  <p>
  1890  Without pointer arithmetic, the convenience value of pre- and postfix
  1891  increment operators drops.  By removing them from the expression
  1892  hierarchy altogether, expression syntax is simplified and the messy
  1893  issues around order of evaluation of <code>++</code> and <code>--</code>
  1894  (consider <code>f(i++)</code> and <code>p[i] = q[++i]</code>)
  1895  are eliminated as well.  The simplification is
  1896  significant.  As for postfix vs. prefix, either would work fine but
  1897  the postfix version is more traditional; insistence on prefix arose
  1898  with the STL, a library for a language whose name contains, ironically, a
  1899  postfix increment.
  1900  </p>
  1902  <h3 id="semicolons">
  1903  Why are there braces but no semicolons? And why can't I put the opening
  1904  brace on the next line?</h3>
  1905  <p>
  1906  Go uses brace brackets for statement grouping, a syntax familiar to
  1907  programmers who have worked with any language in the C family.
  1908  Semicolons, however, are for parsers, not for people, and we wanted to
  1909  eliminate them as much as possible.  To achieve this goal, Go borrows
  1910  a trick from BCPL: the semicolons that separate statements are in the
  1911  formal grammar but are injected automatically, without lookahead, by
  1912  the lexer at the end of any line that could be the end of a statement.
  1913  This works very well in practice but has the effect that it forces a
  1914  brace style.  For instance, the opening brace of a function cannot
  1915  appear on a line by itself.
  1916  </p>
  1918  <p>
  1919  Some have argued that the lexer should do lookahead to permit the
  1920  brace to live on the next line.  We disagree.  Since Go code is meant
  1921  to be formatted automatically by
  1922  <a href="/cmd/gofmt/"><code>gofmt</code></a>,
  1923  <i>some</i> style must be chosen.  That style may differ from what
  1924  you've used in C or Java, but Go is a new language and
  1925  <code>gofmt</code>'s style is as good as any other.  More
  1926  important&mdash;much more important&mdash;the advantages of a single,
  1927  programmatically mandated format for all Go programs greatly outweigh
  1928  any perceived disadvantages of the particular style.
  1929  Note too that Go's style means that an interactive implementation of
  1930  Go can use the standard syntax one line at a time without special rules.
  1931  </p>
  1933  <h3 id="garbage_collection">
  1934  Why do garbage collection?  Won't it be too expensive?</h3>
  1935  <p>
  1936  One of the biggest sources of bookkeeping in systems programs is
  1937  memory management.  We feel it's critical to eliminate that
  1938  programmer overhead, and advances in garbage collection
  1939  technology in the last few years give us confidence that we can
  1940  implement it with low enough overhead and no significant
  1941  latency.
  1942  </p>
  1944  <p>
  1945  Another point is that a large part of the difficulty of concurrent
  1946  and multi-threaded programming is memory management;
  1947  as objects get passed among threads it becomes cumbersome
  1948  to guarantee they become freed safely.
  1949  Automatic garbage collection makes concurrent code far easier to write.
  1950  Of course, implementing garbage collection in a concurrent environment is
  1951  itself a challenge, but meeting it once rather than in every
  1952  program helps everyone.
  1953  </p>
  1955  <p>
  1956  Finally, concurrency aside, garbage collection makes interfaces
  1957  simpler because they don't need to specify how memory is managed across them.
  1958  </p>
  1960  <p>
  1961  The current implementation is a parallel mark-and-sweep collector.
  1962  Recent improvements, documented in
  1963  <a href="/s/go14gc">this design document</a>,
  1964  have introduced bounded pause times and improved the
  1965  parallelism.
  1966  Future versions might attempt new approaches.
  1967  </p>
  1969  <p>
  1970  On the topic of performance, keep in mind that Go gives the programmer
  1971  considerable control over memory layout and allocation, much more than
  1972  is typical in garbage-collected languages. A careful programmer can reduce
  1973  the garbage collection overhead dramatically by using the language well;
  1974  see the article about
  1975  <a href="//">profiling
  1976  Go programs</a> for a worked example, including a demonstration of Go's
  1977  profiling tools.
  1978  </p>