
     1  ---
     2  layout: "docs"
     3  page_title: "Machine-Readable Output - Command-Line"
     4  ---
     6  # Machine-Readable Output
     8  By default, the output of Packer is very human-readable. It uses nice
     9  formatting, spacing, and colors in order to make Packer a pleasure to use.
    10  However, Packer was built with automation in mind. To that end, Packer
    11  supports a fully machine-readable output setting, allowing you to use
    12  Packer in automated environments.
    14  The machine-readable output format is easy to use and read and was made
    15  with Unix tools in mind, so it is awk/sed/grep/etc. friendly.
    17  ## Enabling
    19  The machine-readable output format can be enabled by passing the
    20  `-machine-readable` flag to any Packer command. This immediately enables
    21  all output to become machine-readable on stdout. Logging, if enabled,
    22  continues to appear on stderr. An example of the output is shown
    23  below:
    25  ```
    26  $ packer -machine-readable version
    27  1376289459,,version,0.2.4
    28  1376289459,,version-prerelease,
    29  1376289459,,version-commit,eed6ece
    30  1376289459,,ui,say,Packer (eed6ece+CHANGES)
    31  ```
    33  The format will be covered in more detail later. But as you can see,
    34  the output immediately becomes machine-friendly. Try some other commands
    35  with the `-machine-readable` flag to see!
    37  ## Format
    39  The machine readable format is a line-oriented, comma-delimeted text
    40  format. This makes it extremely to parse using standard Unix tools such
    41  as awk or grep in addition to full programming languages like Ruby or
    42  Python.
    44  The format is:
    46  ```
    47  timestamp,target,type,data...
    48  ```
    50  Each component is explained below:
    52  * **timestamp** is a Unix timestamp in UTC of when the message was
    53    printed.
    55  * **target** is the target of the following output. This is empty if
    56    the message is related to Packer globally. Otherwise, this is generally
    57    a build name so you can relate output to a specific build while parallel
    58    builds are running.
    60  * **type** is the type of machine-readable message being outputted. There
    61    are a set of standard types which are covered later, but each component
    62    of Packer (builders, provisioners, etc.) may output their own custom types
    63    as well, allowing the machine-readable output to be infinitely flexible.
    65  * **data** is zero or more comma-seperated values associated with the prior
    66    type. The exact amount and meaning of this data is type-dependent, so you
    67    must read the documentation associated with the type to understand fully.
    69  Within the format, if data contains a comma, it is replaced with
    70  `%!(PACKER_COMMA)`. This was preferred over an escape character such as
    71  `\'` because it is more friendly to tools like awk.
    73  Newlines within the format are replaced with their respective standard
    74  escape sequence. Newlines become a literal `\n` within the output. Carriage
    75  returns become a literal `\r`.
    77  ## Message Types
    79  The set of machine-readable message types can be found in the
    80  [machine-readable format](/docs/machine-readable/index.html)
    81  complete documentation section. This section contains documentation
    82  on all the message types exposed by Packer core as well as all the
    83  components that ship with Packer by default.