
     1  package {{invokerPackage}};
     3  import;
     4  import;
     5  import;
     6  import java.lang.reflect.Type;
     7  import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
     8  import java.util.Map;
    10  {{#hasOAuthMethods}}
    11  import org.apache.oltu.oauth2.client.request.OAuthClientRequest.AuthenticationRequestBuilder;
    12  import org.apache.oltu.oauth2.client.request.OAuthClientRequest.TokenRequestBuilder;
    13  {{/hasOAuthMethods}}
    15  import org.joda.time.DateTime;
    16  import org.joda.time.LocalDate;
    17  import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
    18  import org.joda.time.format.ISODateTimeFormat;
    20  import retrofit.RestAdapter;
    21  import retrofit.client.OkClient;
    22  import retrofit.converter.ConversionException;
    23  import retrofit.converter.Converter;
    24  import retrofit.converter.GsonConverter;
    25  import retrofit.mime.TypedByteArray;
    26  import retrofit.mime.TypedInput;
    27  import retrofit.mime.TypedOutput;
    29  import;
    30  import;
    31  import;
    32  import;
    33  import;
    34  import;
    35  import com.squareup.okhttp.Interceptor;
    36  import com.squareup.okhttp.OkHttpClient;
    38  import {{invokerPackage}}.auth.HttpBasicAuth;
    39  import {{invokerPackage}}.auth.HttpBearerAuth;
    40  import {{invokerPackage}}.auth.ApiKeyAuth;
    41  {{#hasOAuthMethods}}
    42  import {{invokerPackage}}.auth.OAuth;
    43  import {{invokerPackage}}.auth.OAuth.AccessTokenListener;
    44  import {{invokerPackage}}.auth.OAuthFlow;
    45  {{/hasOAuthMethods}}
    47  public class ApiClient {
    49      private Map<String, Interceptor> apiAuthorizations;
    50      private OkHttpClient okClient;
    51      private RestAdapter.Builder adapterBuilder;
    53      public ApiClient() {
    54          apiAuthorizations = new LinkedHashMap<String, Interceptor>();
    55          createDefaultAdapter();
    56      }
    58      public ApiClient(String[] authNames) {
    59          this();
    60          for(String authName : authNames) {
    61              {{#hasAuthMethods}}
    62              Interceptor auth;
    63              {{#authMethods}}if ("{{name}}".equals(authName)) {
    64              {{#isBasic}}
    65              {{#isBasicBasic}}
    66                  auth = new HttpBasicAuth();
    67              {{/isBasicBasic}}
    68              {{^isBasicBasic}}
    69                  auth = new HttpBearerAuth("{{scheme}}");
    70              {{/isBasicBasic}}
    71              {{/isBasic}}
    72              {{#isApiKey}}
    73                  auth = new ApiKeyAuth({{#isKeyInHeader}}"header"{{/isKeyInHeader}}{{#isKeyInQuery}}"query"{{/isKeyInQuery}}{{#isKeyInCookie}}"cookie"{{/isKeyInCookie}}, "{{keyParamName}}");
    74              {{/isApiKey}}
    75              {{#isOAuth}}
    76                  auth = new OAuth(OAuthFlow.{{flow}}, "{{authorizationUrl}}", "{{tokenUrl}}", "{{#scopes}}{{scope}}{{^-last}}, {{/-last}}{{/scopes}}");
    77              {{/isOAuth}}
    78              } else {{/authMethods}}{
    79                  throw new RuntimeException("auth name \"" + authName + "\" not found in available auth names");
    80              }
    81              addAuthorization(authName, auth);
    82              {{/hasAuthMethods}}
    83              {{^hasAuthMethods}}
    84              throw new RuntimeException("auth name \"" + authName + "\" not found in available auth names");
    85              {{/hasAuthMethods}}
    86          }
    87      }
    89      /**
    90       * Basic constructor for single auth name
    91       * @param authName Authentication name
    92       */
    93      public ApiClient(String authName) {
    94          this(new String[]{authName});
    95      }
    97      /**
    98       * Helper constructor for single api key
    99       * @param authName Authentication name
   100       * @param apiKey API key
   101       */
   102      public ApiClient(String authName, String apiKey) {
   103          this(authName);
   104          this.setApiKey(apiKey);
   105      }
   107      /**
   108       * Helper constructor for single basic auth or password oauth2
   109       * @param authName Authentication name
   110       * @param username Username
   111       * @param password Password
   112       */
   113      public ApiClient(String authName, String username, String password) {
   114          this(authName);
   115          this.setCredentials(username,  password);
   116      }
   118      {{#hasOAuthMethods}}
   119      /**
   120       * Helper constructor for single password oauth2
   121       * @param authName Authentication name
