
     1  // Copyright 2018 The LevelDB-Go and Pebble Authors. All rights reserved. Use
     2  // of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in
     3  // the LICENSE file.
     5  package ptable
     7  import (
     8  	"encoding/binary"
     9  	"math"
    10  	"unsafe"
    11  )
    13  type columnWriter struct {
    14  	ctype     ColumnType
    15  	data      []byte
    16  	offsets   []int32
    17  	nulls     nullBitmapBuilder
    18  	count     int32
    19  	nullCount int32
    20  }
    22  func (w *columnWriter) reset() {
    23 =[:0]
    24  	w.offsets = w.offsets[:0]
    25  	w.nulls = w.nulls[:0]
    26  	w.count = 0
    27  	w.nullCount = 0
    28  }
    30  func (w *columnWriter) grow(n int) []byte {
    31  	i := len(
    32  	if cap( < n {
    33  		newSize := 2 * cap(
    34  		if newSize == 0 {
    35  			newSize = 256
    36  		}
    37  		newData := make([]byte, i, newSize)
    38  		copy(newData,
    39 = newData
    40  	}
    41 =[:i+n]
    42  	return[i:]
    43  }
    45  func (w *columnWriter) putBool(v bool) {
    46  	if w.ctype != ColumnTypeBool {
    47  		panic("bool column value expected")
    48  	}
    49 = (Bitmap)(, v)
    50  	w.nulls = w.nulls.set(int(w.count), false)
    51  	w.count++
    52  }
    54  func (w *columnWriter) putInt8(v int8) {
    55  	if w.ctype != ColumnTypeInt8 {
    56  		panic("int8 column value expected")
    57  	}
    58 = append(, byte(v))
    59  	w.nulls = w.nulls.set(int(w.count), false)
    60  	w.count++
    61  }
    63  func (w *columnWriter) putInt16(v int16) {
    64  	if w.ctype != ColumnTypeInt16 {
    65  		panic("int16 column value expected")
    66  	}
    67  	binary.LittleEndian.PutUint16(w.grow(2), uint16(v))
    68  	w.nulls = w.nulls.set(int(w.count), false)
    69  	w.count++
    70  }
    72  func (w *columnWriter) putInt32(v int32) {
    73  	if w.ctype != ColumnTypeInt32 {
    74  		panic("int32 column value expected")
    75  	}
    76  	binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(w.grow(4), uint32(v))
    77  	w.nulls = w.nulls.set(int(w.count), false)
    78  	w.count++
    79  }
    81  func (w *columnWriter) putInt64(v int64) {
    82  	if w.ctype != ColumnTypeInt64 {
    83  		panic("int64 column value expected")
    84  	}
    85  	binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(w.grow(8), uint64(v))
    86  	w.nulls = w.nulls.set(int(w.count), false)
    87  	w.count++
    88  }
    90  func (w *columnWriter) putFloat32(v float32) {
    91  	if w.ctype != ColumnTypeFloat32 {
    92  		panic("float32 column value expected")
    93  	}
    94  	binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(w.grow(4), math.Float32bits(v))
    95  	w.nulls = w.nulls.set(int(w.count), false)
    96  	w.count++
    97  }
    99  func (w *columnWriter) putFloat64(v float64) {
   100  	if w.ctype != ColumnTypeFloat64 {
   101  		panic("float64 column value expected")
   102  	}
   103  	binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(w.grow(8), math.Float64bits(v))
   104  	w.nulls = w.nulls.set(int(w.count), false)
   105  	w.count++
   106  }
   108  func (w *columnWriter) putBytes(v []byte) {
   109  	if w.ctype != ColumnTypeBytes {
   110  		panic("bytes column value expected")
   111  	}
   112 = append(, v...)
   113  	w.offsets = append(w.offsets, int32(len(
   114  	w.nulls = w.nulls.set(int(w.count), false)
   115  	w.count++
   116  }
   118  func (w *columnWriter) putNull() {
   119  	w.nulls = w.nulls.set(int(w.count), true)
   120  	if w.ctype.Width() <= 0 {
   121  		w.offsets = append(w.offsets, int32(len(
   122  	}
   123  	w.count++
   124  	w.nullCount++
   125  }
   127  func align(offset, val int32) int32 {
   128  	return (offset + val - 1) & ^(val - 1)
   129  }
   131  func (w *columnWriter) encode(offset int32, buf []byte) int32 {
   132  	// The column type.
   133  	buf[offset] = byte(w.ctype)
   134  	offset++
   135  	// The NULL-bitmap.
   136  	if w.nullCount == 0 {
   137  		buf[offset] = 0 // no NULL-bitmap
   138  		offset++
   139  	} else {
   140  		buf[offset] = 1 // NULL-bitmap exists
   141  		offset++
   142  		offset = align(offset, 4)
   143  		w.nulls.verify()
   144  		for i := 0; i < len(w.nulls); i++ {
   145  			binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(buf[offset:], w.nulls[i])
   146  			offset += 4
   147  		}
   148  	}
   149  	// The column values.
