
     1  class {{classname}} {{#parentSchema}}extends {{{parent}}} {{/parentSchema}}{{^parentSchema}}implements ModelInterface, ArrayAccess{{/parentSchema}}
     2  {
     3      const DISCRIMINATOR = {{#discriminator}}'{{discriminatorName}}'{{/discriminator}}{{^discriminator}}null{{/discriminator}};
     5      /**
     6        * The original name of the model.
     7        *
     8        * @var string
     9        */
    10      protected static $openAPIModelName = '{{name}}';
    12      /**
    13        * Array of property to type mappings. Used for (de)serialization
    14        *
    15        * @var string[]
    16        */
    17      protected static $openAPITypes = [
    18          {{#vars}}'{{name}}' => '{{{dataType}}}'{{^-last}},
    19          {{/-last}}{{/vars}}
    20      ];
    22      /**
    23        * Array of property to format mappings. Used for (de)serialization
    24        *
    25        * @var string[]
    26        */
    27      protected static $openAPIFormats = [
    28          {{#vars}}'{{name}}' => {{#dataFormat}}'{{{dataFormat}}}'{{/dataFormat}}{{^dataFormat}}null{{/dataFormat}}{{^-last}},
    29          {{/-last}}{{/vars}}
    30      ];
    32      /**
    33       * Array of property to type mappings. Used for (de)serialization
    34       *
    35       * @return array
    36       */
    37      public static function openAPITypes()
    38      {
    39          return self::$openAPITypes{{#parentSchema}} + parent::openAPITypes(){{/parentSchema}};
    40      }
    42      /**
    43       * Array of property to format mappings. Used for (de)serialization
    44       *
    45       * @return array
    46       */
    47      public static function openAPIFormats()
    48      {
    49          return self::$openAPIFormats{{#parentSchema}} + parent::openAPIFormats(){{/parentSchema}};
    50      }
    52      /**
    53       * Array of attributes where the key is the local name,
    54       * and the value is the original name
    55       *
    56       * @var string[]
    57       */
    58      protected static $attributeMap = [
    59          {{#vars}}'{{name}}' => '{{baseName}}'{{^-last}},
    60          {{/-last}}{{/vars}}
    61      ];
    63      /**
    64       * Array of attributes to setter functions (for deserialization of responses)
    65       *
    66       * @var string[]
    67       */
    68      protected static $setters = [
    69          {{#vars}}'{{name}}' => '{{setter}}'{{^-last}},
    70          {{/-last}}{{/vars}}
    71      ];
    73      /**
    74       * Array of attributes to getter functions (for serialization of requests)
    75       *
    76       * @var string[]
    77       */
    78      protected static $getters = [
    79          {{#vars}}'{{name}}' => '{{getter}}'{{^-last}},
    80          {{/-last}}{{/vars}}
    81      ];
    83      /**
    84       * Array of attributes where the key is the local name,
    85       * and the value is the original name
    86       *
    87       * @return array
    88       */
    89      public static function attributeMap()
    90      {
    91          return {{#parentSchema}}parent::attributeMap() + {{/parentSchema}}self::$attributeMap;
    92      }
    94      /**
    95       * Array of attributes to setter functions (for deserialization of responses)
    96       *
    97       * @return array
    98       */
    99      public static function setters()
   100      {
   101          return {{#parentSchema}}parent::setters() + {{/parentSchema}}self::$setters;
   102      }
   104      /**
   105       * Array of attributes to getter functions (for serialization of requests)
   106       *
   107       * @return array
   108       */
   109      public static function getters()
   110      {
   111          return {{#parentSchema}}parent::getters() + {{/parentSchema}}self::$getters;
   112      }
   114      /**
   115       * The original name of the model.
