
     1  <?php
     2  /**
     3   * ObjectSerializer
     4   *
     5   * PHP version 5
     6   *
     7   * @category Class
     8   * @package  {{invokerPackage}}
     9   * @author   OpenAPI Generator team
    10   * @link
    11   */
    13  {{>partial_header}}
    14  /**
    15   * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
    16   *
    17   * Do not edit the class manually.
    18   */
    20  namespace {{invokerPackage}};
    22  use {{modelPackage}}\ModelInterface;
    24  /**
    25   * ObjectSerializer Class Doc Comment
    26   *
    27   * @category Class
    28   * @package  {{invokerPackage}}
    29   * @author   OpenAPI Generator team
    30   * @link
    31   */
    32  class ObjectSerializer
    33  {
    34      /** @var string */
    35      private static $dateTimeFormat = \DateTime::ATOM;
    37      /**
    38       * Change the date format
    39       *
    40       * @param string $format   the new date format to use
    41       */
    42      public static function setDateTimeFormat($format)
    43      {
    44          self::$dateTimeFormat = $format;
    45      }
    47      /**
    48       * Serialize data
    49       *
    50       * @param mixed  $data   the data to serialize
    51       * @param string $type   the OpenAPIToolsType of the data
    52       * @param string $format the format of the OpenAPITools type of the data
    53       *
    54       * @return string|object serialized form of $data
    55       */
    56      public static function sanitizeForSerialization($data, $type = null, $format = null)
    57      {
    58          if (is_scalar($data) || null === $data) {
    59              return $data;
    60          } elseif ($data instanceof \DateTime) {
    61              return ($format === 'date') ? $data->format('Y-m-d') : $data->format(self::$dateTimeFormat);
    62          } elseif (is_array($data)) {
    63              foreach ($data as $property => $value) {
    64                  $data[$property] = self::sanitizeForSerialization($value);
    65              }
    66              return $data;
    67          } elseif (is_object($data)) {
    68              $values = [];
    69              if ($data instanceof ModelInterface) {
    70                  $formats = $data::openAPIFormats();
    71                  foreach ($data::openAPITypes() as $property => $openAPIType) {
    72                      $getter = $data::getters()[$property];
    73                      $value = $data->$getter();
    74                      if ($value !== null
    75                          && !in_array($openAPIType, [{{&primitives}}], true)
    76                          && method_exists($openAPIType, 'getAllowableEnumValues')
    77                          && !in_array($value, $openAPIType::getAllowableEnumValues(), true)) {
    78                          $imploded = implode("', '", $openAPIType::getAllowableEnumValues());
    79                          throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid value for enum '$openAPIType', must be one of: '$imploded'");
    80                      }
    81                      if ($value !== null) {
    82                          $values[$data::attributeMap()[$property]] = self::sanitizeForSerialization($value, $openAPIType, $formats[$property]);
    83                      }
    84                  }
    85              } else {
    86                  foreach($data as $property => $value) {
    87                      $values[$property] = self::sanitizeForSerialization($value);
    88                  }
    89              }
    90              return (object)$values;
    91          } else {
    92              return (string)$data;
    93          }
    94      }
    96      /**
    97       * Sanitize filename by removing path.
    98       * e.g. ../../sun.gif becomes sun.gif
    99       *
   100       * @param string $filename filename to be sanitized
   101       *
   102       * @return string the sanitized filename
   103       */
   104      public static function sanitizeFilename($filename)
   105      {
   106          if (preg_match("/.*[\/\\\\](.*)$/", $filename, $match)) {
   107              return $match[1];
   108          } else {
   109              return $filename;
   110          }
   111      }
   113      /**
   114       * Take value and turn it into a string suitable for inclusion in
   115       * the path, by url-encoding.
   116       *
   117       * @param string $value a string which will be part of the path
   118       *
   119       * @return string the serialized object
   120       */
   121      public static function toPathValue($value)
   122      {
   123          return rawurlencode(self::toString($value));
   124      }
   126      /**
   127       * Take value and turn it into a string suitable for inclusion in
   128       * the query, by imploding comma-separated if it's an object.