   122       * @param clientId Client ID
   123       * @param secret Client secret
   124       * @param username Username
   125       * @param password Password
   126       */
   127      public ApiClient(String authName, String clientId, String secret, String username, String password) {
   128          this(authName);
   129          this.getTokenEndPoint()
   130                  .setClientId(clientId)
   131                  .setClientSecret(secret)
   132                  .setUsername(username)
   133                  .setPassword(password);
   134      }
   136      {{/hasOAuthMethods}}
   137      public void createDefaultAdapter() {
   138           Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
   139                   .setDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ")
   140                   .registerTypeAdapter(DateTime.class, new DateTimeTypeAdapter())
   141                   .registerTypeAdapter(LocalDate.class, new LocalDateTypeAdapter())
   142                   .create();
   144           okClient = new OkHttpClient();
   146           adapterBuilder = new RestAdapter
   147                   .Builder()
   148                   .setEndpoint("{{{basePath}}}")
   149                   .setClient(new OkClient(okClient))
   150                   .setConverter(new GsonConverterWrapper(gson));
   151      }
   153      public <S> S createService(Class<S> serviceClass) {
   154          return;
   156      }
   158      /**
   159       * Helper method to configure the first api key found
   160       * @param apiKey API key
   161       */
   162      private void setApiKey(String apiKey) {
   163          for(Interceptor apiAuthorization : apiAuthorizations.values()) {
   164              if (apiAuthorization instanceof ApiKeyAuth) {
   165                  ApiKeyAuth keyAuth = (ApiKeyAuth) apiAuthorization;
   166                  keyAuth.setApiKey(apiKey);
   167                  return;
   168              }
   169          }
   170      }
   172      /**
   173       * Helper method to set token for the first Http Bearer authentication found.
   174       * @param bearerToken Bearer token
   175       */
   176      public void setBearerToken(String bearerToken) {
   177          for (Interceptor apiAuthorization : apiAuthorizations.values()) {
   178              if (apiAuthorization instanceof HttpBearerAuth) {
   179                  ((HttpBearerAuth) apiAuthorization).setBearerToken(bearerToken);
   180                  return;
   181              }
   182          }
   183      }
   185      /**
   186       * Helper method to configure the username/password for basic auth or password oauth
   187       * @param username Username
   188       * @param password Password
   189       */
   190      private void setCredentials(String username, String password) {
   191          for(Interceptor apiAuthorization : apiAuthorizations.values()) {
   192              if (apiAuthorization instanceof HttpBasicAuth) {
   193                  HttpBasicAuth basicAuth = (HttpBasicAuth) apiAuthorization;
   194                  basicAuth.setCredentials(username, password);
   195                  return;
   196              }
   197              {{#hasOAuthMethods}}
   198              if (apiAuthorization instanceof OAuth) {
   199                  OAuth oauth = (OAuth) apiAuthorization;
   200                  oauth.getTokenRequestBuilder().setUsername(username).setPassword(password);
   201                  return;
   202              }
   203              {{/hasOAuthMethods}}
   204          }
   205      }
   207      {{#hasOAuthMethods}}
   208      /**
   209       * Helper method to configure the token endpoint of the first oauth found in the apiAuthorizations (there should be only one)
   210       * @return Token request builder
   211       */
   212      public TokenRequestBuilder getTokenEndPoint() {
   213          for(Interceptor apiAuthorization : apiAuthorizations.values()) {
   214              if (apiAuthorization instanceof OAuth) {
   215                  OAuth oauth = (OAuth) apiAuthorization;
   216                  return oauth.getTokenRequestBuilder();
   217              }
   218          }
   219          return null;
   220      }
   222      /**
   223       * Helper method to configure authorization endpoint of the first oauth found in the apiAuthorizations (there should be only one)
   224       * @return Authentication request builder
   225       */
   226      public AuthenticationRequestBuilder getAuthorizationEndPoint() {
   227          for(Interceptor apiAuthorization : apiAuthorizations.values()) {
   228              if (apiAuthorization instanceof OAuth) {
   229                  OAuth oauth = (OAuth) apiAuthorization;