   116       *
   117       * @return string
   118       */
   119      public function getModelName()
   120      {
   121          return self::$openAPIModelName;
   122      }
   124      {{#vars}}{{#isEnum}}{{#allowableValues}}{{#enumVars}}const {{enumName}}_{{{name}}} = {{{value}}};
   125      {{/enumVars}}{{/allowableValues}}{{/isEnum}}{{/vars}}
   127      {{#vars}}{{#isEnum}}
   128      /**
   129       * Gets allowable values of the enum
   130       *
   131       * @return string[]
   132       */
   133      public function {{getter}}AllowableValues()
   134      {
   135          return [
   136              {{#allowableValues}}{{#enumVars}}self::{{enumName}}_{{{name}}},{{^-last}}
   137              {{/-last}}{{/enumVars}}{{/allowableValues}}
   138          ];
   139      }
   140      {{/isEnum}}{{/vars}}
   142      {{^parentSchema}}
   143      /**
   144       * Associative array for storing property values
   145       *
   146       * @var mixed[]
   147       */
   148      protected $container = [];
   149      {{/parentSchema}}
   151      /**
   152       * Constructor
   153       *
   154       * @param mixed[] $data Associated array of property values
   155       *                      initializing the model
   156       */
   157      public function __construct(array $data = null)
   158      {
   159          {{#parentSchema}}
   160          parent::__construct($data);
   162          {{/parentSchema}}
   163          {{#vars}}
   164          $this->container['{{name}}'] = isset($data['{{name}}']) ? $data['{{name}}'] : {{#defaultValue}}{{{defaultValue}}}{{/defaultValue}}{{^defaultValue}}null{{/defaultValue}};
   165          {{/vars}}
   166          {{#discriminator}}
   168          // Initialize discriminator property with the model name.
   169          $this->container['{{discriminatorName}}'] = static::$openAPIModelName;
   170          {{/discriminator}}
   171      }
   173      /**
   174       * Show all the invalid properties with reasons.
   175       *
   176       * @return array invalid properties with reasons
   177       */
   178      public function listInvalidProperties()
   179      {
   180          {{#parent}}
   181          $invalidProperties = parent::listInvalidProperties();
   182          {{/parent}}
   183          {{^parent}}
   184          $invalidProperties = [];
   185          {{/parent}}
   187          {{#vars}}
   188          {{#required}}
   189          if ($this->container['{{name}}'] === null) {
   190              $invalidProperties[] = "'{{name}}' can't be null";
   191          }
   192          {{/required}}
   193          {{#isEnum}}
   194          {{^isContainer}}
   195          $allowedValues = $this->{{getter}}AllowableValues();
   196          if (!is_null($this->container['{{name}}']) && !in_array($this->container['{{name}}'], $allowedValues, true)) {
   197              $invalidProperties[] = sprintf(
   198                  "invalid value for '{{name}}', must be one of '%s'",
   199                  implode("', '", $allowedValues)
   200              );
   201          }
   203          {{/isContainer}}
   204          {{/isEnum}}
   205          {{#hasValidation}}
   206          {{#maxLength}}
   207          if ({{^required}}!is_null($this->container['{{name}}']) && {{/required}}(mb_strlen($this->container['{{name}}']) > {{maxLength}})) {
   208              $invalidProperties[] = "invalid value for '{{name}}', the character length must be smaller than or equal to {{{maxLength}}}.";
   209          }
   211          {{/maxLength}}
   212          {{#minLength}}
   213          if ({{^required}}!is_null($this->container['{{name}}']) && {{/required}}(mb_strlen($this->container['{{name}}']) < {{minLength}})) {
   214              $invalidProperties[] = "invalid value for '{{name}}', the character length must be bigger than or equal to {{{minLength}}}.";
   215          }
   217          {{/minLength}}
   218          {{#maximum}}
   219          if ({{^required}}!is_null($this->container['{{name}}']) && {{/required}}($this->container['{{name}}'] >{{#exclusiveMaximum}}={{/exclusiveMaximum}} {{maximum}})) {
   220              $invalidProperties[] = "invalid value for '{{name}}', must be smaller than {{^exclusiveMaximum}}or equal to {{/exclusiveMaximum}}{{maximum}}.";
   221          }
   223          {{/maximum}}
   224          {{#minimum}}
