
     1  module {{moduleName}}
     2    class Configuration
     3      # Defines url scheme
     4      attr_accessor :scheme
     6      # Defines url host
     7      attr_accessor :host
     9      # Defines url base path
    10      attr_accessor :base_path
    12      # Defines API keys used with API Key authentications.
    13      #
    14      # @return [Hash] key: parameter name, value: parameter value (API key)
    15      #
    16      # @example parameter name is "api_key", API key is "xxx" (e.g. "api_key=xxx" in query string)
    17      #   config.api_key['api_key'] = 'xxx'
    18      attr_accessor :api_key
    20      # Defines API key prefixes used with API Key authentications.
    21      #
    22      # @return [Hash] key: parameter name, value: API key prefix
    23      #
    24      # @example parameter name is "Authorization", API key prefix is "Token" (e.g. "Authorization: Token xxx" in headers)
    25      #   config.api_key_prefix['api_key'] = 'Token'
    26      attr_accessor :api_key_prefix
    28      # Defines the username used with HTTP basic authentication.
    29      #
    30      # @return [String]
    31      attr_accessor :username
    33      # Defines the password used with HTTP basic authentication.
    34      #
    35      # @return [String]
    36      attr_accessor :password
    38      # Defines the access token (Bearer) used with OAuth2.
    39      attr_accessor :access_token
    41      # Set this to enable/disable debugging. When enabled (set to true), HTTP request/response
    42      # details will be logged with `logger.debug` (see the `logger` attribute).
    43      # Default to false.
    44      #
    45      # @return [true, false]
    46      attr_accessor :debugging
    48      # Defines the logger used for debugging.
    49      # Default to `Rails.logger` (when in Rails) or logging to STDOUT.
    50      #
    51      # @return [#debug]
    52      attr_accessor :logger
    54      # Defines the temporary folder to store downloaded files
    55      # (for API endpoints that have file response).
    56      # Default to use `Tempfile`.
    57      #
    58      # @return [String]
    59      attr_accessor :temp_folder_path
    61      # The time limit for HTTP request in seconds.
    62      # Default to 0 (never times out).
    63      attr_accessor :timeout
    65      # Set this to false to skip client side validation in the operation.
    66      # Default to true.
    67      # @return [true, false]
    68      attr_accessor :client_side_validation
    70  {{^isFaraday}}
    71  {{> configuration_tls_typhoeus_partial}}
    72  {{/isFaraday}}
    73  {{#isFaraday}}
    74  {{> configuration_tls_faraday_partial}}
    75  {{/isFaraday}}
    76      # Set this to customize parameters encoding of array parameter with multi collectionFormat.
    77      # Default to nil.
    78      #
    79      # @see The params_encoding option of Ethon. Related source code:
    80      #
    81      attr_accessor :params_encoding
    83      attr_accessor :inject_format
    85      attr_accessor :force_ending_format
    87      def initialize
    88        @scheme = '{{scheme}}'
    89        @host = '{{host}}'
    90        @base_path = '{{contextPath}}'
    91        @api_key = {}
    92        @api_key_prefix = {}
    93        @timeout = 0
    94        @client_side_validation = true
    95        {{#isFaraday}}
    96        @ssl_verify = true
    97        @ssl_verify_mode = nil
    98        @ssl_ca_file = nil
    99        @ssl_client_cert = nil
   100        @ssl_client_key = nil
   101        {{/isFaraday}}
   102        {{^isFaraday}}
   103        @verify_ssl = true
   104        @verify_ssl_host = true
   105        @params_encoding = nil
   106        @cert_file = nil
   107        @key_file = nil
   108        {{/isFaraday}}
   109        @debugging = false
   110        @inject_format = false
   111        @force_ending_format = false
   112        @logger = defined?(Rails) ? Rails.logger :
   114        yield(self) if block_given?
   115      end
   117      # The default Configuration object.
   118      def self.default
   119        @@default ||=
   120      end
   122      def configure
   123        yield(self) if block_given?
   124      end
   126      def scheme=(scheme)
   127        # remove :// from scheme
   128        @scheme = scheme.sub(/:\/\//, '')
   129      end
   131      def host=(host)
   132        # remove http(s):// and anything after a slash
   133        @host = host.sub(/https?:\/\//, '').split('/').first
   134      end
   136      def base_path=(base_path)
   137        # Add leading and trailing slashes to base_path
   138        @base_path = "/#{base_path}".gsub(/\/+/, '/')
   139        @base_path = '' if @base_path == '/'
   140      end
   142      def base_url
   143        "#{scheme}://#{[host, base_path].join('/').gsub(/\/+/, '/')}".sub(/\/+\z/, '')
   144      end
   146      # Gets API key (with prefix if set).
