
     1  Feature: hub fetch
     2    Background:
     3      Given I am in "dotfiles" git repo
     4      And the "origin" remote has url "git://"
     5      And I am "mislav" on with OAuth token "OTOKEN"
     7    Scenario: Fetch existing remote
     8      When I successfully run `hub fetch origin`
     9      Then "git fetch origin" should be run
    10      And there should be no output
    12    Scenario: Creates new remote
    13      Given the GitHub API server:
    14        """
    15        get('/repos/mislav/dotfiles') { json :private => false }
    16        """
    17      When I successfully run `hub fetch mislav`
    18      Then "git fetch mislav" should be run
    19      And the url for "mislav" should be "git://"
    20      And there should be no output
    22    Scenario: Owner name with dash
    23      Given the GitHub API server:
    24        """
    25        get('/repos/ankit-maverick/dotfiles') { json :private => false }
    26        """
    27      When I successfully run `hub fetch ankit-maverick`
    28      Then "git fetch ankit-maverick" should be run
    29      And the url for "ankit-maverick" should be "git://"
    30      And there should be no output
    32    Scenario: HTTPS is preferred
    33      Given the GitHub API server:
    34        """
    35        get('/repos/mislav/dotfiles') { json :private => false }
    36        """
    37      And HTTPS is preferred
    38      When I successfully run `hub fetch mislav`
    39      Then "git fetch mislav" should be run
    40      And the url for "mislav" should be ""
    42    Scenario: Private repo
    43      Given the GitHub API server:
    44        """
    45        get('/repos/mislav/dotfiles') { json :private => true }
    46        """
    47      When I successfully run `hub fetch mislav`
    48      Then "git fetch mislav" should be run
    49      And the url for "mislav" should be ""
    50      And there should be no output
    52    Scenario: Fetch with options
    53      Given the GitHub API server:
    54        """
    55        get('/repos/mislav/dotfiles') { json :private => false }
    56        """
    57      When I successfully run `hub fetch --depth=1 mislav`
    58      Then "git fetch --depth=1 mislav" should be run
    60    Scenario: Fetch multiple
    61      Given the GitHub API server:
    62        """
    63        get('/repos/:owner/dotfiles') { json :private => false }
    64        """
    65      When I successfully run `hub fetch --multiple mislav rtomayko`
    66      Then "git fetch --multiple mislav rtomayko" should be run
    67      And the url for "mislav" should be "git://"
    68      And the url for "rtomayko" should be "git://"
    70    Scenario: Fetch multiple with filtering
    71      Given the GitHub API server:
    72        """
    73        get('/repos/mislav/dotfiles') { json :private => false }
    74        """
    75      When I successfully run `git config remotes.mygrp "foo bar"`
    76      When I successfully run `hub fetch --multiple origin mislav mygrp git:// typo`
    77      Then "git fetch --multiple origin mislav mygrp git:// typo" should be run
    78      And the url for "mislav" should be "git://"
    79      But there should be no "mygrp" remote
    80      And there should be no "typo" remote
    82    Scenario: Fetch multiple comma-separated
    83      Given the GitHub API server:
    84        """
    85        get('/repos/:owner/dotfiles') { json :private => false }
    86        """
    87      When I successfully run `hub fetch mislav,rtomayko`
    88      Then "git fetch --multiple mislav rtomayko" should be run
    89      And the url for "mislav" should be "git://"
    90      And the url for "rtomayko" should be "git://"
    92    Scenario: Doesn't create a new remote if repo doesn't exist on GitHub
    93      Given the GitHub API server:
    94        """
    95        get('/repos/mislav/dotfiles') { status 404 }
    96        """
    97      When I successfully run `hub fetch mislav`
    98      Then "git fetch mislav" should be run
    99      And there should be no "mislav" remote