   225          if ({{^required}}!is_null($this->container['{{name}}']) && {{/required}}($this->container['{{name}}'] <{{#exclusiveMinimum}}={{/exclusiveMinimum}} {{minimum}})) {
   226              $invalidProperties[] = "invalid value for '{{name}}', must be bigger than {{^exclusiveMinimum}}or equal to {{/exclusiveMinimum}}{{minimum}}.";
   227          }
   229          {{/minimum}}
   230          {{#pattern}}
   231          if ({{^required}}!is_null($this->container['{{name}}']) && {{/required}}!preg_match("{{{pattern}}}", $this->container['{{name}}'])) {
   232              $invalidProperties[] = "invalid value for '{{name}}', must be conform to the pattern {{{pattern}}}.";
   233          }
   235          {{/pattern}}
   236          {{#maxItems}}
   237          if ({{^required}}!is_null($this->container['{{name}}']) && {{/required}}(count($this->container['{{name}}']) > {{maxItems}})) {
   238              $invalidProperties[] = "invalid value for '{{name}}', number of items must be less than or equal to {{{maxItems}}}.";
   239          }
   241          {{/maxItems}}
   242          {{#minItems}}
   243          if ({{^required}}!is_null($this->container['{{name}}']) && {{/required}}(count($this->container['{{name}}']) < {{minItems}})) {
   244              $invalidProperties[] = "invalid value for '{{name}}', number of items must be greater than or equal to {{{minItems}}}.";
   245          }
   247          {{/minItems}}
   248          {{/hasValidation}}
   249          {{/vars}}
   250          return $invalidProperties;
   251      }
   253      /**
   254       * Validate all the properties in the model
   255       * return true if all passed
   256       *
   257       * @return bool True if all properties are valid
   258       */
   259      public function valid()
   260      {
   261          return count($this->listInvalidProperties()) === 0;
   262      }
   264      {{#vars}}
   266      /**
   267       * Gets {{name}}
   268       *
   269       * @return {{dataType}}{{^required}}|null{{/required}}
   270       */
   271      public function {{getter}}()
   272      {
   273          return $this->container['{{name}}'];
   274      }
   276      /**
   277       * Sets {{name}}
   278       *
   279       * @param {{dataType}}{{^required}}|null{{/required}} ${{name}}{{#description}} {{{description}}}{{/description}}{{^description}} {{{name}}}{{/description}}
   280       *
   281       * @return $this
   282       */
   283      public function {{setter}}(${{name}})
   284      {
   285          {{#isEnum}}
   286          $allowedValues = $this->{{getter}}AllowableValues();
   287          {{^isContainer}}
   288          if ({{^required}}!is_null(${{name}}) && {{/required}}!in_array(${{{name}}}, $allowedValues, true)) {
   289              throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
   290                  sprintf(
   291                      "Invalid value for '{{name}}', must be one of '%s'",
   292                      implode("', '", $allowedValues)
   293                  )
   294              );
   295          }
   296          {{/isContainer}}
   297          {{#isContainer}}
   298          if ({{^required}}!is_null(${{name}}) && {{/required}}array_diff(${{{name}}}, $allowedValues)) {
   299              throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
   300                  sprintf(
   301                      "Invalid value for '{{name}}', must be one of '%s'",
   302                      implode("', '", $allowedValues)
   303                  )
   304              );
   305          }
   306          {{/isContainer}}
   307          {{/isEnum}}
   308          {{#hasValidation}}
   309          {{#maxLength}}
   310          if ({{^required}}!is_null(${{name}}) && {{/required}}(mb_strlen(${{name}}) > {{maxLength}})) {
   311              throw new \InvalidArgumentException('invalid length for ${{name}} when calling {{classname}}.{{operationId}}, must be smaller than or equal to {{maxLength}}.');
   312          }{{/maxLength}}
   313          {{#minLength}}
   314          if ({{^required}}!is_null(${{name}}) && {{/required}}(mb_strlen(${{name}}) < {{minLength}})) {
   315              throw new \InvalidArgumentException('invalid length for ${{name}} when calling {{classname}}.{{operationId}}, must be bigger than or equal to {{minLength}}.');
   316          }
   317          {{/minLength}}
