(about) 1 ## UI Client interface 2 3 These data types are defined in the channel between clef and the UI 4 ### SignDataRequest 5 6 SignDataRequest contains information about a pending request to sign some data. The data to be signed can be of various types, defined by content-type. Clef has done most of the work in canonicalizing and making sense of the data, and it's up to the UI to present the user with the contents of the `message` 7 8 Example: 9 ```json 10 { 11 "content_type": "text/plain", 12 "address": "0xDEADbEeF000000000000000000000000DeaDbeEf", 13 "raw_data": "GUV0aGVyZXVtIFNpZ25lZCBNZXNzYWdlOgoxMWhlbGxvIHdvcmxk", 14 "messages": [ 15 { 16 "name": "message", 17 "value": "\u0019Ethereum Signed Message:\n11hello world", 18 "type": "text/plain" 19 } 20 ], 21 "hash": "0xd9eba16ed0ecae432b71fe008c98cc872bb4cc214d3220a36f365326cf807d68", 22 "meta": { 23 "remote": "localhost:9999", 24 "local": "localhost:8545", 25 "scheme": "http", 26 "User-Agent": "Firefox 3.2", 27 "Origin": "" 28 } 29 } 30 ``` 31 ### SignDataResponse - approve 32 33 Response to SignDataRequest 34 35 Example: 36 ```json 37 { 38 "approved": true 39 } 40 ``` 41 ### SignDataResponse - deny 42 43 Response to SignDataRequest 44 45 Example: 46 ```json 47 { 48 "approved": false 49 } 50 ``` 51 ### SignTxRequest 52 53 SignTxRequest contains information about a pending request to sign a transaction. Aside from the transaction itself, there is also a `call_info`-struct. That struct contains messages of various types, that the user should be informed of. 54 55 As in any request, it's important to consider that the `meta` info also contains untrusted data. 56 57 The `transaction` (on input into clef) can have either `data` or `input` -- if both are set, they must be identical, otherwise an error is generated. However, Clef will always use `data` when passing this struct on (if Clef does otherwise, please file a ticket) 58 59 Example: 60 ```json 61 { 62 "transaction": { 63 "from": "0xDEADbEeF000000000000000000000000DeaDbeEf", 64 "to": null, 65 "gas": "0x3e8", 66 "gasPrice": "0x5", 67 "value": "0x6", 68 "nonce": "0x1", 69 "data": "0x01020304" 70 }, 71 "call_info": [ 72 { 73 "type": "Warning", 74 "message": "Something looks odd, show this message as a warning" 75 }, 76 { 77 "type": "Info", 78 "message": "User should see this aswell" 79 } 80 ], 81 "meta": { 82 "remote": "localhost:9999", 83 "local": "localhost:8545", 84 "scheme": "http", 85 "User-Agent": "Firefox 3.2", 86 "Origin": "" 87 } 88 } 89 ``` 90 ### SignTxResponse - approve 91 92 Response to request to sign a transaction. This response needs to contain the `transaction`, because the UI is free to make modifications to the transaction. 93 94 Example: 95 ```json 96 { 97 "transaction": { 98 "from": "0xDEADbEeF000000000000000000000000DeaDbeEf", 99 "to": null, 100 "gas": "0x3e8", 101 "gasPrice": "0x5", 102 "value": "0x6", 103 "nonce": "0x4", 104 "data": "0x04030201" 105 }, 106 "approved": true 107 } 108 ``` 109 ### SignTxResponse - deny 110 111 Response to SignTxRequest. When denying a request, there's no need to provide the transaction in return 112 113 Example: 114 ```json 115 { 116 "transaction": { 117 "from": "0x", 118 "to": null, 119 "gas": "0x0", 120 "gasPrice": "0x0", 121 "value": "0x0", 122 "nonce": "0x0", 123 "data": null 124 }, 125 "approved": false 126 } 127 ``` 128 ### OnApproved - SignTransactionResult 129 130 SignTransactionResult is used in the call `clef` -> `OnApprovedTx(result)` 131 132 This occurs _after_ successful completion of the entire signing procedure, but right before the signed transaction is passed to the external caller. This method (and data) can be used by the UI to signal to the user that the transaction was signed, but it is primarily useful for ruleset implementations. 133 134 A ruleset that implements a rate limitation needs to know what transactions are sent out to the external interface. By hooking into this methods, the ruleset can maintain track of that count. 135 136 **OBS:** Note that if an attacker can restore your `clef` data to a previous point in time (e.g through a backup), the attacker can reset such windows, even if he/she is unable to decrypt the content. 137 138 The `OnApproved` method cannot be responded to, it's purely informative 139 140 Example: 141 ```json 142 { 143 "raw": "0xf85d640101948a8eafb1cf62bfbeb1741769dae1a9dd47996192018026a0716bd90515acb1e68e5ac5867aa11a1e65399c3349d479f5fb698554ebc6f293a04e8a4ebfff434e971e0ef12c5bf3a881b06fd04fc3f8b8a7291fb67a26a1d4ed", 144 "tx": { 145 "nonce": "0x64", 146 "gasPrice": "0x1", 147 "gas": "0x1", 148 "to": "0x8a8eafb1cf62bfbeb1741769dae1a9dd47996192", 149 "value": "0x1", 150 "input": "0x", 151 "v": "0x26", 152 "r": "0x716bd90515acb1e68e5ac5867aa11a1e65399c3349d479f5fb698554ebc6f293", 153 "s": "0x4e8a4ebfff434e971e0ef12c5bf3a881b06fd04fc3f8b8a7291fb67a26a1d4ed", 154 "hash": "0x662f6d772692dd692f1b5e8baa77a9ff95bbd909362df3fc3d301aafebde5441" 155 } 156 } 157 ``` 158 ### UserInputRequest 159 160 Sent when clef needs the user to provide data. If 'password' is true, the input field should be treated accordingly (echo-free) 161 162 Example: 163 ```json 164 { 165 "prompt": "The question to ask the user", 166 "title": "The title here", 167 "isPassword": true 168 } 169 ``` 170 ### UserInputResponse 171 172 Response to UserInputRequest 173 174 Example: 175 ```json 176 { 177 "text": "The textual response from user" 178 } 179 ``` 180 ### ListRequest 181 182 Sent when a request has been made to list addresses. The UI is provided with the full `account`s, including local directory names. Note: this information is not passed back to the external caller, who only sees the `address`es. 183 184 Example: 185 ```json 186 { 187 "accounts": [ 188 { 189 "address": "0xdeadbeef000000000000000000000000deadbeef", 190 "url": "keystore:///path/to/keyfile/a" 191 }, 192 { 193 "address": "0x1111111122222222222233333333334444444444", 194 "url": "keystore:///path/to/keyfile/b" 195 } 196 ], 197 "meta": { 198 "remote": "localhost:9999", 199 "local": "localhost:8545", 200 "scheme": "http", 201 "User-Agent": "Firefox 3.2", 202 "Origin": "" 203 } 204 } 205 ``` 206 ### ListResponse 207 208 Response to list request. The response contains a list of all addresses to show to the caller. Note: the UI is free to respond with any address the caller, regardless of whether it exists or not 209 210 Example: 211 ```json 212 { 213 "accounts": [ 214 { 215 "address": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", 216 "url": ".. ignored .." 217 }, 218 { 219 "address": "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff", 220 "url": "" 221 } 222 ] 223 } 224 ```