
     1  ---
     2  layout: "docs_machine_readable"
     3  page_title: "Command: build - Machine-Readable Reference"
     4  ---
     6  # Build Command Types
     8  These are the machine-readable types that exist as part of the output
     9  of `packer build`.
    11  <dl>
    12  	<dt>artifact (>= 2)</dt>
    13  	<dd>
    14  		<p>
    15  		Information about an artifact of the targetted item. This is a
    16  		fairly complex (but uniform!) machine-readable type that contains
    17  		subtypes. The subtypes are documented within this page in the
    18  		syntax of "artifact subtype: SUBTYPE". The number of arguments within
    19  		that subtype is in addition to the artifact args.
    20  		</p>
    22  		<p>
    23  		<strong>Data 1: index</strong> - The zero-based index of the
    24  		artifact being described. This goes up to "artifact-count" (see
    25  		below).
    26  		</p>
    27  		<p>
    28  		<strong>Data 2: subtype</strong> - The subtype that describes
    29  		the remaining arguments. See the documentation for the
    30  		subtype docs throughout this page.
    31  		</p>
    32  		<p>
    33  		<strong>Data 3..n: subtype data</strong> - Zero or more additional
    34  		data points related to the subtype. The exact count and meaning
    35  		of this subtypes comes from the subtype documentation.
    36  		</p>
    37  	</dd>
    39  	<dt>artifact-count (1)</dt>
    40  	<dd>
    41  		<p>
    42  		The number of artifacts associated with the given target.
    43  		</p>
    45  		<p>
    46  		<strong>Data 1: count</strong> - The number of artifacts as
    47  		a base 10 integer.
    48  		</p>
    49  	</dd>
    51  	<dt>artifact subtype: builder-id (1)</dt>
    52  	<dd>
    53  		<p>
    54  		The unique ID of the builder that created this artifact.
    55  		</p>
    57  		<p>
    58  		<strong>Data 1: id</strong> - The unique ID of the builder.
    59  		</p>
    60  	</dd>
    62  	<dt>artifact subtype: file (2)</dt>
    63  	<dd>
    64  		<p>
    65  		A single file associated with the artifact. There are 0 to
    66  		"files-count" of these entries to describe every file that is
    67  		part of the artifact.
    68  		</p>
    70  		<p>
    71  		<strong>Data 1: index</strong> - Zero-based index of the file.
    72  		This goes from 0 to "files-count" minus one.
    73  		</p>
    75  		<p>
    76  		<strong>Data 2: filename</strong> - The filename.
    77  		</p>
    78  	</dd>
    80  	<dt>artifact subtype: files-count (1)</dt>
    81  	<dd>
    82  		<p>
    83  		The number of files associated with this artifact. Not all
    84  		artifacts have files associated with it.
    85  		</p>
    87  		<p>
    88  		<strong>Data 1: count</strong> - The number of files.
    89  		</p>
    90  	</dd>
    92  	<dt>artifact subtype: id (1)</dt>
    93  	<dd>
    94  		<p>
    95  		The ID (if any) of the artifact that was built. Not all artifacts
    96  		have associated IDs. For example, AMIs built have IDs associated
    97  		with them, but VirtualBox images do not. The exact format of the ID
    98  		is specific to the builder.
    99  		</p>
   101  		<p>
   102  		<strong>Data 1: id</strong> - The ID of the artifact.
   103  		</p>
   104  	</dd>
   106  	<dt>artifact subtype: nil (0)</dt>
   107  	<dd>
   108  		<p>
   109  		If present, this means that the artifact was nil, or that the targetted
   110  		build completed successfully but no artifact was created.
   111  		</p>
   112  	</dd>
   114  	<dt>artifact subtype: string (1)</dt>
   115  	<dd>
   116  		<p>
   117  		The human-readable string description of the artifact provided by
   118  		the artifact itself.
   119  		</p>
   121  		<p>
   122  		<strong>Data 1: string</strong> - The string output for the artifact.
   123  		</p>
   124  	</dd>
   125  </dl>