   129       * If it's a string, pass through unchanged. It will be url-encoded
   130       * later.
   131       *
   132       * @param string[]|string|\DateTime $object an object to be serialized to a string
   133       *
   134       * @return string the serialized object
   135       */
   136      public static function toQueryValue($object)
   137      {
   138          if (is_array($object)) {
   139              return implode(',', $object);
   140          } else {
   141              return self::toString($object);
   142          }
   143      }
   145      /**
   146       * Take value and turn it into a string suitable for inclusion in
   147       * the header. If it's a string, pass through unchanged
   148       * If it's a datetime object, format it in ISO8601
   149       *
   150       * @param string $value a string which will be part of the header
   151       *
   152       * @return string the header string
   153       */
   154      public static function toHeaderValue($value)
   155      {
   156          if (method_exists($value, 'toHeaderValue')) {
   157              return $value->toHeaderValue();
   158          }
   160          return self::toString($value);
   161      }
   163      /**
   164       * Take value and turn it into a string suitable for inclusion in
   165       * the http body (form parameter). If it's a string, pass through unchanged
   166       * If it's a datetime object, format it in ISO8601
   167       *
   168       * @param string|\SplFileObject $value the value of the form parameter
   169       *
   170       * @return string the form string
   171       */
   172      public static function toFormValue($value)
   173      {
   174          if ($value instanceof \SplFileObject) {
   175              return $value->getRealPath();
   176          } else {
   177              return self::toString($value);
   178          }
   179      }
   181      /**
   182       * Take value and turn it into a string suitable for inclusion in
   183       * the parameter. If it's a string, pass through unchanged
   184       * If it's a datetime object, format it in ISO8601
   185       * If it's a boolean, convert it to "true" or "false".
   186       *
   187       * @param string|bool|\DateTime $value the value of the parameter
   188       *
   189       * @return string the header string
   190       */
   191      public static function toString($value)
   192      {
   193          if ($value instanceof \DateTime) { // datetime in ISO8601 format
   194              return $value->format(self::$dateTimeFormat);
   195          } else if (is_bool($value)) {
   196              return $value ? 'true' : 'false';
   197          } else {
   198              return $value;
   199          }
   200      }
   202      /**
   203       * Serialize an array to a string.
   204       *
   205       * @param array  $collection                 collection to serialize to a string
   206       * @param string $style                      the format use for serialization (csv,
   207       * ssv, tsv, pipes, multi)
   208       * @param bool   $allowCollectionFormatMulti allow collection format to be a multidimensional array
   209       *
   210       * @return string
   211       */
   212      public static function serializeCollection(array $collection, $style, $allowCollectionFormatMulti = false)
   213      {
   214          if ($allowCollectionFormatMulti && ('multi' === $style)) {
   215              // http_build_query() almost does the job for us. We just
   216              // need to fix the result of multidimensional arrays.
   217              return preg_replace('/%5B[0-9]+%5D=/', '=', http_build_query($collection, '', '&'));
   218          }
   219          switch ($style) {
   220              case 'pipeDelimited':
   221              case 'pipes':
   222                  return implode('|', $collection);
   224              case 'tsv':
   225                  return implode("\t", $collection);
   227              case 'spaceDelimited':
   228              case 'ssv':
   229                  return implode(' ', $collection);
   231              case 'simple':
   232              case 'csv':
   233                  // Deliberate fall through. CSV is default format.
