
     1  // This file originates from the SatoshiLabs Trezor `common` repository at:
     2  //
     3  // dated 28.05.2019, commit 893fd219d4a01bcffa0cd9cfa631856371ec5aa9.
     5  syntax = "proto2";
     6  package hw.trezor.messages.common;
     8  /**
     9   * Response: Success of the previous request
    10   * @end
    11   */
    12  message Success {
    13      optional string message = 1;    // human readable description of action or request-specific payload
    14  }
    16  /**
    17   * Response: Failure of the previous request
    18   * @end
    19   */
    20  message Failure {
    21      optional FailureType code = 1;  // computer-readable definition of the error state
    22      optional string message = 2;    // human-readable message of the error state
    23      enum FailureType {
    24          Failure_UnexpectedMessage = 1;
    25          Failure_ButtonExpected = 2;
    26          Failure_DataError = 3;
    27          Failure_ActionCancelled = 4;
    28          Failure_PinExpected = 5;
    29          Failure_PinCancelled = 6;
    30          Failure_PinInvalid = 7;
    31          Failure_InvalidSignature = 8;
    32          Failure_ProcessError = 9;
    33          Failure_NotEnoughFunds = 10;
    34          Failure_NotInitialized = 11;
    35          Failure_PinMismatch = 12;
    36          Failure_FirmwareError = 99;
    37      }
    38  }
    40  /**
    41   * Response: Device is waiting for HW button press.
    42   * @auxstart
    43   * @next ButtonAck
    44   */
    45  message ButtonRequest {
    46      optional ButtonRequestType code = 1;
    47      optional string data = 2;
    48      /**
    49      * Type of button request
    50      */
    51      enum ButtonRequestType {
    52          ButtonRequest_Other = 1;
    53          ButtonRequest_FeeOverThreshold = 2;
    54          ButtonRequest_ConfirmOutput = 3;
    55          ButtonRequest_ResetDevice = 4;
    56          ButtonRequest_ConfirmWord = 5;
    57          ButtonRequest_WipeDevice = 6;
    58          ButtonRequest_ProtectCall = 7;
    59          ButtonRequest_SignTx = 8;
    60          ButtonRequest_FirmwareCheck = 9;
    61          ButtonRequest_Address = 10;
    62          ButtonRequest_PublicKey = 11;
    63          ButtonRequest_MnemonicWordCount = 12;
    64          ButtonRequest_MnemonicInput = 13;
    65          ButtonRequest_PassphraseType = 14;
    66          ButtonRequest_UnknownDerivationPath = 15;
    67      }
    68  }
    70  /**
    71   * Request: Computer agrees to wait for HW button press
    72   * @auxend
    73   */
    74  message ButtonAck {
    75  }
    77  /**
    78   * Response: Device is asking computer to show PIN matrix and awaits PIN encoded using this matrix scheme
    79   * @auxstart
    80   * @next PinMatrixAck
    81   */
    82  message PinMatrixRequest {
    83      optional PinMatrixRequestType type = 1;
    84      /**
    85      * Type of PIN request
    86      */
    87      enum PinMatrixRequestType {
    88          PinMatrixRequestType_Current = 1;
    89          PinMatrixRequestType_NewFirst = 2;
    90          PinMatrixRequestType_NewSecond = 3;
    91      }
    92  }
    94  /**
    95   * Request: Computer responds with encoded PIN
    96   * @auxend
    97   */
    98  message PinMatrixAck {
    99      required string pin = 1;    // matrix encoded PIN entered by user
   100  }
   102  /**
   103   * Response: Device awaits encryption passphrase
   104   * @auxstart
   105   * @next PassphraseAck
   106   */
   107  message PassphraseRequest {
   108      optional bool on_device = 1;    // passphrase is being entered on the device
   109  }
   111  /**
   112   * Request: Send passphrase back
   113   * @next PassphraseStateRequest
   114   */
   115  message PassphraseAck {
   116      optional string passphrase = 1;
   117      optional bytes state = 2;       // expected device state
   118  }
   120  /**
   121   * Response: Device awaits passphrase state
   122   * @next PassphraseStateAck
   123   */
   124  message PassphraseStateRequest {
   125      optional bytes state = 1;       // actual device state
   126  }
   128  /**
   129   * Request: Send passphrase state back
   130   * @auxend
   131   */
   132  message PassphraseStateAck {
   133  }
   135  /**
   136   * Structure representing BIP32 (hierarchical deterministic) node
   137   * Used for imports of private key into the device and exporting public key out of device
   138   * @embed
   139   */
   140  message HDNodeType {
   141      required uint32 depth = 1;
   142      required uint32 fingerprint = 2;
   143      required uint32 child_num = 3;
   144      required bytes chain_code = 4;
   145      optional bytes private_key = 5;
   146      optional bytes public_key = 6;
   147  }