   147      # @param [String] param_name the parameter name of API key auth
   148      def api_key_with_prefix(param_name)
   149        if @api_key_prefix[param_name]
   150          "#{@api_key_prefix[param_name]} #{@api_key[param_name]}"
   151        else
   152          @api_key[param_name]
   153        end
   154      end
   156      # Gets Basic Auth token string
   157      def basic_auth_token
   158        'Basic ' + ["#{username}:#{password}"].pack('m').delete("\r\n")
   159      end
   161      # Returns Auth Settings hash for api client.
   162      def auth_settings
   163        {
   164  {{#authMethods}}
   165  {{#isApiKey}}
   166          '{{name}}' =>
   167            {
   168              type: 'api_key',
   169              in: {{#isKeyInHeader}}'header'{{/isKeyInHeader}}{{#isKeyInQuery}}'query'{{/isKeyInQuery}},
   170              key: '{{keyParamName}}',
   171              value: api_key_with_prefix('{{keyParamName}}')
   172            },
   173  {{/isApiKey}}
   174  {{#isBasic}}
   175  {{#isBasicBasic}}
   176          '{{name}}' =>
   177            {
   178              type: 'basic',
   179              in: 'header',
   180              key: 'Authorization',
   181              value: basic_auth_token
   182            },
   183  {{/isBasicBasic}}
   184  {{#isBasicBearer}}
   185          '{{name}}' =>
   186            {
   187              type: 'bearer',
   188              in: 'header',
   189              {{#bearerFormat}}
   190              format: '{{{.}}}',
   191              {{/bearerFormat}}
   192              key: 'Authorization',
   193              value: "Bearer #{access_token}"
   194            },
   195  {{/isBasicBearer}}
   196  {{/isBasic}}
   197  {{#isOAuth}}
   198          '{{name}}' =>
   199            {
   200              type: 'oauth2',
   201              in: 'header',
   202              key: 'Authorization',
   203              value: "Bearer #{access_token}"
   204            },
   205  {{/isOAuth}}
   206  {{/authMethods}}
   207        }
   208      end
   210      # Returns an array of Server setting
   211      def server_settings
   212        [
   213        {{#servers}}
   214          {
   215            url: "{{{url}}}",
   216            description: "{{{description}}}{{^description}}No description provided{{/description}}",
   217            {{#variables}}
   218            {{#-first}}
   219            variables: {
   220            {{/-first}}
   221              {{{name}}}: {
   222                  description: "{{{description}}}{{^description}}No description provided{{/description}}",
   223                  default_value: "{{{defaultValue}}}",
   224                  {{#enumValues}}
   225                  {{#-first}}
   226                  enum_values: [
   227                  {{/-first}}
   228                    "{{{.}}}"{{^-last}},{{/-last}}
   229                  {{#-last}}
   230                  ]
   231                  {{/-last}}
   232                  {{/enumValues}}
   233                }{{^-last}},{{/-last}}
   234              {{#-last}}
   235              }
   236              {{/-last}}
   237            {{/variables}}
   238          }{{^-last}},{{/-last}}
   239        {{/servers}}
   240        ]
   241      end
   243      # Returns URL based on server settings
   244      #
   245      # @param index array index of the server settings
   246      # @param variables hash of variable and the corresponding value
   247      def server_url(index, variables = {})
   248        servers = server_settings
   250        # check array index out of bound
   251        if (index < 0 || index >= servers.size)
   252          fail ArgumentError, "Invalid index #{index} when selecting the server. Must be less than #{servers.size}"
   253        end
   255        server = servers[index]
   256        url = server[:url]
   258        # go through variable and assign a value
   259        server[:variables].each do |name, variable|
   260          if variables.key?(name)
   261            if (server[:variables][name][:enum_values].include? variables[name])
   262              url.gsub! "{" + name.to_s + "}", variables[name]
   263            else
   264              fail ArgumentError, "The variable `#{name}` in the server URL has invalid value #{variables[name]}. Must be #{server[:variables][name][:enum_values]}."
   265            end
   266          else
   267            # use default value
   268            url.gsub! "{" + name.to_s + "}", server[:variables][name][:default_value]
   269          end
   270        end
   272        url
   273      end
   274    end
   275  end