   230                  return oauth.getAuthenticationRequestBuilder();
   231              }
   232          }
   233          return null;
   234      }
   236      /**
   237       * Helper method to pre-set the oauth access token of the first oauth found in the apiAuthorizations (there should be only one)
   238       * @param accessToken Access token
   239       */
   240      public void setAccessToken(String accessToken) {
   241          for(Interceptor apiAuthorization : apiAuthorizations.values()) {
   242              if (apiAuthorization instanceof OAuth) {
   243                  OAuth oauth = (OAuth) apiAuthorization;
   244                  oauth.setAccessToken(accessToken);
   245                  return;
   246              }
   247          }
   248      }
   250      /**
   251       * Helper method to configure the oauth accessCode/implicit flow parameters
   252       * @param clientId Client ID
   253       * @param clientSecret Client secret
   254       * @param redirectURI Redirect URI
   255       */
   256      public void configureAuthorizationFlow(String clientId, String clientSecret, String redirectURI) {
   257          for(Interceptor apiAuthorization : apiAuthorizations.values()) {
   258              if (apiAuthorization instanceof OAuth) {
   259                  OAuth oauth = (OAuth) apiAuthorization;
   260                  oauth.getTokenRequestBuilder()
   261                          .setClientId(clientId)
   262                          .setClientSecret(clientSecret)
   263                          .setRedirectURI(redirectURI);
   264                  oauth.getAuthenticationRequestBuilder()
   265                          .setClientId(clientId)
   266                          .setRedirectURI(redirectURI);
   267                  return;
   268              }
   269          }
   270      }
   272      /**
   273       * Configures a listener which is notified when a new access token is received.
   274       * @param accessTokenListener Access token listener
   275       */
   276      public void registerAccessTokenListener(AccessTokenListener accessTokenListener) {
   277          for(Interceptor apiAuthorization : apiAuthorizations.values()) {
   278              if (apiAuthorization instanceof OAuth) {
   279                  OAuth oauth = (OAuth) apiAuthorization;
   280                  oauth.registerAccessTokenListener(accessTokenListener);
   281                  return;
   282              }
   283          }
   284      }
   285      {{/hasOAuthMethods}}
   287      /**
   288       * Adds an authorization to be used by the client
   289       * @param authName Authentication name
   290       * @param authorization Authorization
   291       */
   292      public void addAuthorization(String authName, Interceptor authorization) {
   293          if (apiAuthorizations.containsKey(authName)) {
   294              throw new RuntimeException("auth name \"" + authName + "\" already in api authorizations");
   295          }
   296          apiAuthorizations.put(authName, authorization);
   297          okClient.interceptors().add(authorization);
   298      }
   300      public Map<String, Interceptor> getApiAuthorizations() {
   301          return apiAuthorizations;
   302      }
   304      public void setApiAuthorizations(Map<String, Interceptor> apiAuthorizations) {
   305          this.apiAuthorizations = apiAuthorizations;
   306      }
   308      public RestAdapter.Builder getAdapterBuilder() {
   309          return adapterBuilder;
   310      }
   312      public void setAdapterBuilder(RestAdapter.Builder adapterBuilder) {
   313          this.adapterBuilder = adapterBuilder;
   314      }
   316      public OkHttpClient getOkClient() {
   317          return okClient;
   318      }
   320      public void addAuthsToOkClient(OkHttpClient okClient) {
   321          for(Interceptor apiAuthorization : apiAuthorizations.values()) {
   322              okClient.interceptors().add(apiAuthorization);
   323          }
   324      }
   326      /**
   327       * Clones the okClient given in parameter, adds the auth interceptors and uses it to configure the RestAdapter
   328       * @param okClient OkHttp client
   329       */
   330      public void configureFromOkclient(OkHttpClient okClient) {
   331          OkHttpClient clone = okClient.clone();
   332          addAuthsToOkClient(clone);
   333          adapterBuilder.setClient(new OkClient(clone));
   334      }
   335  }
   337  /**
   338   * This wrapper is to take care of this case:
   339   * when the deserialization fails due to JsonParseException and the
   340   * expected type is String, then just return the body string.