   234              default:
   235                  return implode(',', $collection);
   236          }
   237      }
   239      /**
   240       * Deserialize a JSON string into an object
   241       *
   242       * @param mixed    $data          object or primitive to be deserialized
   243       * @param string   $class         class name is passed as a string
   244       * @param string[] $httpHeaders   HTTP headers
   245       * @param string   $discriminator discriminator if polymorphism is used
   246       *
   247       * @return object|array|null a single or an array of $class instances
   248       */
   249      public static function deserialize($data, $class, $httpHeaders = null)
   250      {
   251          if (null === $data) {
   252              return null;
   253          } elseif (substr($class, 0, 4) === 'map[') { // for associative array e.g. map[string,int]
   254              $data = is_string($data) ? json_decode($data) : $data;
   255              settype($data, 'array');
   256              $inner = substr($class, 4, -1);
   257              $deserialized = [];
   258              if (strrpos($inner, ",") !== false) {
   259                  $subClass_array = explode(',', $inner, 2);
   260                  $subClass = $subClass_array[1];
   261                  foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
   262                      $deserialized[$key] = self::deserialize($value, $subClass, null);
   263                  }
   264              }
   265              return $deserialized;
   266          } elseif (strcasecmp(substr($class, -2), '[]') === 0) {
   267              $data = is_string($data) ? json_decode($data) : $data;
   268              $subClass = substr($class, 0, -2);
   269              $values = [];
   270              foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
   271                  $values[] = self::deserialize($value, $subClass, null);
   272              }
   273              return $values;
   274          } elseif ($class === 'object' || $class === 'array<string,string>') {
   275              settype($data, 'array');
   276              return $data;
   277          } elseif ($class === '\DateTime') {
   278              // Some API's return an invalid, empty string as a
   279              // date-time property. DateTime::__construct() will return
   280              // the current time for empty input which is probably not
   281              // what is meant. The invalid empty string is probably to
   282              // be interpreted as a missing field/value. Let's handle
   283              // this graceful.
   284              if (!empty($data)) {
   285                  return new \DateTime($data);
   286              } else {
   287                  return null;
   288              }
   289          } elseif ($class === '\SplFileObject') {
   290              /** @var \Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface $data */
   292              // determine file name
   293              if (array_key_exists('Content-Disposition', $httpHeaders) &&
   294                  preg_match('/inline; filename=[\'"]?([^\'"\s]+)[\'"]?$/i', $httpHeaders['Content-Disposition'], $match)) {
   295                  $filename = Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->getTempFolderPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::sanitizeFilename($match[1]);
   296              } else {
   297                  $filename = tempnam(Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->getTempFolderPath(), '');
   298              }
   300              $file = fopen($filename, 'w');
   301              while ($chunk = $data->read(200)) {
   302                  fwrite($file, $chunk);
   303              }
   304              fclose($file);
   306              return new \SplFileObject($filename, 'r');
   307          } elseif (in_array($class, [{{&primitives}}], true)) {
   308              settype($data, $class);
   309              return $data;
   310          } elseif (method_exists($class, 'getAllowableEnumValues')) {
   311              if (!in_array($data, $class::getAllowableEnumValues(), true)) {
   312                  $imploded = implode("', '", $class::getAllowableEnumValues());
   313                  throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid value for enum '$class', must be one of: '$imploded'");
   314              }
   315              return $data;
   316          } else {
   317              $data = is_string($data) ? json_decode($data) : $data;
   318              // If a discriminator is defined and points to a valid subclass, use it.
   319              $discriminator = $class::DISCRIMINATOR;
   320              if (!empty($discriminator) && isset($data->{$discriminator}) && is_string($data->{$discriminator})) {
   321                  $subclass = '\{{invokerPackage}}\Model\\' . $data->{$discriminator};
   322                  if (is_subclass_of($subclass, $class)) {
   323                      $class = $subclass;
   324                  }
   325              }
   326              $instance = new $class();
   327              foreach ($instance::openAPITypes() as $property => $type) {
   328                  $propertySetter = $instance::setters()[$property];
   330                  if (!isset($propertySetter) || !isset($data->{$instance::attributeMap()[$property]})) {
   331                      continue;
   332                  }
   334                  $propertyValue = $data->{$instance::attributeMap()[$property]};
   335                  if (isset($propertyValue)) {
   336                      $instance->$propertySetter(self::deserialize($propertyValue, $type, null));
   337                  }
   338              }
   339              return $instance;
   340          }
   341      }
   342  }