   150  	offset = align(offset, w.ctype.Alignment())
   151  	offset += int32(copy(buf[offset:],
   152  	// The offsets for variable width data.
   153  	if w.ctype.Width() <= 0 {
   154  		offset = align(offset, 4)
   155  		dest := (*[1 << 31]int32)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[offset]))[:w.count:w.count]
   156  		copy(dest, w.offsets)
   157  		offset += int32(len(w.offsets) * 4)
   158  	}
   159  	return offset
   160  }
   162  func (w *columnWriter) size(offset int32) int32 {
   163  	startOffset := offset
   164  	// The column type.
   165  	offset++
   166  	// The NULL-bitmap.
   167  	offset++
   168  	if w.nullCount > 0 {
   169  		offset = align(offset, 4)
   170  		offset += 4 * int32(len(w.nulls))
   171  	}
   172  	// The column values.
   173  	offset = align(offset, w.ctype.Alignment())
   174  	offset += int32(len(
   175  	// The offsets for variable width data.
   176  	if w.ctype.Width() <= 0 {
   177  		offset = align(offset, 4)
   178  		offset += int32(len(w.offsets) * 4)
   179  	}
   180  	return offset - startOffset
   181  }
   183  func blockHeaderSize(n int) int32 {
   184  	return int32(8 + n*4)
   185  }
   187  func pageOffsetPos(i int) int32 {
   188  	return int32(8 + i*4)
   189  }
   191  type blockWriter struct {
   192  	cols []columnWriter
   193  	buf  []byte
   194  }
   196  func (w *blockWriter) init(s []ColumnType) {
   197  	w.cols = make([]columnWriter, len(s))
   198  	for i := range w.cols {
   199  		w.cols[i].ctype = s[i]
   200  	}
   201  }
   203  func (w *blockWriter) reset() {
   204  	for i := range w.cols {
   205  		w.cols[i].reset()
   206  	}
   207  }
   209  func (w *blockWriter) Finish() []byte {
   210  	size := w.Size()
   211  	if int32(cap(w.buf)) < size {
   212  		w.buf = make([]byte, size)
   213  	}
   214  	w.buf = w.buf[:size]
   215  	n := len(w.cols)
   216  	binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(w.buf[0:], uint32(n))
   217  	binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(w.buf[4:], uint32(w.cols[0].count))
   218  	pageOffset := blockHeaderSize(n)
   219  	for i := range w.cols {
   220  		col := &w.cols[i]
   221  		binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(w.buf[pageOffsetPos(i):], uint32(pageOffset))
   222  		pageOffset = col.encode(pageOffset, w.buf)
   223  	}
   224  	return w.buf
   225  }
   227  func (w *blockWriter) Size() int32 {
   228  	size := blockHeaderSize(len(w.cols))
   229  	for i := range w.cols {
   230  		size += w.cols[i].size(size)
   231  	}
   232  	return size
   233  }
   235  func (w *blockWriter) PutRow(row RowReader) {
   236  	for i := range w.cols {
   237  		col := &w.cols[i]
   238  		if row.Null(i) {
   239  			col.putNull()
   240  			continue
   241  		}
   242  		switch w.cols[i].ctype {
   243  		case ColumnTypeBool:
   244  			col.putBool(row.Bool(i))
   245  		case ColumnTypeInt8:
   246  			col.putInt8(row.Int8(i))
   247  		case ColumnTypeInt16:
   248  			col.putInt16(row.Int16(i))
   249  		case ColumnTypeInt32:
   250  			col.putInt32(row.Int32(i))
   251  		case ColumnTypeInt64:
   252  			col.putInt64(row.Int64(i))
   253  		case ColumnTypeFloat32:
   254  			col.putFloat32(row.Float32(i))
   255  		case ColumnTypeFloat64:
   256  			col.putFloat64(row.Float64(i))
   257  		case ColumnTypeBytes:
   258  			col.putBytes(row.Bytes(i))
   259  		}
   260  	}
   261  }
   263  func (w *blockWriter) PutBool(col int, v bool) {
   264  	w.cols[col].putBool(v)
   265  }
   267  func (w *blockWriter) PutInt8(col int, v int8) {
   268  	w.cols[col].putInt8(v)
   269  }
   271  func (w *blockWriter) PutInt16(col int, v int16) {
   272  	w.cols[col].putInt16(v)
   273  }
   275  func (w *blockWriter) PutInt32(col int, v int32) {
   276  	w.cols[col].putInt32(v)
   277  }
   279  func (w *blockWriter) PutInt64(col int, v int64) {
   280  	w.cols[col].putInt64(v)
   281  }
   283  func (w *blockWriter) PutFloat32(col int, v float32) {
   284  	w.cols[col].putFloat32(v)
   285  }
   287  func (w *blockWriter) PutFloat64(col int, v float64) {
   288  	w.cols[col].putFloat64(v)
   289  }
   291  func (w *blockWriter) PutBytes(col int, v []byte) {
   292  	w.cols[col].putBytes(v)
   293  }
   295  func (w *blockWriter) PutNull(col int) {
   296  	w.cols[col].putNull()
   297  }
   299  // Block is a contiguous chunk of memory that contains column data. The layout
   300  // of a block is:
   301  //
   302  // +---------------------------------------------------------------+
   303  // | ncols(4) | nrows(4) | page1(4) | page2(4) | ...    | pageN(4) |
   304  // +---------------------------------------------------------------+
   305  // | <bool>  | NULL-bitmap | value-bitmap                          |
   306  // +---------------------------------------------------------------+
   307  // | <int32> | NULL-bitmap | values (4-byte aligned)               |
   308  // +---------------------------------------------------------------+
   309  // | <bytes> | NULL-bitmap | val1 | val2 | ... | pos (4) | pos (4) |
   310  // +---------------------------------------------------------------+
   311  // | ...                                                           |
   312  // +---------------------------------------------------------------+
   313  //
   314  // Blocks contain rows following a fixed schema. The data is stored in a
   315  // columnar layout: all of the values for a column are stored
   316  // contiguously. Column types have either fixed-width values, or
   317  // variable-width. All variable-width values are stored in the "bytes" column
   318  // type and it is up to higher levels to interpret.