   341   */
   342  class GsonConverterWrapper implements Converter {
   343      private GsonConverter converter;
   345      public GsonConverterWrapper(Gson gson) {
   346          converter = new GsonConverter(gson);
   347      }
   349      @Override public Object fromBody(TypedInput body, Type type) throws ConversionException {
   350          byte[] bodyBytes = readInBytes(body);
   351          TypedByteArray newBody = new TypedByteArray(body.mimeType(), bodyBytes);
   352          try {
   353              return converter.fromBody(newBody, type);
   354          } catch (ConversionException e) {
   355              if (e.getCause() instanceof JsonParseException && type.equals(String.class)) {
   356                  return new String(bodyBytes);
   357              } else {
   358                  throw e;
   359              }
   360          }
   361      }
   363      @Override public TypedOutput toBody(Object object) {
   364          return converter.toBody(object);
   365      }
   367      private byte[] readInBytes(TypedInput body) throws ConversionException {
   368          InputStream in = null;
   369          try {
   370              in =;
   371              ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
   372              byte[] buffer = new byte[0xFFFF];
   373              for (int len; (len = != -1;)
   374                  os.write(buffer, 0, len);
   375              os.flush();
   376              return os.toByteArray();
   377          } catch (IOException e) {
   378              throw new ConversionException(e);
   379          } finally {
   380              if (in != null) {
   381                  try {
   382                      in.close();
   383                  } catch (IOException ignored) {
   384                  }
   385              }
   386          }
   388      }
   389  }
   391  /**
   392   * Gson TypeAdapter for Joda DateTime type
   393   */
   394  class DateTimeTypeAdapter extends TypeAdapter<DateTime> {
   396      private final DateTimeFormatter parseFormatter = ISODateTimeFormat.dateOptionalTimeParser();
   397      private final DateTimeFormatter printFormatter = ISODateTimeFormat.dateTime();
   399      @Override
   400      public void write(JsonWriter out, DateTime date) throws IOException {
   401          if (date == null) {
   402              out.nullValue();
   403          } else {
   404              out.value(printFormatter.print(date));
   405          }
   406      }
   408      @Override
   409      public DateTime read(JsonReader in) throws IOException {
   410          switch (in.peek()) {
   411              case NULL:
   412                  in.nextNull();
   413                  return null;
   414              default:
   415                  String date = in.nextString();
   416                  return parseFormatter.parseDateTime(date);
   417          }
   418      }
   419  }
   421  /**
   422   * Gson TypeAdapter for Joda DateTime type
   423   */
   424  class LocalDateTypeAdapter extends TypeAdapter<LocalDate> {
   426      private final DateTimeFormatter formatter =;
   428      @Override
   429      public void write(JsonWriter out, LocalDate date) throws IOException {
   430          if (date == null) {
   431              out.nullValue();
   432          } else {
   433              out.value(formatter.print(date));
   434          }
   435      }
   437      @Override
   438      public LocalDate read(JsonReader in) throws IOException {
   439          switch (in.peek()) {
   440              case NULL:
   441                  in.nextNull();
   442                  return null;
   443              default:
   444                  String date = in.nextString();
   445                  return formatter.parseLocalDate(date);
   446          }
   447      }
   448  }