   318          {{#maximum}}
   319          if ({{^required}}!is_null(${{name}}) && {{/required}}(${{name}} >{{#exclusiveMaximum}}={{/exclusiveMaximum}} {{maximum}})) {
   320              throw new \InvalidArgumentException('invalid value for ${{name}} when calling {{classname}}.{{operationId}}, must be smaller than {{^exclusiveMaximum}}or equal to {{/exclusiveMaximum}}{{maximum}}.');
   321          }
   322          {{/maximum}}
   323          {{#minimum}}
   324          if ({{^required}}!is_null(${{name}}) && {{/required}}(${{name}} <{{#exclusiveMinimum}}={{/exclusiveMinimum}} {{minimum}})) {
   325              throw new \InvalidArgumentException('invalid value for ${{name}} when calling {{classname}}.{{operationId}}, must be bigger than {{^exclusiveMinimum}}or equal to {{/exclusiveMinimum}}{{minimum}}.');
   326          }
   327          {{/minimum}}
   328          {{#pattern}}
   329          if ({{^required}}!is_null(${{name}}) && {{/required}}(!preg_match("{{{pattern}}}", ${{name}}))) {
   330              throw new \InvalidArgumentException("invalid value for ${{name}} when calling {{classname}}.{{operationId}}, must conform to the pattern {{{pattern}}}.");
   331          }
   332          {{/pattern}}
   333          {{#maxItems}}
   334          if ({{^required}}!is_null(${{name}}) && {{/required}}(count(${{name}}) > {{maxItems}})) {
   335              throw new \InvalidArgumentException('invalid value for ${{name}} when calling {{classname}}.{{operationId}}, number of items must be less than or equal to {{maxItems}}.');
   336          }{{/maxItems}}
   337          {{#minItems}}
   338          if ({{^required}}!is_null(${{name}}) && {{/required}}(count(${{name}}) < {{minItems}})) {
   339              throw new \InvalidArgumentException('invalid length for ${{name}} when calling {{classname}}.{{operationId}}, number of items must be greater than or equal to {{minItems}}.');
   340          }
   341          {{/minItems}}
   342          {{/hasValidation}}
   343          $this->container['{{name}}'] = ${{name}};
   345          return $this;
   346      }
   347      {{/vars}}
   348      /**
   349       * Returns true if offset exists. False otherwise.
   350       *
   351       * @param integer $offset Offset
   352       *
   353       * @return boolean
   354       */
   355      #[\ReturnTypeWillChange]
   356      public function offsetExists($offset)
   357      {
   358          return isset($this->container[$offset]);
   359      }
   361      /**
   362       * Gets offset.
   363       *
   364       * @param integer $offset Offset
   365       *
   366       * @return mixed
   367       */
   368      #[\ReturnTypeWillChange]
   369      public function offsetGet($offset)
   370      {
   371          return isset($this->container[$offset]) ? $this->container[$offset] : null;
   372      }
   374      /**
   375       * Sets value based on offset.
   376       *
   377       * @param integer $offset Offset
   378       * @param mixed   $value  Value to be set
   379       *
   380       * @return void
   381       */
   382      #[\ReturnTypeWillChange]
   383      public function offsetSet($offset, $value)
   384      {
   385          if (is_null($offset)) {
   386              $this->container[] = $value;
   387          } else {
   388              $this->container[$offset] = $value;
   389          }
   390      }
   392      /**
   393       * Unsets offset.
   394       *
   395       * @param integer $offset Offset
   396       *
   397       * @return void
   398       */
   399      #[\ReturnTypeWillChange]
   400      public function offsetUnset($offset)
   401      {
   402          unset($this->container[$offset]);
   403      }
   405      /**
   406       * Gets the string presentation of the object
   407       *
   408       * @return string
   409       */
   410      public function __toString()
   411      {
   412          return json_encode(
   413              ObjectSerializer::sanitizeForSerialization($this),
   414              JSON_PRETTY_PRINT
   415          );
   416      }
   418      /**
   419       * Gets a header-safe presentation of the object
   420       *
   421       * @return string
   422       */
   423      public function toHeaderValue()
   424      {
   425          return json_encode(ObjectSerializer::sanitizeForSerialization($this));
   426      }
   427  }