   319  //
   320  // The data for a column is stored within a "page". The first byte in a page
   321  // specifies the column type. Fixed width pages are then followed by a
   322  // NULL-bitmap with 1-bit per row indicating whether the column at that row is
   323  // null or not. Following the NULL-bitmap is the column data itself. The data
   324  // is aligned to the required alignment of the column type (4 for int32, 8 for
   325  // int64, etc) so that it can be accessed directly without decoding.
   326  //
   327  // The NULL-bitmap indicates the presence of a column value. If the i'th bit of
   328  // the NULL-bitmap for a column is 1, no value is stored for the column at that
   329  // index. The NULL-bitmap is interleaved with a rank lookup table which
   330  // accelerates calculation of the rank for bitmap i. The rank is the number of
   331  // non-NULL values present in bitmap[0,i). The bitmap is organized as a series
   332  // of 32-bit words where the low 16-bits of each word are part of the bitmap
   333  // and the high 16-bits are the sum of the set bits in the earlier words. The
   334  // NULL-bitmap is omitted if there are no NULL values for a column in a block.
   335  //
   336  // Variable width data (i.e. the "bytes" column type) is stored in a different
   337  // format. Immediately following the column type are the concatenated variable
   338  // length values. After the concatenated data is an array of offsets indicating
   339  // the end of each column value within the concatenated data. For example,
   340  // offset[0] is the end of the first row's column data. A negative offset
   341  // indicates a null value.
   342  type Block struct {
   343  	start unsafe.Pointer
   344  	len   int32
   345  	cols  int32
   346  	rows  int32
   347  }
   349  // NewBlock return a new Block configured to read from the specified
   350  // memory. The caller must ensure that the data is formatted as to the block
   351  // layout specification.
   352  func NewBlock(data []byte) *Block {
   353  	r := &Block{}
   354  	r.init(data)
   355  	return r
   356  }
   358  func (r *Block) init(data []byte) {
   359  	r.start = unsafe.Pointer(&data[0])
   360  	r.len = int32(len(data))
   361  	r.cols = int32(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(data[0:]))
   362  	r.rows = int32(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(data[4:]))
   363  }
   365  func (r *Block) pageStart(col int) int32 {
   366  	if int32(col) >= r.cols {
   367  		return r.len
   368  	}
   369  	return *(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(r.start) + 8 + uintptr(col*4)))
   370  }
   372  func (r *Block) pointer(offset int32) unsafe.Pointer {
   373  	return unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(r.start) + uintptr(offset))
   374  }
   376  func (r *Block) data() []byte {
   377  	return (*[1 << 31]byte)(r.start)[:r.len:r.len]
   378  }
   380  // Column returns a Vector for the specified column. The caller must check (or
   381  // otherwise know) the type of the column before accessing the column data. The
   382  // caller should check to see if the column contains any NULL values
   383  // (Vec.Null.Empty()) and specialize processing accordingly.
   384  func (r *Block) Column(col int) Vec {
   385  	if col < 0 || int32(col) >= r.cols {
   386  		panic("invalid column")
   387  	}
   389  	start := r.pageStart(col)
   390  	data := r.pointer(start)
   392  	var v Vec
   393  	v.N = r.rows
   394  	// The column type.
   395  	v.Type = *(*ColumnType)(data)
   396  	start++
   397  	// The NULL-bitmap.
   398  	if *(*byte)(r.pointer(start)) == 0 {
   399  		start++
   400  	} else {
   401  		start = align(start, 4)
   402  		v.ptr = r.pointer(start)
   403  		start += 4 * (int32(r.rows+15) / 16)
   404  	}
   405  	// The column values.
   406  	start = align(start, v.Type.Alignment())
   407  	v.start = r.pointer(start)
   408  	// The end of the offsets for variable width data.
   409  	v.end = r.pointer(r.pageStart(col + 1))
   410  	return v
   411  }