
     1  ---
     2  summary: List jobs
     3  description: List all jobs for the given project.
     4  operationId: jobs/list
     5  tags:
     6  - Jobs
     7  parameters:
     8  - "$ref": "../../parameters.yaml#/X-PhraseApp-OTP"
     9  - "$ref": "../../parameters.yaml#/project_id"
    10  - "$ref": "../../parameters.yaml#/page"
    11  - "$ref": "../../parameters.yaml#/per_page"
    12  - description: specify the branch to use
    13    example: my-feature-branch
    14    name: branch
    15    in: query
    16    schema:
    17      type: string
    18  - description: filter by user owning job
    19    example: abcd1234cdef1234abcd1234cdef1234
    20    name: owned_by
    21    in: query
    22    schema:
    23      type: string
    24  - description: filter by user assigned to job
    25    example: abcd1234cdef1234abcd1234cdef1234
    26    name: assigned_to
    27    in: query
    28    schema:
    29      type: string
    30  - description: filter by state of job Valid states are <code>draft</code>, <code>in_progress</code>, <code>completed</code>
    31    example: completed
    32    name: state
    33    in: query
    34    schema:
    35      type: string
    36  responses:
    37    '200':
    38      description: OK
    39      content:
    40        application/json:
    41          schema:
    42            type: array
    43            items:
    44              "$ref": "../../schemas/job.yaml#/job"
    45      headers:
    46        X-Rate-Limit-Limit:
    47          "$ref": "../../headers.yaml#/X-Rate-Limit-Limit"
    48        X-Rate-Limit-Remaining:
    49          "$ref": "../../headers.yaml#/X-Rate-Limit-Remaining"
    50        X-Rate-Limit-Reset:
    51          "$ref": "../../headers.yaml#/X-Rate-Limit-Reset"
    52        Link:
    53          "$ref": "../../headers.yaml#/Link"
    54        Pagination:
    55          "$ref": "../../headers.yaml#/Pagination"
    56    '400':
    57      "$ref": "../../responses.yaml#/400"
    58    '404':
    59      "$ref": "../../responses.yaml#/404"
    60    '429':
    61      "$ref": "../../responses.yaml#/429"
    62  x-code-samples:
    63  - lang: Curl
    64    source: |-
    65      curl "" \
    67  - lang: CLI v2
    68    source: |-
    69      phrase jobs list \
    70      --project_id <project_id> \
    71      --branch my-feature-branch \
    72      --owned_by abcd1234cdef1234abcd1234cdef1234 \
    73      --assigned_to abcd1234cdef1234abcd1234cdef1234 \
    74      --state completed \
    75      --access_token <token>
    76  x-cli-version: '2.5'