
     1  ---
     2  summary: Update a project
     3  description: Update an existing project.
     4  operationId: project/update
     5  tags:
     6    - Projects
     7  parameters:
     8    - "$ref": "../../parameters.yaml#/X-PhraseApp-OTP"
     9    - "$ref": "../../parameters.yaml#/id"
    10  responses:
    11    "200":
    12      description: OK
    13      content:
    14        application/json:
    15          schema:
    16            "$ref": "../../schemas/project_details.yaml#/project_details"
    17      headers:
    18        X-Rate-Limit-Limit:
    19          "$ref": "../../headers.yaml#/X-Rate-Limit-Limit"
    20        X-Rate-Limit-Remaining:
    21          "$ref": "../../headers.yaml#/X-Rate-Limit-Remaining"
    22        X-Rate-Limit-Reset:
    23          "$ref": "../../headers.yaml#/X-Rate-Limit-Reset"
    24    "400":
    25      "$ref": "../../responses.yaml#/400"
    26    "404":
    27      "$ref": "../../responses.yaml#/404"
    28    "429":
    29      "$ref": "../../responses.yaml#/429"
    30  x-code-samples:
    31    - lang: Curl
    32      source: |-
    33        curl "" \
    34          -u USERNAME_OR_ACCESS_TOKEN \
    35          -X PATCH \
    36          -F name=My%20Android%20Project \
    37          -F main_format=yml \
    38          -F shares_translation_memory=true
    39    - lang: CLI v2
    40      source: |-
    41        phrase projects update \
    42        --id <id> \
    43        --data '{"name": "My Android Project", "main_format":"yml", "shares_translation_memory":true}' \
    44        --access_token <token>
    45  requestBody:
    46    required: true
    47    content:
    48      application/json:
    49        schema:
    50          type: object
    51          title: project/update/parameters
    52          properties:
    53            account_id:
    54              description: Required if the requesting user is a member of multiple accounts. Account ID to specify the actual account the project should be created in.
    55              type: string
    56              example: abcd1234
    57            name:
    58              description: "(Optional) Name of the project"
    59              type: string
    60              example: My Android Project
    61            point_of_contact:
    62              description: (Optional) User ID of the point of contact for the project. Pass `null` to unset.
    63              type: string
    64              example: abcd1234
    65            main_format:
    66              description: (Optional) Main file format specified by its API Extension name. Used for locale downloads if no format is specified. For API Extension names of available file formats see <a href="">Format Guide</a> or our <a href="#formats">Formats API Endpoint</a>.
    67              type: string
    68              example: yml
    69            media:
    70              description: "(Optional) Main technology stack used in the project. It affects for example the suggested placeholder style. Predefined values include:
    71                `Ruby`, `JavaScript`, `AngularJS`, `React`, `iOS`, `Android`, `Python`, `PHP`, `Java`, `Go`, `Windows Phone`, `Rails`, `Node.js`, `.NET`, `Django`,
    72                `Symfony`, `Yii Framework`, `Zend Framework`, `Apple App Store Description`, `Google Play Description`, but it can also take any other value."
    73              type: string
    74              example: Python
    75            shares_translation_memory:
    76              description: "(Optional) Indicates whether the project should share the account's translation memory"
    77              type: boolean
    78              example: true
    79            project_image:
    80              description: "(Optional) Image to identify the project"
    81              type: string
    82              format: binary
    83              example: "/path/to/my/project-screenshot.png"
    84            remove_project_image:
    85              description: "(Optional) Indicates whether the project image should be deleted."
    86              type: boolean
    87              example: false
    88            workflow:
    89              description: (Optional) Review Workflow. "simple" / "review". <a href="">Read more</a>
    90              type: string
    91              example: review
    92            machine_translation_enabled:
    93              description: "(Optional) Enable machine translation support in the project. Required for Autopilot and Smart Suggest"
    94              type: boolean
    95              example: true
    96            enable_branching:
    97              description: "(Optional) Enable branching in the project"
    98              type: boolean
    99              example: true
   100            protect_master_branch:
   101              description: "(Optional) Protect the master branch in project where branching is enabled"
   102              type: boolean
   103              example: true
   104            enable_all_data_type_translation_keys_for_translators:
   105              description: "(Optional) Otherwise, translators are not allowed to edit translations other than strings"
   106              type: boolean
   107              example: true
   108            enable_icu_message_format:
   109              description: (Optional) We can validate and highlight your ICU messages. <a href="">Read more</a>
   110              type: boolean
   111              example: true
   112            zero_plural_form_enabled:
   113              description: "(Optional) Displays the input fields for the 'ZERO' plural form for every key as well although only some languages require the 'ZERO' explicitly."
   114              type: boolean
   115              example: true
   116            autotranslate_enabled:
   117              description: (Optional) Autopilot, requires machine_translation_enabled. <a href="">Read more</a>
   118              type: boolean
   119              example: true
   120            autotranslate_check_new_translation_keys:
   121              description: "(Optional) Requires autotranslate_enabled to be true"
   122              type: boolean
   123              example: true
   124            autotranslate_check_new_uploads:
   125              description: "(Optional) Requires autotranslate_enabled to be true"
   126              type: boolean
   127              example: true
   128            autotranslate_check_new_locales:
   129              description: "(Optional) Requires autotranslate_enabled to be true"
   130              type: boolean
   131              example: true
   132            autotranslate_mark_as_unverified:
   133              description: "(Optional) Requires autotranslate_enabled to be true"
   134              type: boolean
   135              example: true
   136            autotranslate_use_machine_translation:
   137              description: "(Optional) Requires autotranslate_enabled to be true"
   138              type: boolean
   139              example: true
   140            autotranslate_use_translation_memory:
   141              description: "(Optional) Requires autotranslate_enabled to be true"
   142              type: boolean
   143              example: true
   144            smart_suggest_enabled:
   145              description: "(Optional) Smart Suggest, requires machine_translation_enabled"
   146              type: boolean
   147              example: true
   148            smart_suggest_use_glossary:
   149              description: "(Optional) Requires smart_suggest_enabled to be true"
   150              type: boolean
   151              example: true
   152            smart_suggest_use_machine_translation:
   153              description: "(Optional) Requires smart_suggest_enabled to be true"
   154              type: boolean
   155              example: true
   156  x-cli-version: "2.6.3"