
     1  ---
     2  layout: "docs_machine_readable"
     3  page_title: "General Types - Machine-Readable Reference"
     4  ---
     6  # General Types
     8  These are the machine-readable types that can appear in almost any
     9  machine-readable output and are provided by Packer core itself.
    11  <dl>
    12  	<dt>ui (2)</dt>
    13  	<dd>
    14  		<p>
    15  		Specifies the output and type of output that would've normally
    16  		gone to the console if Packer wasn't running in human-readable
    17  		mode.
    18  		</p>
    20  		<p>
    21  		<strong>Data 1: type</strong> - The type of UI message that would've
    22  		been outputted. Can be "say", "message", or "error".
    23  		</p>
    24  		<p>
    25  		<strong>Data 2: output</strong> - The UI message that would have
    26  		been outputted.
    27  		</p>
    28  	</dd>
    29  </dl>