
     1  ---
     2  layout: "docs"
     3  page_title: "Amazon AMI Builder"
     4  ---
     6  # Amazon AMI Builder
     8  Packer is able to create Amazon AMIs. To achieve this, Packer comes with
     9  multiple builders depending on the strategy you want to use to build the
    10  AMI. Packer supports the following builders at the moment:
    12  * [amazon-ebs](/docs/builders/amazon-ebs.html) - Create EBS-backed AMIs
    13    by launching a source instance and re-packaging it into a new AMI after
    14    provisioning. If in doubt, use this builder, which is the easiest to get
    15    started with.
    17  * [amazon-instance](/docs/builders/amazon-instance.html) - Create
    18    instance-store AMIs by launching and provisioning a source instance, then
    19    rebundling it and uploading it to S3.
    21  * [amazon-chroot](/docs/builders/amazon-chroot.html) - Create EBS-backed AMIs
    22    from an existing EC2 instance by mounting the root device and using a
    23    [Chroot]( environment to provision
    24    that device. This is an **advanced builder and should not be used by
    25    newcomers**. However, it is also the fastest way to build an EBS-backed
    26    AMI since no new EC2 instance needs to be launched.
    28  <div class="alert alert-block alert-info">
    29  <strong>Don't know which builder to use?</strong> If in doubt, use the
    30  <a href="/docs/builders/amazon-ebs.html">amazon-ebs builder</a>. It is
    31  much easier to use and Amazon generally recommends EBS-backed images nowadays.
    32  </div>